2022 Dec. PCSHS NST & KVIS Photo Diary part_2 2022年Nakhon Si Thammarat 滞在記 その2  2023-01-05 Y.Okamoto


タイ日記21日目-23日目(写真を追加).今日はPCSHS NST校最後の授業日で,午前2時間,午後2時間で昨日の巡検の追加説明,ここのビーチに漂着したFOB(福徳岡の場)軽石の話,さらに午後はいつもの赤 玉土を用いた火山灰観察の3本立てでした.まずは昨日の地質巡検の様子.さらには授業の様子.そして夜にささやかに送別会を開いていただいた様子などをご 紹介します.明日は再びバンコクに戻ります.今日はディナーでやや遅くなったので,続きは明日の夜バンコクのホテルで書きます.
  (追記)ということで,翌24日バンコクに移動して,BTSスクンビット線オンヌット駅近くのホテルでこれを書いています.バンコク市内でも賑やかな通り の近くなので,結構夜も騒がしいです.クリスマスイブを異郷のホテルの部屋で,ただ一人物思いに浸るのも,群れるのが嫌いな私としては,とてもありがたい 瞬間です.25日,巡検の写真と動画を追加しました.今回の訪問でお世話になった先生方に感謝して,本日記にて2022年12月タイ写真日記を閉じたいと思います.

I quote from my diary entries on FaceBook...two FB entries. (The English text is posted using DeepL translation with a slight modification)

Thailand Diary Day 21-23 (more photos). Today was the last class day at the PCSHS NST school. We had two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon for additional explanation of yesterday's field trip, a talk on the FOB pumice that washed ashore on the beach here, and the usual observation of volcanic ash using akadama soil in the afternoon. First, a shot of yesterday's geological field trip. Then, the class. And then, a small farewell party was held in the evening. Tomorrow, we will return to Bangkok. I will write the rest of this article tomorrow night at the hotel in Bangkok, since it is a little late for dinner.

  (I am writing this from a hotel near On Nhut station on the BTS Sukhumvit line. It is beside one of the busiest streets in Bangkok, so it is quite noisy at night. I added photos and videos of the tour on the 25th. I would like to close this December 2022 Thailand Photo Diary with a word of thanks to all the teachers who helped me during this visit.

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さて早朝7時すぎに学校を出発して,北に100kmほど離れたKhao Pubpaという半島部の海岸線の露頭を見学します.生徒20人,教員10人ほどが学校の4台のバンに乗って,2時間ひた走りやっと,いるかがシンボルの郡に入りました.小さな港から5年前に,この地域の北にあるスラタニのダム湖で乗ったような小型の船に乗り込みます.

We left the school early in the morning, a little after 7:00 a.m., to visit an outcrop on the coastline of Khao Pubpa, a peninsula about 100 km to the north. About 20 students and 10 teachers in the school's four vans drove for two hours to finally enter the county where the dolphin is a symbol. From a small harbor, we board a small boat like the one we took five years ago at the Surat Thani dam lake in the north of this region.


The waves are calm, but the toilet you see stands in a place that is about to be submerged. The restrooms are clean, despite being in a tourist area. If you look closely at the white wall, you can see illustrations of men and women.

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While waiting for the boat to be ready, I examined the boulders in the village on the harbor side. They are blackish stones, but I seem to remember that they reacted to hydrochloric acid.

However, this one did not react to hydrochloric acid. I don't have detailed notes, so this is only based on my memory. 5% thin hydrochloric acid was always carried by M-kun and others to test the limestones.

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4 隻だったか6隻だったかの船に分乗して,海岸沿いの崖の露頭を目指します.船の後ろに石灰岩特有の尖峰などの地形が遠くに見えています.カメラはいつも自 分の家の近所を,MTBで走るときのために買った,8千円ほどのGoProもどきの安いカメラですが,結構解像度がいいですね.

We boarded four or six boats and headed for an outcrop of cliffs along the coast. Behind the boats, the distinctive limestone peaks can be seen in the distance. The camera is a cheap GoPro-like camera (about 8,000 yen) that I bought for riding my MTB around my neighborhood, but it has quite good resolution.


