2016 Thailand Trip TJ-SIF2016 参加の思い出(28th Jan.2023)
Memories of the TJ-SIF2016 trip

実は現在,「Geology of Thailand」という本の翻訳を初めています(https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsl/books/book/1531/The-Geology-of-Thailand).自分の勉強のためですが,次にタイに行く時にも役立つと思い,初めました.その最初の方に下記で紹介す る,ある石灰岩の地層の話が詳しく載っていました.前期古生代オルドビス紀の石灰岩です.この写真を探していて,急にこの出張の旅行を思い出しました.思 い出をつなぎとめるために,古いHDDの中から当時の写真を引っ張り出してきて,これから写真日記にまとめます.私がタイと縁を結ぶことになる,最初の旅となり ます.その前に少しだけ長い前書きにお付き合いください.
I am currently working on the translation of a book titled "Geology of Thailand" (https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsl/books/book/1531/The-Geology-of-Thailand). I started it for my own study, but also because I think it will be useful for my next visit to Thailand. At the beginning of the book, there is a detailed description about a limestone locality, which I will introduce below. It is a weak recrystallized limestone from the Ordovician Group of the Early Paleozoic Era. I was looking for this picture and suddenly remembered this school trip. In order to hold on my memories, I salvaged  the photos from my old hard drives and am going to compile them into a photo diary. This was my first trip to Thailand, and also was the first time that I will have a connection with Thailand. Before starting, please read for my long preface.

2016年は附属高を1度定年退職したあと,後任の女性の先生の2度めの出産のおめでたで,私が急遽1年間ピンチヒッターを勤めた年でし た.その翌年3月には勤めがあけるはずの12月に,TJ-SIF2016というタイと日本の高校生が集う科学イベントがあり,附属高の女生徒2名が参加す ることなりました.誰か引率が1人必要とのことで,なぜか私に白羽の矢がたちます. まったく初めて訪れるタイ王国に足を踏み入れ,これまた初めての学校にとまどいながらも,それまでの適応力を駆使して,初めてのタイ出張を十分に楽しませてもらいました.そしてこの時に運 命の出合いがあったのです.現地の教員のミーティング(Teacher Show)に研究発表する予定があった私は,前日に配られたそのミーティングのプログラムに,私の発表予定が 載ってないことに気づきました.そのミーティングの座長の地元の大学の先生に,自分の名前がプログラムに書かれていないと伝えると.その座長の先生は大 慌てで,対応を取っていただきました.私があらかじめメールで送っていたアブストラクトも無事発見されて,私はその研究発表を何とか無事に終えることができまし た.その翌日,突然座長のT先生から携帯に電話がかかってきました.電話でしかもタイの先生の英語だったので,何かよく理解できないのですが,何か次の日 に車で迎えを寄越すから,その車である高校まで見学に行ってほしいということでした.何のことかあまり理解できないうちに翌日になり,迎えの車が来まし た.メンバーは私の他に名古屋のさる高校の先生2名も一緒でした.車で1時間ほど走った頃か,立派な学校の門をくぐり,広いキャンパスの中の高校(KVIS: Kamnoetvidya Science Academy)に到着しまし た.我々は早速校長質に招かれたのですが,校長のDr.Thongchai先生は私に「貴方を待っていた.来年この学校で務めていただけないか?」と,突然切り出されました.一緒に行っ た名古屋の先生方も驚かれていました.どうやらこれが私の新しい勤め先になる高校での,校長面接だったようです.突然のことで私はとりあえず,家族に一度 相談させてほしいと言って,その場で即答はできませんでした.それから半年後,私はその高校の地学のVisiting Teacherとして,タイでの2ヶ月に及ぶ,教員生活を始めることになるのです.本当に人生とは偶然と驚きの連続です.このイベントがなければ,私の退職後の 人生もまったく違うものになっていたと思われます.長い前書きになりました.それでは2016年12月のTJ-SIFとそれに関連する写真を遅れ馳せながら報 告します.6年前の私のまだ若い姿にも今更ながらびっくりです(笑).
