2025 Jan.-Feb. Thailand Science Highschool Photo Diary part_3 2025年タイ滞在記 その3.  2025-02-23 Y.Okamoto


 (I quoted the diary on FaceBook and added a photo to it...) (The English text is posted with some revisions after DeepL traslation)

Princes Chulabhorn Science High school(PCSHS) Loei(プリンセス・チュラボーン・科学高校ルーイ校)


現 在タイ北部のルーイという町にある,PCSHSLoei校の近くのホテル(と言ってもバンガローみたいな作り)に滞在しています.朝は13~14度まで冷 えるので,ホテルに頼んで布団を2枚,おまけに寒い朝はセーター着て,ダウンをまとって寝ています.とても熱帯のタイにいるとは信じられません.今日で地 震計の修理(これ大変だった!)とM4(高一)生徒への特別授業が終了しました.特に地震計修理が大変だったので,少し写真で紹介します.

Loei滞在中はPCSHSLoei校校長のGittichai先生はじめ,私の訪問担当の物理のSongkran先生,Deckson先生に大変お世話 になりました.日本から青年海外協力隊としてJICA派遣で来られている,情報の拓磨先生には日本語で学校事情を説明していただき,またご自身の活躍の様 子などもお聞かせいただきました.海外で活躍する日本の若者のひたむきな姿に大変感動しました.これらの方々にお礼申し上げます.

The following is a quote from the FceBook page.

I am currently staying at a hotel (sort of like a bungalow) near PCSHS Loei in the town of Loei in northern Thailand. It gets as cold as 13-14 degrees Celsius in the morning, so I ask the hotel to provide me with two futons, and on cold mornings, I wear a sweater and a down coat. It is hard to believe that I am in tropical Thailand. Today, we repaired the seismograph and and a special class for M4 (first grade of high school) students. The repair of the seismograph was especially hard work, so I will show you some pictures.

During my stay in Loei, I was very much indebted to Mr. Gittichai, Principal of PCSHS Loei, Mr. Songkran, Physics teacher in charge of my visit, and Mr. Deckson. Mr. Takuma, a JOCV (Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers for International Cooperation) dispatched by JICA, explained about the school in Japanese and told us about his own activities. I was very impressed by the dedication of Japanese young guy who are active overseas. I would like to express my gratitude to all of them.

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I am staying at a hotel with a row of bungalow-like lodges. The teachers' lodge on the school campus where I stayed in the past is full, so I am staying at a resort hotel close to the school. Orchids are blooming beautifully.


The mornings and evenings are very cold for Thailand, so I had to ask for two futons. Other than that, the shower has hot water, an electric kettle is available, and there is a refrigerator, so it is quite comfortable. I never use the air conditioner for cooling.

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The most important work is to repair the seismograph. The horizontal seismometer was easy to fix. The problem, however, was the vertical seismometer.

上 下動地震計の支柱のアクリル板がやや汚れているので,おかしいなと思って,何気なく台座の裏側を見て仰天しました.何と台座の裏側が一面シロアリに食われ ていました.特に前後の穴は表面近くに達していて,構造がとても脆くなり,すでに台座としての機能を失っている感じです.たった2年でこれほどになったの は本当に驚きです.

The acrylic panel of the vertical seismograph's support was a little dirty. To my surprise, I found that the entire bottomside of the pedestal had been eaten by termites. The holes in the front and rear sides in particular were so close to the surface that the structure had become so brittle that it had already lost its function as a pedestal. It is truly amazing that it took only two years for the base to become so damaged.

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支 柱の留め具はグラグラで,台座に貫通する穴が開いています.たった2年で骨組みがやられました!熱帯のシロアリを舐めてはいけません!これ実は安定が悪 かったので,台座に木の台をかませていたのですが,そこからシロアリ一気に台座に侵入したようです.こちらの先生も細かいところまで見ていなかったので, 気づかなかったようです.おかげで台座からの作り直しになったのですが,こちらの専門の技官の人が,翌日台座を結局,見事に新たに購入した板から復元して くれました.

The support clamps are wobbly and there is a hole through the pedestal. After only two years, the framework has been destroyed! Tropical termites are not to be underestimated! The wooden stand had been placed over the base because it was not stable. The termites seemed to have entered the pedestal all at once from there. Thanks to this, we had to rebuild the pedestal from scratch, but the next day, our specialist technician was able to restore the pedestal from a newly purchased board.