This seems to be the observation point for geological formations, and although I was not informed of this in advance, it is a great place to observe the formations. This is the point where we are unloaded from the boat on the slope piled up with stones like a quay wall. This is also a still cutout from the video.

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崖 の前のやや広い公園のように,平地になったところで,崖の地層を観察します.遠目には砂岩・泥岩互層に見えたのですが,近くで見るとどうも様子を違いま す.念のため持参したうすい塩酸を,生徒を集めて落ちていた石にかけて判明しました.何と石灰岩でした.このあと夜に知り合いの堆積岩の師匠,B先生に写 真を送って聞くと,おそらく石灰質岩のタービダイトだろうという判定.次の写真で説明します.上の方に層理面が覆いかぶさっていますが,なんせ石灰岩なの で大丈夫なのでしょう.

The cliff strata are observed on a flat area in front of the cliff, like a rather large park. From a distance, it looks like alternating layers of sandstone and mudstone, but up close, it looks very different. Just to be sure, we gathered the students together and poured some light hydrochloric acid on a fallen stone. It turned out to be limestone. Later that night, I sent a picture to Dr. Bessho, a sedimentary rock specialist whom I know, and he said that it was probably turbidite, which is a calcareous rock. The following photos illustrate this. The upper part of the rock is covered by a stratigraphic plane, but it is probably safe because it is limestone.


It looks like turbidite. I didn't have that idea at the time, so I explained that the pure, slightly white limestone protrudes and the slightly black limestone mixed with mud is concave, but I don't think I was too far off.

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Later, Dr. B sensei asked me if I had seen any grading structure, but I did not notice it at that time. but I did see a road cast and a sole mark that I thought might be the next raw trace.


I think this is a trace fossil. It is similar to those of the Cretaceous Izumi Group, in my home town which is composed of alternating layers of sand and mud.

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さ て再度,船に乗り込み,この地層の裏側を観察することになります.これも動画から切り出しです.F先生は全体がやや向斜構造になっていると指摘されていま した.彼は物理専攻ですが,大学時代に物理地質学の授業も取っていたそうで,とても地学に造詣が深いです.もともとMatLabなどを教えていたソフトウ エアエンジニアでしたが,高校物理教員に転職したという話.この高校は本当に彼のような,若い先生が活躍しています.

Now, we will get on the boat again and observe the back side of this formation. Focus sensei pointed out that the entire formation is slightly geosynclined. He is a physics major, but he also took a course in physical geology during his college days, so he has a deep knowledge of geology. He was originally a software engineer who taught MatLab, but switched to teaching high school physics. This high school really has a lot of skillful young teachers like him.


The back side of the limestone alternation is beautifully folded (or is it slumping?). It is quite a wonderful scenery. The weather changed to sunny mode a few days ago, which was also very good timing. This is a video taken with iPhone 12. The detail of the texture is much higher resolution than the cheap action camera.

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さ て,次の目的地,Khao Wang Thong Cave(石灰岩洞窟,鍾乳洞)に着きました.まずは洞窟前のあずまやで昼食の弁当(これは学校の食堂が作ってくれたらしい)を食べます.この洞窟の施設 にいる犬が,弁当のおこぼれを欲しそうにやってきます.私は魚のフライの皮をあげました.タイは本当に至るところに犬がいる国です.

Now we have arrived at our next destination, Khao Wang Thong Cave (limestone cave). First, we eat our lunch box (apparently prepared by the school canteen) at the bower in front of the cave. The dogs that live in the facilities of the cave came to me, wanting to take some of my lunch. I gave him a piece of fried fish skin. Dogs are really everywhere in Thailand.


The inside of the cave is a series of magnificent stalactites. Even though I have visited many limestone caves dozens of times, I have never seen such a magnificent sight in Japan or in the world.
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案 内の人は結構大学の先生などを案内しているそうで,英語も少し話しますが,生徒相手の説明なのでほとんどタイ語です.それを親切は女生徒が私に英語で教え てくれます.とても助かりました.途中で写真と撮ろうとして,石筍の頭をもって身体を支えようとしたら,案内者に叱られました.案内の最初にタイ語で細か い説明があったので,そこで注意されていたのかもしれません.申し訳ないことをしました.

