久々のハズれホテル.名前はブティックホテルとかっこいいが,隣室の声が聞こえる上に,シャワーのお湯が出ない.2度と泊まらない. It's
been a long time since I've stayed in a bad hotel. No hot shower and
hear the sound of the nextroom. The name of the hotel crowned "Boutique", but I will never stay there again.
ホテルからHatYai空港まで初めてGrabを使う.まずますの値段それほど安くはないが.とても簡単. I took a Grab from my hotel to HatYai airport for the first time. The price is not so cheap, but it's very easy.
Hat Yai空港で小さなラウンジ.午前のおやつを食べる. Small lounge at Hat Yai airport. A mid-morning snack.
Boarded the LCC to Don Mueang Airport again. It seems that other participants have already returned to Japan.
I met up with one of the participants of the inspection tour here, but he never showed up.Two hours of round trip time was wasted.
バンコク下町の年末風情.巡検で溜まった洗濯物を一気に洗濯して新年を迎える準備. Year-end atmosphere in downtown Bangkok. Washing clothes accumulated during the fieldtrip and preparing for the New Year.
I stumbled upon a laundromat just a short walk from the hotel. Lucky me.
さて年越しは,ごらんのPizzaHutのピザと蕎麦で越年です.ビールはバイチェンにしてみました.初めての海外での年越しの風景. We celebrated New Year's Eve with New Year's Eve Soba noodles and pizza as you can see. This is my first New Year's Eve in a foreign country.
! had to wait at least 30 minutes for two pizzas at Pizza Hut ....
ついでに道端の果物屋で買ったパパイヤがよく熟れて美味しそう. And by the way, the papaya I bought at the fruit shop looks delicious!
さて元旦は完全休養日なので,日本対タイの代表戦をTVで探す.こちらのTVで難なく見つかりゲームを楽しむ. Since New Year's Day is a day of rest, I watch the national team game between Japan and Thailand on TV. I found the game on TV here without any difficulty, and enjoyed the game.
試合終了直後のタイのサッカー解説者.当然タイ語なのでわからない.これ画面が切り替わったので,モリヤス監督のインタビューは見れなかった.しかしその直後に見ていた,日本代表のサッカー掲示板でどうも地震らしいことを知ることになる. Thai soccer commentator right after the match. Of course, I don't understand it because it is in Thai. I couldn't see the interview with coach Moriyasu because the screen was switched. However, I learned about the earthquake on the Japan national team's soccer message board that I was watching right after that.
その後,必死でネットで情報を探す.かなり大きいことがわかる.これは神戸と同じく,建物崩壊が激しいのではと直感した.このときの画面では震度情報はまだ不完全. After that, I frantically search for information on the Internet. It turned out to be quite large. I had a hunch that the collapse of buildings would be as severe as in Kobe.The seismic intensity information was still incomplete on the screen at that time.
The USGS site is also reporting the news. I hurriedly gathered information. New Year's Day in a foreign country, which was supposed to be a relaxing day, turned out to be a terrible one.
Soon after, a tsunami warning was issued, and the confusion became apparent through the exclamations of the NHK newscaster.
翌日は移動なので,その準備をするがあまり身が入らない.今回は大きな荷物も一緒に移動.LCCに預け荷物の追加をしてもらっているが,帰りの25kgを念のため30kgにアップグレードしてもらった. The next day, I prepare for a trip to the airport, but I am not very enthusiastic about it.This
time, I am bringing a large luggage with me, and although the LCC has
added an extra 25 kg to my checked baggage allowance, I asked them to
upgrade it to 30 kg just in case I need it on the way back.

Thai Train! But Shinkansen!です. |
チップを払う必要がないのがいいです.荷物が重くなければBTSとバスで400円ほどと安く行けたのですが. |
合わせても大丈夫という判断だと思いますが,こういう融通の利かせ方は大好きです. It's been a while since I've been to the counter of Nok Air. It's New Year's and it's fairly empty.
LCCでも飲み物は出た.どうもチケットのグレードを上げてくれたみたい.ありがたい.Phayao大学に感謝. Even LCCs serve drinks. They upgraded my ticket to a higher grade. Thanks to Phayao University.
タイ北部の山岳部の,とても細い皺模様が印象的.この周期を決めているのは何か?と考えていた. The very fine wrinkle patterns in the mountains of northern Thailand are impressive. What determines this cycle? I wondered.
NokAirをチェンライ空港で降りたところ.黄色い嘴ロゴがこの航空会社のシンボルです.これでベトジェット以外のタイ国内の主要LCCはほぼ制覇したことになります. I arrived at Chiang Mai Airport safely. It takes about two hours by car from Chiang Mai to Phayao.
This is the sunset right after we arrived. You can see the analogy of Lake Shinji.
It's a beautiful illumination at night during the New Year's flower festival or something. The lake in front is Lake Phayao, which I call Lake Shinji in Thailand. The reflection of the lights on the surface of the water is very beautiful. The hotel in the middle of the movie is where I stayed.