3D プリンタ製の支柱の裏側がシロアリにやられた木がへばりついています.こんなことになっていようとは,まったく想像がつかなかったです.古いKVIS(科 学高校)とムクダハンの機材は金属製なので,こういう目には合わなかったのです.3Dプリンタ部材の新しいものは台座を木で作っていたのです.

The backsides of the 3D printer's supports are covered with termite-infested wood. I had no idea that this would happen. The old KVIS and Mukdahan equipment was made of metal, so it was not exposed to this kind of damage, while the newer 3D printer components had a wooden base.

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The seismograph repair was postponed until the next day, when we went out for dinner, but the exercise before that was to climb a small mountain.

The car only goes halfway up the mountain, and from here I have to get off and climb up a path that is about 1.2 km long. It was a little too hard for a pre-dinner workout.

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This mountain appears to be a granite outcrop, and the geological map says that the age is from the Permian to the Triassic period. As you can see, white aplite veins are running all over the place, very interesting.


When I finally reached the top, I could see the Mekong River at sunset time. The other side of the river is “Laos” as you know. The colorful bougainvillea is very beautiful.

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Now, we are heading for dinner in Chiang Khan, a town in the northern tip of Thailand, famous for its tourist attractions. We were treated to dinner by the principal of the school, who was very kind to me on our previous visit. Thank you very much.


A view of the Mekong River side from the restaurant where we had dinner. Cyclists are running along the bicycle path. The right side of the river is the Thai side, while the Laos side on the other side is a little in darkness.

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Members invited to dinner. Next to me is Principal G. The lady is his wife. And Mr. D and Mr. S, physics teachers. The photo was taken by Mr. P of geography.


I took this picture when I noticed that the car of Mr. S, the physics teacher, who was taking us to the inn, did not have a heater. It is a Toyota Hilux, but it seems to be a Thai model.

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The following is a shot of the work of creating a travle-time curve, which some teams found difficult to complete due to the limited time of about 40 minutes.


As for the seismograph, we managed to get the base made to the original size, so we worked hard on it after class today. The magnetic folder is now being positioned and installed. The thickness of the pedestal is now about 5mm thicker, so we had to make some adjustments.

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I managed to put it back together in about two hours. The pedestal is supported by screws and floated to avoid termite attack. Now I can resume 3-channel observation.

さ て夕方に校内でキャンプのようなバーベキューとなりました.さすがに今日はノンアルデイにして,ビールは遠慮しました.とてもたくさんの食材を用意してく れています.物理のコンペティションに向けて活動する生徒や,校内をうろつく犬まで,ご相伴にあずかりました.さすがに日本では放課後の校内で,こんなの どなか風景を見ることは,今はなくなってしまったかな.

In the evening, we had a camp-like barbecue in the school. As expected, we decided to have a non-alcoholic day and refrained from beer. They have prepared a lot of food for us. We were accompanied by students working on a physics competition and even a dog roaming around the school. I wonder if it is rare to see such a lively scene inside the school after school in Japan anymore.

さ て今回のタイ滞在も,すでに3週間目に入り,P大学附属高校,PCSHS(プリンセスチュラボーン科学高校)Mukdahan校と同じくLoei校とい う,タイ東北部イサーン地方を代表する科学高校を.駆け足で廻る,前半戦が終了しました.やや疲れたので,現在バンコクドンムアン空港にほど近い,場末の 安ホテル(500バーツ/泊,TVがなくシャワーも冷水のみ,さらに最上階4Fベランダ付きの部屋へは階段のみ.しかし冷蔵庫と湯沸かしがある)で,早朝 からの道路の声や,時に聞こえる隣室のタイ語をききながら休憩.これを書いています.Loeiでの後半を少し記します.あれから野外巡検に出かけて,この 地方特有のコラート層に相当するジュラ紀の赤色砂岩(シルト岩)やクロスラミナ,あとこれに接するペルム紀の流紋岩質のTuffを見ました.その後最終日 は地震計に興味のある生徒が15名集まってきてくれて,その生徒にかなり詳しい地震計の話や,どのように科学プロジェクトを進めるかなど,過去のPPTな ども提供しながら1日話しました.彼らが今後この高校の地震計のメンテを続けてくれることを期待しています.あとこちらの高校でJICA派遣でコンピュー タを教える仕事をしている,T先生に出会いました.光学機器のトップ企業であるC社で,焦点調整回路の開発をしていたという.しかし平凡な将来に疑問を抱 き,一念発起で会社を辞め教員の道を目指すことにしたそうです.彼と出会えたのが,今回の旅の前半の一番の収穫のような.それでは写真で紹介します.