The tour guide sometimes talked with university professors and spoke some English, but most of his explanations were in Thai to students. He was very helpful. I was scolded by the guide when I tried to support myself by holding the head of a stalagmite to take a picture. I apologize for that.

さ てこれは不思議な磁性を帯びた,鉄を含む成長石だそうです.何でも磁性鉱物から周りにどんどん成長して行って,このような丸い球になるとか.この鍾乳洞は 入口に青い色の銅の鉱染があったりして,このような金属を結構含む石灰岩のようです.私はiPhoneのクリノメータアプリで磁気を確かめようとしました が,よくわかりませんでした.F先生は私が昔地学部の生徒といっしょに岡山県の鍾乳洞で,地磁気測定をしたときに,磁気シールドのように,地下では地磁気 が遮断されると思っていた,という話にとても興味をもってくれました.

This is a growing stone containing iron with mysterious magnetic properties. It is said that the magnetic mineral grows around it to form a round sphere like this. This limestone cave has a blue-colored copper stain at the entrance, so it seems to be a limestone that contains a lot of such metals. I tried to check the magnetism with a clinometer app on my iPhone, but I could not realize it. F sensei was very interested in mt story that me and my students once tried to measure the magnetic field in the limestone cave. At that time, I expected no magnetic field in a cave like an electrostatic shielding, but the fact is not.

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In the lecture on the last day, we crushed FOB (FUKUTOKUOKA NOBA pumice stone) from the local beach with the tip of a nail and observed its minerals. We could see the splendid crystals of pyroxene. Not only the students but also the teachers who collected it were surprised.


Finally, we took a commemorative photo with the students and the teachers who took care of us, which was the last event at this school. I would like to express my gratitude to Focus sensei and Kung sensei who took care of me, and also to the students who helped me with my poor English.

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さ て往復200kmの巡検をこなしたあと,お世話になった理科の先生が,お別れパーティをOzoneという名のレストランで開いてくれました.みなさん独身 の先生のようで,クリスマスイブに一緒に過ごす人がほしいと訴えていました.私と物理のFさんだけが例の氷入りチャーンビールを飲み続けました.女性陣と ドライバー氏はお酒は避けていました.一番右のドライバー氏には往復200kmの往復の上に,ここまで送り届けてもらっています.本当にいい人です.感謝!

After the 200-km round trip, NST science teachers threw me a farewell party at a restaurant called Ozone. Everyone seemed to be single and wanted someone to spend Christmas Eve with a steady friend. Only Focus sensei of Physics and me continued to drink the same churned beer with ice. The ladies and the driver avoided drinking. The driver on the right drove us 200 km round-trip and dropped us off here. He is a really nice guy. Thank you!


Breakfast on the day of departure. As usual, the breakfast at the hotel was too luxurious, and I was the only one who had bread and omelette every time. The coffee is Indian-style, a little cloudy, and is mixed with milk and a little sugar. It is commenly very sweet, so I order it black and adjust it myself.

The weather is very nice. The weather has changed from the gloomy, rainy weather we had when we arrived here. It is said that the dry season in the southern part of Thailand lasts until February.

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さ てドンムアン空港からホテルまでどうしようかと,思案したのですが,時間もあるので,私の海外での鉄則,できるだけ公共交通機関で移動する.を実践しまし た.しかし28kgに達した大きなスーツケースを押しての移動は結構大変でしたが.これはドンムアン空港からまずレッドラインで,市内まで.そこから MRT(高架鉄道)に乗り換えスクンビットまで,

I was wondering how to get from Don Mueang airport to the hotel, but I had some time to kill, so I decided to follow the rule of taking public transportation as much as possible. I had time to think about how to get from Don Mueang airport to the hotel. However, it was quite hard to move with a big suitcase weighing 28kg. First, I took the Red Line from Don Mueang Airport to the city center.

さ らにそこからごらんのBTSに乗り換えて,ホテル近くの駅まで移動です.駅からは徒歩で400mだったのでひたすら歩きました.バンコクの昼下がりはだん だん暑くなってくるのですが,この日はさほどではなかったようです.ただ重い(28kg)のスーツケースのコマが壊れないか心配です.

From there, I changed to the BTS. It was a 400-meter walk from the station, so I just kept walking. It gets hotter in the afternoon in Bangkok, but it was not so hot on this day. But I was worried that the legs of my heavy suitcase (28kg) might be broken.