In 2016, after I had retired from the Tennoji high school attached to OKU once, my successor, a female teacher, gave birth for the second time, and I suddenly had to work as a pinch hitter for a year. In December of the following year, when I was supposed to be free in March, there was a science event called TJ-SIF2016, in which Thai and Japanese high school students gathered. They needed someone to lead the event, and for some reason, I was chosen to lead the group. I was a bit confused at the fact that I was visiting the Kingdom of Thailand for the first time, and also for the first time in a Thai school, but I made full use of my adaptability to fully enjoy my first school trip to Thailand. It was at this time that I had a fateful encounter. I was scheduled to present my research at the Teacher Show, but I noticed that my presentation was not listed in the program distributed the day before the meeting. I told the chairperson of the meeting, a professor at a Thai university, that my name was not on the program. The chairperson was in a panic and took action. The abstract I had e-mailed in advance was also found without incident, and I managed to complete my presentation without trouble. The next day, I suddenly received a phone call from the chairperson, Dr. Thanit, on my cell phone. I could not understand what he was saying because he was speaking in English on the phone, but he said that he would send a car to pick me up the next day and that he wanted me to go to a high school for a visit in the car. The next day, before I could really understand what he was talking about, a car arrived to pick me up. I was accompanied by two teachers from a high school in Nagoya. After about an hour's drive, we passed through the gate of a magnificent school and arrived at the high school (KVIS: Kamnoetvidya Science Academy) on a large campus. We were immediately invited to the principal's office, where the principal, Dr. Thongchai, said to me, "We have been waiting for you. Will you work at this school next year? The teachers in Nagoya who visited with me were also surprised. It seemed that this was an interview with the principal of the high school where I was going to work. I could not give an immediate answer because it was so sudden, so I had to ask my family. Six months later, I began my two months of teaching in Thailand as a visiting teacher of geocience at KVIS. Life is truly a series of coincidences and surprises. Without this event, my post-retirement life would have been completely different. This is a long preface. I am also amazed at how young I looked six years ago!

<謝辞>この出張旅行で,数多くの人々にお世話になりました.特にJICAのスタッフだった原さん,雨宮さん.姉妹校PCSHS Pathum Thani校のOraphan先生.そしてこの出張以後,私をタイの科学高校にいざなっていただく,Dr.Thanit先 生,Dr.Thongchai先生,これらの方々との出合いが,私の第二の人生を豊たかなものに変えてくれました.感謝申し上げます.もちろん私のような 頼りない付添教員に同行してくれた当時附属天王寺高の生徒だった,Mさん,Aさん本当にありがとう.今頃どうしているかな?写真はOraphan先生にいただいたものを多く掲載しています.
<Acknowledgments>: I would like to thank the many people who helped me during this trip, especially Mr. Hara and Mr. Amemiya, who were JICA staff members. Ms. Oraphan of PCSHS Pathum Thani, who has been my mentor in Thailand since this trip. Dr. Thanit and Dr. Thongchai, who introduced and brought me to KVIS after this trip. I would like to express my gratitude to them. Of course, I would like to thank Ms. Mori and Ms. Ando, who were students of Tennoji High School at that time, for accompanying me in spite of my unreliable leadership. I wonder how they are doing now. Some of the photos are taken by Ms. Oraphan.

初めて訪れたバンコク・スワンナブーム空港で,姉妹校(PCSHS Pathum Thani校)の先生方に歓待を受ける.右端は当時この姉妹校に居たJICA派遣の青年海外協力隊員の雨宮さん.まだ中央大学の学生だったかな?とても世話になった.
At Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport, I was welcomed by the teachers of the sister school (PCSHS Pathum Thani). On the right is Mr. Amemiya, a JOCV (Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers) dispatched by JICA, who was at this sister school at the time. He was still a student of Chuo University? He was very kind to me.
Thai Airways made a special meal for one of the participants who had food allergies. In the end, there were no problems during the trip. I am very grateful to Mr. Natsuki Hara, who was a teacher dispatched by JICA at the time to the venue school, for his great help in this matter.
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This is the venue of the PCSHS (Princess Chulabhorn College) Chonburi. 12 PCSHS schools are located all over Thailand, and this was the first visit. This was my first visit to PCSHSs. I will visit 5 more schools in the next 6 years until this year.
早速プログラムの開始です.まずは生徒の歓迎の踊りです.来賓の方々もタイにある日本企業の偉い方々がずらり.黒い服が多いのは,この直前にタイのフミポン国王が崩御されて,服喪の期間になっているからです.The program starts immediately. First of all, there was a welcome dance by the students. The guests of honor were all executives from Japanese companies in Thailand. The reason why many of them were dressed in black is because King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand passed away just before the ceremony and was in the period of mourning.
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続いてタイの教育省の方の挨拶.Next, greetings from the Thai Ministry of Education. 日本の駐タイ大使の挨拶が続きます.両国が力を入れている交流プログラムだというのがわかります.The Japanese Ambassador to Thailand will follow. It is clear that this is an exchange program that both countries are concerned about.
