参考文献:岡本義雄・根本泰雄:教室で用いるスケルトン地震計 −アクリル樹脂,ネオジム磁石,およびESP32基板−,日本地学教育学会第77回全国大会滋賀大会Poster,English_Version,2023
Ref.Yoshio OKAMOTO, Hiroo NEMOTO: Skeleton Seismometer for Classrooms −Using Acrylic Plates, Neodymium Magnet and ESP32 Board −,2023

Seismograms on January 1, 2024 (20-minute horizontal lines and 72 vertical lines (24 hours). Blue indicates vertical motion, green indicates north-south motion, and purple indicates east-west motion. The intensity of the main shock at the OBS site was 3. Ms.
Rei Mitsuhashi, a laboratory teacher at Tennoji Junior High School
attached to Osaka Kyoiku University, sent the data to the author, who
was away from Japan during the year-end and New Year holidays. I would like to thank him.

Seismograms on January 2, 2024. Aftershocks are still continuing. The aftershocks are all no felt in Osaka.

2024年1月3日の波形 Seismograms on January 3, 2024.

堺市立新檜尾台小学校 理科室
Sakai City Shin-Hinokiodai Primary School Science Room

2024-01-01 to 01-03 3-days(72-hours) record. only N-S comp.

by Y.Okamoto 2024, All rights reserved.