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さ てBTSのオンヌット駅を降りて,南に400m,ややわかりにくい場所にホテルがありました.建物はとても新しく,さらにwifiも感度がよく.TVはこ ちらでは標準のWebとYouTubeのチャンネルもあります.たださすがにバンコク市内中心部なので,この宿で1泊6千円強します.日本に比べれば安い ですが,こちらではとても高い方です.YouTubeで日本のニュースをほぼ20日ぶりに見ました.クリスマス寒波で大変なようですね.こちらは日本の9 月初旬の状態と言えますか.夜は25度よりは下がるのでエアコンなしで寝れそうです.

Well, I got off at the On Nut BTS station and went south for 400 meters to a rather confusing place. The building is very new, and the wifi is very sensitive, and the TV has the standard web and YouTube channels. However, as one would expect in the center of Bangkok, this hotel costs a little over 6,000 yen per night. I watched Japanese news on YouTube for the first time in almost 20 days. I watched the news on YouTube for the first time in almost 20 days, and it seems that the Christmas cold wave has hit Japan very hard. It's like early September here in Japan. It's lower than 25 degrees Celsius at night, so I can sleep without air conditioner.

昨 夜,やっと10日ぶりくらいに,ロータスの中のPizaHutのピザが食べれました.340THBで2枚なので,1枚700円弱となります.日本の半額で すかね.このビール+ピザの夕食は今日も続きます.なんせもう1枚冷蔵庫に入れていますから.さて明日は早朝このホテルに古い仕事場KVISから迎えの車 が来るはずです.少し早目に眠ることにします.

Last night, I finally had a pizza at PizaHut in Lotus for the first time in about 10 days. 340THB for 2 pizzas, which is less than 700 yen per pizza. That's about half the price in Japan. This beer + pizza dinner continues today. In any case, I have another pizza in the fridge. Tomorrow morning, a car will pick me up from KVIS, my old workplace, at this hotel. I'm going to sleep a little early.

タ イ日記最終版?12/28現在,バンコク旧市街のなかにある,小さなホテルに滞在しています.このホテル,道路からの入口がわかりにくく,重い荷物を抱え て,何度もその入り口を通りすぎてしまいました.KVIS(私が3年前までお世話になった科学高校)のバンで送ってもらいましたが,一方通行地獄に陥り, ホテルのすぐ近くでおろしてもらったのです.さて私がかつて滞在したKVISのあたりには,EEC(東部経済回廊)という新しい建物群ができて,さながら 筑波学園都市の初期の様相です.近い将来にはシンクロトロンの研究施設もできるとか.タイが現在もっとも力を入れている研究学園都市建設の一部です.1泊 2日の短い滞在のあいだに,6年前に私をタイに誘っていただいた,Dr.T先生にお会いし,旧交を温め,EECを案内してもらいました.また3年ぶりに私 のカウンターパートだった,化学と地学担当のTさんにも再開しました.3年前と変わらないキュートでチャーミングな笑顔でした.彼女が現在地学(とくに偏 光顕微鏡観察)を勉強中ということで,必要な資料などを差し上げることにしました.短い楽しい再会も束の間,今日は再度バンコクに戻り,明日の早朝の早い 帰国便で日本に帰ります.その前に今夕にはチュラロンコン大学の地質の教授主催による,ディナーに招待されました.その写真も追懐しました.12/29午 後,無事成田に到着.まだ大阪までの飛行が残っている.格安切符なので仕方ない.このタイ日記を閉じるに当たって,これまでお世話になったThanit先 生をはじめ,各高校の先生方にお礼を申し上げる.