The first half of my stay in Thailand has already entered its third week, and I have visited the University of Phayao Demonstration School, PCSHS (Princess Chulabhorn High School of Science) Mukdahan, and Loei High School, which is a representative science high schools in the Issan region of northeastern Thailand. The first half of the tour is over. I am somewhat tired, so I am now staying at a cheap hotel (500 Baht/night, no TV, cold water shower, and only stairs to the room with a balcony on the top 4F) near the Don Mueang Airport in Bangkok. ), listening to the early morning sounds of the road and the occasional Thai language spoken in the next room. As I write this, I will write a little about the second half of my stay in Loei. After that, we went on a field trip to see the Jurassic red sandstone (siltstone) and cross lamina, which correspond to the Khorat Group unique to this area, and the Permian rhyolitic Tuff that borders the Khorat Group. On the last day, we had 15 students who were interested in seismometry, and I spent the day talking to them about seismometry in great detail and how to proceed with their science projects, providing them with PPTs from the past. I hope they will continue to maintain the seismograph at this high school. I also met Mr. T, who is a computer teacher dispatched by JICA to teach at a high school here. He had been developing focusing circuits at Canon Inc., a leading optical equipment company in Japan. However, he had doubts about his mediocre future and decided to quit the company and pursue a career as a teacher. Meeting him was the best part of my first half of this trip. Let me introduce him to you through photos.

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巡 検はルーイから西に,1300mの山頂がある国立公園への道を,3台のスクールバンでたどります.あらかじめ先週日曜日に下見をしていた,最初の観察地点 は道路際のこのサイト.こちらは熱帯でなかなかよい露頭が少ないのですが,これはとてもきれいに地層が露出した場所.やや南にゆるやかに傾斜する,コラー ト層の下部が出ています.時代はジュラ紀と地質図にあり,このさらに上部からはほかの場所で恐竜の骨が多産します.

The field trip will follow the road west from Looi to the national park with its 1300m peak by three school vans. The first observation point was this site by the road, which was previewed last Sunday. The lower part of the Khorat Group, which dips slightly to the south, is exposed. The Jurassic period is indicated on the geological map, and dinosaur bones are abundant elsewhere in the upper part of the formation.


The siltstone is quite massive, and is interbedded with a thin white layer that shows the stratigraphic level, perhaps of the same origin as the tuff we will see later. The red oxidized iron color, characteristic of fluvial(land produced) formations of this age, is striking.

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Enlarged view. This is a good key layer because it is very conspicuous. However, it is complicated by the fact that there are several pieces of this layer. I imagine it is a rhyolitic tuff because of its color. However, it is not clear if they are the same as the ones we will see later at the tuff site, because they are from different periods.


A closer look reveals that the silt layer has cross laminae. This is quite different from the coarse sandstone seen later on the summit. In any case, it is likely to be a feature deposited in a freshwater river or lake, showing water currents.

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こ の上着のパーカー何かわかりますか?このとき参加した生徒の何名かが,タイ国内の地理(地学か?彼らはGeographyと言っていたが)オリンピックに 参加していたようで,こんなものを着ています.しかもそのうちの何名かは,当然地質にもとても興味を持っていて,ときおり鋭い質問を投げかけてきます.こ の質問にはとても助かりました.追加の説明ができたからです.

Do you know what this hoodie is?  They were participating in the Geography Olympiad in Thailand, and they were wearing something like this. And some of them are naturally very interested in geology, and they sometimes ask me pointed questions. This helped me a lot, because I was able to give additional explanations.

露 頭を前に地質図を手にして熱弁を奮う私を,この日,一日巡検につきあっていただいた,JICA青年協力隊の,情報のT先生に動画を撮っていただきました. ありがとうございます.(で動画を挟もうとしたのですが,T先生からのLine動画が期限切れでダウンロードできませんでしが.T先生これをご覧になって いたら,動画を再送していただけませんか?)

