4. Landscape Evolution Model A trial version of this model was presented at the GeoSciEd3 in Sydney (Okamoto, 2000). The model is based on relatively complicated CA rules that we modified. Random precipitation fall on a virtual lattice and erode the topography numerically obeying the rules of "Steepest Descend Algorithm" on real time. The calculations are executed on a PC (PentiumIV, 2.4GHz) employing Linux operating system with gcc compiler, and then the height data are rendered by the three dimensional ray tracing tool named "PovRay3". Finally, the rendered images are converted an animation. The softwares used here are all freely distributed through the Internet. Our models can easily build in the crustal movements such as uplift or lateral dislocation related with the active fault (Okamoto, 2000). This time, we develop a new model which treats a "escarpment" landscape, in which we assume a erosion-resistant layer. A prototype is as follows, Fig. 10: Virtual Escarpments are developing left to right. However, the details of our models are now under investigation, so the result shown here are still as prototypes.