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夜の歓迎パーティでなぜか指名されて,日本側教員代表として挨拶をさせられた.直前の夕刻に言われて,大慌てでPCで英語の原稿をイベントのプレゼンを聞きながら,1時間かけてしたためた.まあ良い印象を与えれたかな?At the welcome party in the evening, I was somehow nominated to give a speech as a representative of Japanese schools. I was told to do so just before the evening, and in a panic, I spent an hour composing a manuscript in English on my PC while listening to the event's presentation. Did I make a good impression? 姉妹校の先生方に囲まれて記念写真.このあと舞台にプロのロックバンドが登場して演奏したので,生徒と一緒に踊り倒したのを覚えている.A commemorative photo surrounded by teachers from our sister schools. I remember dancing with the students as a professional rock band appeared on stage after the celemony.
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あくる日の生徒研究発表会の一コマ.引率した附属高の生徒2名の発表.おそらく初めての英語でも,落ち着いて発表ができてよかった.A scene from the student presents the following day. Two students of the affiliated high school I led gave their presentations. It was good that they could present nicely, even though it was their first time in English. こちらが生徒の発表会のあとの,教員ミーティングでの私の地震計の発表.姉妹校の先生に写真をいただいた.この発表を座長で観ていた,地元の大学の先生(次の写真)がやがて私をタイの超科学高校に教員として招いてくれることになる.Here is my seismograph presentation at the teacher's show after the student presentation. A teacher from a sister school gave me this photo. An associate professor from a university (next image), who was watching this presentation as a chairperson, eventually invited me to teach at a super science high school in Thailand.
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さて左がその地元の大学の先生のDr.Thanit先生.化学が専門で,私がこのあと招かれるKVISの化学のアドバイザーをしておられた.右は共に教員ミーティングで発表をした会場校の先生だったか.しかし自分も若いな.6年しか経っていないのに.On the left is Dr. Thanit, a professor at the university. He is a chemistry specialist and was an advisor of KVIS, to which I will be invited later. On the right is a teacher from the venue school, where we both gave presentations at the teachers' meeting. But I am young, too...only six years have passed... これが我々の宿の学生寮.千葉の私立高校の物理の先生と同部屋となっ た.最初自分たちはホテルに泊まる予定の姉妹校の先生が,一緒に部屋を案内してくれたとき,扇風機だけでエアコンがなく,水しか出ないシャワーに顔色が変わったのがわ かったけど,私はタイが初めてだったし.あまり気にならなかった.まあ夜,蚊が飛んだので,さすがに電子蚊取りを焚いたのですが.This is our dormitory. We shared a room with a physics teacher from a private high school in Chiba. When the teacher from the sister school, who had already stayed in a hotel, showed us the room, I noticed that her face turned pale as she saw a cold shower, no air conditioner, only a fan; I didn't care about it, but mosquitoes flew in the night, so I fired up the electronic mosquito repellent.
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さて,わけの解らないやり取りのあと車に乗せられてやってきたのが,こ のKVIS(Kamnoetvidya Science Academy)の校長室.初めてお会いする白髪のDr.Thongchai先生から2017年のVisiting Teacherのお招きを頂く.これがきっかけで以後3年間COVID-19で2020年に中止になるまで,この学校に夏の2ヶ月を毎年お世話になること になる.After some incomprehensible exchanges, we are driven to the principal's office of KVIS (Kamnoetvidya Science Academy), where Dr. Thongchai, a white-haired person who I am meeting for the first time, invites me to be a visiting teacher for 2017. Dr. Thongchai, a white-haired, I met for the first time, invited me to be a visiting teacher in 2017. This was the beginning of a three-year relationship that would continue for two months every summer at this school until COVID-19 was canceled in 2020. このあと,ビーチへの小旅行.生徒は大喜び!しかし次の瞬間,生徒の胸 ポケットのiPhoneがポトリと海中に.ジャンプして!と写真を撮ってくれた姉妹校の先生が,あわててiPhoneを回収して,真水で洗ってくれた.本 当に申し訳ないと何度も謝っていただいて,こちらの方が申し訳なくおもった.幸いiPhoneは無事だった.Afterward, a short trip to the beach. The students are overjoyed! But the next moment, the iPhone in the student's breast pocket falls into the water. Jump! Said The teacher from the sister school rushed and retrieve and washed it with fresh water. She repeatedly apologized to me, and I felt sorry for her. Fortunately, the iPhone was safe.