I was accompanied by Mr. T, an information specialist of the JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency, who took a video of me making an impassioned speech with a geological map in front of an outcrop. Thank you very much.

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こ ちらは1300m越えの山頂近くにあるトイレの側に,見事なクロスラミナの露頭.ところどころにこのような巨大な砂岩の塊が残されています.教科書に載り そうな見事さです.このあたりで,水流とラミナの関係や,水流がめまぐるしく流路を変えて,様々な方向のラミナが見られることが,河川堆積物の特徴である と説明しました.生徒は結構英語が聞き取れるのですが,専門用語はやはりタイの先生にタイ語に翻訳してもらっています.

This is a spectacular outcrop of cross lamina by the toilet near the summit, which is over 1300m. Huge chunks of sandstone like this are left here and there. They look like they could be written up in a textbook. I explained the relationship between water flow and laminae, and that the characteristic of river sediments is that the water flow changes the path rapidly and laminae can be seen in various directions. The students could understand English quite well, but the technical terms were translated into Thai by the Thai teacher.


The sand grains are quite rough. The red oxides are not very noticeable here. I stressed that when looking at outcrops like this, it is important not to look at mosses, molds, or complicated structures added later, but only at the composition and overall structure of the rock grains.

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This mountain is blooming with wild cherry trees. I remember that the students planted many cherry trees on the Loei school grounds. They are a little pinker than Japanese cherry trees. I think it is a wild cherry tree that blooms with leaves.


We had lunch at a restaurant in the parking lot near the summit. In fact, for a fee, a truck with seats will take tourists from here to the top of the mountain. Many Thai people do not like to walk, and on the day of the inspection, which was a Sunday, many tourists were riding on the seats of the truck.

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こ こで驚いたのは,食事は何と先生がみずから作っています.天文が専門のD先生は自分の麺を自分でゆがいて,具を入れて作っていました.別の女性の先生はソ ムタム(パパイヤサラダ)を当然のごとく,壺の中で唐辛子を砕いてやはり自分で作って,我々の食卓に持ってきてくれました.当然あとで店にお金は支払うの ですが.

To my surprise, the teachers made the meals themselves. Teacher. D, who specializes in astronomy, boiled his own noodles and added his own ingredients. Another lady teacher made Som Tam (papaya salad) by crushing chili peppers in a jar, and brought it to our table. Of course, we had to pay the restaurant later.


Here is a student making me a drink. She is also very good at squeezing lemon juice, so maybe she is always helping out with that kind of work at home.

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So lunch that day was Kai Jiao Rice (rice with fried egg), a favorite dish of mine, and a drink made by the girl student.

On the way home, we stopped by a nearby temple. From the observatory, we can see a beautiful view of the landforms corresponding to a mesa. I explained this to the students.

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This temple seems to be for sightseeing, but there is another building with amazing artworks, which seems to be a life story of Buddha. Mr. T of JICA, whom I wrote about in the main text, accompanied me and showed me this corridor.

こ れがこの日最後の観察地点.これも道路沿いで下見のときにあきらかに,色が違うので地質図で調べて,流紋岩質の凝灰岩であると特定できました.少し古いペ ルム紀のものです.タイ中央部にはペルム紀からトリアス紀にかけて,プレート境界が存在し,そこに浅いテチス海が挟まれて沈み込んでいました.そこに生じ た激しい火山活動のものだと思われます.ここでくだんの地理オリンピックに出た生徒から,どのようなタイプの火山活動かと鋭い質問が出ました.それで上記 の説明を加えたわけです.

This was the last observation stop of the day. It was identified as a rhyolitic tuff. It is of slightly older Permian age. A plate boundary existed between the Permian and Triassic periods in central Thailand, and the shallow Tethys Sea covered a subducting plate between the plate boundary. These volcanic rocks is thought to be the result of the intense volcanic activity that occurred there. A student who participated in the Geography Olympiad asked me what type of volcanic activity it was. So I added the above explanation.

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この崖の岩石のクローズアップです.溶岩というより層理をなすことから流紋 岩質凝灰岩であろうと推定します.それにしてもペルム紀からはるかに2億年の時を超えて,とても新鮮な感じがする凝灰岩です.これがあとのジュラ紀になっ て,上記赤色砂岩(シルト岩)の地層の中にどのように含まれていくのか,あるいはそれは別のものかは,とても興味深い問題です.

