2024年新春タイ巡検日記最終段. Misc                          2024-02-10            Y.Okamoto

巡検も無事終わって,学会事務局のスタッフ2名が私をSilpakorn Universityまで運んでくれました.若いスタッフ2名の方にお礼申し上げます.
勝って知ったる宿に,再度入れたのですが,懸案は帰りの飛行機が突如キャンセルとなり,それに接続する飛行機は変更なしのため,途中のマカオで空港内で1 日過ごすというとんでもないスケジュールになりました.これはとてもたまらないので,東京のマカオ航空の支店に強行に掛け合って,何とかバンコク発の便を 1日ずらしてもらいました.旅行保険が気になったので問い合わせると,こういう場合自動的に1日延びるような仕様になっているということで安心.さらに保 険会社の海外サポートの人は1日延びた分のレシートがあれば保険金も降りますというありがたい返事.バンコクのカウンタでマカオ航空のスタッフに強行に申 し入れて,延着証明みたいなものをやっと入手.しかしこの件は帰国後,保険の査定部からのメールで,けんもほろろにうやむやにされて怒り心頭.このHとい うクソ保険会社は二度と使わないと決めました.まあ最後だけやや残念な結果でしたが,それはそういう保険会社を選んだ私の責任で,お世話になったタイの 方々には本当に厚くお礼申し上げます.それではその最後のステイを写真で綴ります.

After the excursion was over, two staff members from the Mahidol University carried me to Silpakorn University. I would like to thank the two young staff members.

However, my return flight was suddenly cancelled and the connecting flight was not changed, so I had to spend a whole day in the airport in Macau on the way. This was very inconvenient for me, so I forced the Macau Airlines branch office in Tokyo to move the flight from Bangkok by one day. I inquired about travel insurance, and was reassured to learn that it is designed to automatically extend the flight by one day in such cases. The overseas support staff of the insurance company replied that the insurance would be reimbursed if I had the receipt for the one-day extension. I made a strong request to the Macau Airlines staff at the counter in DonMuang, and finally obtained a proof of delayed arrival. However, after returning to Japan, I received an e-mail from the insurance assessment department, and I was furious to find that the matter had been completely ignored. I decided that I would never use this shitty insurance company, H. Altough such stupid affatr,  again. I am very grateful to the people in Thailand who took care of me.

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I'm back again, this time to Silpakorn University's dormitory. Thanks to Dr. L for arranging it for me. I was even asked her to stay an extra day.


After a short break, I bought dinner at PizaCompany, located at the main gate of the university, as usual. Beer was of course Chang, which was introduced in the previous tour page.

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I drank some milk on a walk around the campus, forgetting that there was no refrigerator in the room.


I bought my lunch at a local market held on the campus near the dormitory. The yakisoba noodles were quite tasty.

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その後,L先生に驚かれましたが,バイクタクシーでナコンパトム市内の ショッピングセンターBigCまで買い物に出かけました.手頃なパパイヤとレギュラーコーヒーを買って帰る.行きは少し歩いたところからなので30バー ツ.帰りは直に大学までなので40バーツとまあ格安でした.

After that, to Dr. L's surprise, I took a motorcycle cab to BigC, a shopping center in Nakhon Pathom. I bought some papaya and regular coffee. The fare to BigC was 30 Baht because it was after a short walk from the University. The return trip to the university was 40 Baht were reasonable.


Tasted the papaya right away. The coffee is also good.

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The next morning, I received a call from the physics room at the university to inspect the seismographs we had installed. Dr. Ohm is on the left and Dr. W is on the right. Both are faculty members of the physics department.


They had made a beautiful transparent case for the items. It is safe for students to come in and out.

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Since the luggage is heavy, half of the samples will be sent to Japan by post mail, and the other half will be left here at the university. I am making a list.


For lunch on the day I stayed one day longer, Dr. L took me to a Japanese restaurant, and I was able to take out the Japanese food you see here and have it in my room. I really appreciate it. The small fish tempura was delicious.

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Arriving too early, we had to wait for our luggage to be checked in three hours before our departure time.
Anyway, I want to check in my luggage as soon as possible.
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Finally, I checked my baggage and had a curry in the Coral lounge.

I waited for boarding time.
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First, Bangkok-Macau. This flight was full of Chinese. Somewhat not good manners.


I got off the plane at Macau airport.

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Walking through the long aisles of the spacious airport to the security checkpoint for the next connecting flight.


I managed to get breakfast at the lounge, which was open from 5:00 a.m., and finally boarded the flight to Kansai International Airport. Although most of the passengers are the same Chinese, the clientele has changed dramatically, and they are all very classy people.
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It was a kind of Japanese style meal. It was not so bad. However, if I were to ask whether I would use this airline again, the sudden cancellation of the flight still leaves a bad impression on me. China Southern Airlines, which I learned about on the Internet, is cheaper and has luggage capacity of 23 kg x 2, which is comparable to JAL's, so I think it is a good choice.


Well, after a month-long trip, I've been on and off the boarding pass. I'm getting to know the airports in Thailand. This is the end of my diary for this trip to Thailand. Thank you very much for your kindness.

Copyright(c) by Y.Okamoto 2024, All rights reserved.