As of 28 December, I am staying at a small hotel in the old town of Bangkok. The entrance to this hotel from the road is not easy to find, and with my heavy luggage, I passed the entrance many times... I had a van from KVIS (the science high school I taught 3 years ago) drop me off, but it was a one-way hell and I had to be dropped off right near the hotel. The area around KVIS, where I used to stay, has a new building complex called EEC (Eastern Economic Corridor), which looks like an early stage of Tsukuba Gakuen City. In the near future, a synchrotron research facility will be built. During my short stay of 2 days and 1 night, I met Dr. Thanit, who invited me to Thailand 6 years ago, and we renewed our old friendship and he showed me around the EEC. I also met my counterpart, Dr. Tang who teaches Chemistry and Geology in KVIS, and her smile was as cute and charming as it was three years ago. She is currently studying geology (especially polarized microscopy), so I decided to provide her with some necessary materials. After a brief and pleasant reunion, I will return to Bangkok today and catch an early flight back to Japan tomorrow morning. Before that, I was invited to a dinner hosted by a professor of geology at Chulalongkorn University this evening. I have attached a photo of the dinner and arrived safely at Narita on December 29 afternoon. I still have a flight to Osaka. It was a cheap ticket, so there was nothing I could do.

In closing this diary, I would like to thank my old friend Dr. Thanit and all the teachers at PCSHS high schools for all their help and support.

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KVIS に来た一番の目的は,現在高3の生徒2名が,地震計を手作りしているのを,手伝っているからです.ずっとOnlineでの手伝いでしたが,今回やっと対面 で,彼らの試作品を見ることができました.今回新しい簡易型のアンプを作ることにして,彼らはそれを完成させたところです.これでやっと彼らの卒業研究発 表に間に合いそうです.

My main purpose for coming to KVIS is to help two M6(12th grade) students of KVIS make a seismograph. I have been helping them online for a long time, but this time I finally got to see their prototype in person. They have decided to make a new simple amplifier and they have just finished it.


Mr. K is adjusting the prototype amplifier. We have been discussing with them online, but this is the first time for me to see the actual prototype. It's quite well done.

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Dr. Min and M6 student K-kun, and me were invited by Dr. Min, who asked me to give a lecture on the principles of seismometry to his students when I used to teach at KVIS.

そ の後,EEC(東部経済回廊)を旧友のDr.T先生(2016年に私をタイに誘っていただいた恩師の先生)とKVISの寮監のDr.Phornsant先 生です.EECは環境保全を優先しているので,車はすべてEV(電気自動車)のゴルフカートです.今回のタイ訪問はひとえに写真左のDr.Thanit先 生の献身的なファシリテートによるものです.2016年のPCSHSチョンブリ校での初めての出合い以来,本当にお世話になりっぱなしです.

After that, I visited the EEC (Eastern Economic Corridor) with my old friend Dr. Thanit (my mentor who invited me to Thailand in 2016) and KVIS dorm supervisor Dr. Phornsant. The EEC prioritizes environmental conservation, so all the cars are EV (electric vehicle) golf carts. This visit to Thailand was facilitated by Dr. Thanit (on the left in the photo), who has been a great help to me since our first meeting at PCSHS Chonburi in 2016.

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This is a part of EEC's research building nearing completion. It looks like a part of a robotic prototype unit. I felt that this building is filled with expectations for the future of science and technology in Thailand.


This is a fully automated greenhouse. They are trying to manage the greenhouse according to the climate of Thailand.

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I found a very interesting plant in one of the greenhouses. It is a cannabis plant. Of course, it is cultivated under a medical license.

この建物周囲の溝が,熱帯特有の設備だそうです.なんだかわかりますか?答えはAnt Trapです.

This ditch around the building is a unique tropical facility. Can you guess what it is? The answer is Ant Trap.

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さ て3年ぶりに再会した,かつてのKVISでのパートナー.Dr.Tang先生です.北大で生物化学でPh.Dを取ったあと,この高校で化学と地学を教えて おられます.2017年から2019年にかけて,本当にお世話になった人です.チャーミングな笑顔は3年前とまったく変わっていません.この写真の背景 が,私の地震計と3D震源地図です.3年を経過してもまだ動いています.今回メンテナンスを施しました.物理Labo担当のTheparak先生に写真を 撮ってもらったのですが,彼にも今回とても世話になりました.

Now, after 3 years, I met again my former partner at KVIS, Dr. Tang, who got Ph.D in Biochemistry from Hokkaido University, she teaches Chemistry and Geology at KVIS now, and has been a great help to me from 2017 to 2019. Her charming smile has not changed at all from 3 years ago. In the background of this picture is my seismograph and 3D seismicity map, still working after 3 years. It is still working after three years. Dr. Theparak, who is in charge of the Physics Labo, took the picture and he also helped me a lot this time.