This is a close-up of the rocks on this cliff. I guess it is a rhyolitic tuff because of its stratification rather than lava. The tuff looks very fresh after 200 million years since the Permian. It will be interesting to see how this tuff will be included in the above red sandstone (siltstone) strata later in the Jurassic period, or whether it is a different type of tuff.

この日のコースのGPS記録を地質図に重ねました.赤紫色がたどったコース です.Stop1が最初の赤色砂岩のサイト.Stop2が最後の流紋岩質凝灰岩のサイトです.山の頂上付近は上部の砂岩になりますが,地質図にこの部分の 記載がなかったのです.地質図はDMR(タイ地質調査所)作成のもの,GPS経路の処理ソフトはLinux版Vikingを使用しました.

The GPS record of the day's course is superimposed on the geological map. Stop 1 is the first red sandstone site and Stop 2 is the last white rhyolitic tuff site. The top of the mountain is in the upper sandstone, which is not shown on the geological map. The geological map was quoted from DMR (Geological Survey of Thailand) and the GPS path processing software was Viking for Linux.

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さ て巡検が愁傷して無事帰校.そのあと近所のレストランに夕食に出ました.池の周囲に東屋をそなえた広大はレストランですが,この日はウィークデイなので, 客は我々だけだったかも.世話になった物理のS先生とD先生.それに中央が今回の巡検でずっと,日本語でお話できたTさん.とても爽やかな若者で,ぜひよ い先生になってほしいとエールを贈りました.生徒には最先端のAIによる画像認識の基礎を教えているそうです.指導した生徒のプロジェクトはそれで空を飛 ぶドローンを認識して,様々なことができる手法を開発,サイエンスフェアで賞を取ったとか.彼が凄いのは1年ほどの滞在で,すでにタイ語をふつうにタイの 生徒に,使って授業しているとか.彼が周囲のタイ人の先生たちとふつうに会話をしているのが,とてもうらやましく,私も頑張らねばと改めで思いました.ま あそれでも車の中で.年寄りが偉そうに教育のことを長々と語るので,閉口されたかも知れませんが.

After the field trip, I returned safely to school. After that, we went out for dinner at a nearby restaurant. It is a huge restaurant with a pavilion around the pond, but it was a weekday, so we might have been the only customers. Mr. S. and Mr. D., physics teachers who took care of us. And in the center is Mr. T, with whom we could talk in Japanese all the time during this trip. He is a very fresh young man, and I gave him my best wishes to become a good teacher. He is teaching the basics of image analysis using state-of-the-art AI to his students. One of his students' project developed a method to recognize drones flying in the sky and do various things with it. What is amazing is that he has been in Thailand for about a year and is already teaching in Thai to Thai students.  I was so envious of his conversation with the Thai teachers around him, and it made me realize that I have to do my best to learn Thai again! But still, He may have been a bit of a shut-in because of my long-winded, old man's talk about education.


This is a picture of Chiang Khan, a famous tourist town where we went for a walk and dinner on the last night. Shrimp skewers.

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And for some reason, the old Midget was still there. It might be called a museum class. Long time ago, Daihatsu Midget was the main sponsor of the TV program “Tenamona Sandogasa”. How old!


This is the ice beer. When you order this beer, the waiter always taps the bottom of the stool with a bottle opener before opening the line. The answer is shown in the next picture.

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こ れが回答です.おそらくー7度くらいに冷やしたビールを氷で囲んでいると思わます.過冷却のビールが.底を叩いて凍ったところをすかさず栓を抜いて,客に 提供するというこれぞ「アイスビール」この街以外で見たことはありません.物理の先生はコーラで同じことを実験して生徒に見せているそうです.まあさすが にビールでは見せれないか.

This is the answer. The beer is probably chilled to about -7 degrees Celsius and surrounded by ice.............. Super-cooled beer. The bottom of the beer is tapped and when it freezes, the staff is quickly uncorked and served to the customer. I have never seen such an “iced beer” outside of this city. A physics teacher is experimenting with cola to show his students the same thing. Well, you can't show it with beer, can you?


So I bought a rare souvenir for myself.... I chose a hoodie and a T-shirt with Peter Cohn on it, which is a local legend.

