I finished assembling and installing the seismographs that had been sent to me in advance. At first, we had some troubles such as program errors and signal failure, but with the help of the physics teacher over there, we managed to get it to work perfectly. The ground is very hard and suitable for observation. We think that we can record microearthquakes in Myanmar and northern Thailand as well as earthquakes overseas. The students cooperated in the assembly of the device, and we gave them a series of lessons on earthquakes, as they were very interested in earthquakes in Noto, too, after the earthquake.
I would like to thank Director Manus and all the staff at Phayao University and DS for their great support. Thank you very much.
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さて翌日朝,P'hayao大学のDemonstration School(DS) つまり附属中高を訪れました.とてもよく晴れたすがすがしい朝です.タイ北部のここでは,日本の10月下旬くらいの気候です.とても爽やかです.
It was a beautiful sunny and refreshing morning. Here in the northern part of Thailand, the weather is about the same as late October in Japan. It is very refreshing. |
Today's job is assembling the seismographs. I will assemble the parts that were sent by EMS at the end of the year. At first, I thought be going to do it by myself, but there were about 30 students waiting for me, so I changed the plan and asked them to help me. It would have been more efficient if I had done it by myself, but it was an educational consideration. |
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Many students are not used to tightening even a single screw, and I emphasized the importance of this kind of work for those who aspire to science. |
The students are now getting used to handling the Hex key, which they had been puzzled about. However, since it is plastic, we have to be careful not to tighten it too hard. |
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い場所を選んでもらえました. 1/5あと備忘録にもう一件.右上のアンプ用電源がかなり熱くなっていたので,今いるS大学の同型の電源を 調べると冷たい.これは電源電圧を間違ったとあわてて,先方に確認.やはりSWが110Vになっていたそうで,急いで220Vに変更してもらう.これで冷 たくなったとか.あやうく電源を壊すところだった.よかった. Seismograph installed with the help of students. I will ask the teacher to do the cover. I will show you the amazing production room later. This floor is on the second floor, but it is built on a slope, and the ground is so solid that even if a student jumps on it, it will not be strongly affected. It is the best place for observation, and the students can easily see the real-time display. 1/5 And one more thing to note. The power supply for the amplifier in the upper right was very hot, so I checked the same type of power supply at Silpakorn University, where I am now, and found it cold. I thought I had mistaken the switch of the voltage of the power supply and checked with the other party. They said that the switch was set to 110V, so they quickly changed it to 220V. The machine was cooled down by this change. Thank goodness. |
It took a lot of effort, but I managed to finish setting up the software and was able to display waveform signals for three channels. In fact, it seems that a teacher had installed multiple Procrssing programs, and an error occurred at first due to conflicts between them. A young physics teacher here, who is very good with PCs, found the error when I was about to give up and have lunch. It was a good learning experience for me, since various causes of trouble can occur in a new environment. It was difficult to find the cause of the error, and at one point we even considered replacing the PC. |
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Rocks and a polarization unit that I brought as a souvenir for this teacher. I would like to use it again in my classes at this school near future. |
たのは,昨年9月のときも,授業に参加してくれていた生徒たちでした. The news of the Noto earthquake was widely reported here, and I talked about earthquakes for about 90 minutes, with a break in between. After that, I explained the structure and operation of seismographs and the mechanism of AD conversion to the students who were interested in them. The students who stayed until the end were those who had participated in my class last September. |
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This is the factory owned by the high school. It is equipped with such facilities for science education. This person is a laboratory teacher, and he makes teaching materials using these equipment. The one on the right is the newest one. Every science high school I visited in Thailand had this laser cutter. I am so envious of them. |
The only thing missing is a milling machine. |
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It is the same size as the one I bought with a Kakenhi grant in the past. It is a pity that it is a little rusty. If I could be hired here for a short term, I will maintain it nicely. |
It was a wonderful sunset at Phayao Lake (artificial lake), which can be called "the Lake Shinji" of Thailand. |
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As usual, we stopped by the home (mansion) of the director (principal) in the left foreground, and had dinner with Brandy, his pride and joy. Dr.Chatchawal, who is a researcher with his PhD from an Austrian university and a teacher at Phayao University, is in the front right. He is a biogeography expert and a professor at Phayao University. He was very aggressive and was the main character of the dinner. |
The red and white rocks are distinctive. From a distance, I could not tell what kind of rocks they were. |
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I will check the age of the stratum in the future. At least it was good to know that it is a sedimentary rock formation. If I ever come to this university again, I would definitely take my students to see the rocks. I found that the rock is a red sandstone formation of Triassic to Jurassic age, according to a related paper. Here is a related paper: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/... /psj1985/18/2/... |
Next, at the recommendation of Dr. C, a staff member of the university, we visited a temple where Buddhist statues and sculptures are made of this red sandstone. Mr. P, a staff member of the attached junior high school and high school, who accompanied us, was a little scared because he heard there were scary dogs, but fortunately we did not encounter any. |
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このお寺の仏像などは,すべて大学前の露頭で見た赤色砂岩を加工していることがわかりました. I found out that all the Buddha images in this temple are made from the red sandstone that I saw at the outcrop in front of the university. |
I don't even remember how many times I have flown on this trip, but this is goodbye to domestic flights and the rest of the trip is by land. As we approached Bangkok, it was interesting to see some rocky mountains below us. The NokAir beak logo is quite cute. |
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I arrived at Don Mueang Airport safely. I asked Mr. P to change my checked baggage from 25kg to 30kg, so I was able to clear the baggage easily. This is the last LCC flight, so I don't have to worry too much about the weight of my baggage. Alsom I decided to send the rocks via post parcel to Japan This makes me feel so much better! |
Postscript. The seismic station at Phayao University High School, which was set up and started thanks to the students, was not ready in time for the Noto earthquake on New Year's Day. However, the M7.0 earthquake that occurred in the Uyghur Autonomous Region of China was recorded, although only two components. The inverse dispersion of the surface wave following the S-wave is clearly recorded. I hope to use these seismograms to teach at this school again. |