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象の遊園地で象の鼻に抱かれる生徒.象のサッカーも素晴らしかった.Student were  hugging the elephant nose at the elephant amusement park. Elephant soccer was also great. そして夕陽の素晴らしいビーチのレストランで夕食をごちそうになりました.すばらしい夕陽の瞬間を雰囲気のよいレストランで,食事とともに味わえて,生徒には一生の思い出になったと思います.姉妹校のOraphan先生をはじめ,本当にお世話になりました.We were then invited to dinner at a restaurant on the beach, where the sunset was spectacular. It was a wonderful experience for the students to be able to enjoy the moment of the sunset with a meal in a restaurant with a great atmosphere. I would like to thank Ms. Oraphan and the other teachers at the sister school for all their help and support.
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ビーチに沈む夕陽.夕食のトムヤンクンの味が忘れられず.その後もタイで必ずいただくFavorite soupになりました.Sunset on the beach. I couldn't forget the taste of Tom Yang Kung at dinner. It has become my favorite soup in Thailand. お世話になった姉妹校のOraphan先生.英語の先生で生徒と私の面倒をかかりきりで観ていただいた.感謝.歓迎会での写真.Ms. Oraphan from our sister school. She is an English teacher and takes care of my students and me. Thank you very much—photo at the welcome party.Photo at the welcome party.
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こちらは会場校の様子.ブーゲンビリアが見事に咲いていました.This is a view of the venue school. Bougainvillea was in full bloom. ビーチに行ったときだったかの食事?手前がお世話になったJICA派遣 の姉妹校の情報の教員雨宮さん.A lunch at the beach? Mr. Amemiya, ICT teacher of the sister school of JICA dispatch, is in the front.
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小旅行で連れて言ってもらった中国寺院.A Chinese temple that I was taken to on a short trip. 同じく中国寺院のテラスから.この時はまさか,自分がこのあとこのタイの地を何度も訪れることになろうとは思ってもみなかった. From the terrace of the Chinese temple. At the time, I had no idea that I would visit Thailand many times in the future.
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さて地質ネタを少し.これは小旅行で行った,仏教施設.実はこの山は古い石切場の跡で,わずかに結晶した石灰岩でできている.Now, a little geological information. This is a Buddhist temple that I visited on a short trip. This mountain is, in fact, the remains of an old stone quarry and is made of slightly crystallized limestone. 切り立った山腹にブッダの装飾が黄金のリボンでなされている.The mountainside is sheer, and the Buddha is decorated with golden ribbons.
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わずかに再結晶した石灰岩で,現在翻訳中の「Geology of Thailand」によると,オルドビス紀のものだという.かなり古いものになる.The slightly recrystallized limestone is of the Ordovician age, according to the Geology of Thailand, which is currently being translated by me. It must be pretty old. 目を凝らせて化石を探したが見つからなかった.それもそのはずくだんの本には再結晶化して,黄鉄鉱や透輝石が見つかるとも書いてある.もっと詳しくみればよかった.I looked hard for the fossil but could not find it. I looked hard for fossils, but I couldn't find any. The book said some pyritic evidence or diopsides can be found. I should have looked more closely.
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最後の生徒たちのグループ実習かな.バディを組んだ会場校の生徒とのすっかり打ち解けました.The last group exercise for the students. The students from the venue school with whom I had a buddy got to know each other very well. フェアウエルパーティだったか.お土産をもらってごきげん.青とオレンジの組み合わせはこのあと,私も何度かお世話になるPCSHS(プリンセスチュラボーンカレッジ)の制服のようです.They are so happy to receive a souvenir. The blue and orange color combination seems to be the uniform of PCSHSs (Princess Chula Bone College), where I will be working several times after this.
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生徒たちも素晴らしい思い出を作って,タイの地をあとにすることになります.私にとってもこれが最初のタイの忘れられない日々となりました.The students will leave Thailand with beautiful memories. For me, too, this was my first unforgettable day in Thailand. 最後にやっぱり紹介したいビーチのレストランでの夕食.このトムヤンクンが私をタイと結びつけてくれました.まだこれから何回もこの世界一のスープを味わえることを楽しみに,この写真日記を閉じたいと思います.またタイでお会いしましょう!Last but not least, dinner at a restaurant on the beach. This Tom Yang Kung Kung connected me to Thailand. I want to close this photo diary looking forward to tasting the best soup in the world many more times. See you again in Thailand!

Copyright (c) Y.Okamoto 2023, all rights reserved.