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こ ちらは昨日空港に送ってもらう途中で立ち寄った,PTTのガススタンドにからなずある,AmazonCafeにあったピーターコーンの面.この写真のあと 注文したカプチーノを,手が滑ってテーブルにこぼしてしまう大失態.トイレの水で汚れた帽子とiPhoneを洗う間に,店員がきれいに片づけてくれて,さ らにこぼしたホットカプチーノまで作り直してくれました.心配りあるサービスに感心した店です.

This is the face models of Peter-Corn at the Amazon Cafe, located near the PTT gas station, where I stopped on my way to the airport yesterday. After this photo, I made the mistake of spilling the cappuccino I ordered on the table. While I washed my dirty hat and iPhone in the toilet water, the waiter cleaned up the mess and even made me a new hot cappuccino. I was very impressed with their attentive service.

と いうことで無事ルーイ空港に到着.追加荷物の重さを30kgにしていただいたおかげで,ホテルの冷蔵庫に置いたチャーンのL缶2本と,マンゴ2個を無事, スーツケースでバンコクに運ぶことができました.この飛行機で人生初の座席ダブルブッキングに遭遇.こんなこともあるのですね.おかげで窓際の隣が空席 の,よい席に座れました)この滞在ではLoei校のG校長先生はじめ,物理のS先生,D先生ほか多数の先生方にお世話のなりました.この場を借りてお礼申 し上げます.

We arrived at Looi airport safely. Thanks to the 30kg weight limit for additional baggage, I was able to safely carry 2 L cans of Chang Beer and 2 mangoes from the hotel refrigerator to Bangkok in my suitcase. On this flight, I was double-booked for the first time in my life. I didn't know that such a thing could happen. (Thanks to this, I was able to sit in a good seat with an empty seat next to the window.) I would like to express my gratitude to Principal G of Loei School, Mr. S and Mr. D of Physics Department, and many other teachers who helped me during my stay. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them.

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In downtown Bangkok, I asked a bike taxi to take me to a laundromat where I was washing a week's worth of clothes. When I was puzzled because I cannot read Thai, the man next to me explained how to use the laundromat in English. Thai people are always really kind.

さ て洗濯をしてホテルに戻ってみると,経営者のマダムとお客さんの彼が,ビールを飲もうと誘ってきます.ちょっと買い物に行くからと再度バイクタクシーで近 所のBigCというモールに買い物に行って,帰ってくるとホテルのロビー前で,すでにビールを開けて待っています.ちょっとまだ用事があるからと,部屋に 戻って急いでKFCのハンバーガーを食べたあと,チャーンのL缶を持って降りていって,この会話に加わりました.カナダ人の彼は定職にはつかずに,デザイ ナーから建築の仕事まで色んなジャンルの仕事をしているそうで,たまにこうして旅行に出てくるそうです.彼は日本文化にとても詳しく,日本の漫画や三島由 紀夫の話など,機関銃のように繰り出す彼の話に,ついていくのも必至です.あともう一人のベルギー人のおじさんと40分ほど一緒に,話をしたあと,早々に 部屋に退散しました.会話の早い英語に,ついていくのが必至で,これではとても休息にならないと思ったからです.

When I returned to the hotel after doing the laundry, the proprietress and her customer invited me to have a beer with them. I took a bike taxi to a nearby mall called BigC to do some shopping again, and when I came back, they were already waiting for me in front of the hotel lobby with beer open. I went back to my room to eat a KFC hamburger and then went downstairs with an L can of Chang to join the conversation. He is a Canadian who does not have a regular job, but works in various fields from designer to architecture. He is very knowledgeable about Japanese culture, and it is inevitable that we have to follow his machine-gun like stories about Japanese manga and Yukhio Mishima. I talked with another Belgian guy for about 40 minutes, and then left the room early. I had to keep up with his fast English conversation, and I thought it was not a good rest.

Loei滞在中はPCSHSLoei校校長のGittichai先生はじめ,私の訪問担当の物理のSongkran先生,Deckson先生に大変お世話 になりました.日本から青年海外協力隊としてJICA派遣で来られている,情報の拓磨先生には日本語で学校事情を説明していただき,またご自身の活躍の様 子などもお聞かせいただきました.海外で活躍する日本の若者のひたむきな姿に大変感動しました.これらの方々にお礼申し上げます.

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