Dr. Tang is checking the donated rocks. She bought three expensive Zeiss polarizing microscopes for her students' practice. After lunch, she brought them over for me to take a look at them.

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さ てさきほどの写真の後ろに映っていたのが,この地震計です.これまでの動いてはいたのですがchにより,記録の不都合が生じていたので,今回上下動地震計 とこの水平動地震計1台のバランス調整を施しました.これでまたよい記録が復活しそうです.かつての科研費で,とても苦労して製作したものです.

The seismograph in the background of the previous photo is this one. The previous seismographs had been working, but the recording had been disturbed due to the ch, so the balance of the vertical motion seismograph and the horizontal motion seismograph was adjusted. This time, the balance of the vertical motion seismograph and the horizontal motion seismograph was adjusted. I made this seismograph with a research grant from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT).


This is a Zeiss polarizing microscope. It is a type of ordinary microscope with a polarizing plate attached, so it requires a little ingenuity to observe a thin slice. However, the sharpness of the image is excellent, as expected from the famous German company Zeiss.

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Impressed by the sharpness of the microscope and Tang sensei's passion for the study of geology, I donated my own polarizing unit and some of the rock thin-sections that I had planned to bring back to Japan. I hope to use them to hold a workshop for observing rock thin-sections at KVIS next year or later.

チュ ラロンコン大学のPunya先生とのディナー.2017年のタイ恐竜巡検で初めてお会いして,今年夏に島根の学会で再会しました.その折にぜひタイでもご 飯でもということで今回の会食が実現しました.タイではとても有名な地質の教授で,お弟子さんのM教授にも,KVISに居た時に岩石捨て場の石をたくさん いただいたご縁があります.日本の大学との共同研究も多く,多くの年に日本にも来られていて多くの学生さんを留学させているそうです.今はタイでの活断層 の調査とか,津波堆積物の調査などをM先生と共同でされているそうです.先生の英語はとてもわかりやすく,タイ,日本や世界の地質の話題がとても興味深 かったです.2人でチャーンビールの瓶が4本空きました.

Dinner with Prof. Punya of Chulalongkorn University, whom I met for the first time at the 2017 Dinosaur Expedition to Thailand and met again this summer at the conference in Shimane, Japan. He is a very famous geology professor in Thailand, and his student, Professor Montree, gave me a lot of rocks when I was at KVIS. He has been doing a lot of joint research with Japanese universities, and has visited Japan many years, sending many students to Japan to study. He is currently collaborating with Dr. Montree on a survey of active faults and tsunami deposits in Thailand. His English was very easy to understand and the topics of geology in Thailand, Japan and the world were very interesting. 4 bottles of Chang beer were consumed by the two of us.

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Tom Yung Kung for dinner is a special dish. This roasted coconut goes well with beer, too. I was a little disappointed that I had to leave the restaurant in the middle of our endless conversation, as I have an early flight back tomorrow morning.


We had dinner at a restaurant beside Chulalongkorn University. There is an old looking railroad, but a train was entering so it was very surprising for me. It was a relaxing scene of downtown Bangkok.

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さ て成田に戻る飛行機は早朝8時すぎの出発なので,この日は空港近くの宿に泊まりました.宿の出発は朝4時半のシャトルバス.国際便が混むと聞いていたの で,とても早く空港に着きました.驚いたのはJALの受付カウンタで,ワクチン接種証明を見せる必要があったことです.私はてっきり成田の入国時だと思っ ていたのですが,搭乗手続きのときだったのですね.

Since my flight back to Narita departs early in the morning after 8:00 a.m., I stayed at an inn near the airport that day. The shuttle bus departed from the inn at 4:30 in the morning. I had heard that international flights were crowded, so I arrived at the airport very early. To my surprise, I had to show my vaccination certificate at the JAL reception counter. I thought it was at the time of arrival at Narita, but it was at the time of boarding procedure.


After checking in my luggage, I had breakfast in the lounge of Suvarnabhumi Airport. I ate a little too much, because I had a meal on the plane after that. This is the end of my report on my visit to Thailand in December 2022. Thank you very much for Thai teachers to their kind support.

Copyright(c) by Y.Okamoto 2023, All rights reserved.