2025 Jan.-Feb. Thailand Science Highschool Photo Diary part_2 2025年タイ滞在記 その2.  2025-02-23 Y.Okamoto


 (I quoted the diary on FaceBook and added a photo to it...) (The English text is posted with some revisions after DeepL traslation)

Princes Chulabhorn Science High school(PCSHS) Mukdahan(プリンセス・チュラボーン・科学高校ムクダハン校)


今 日はタイ東北部の,ラオスとの国境近くにある,ムクダハンという町に来ています.ここのPCSHSMukdahanという科学高校には,2019年に私の 自作の地震計を置かせてもらっていました.その後何度か訪れて,そのたびに細かい修正を機材に加えていたのですが,今日やっと最終的に GoogleDriveに,自動でデータがアップロードできるようにしたところです.今日は夕食後に,地元のイベントをぶらっと見て来て,さあこれから ビールでも飲んで寝ようかと思ったところに,日向灘の地震のニュースが飛び込んできました.思わず昨年元旦の,能登の地震を思い出しました.あのときもタ イにいました.それで当然GoogleDriveに,ホテルの自分のPCからアクセスしてデータが取れましたので,写真を載せます.日本では結構な騒ぎに なっているのではと推測します.あと地元のフェスティバルの様子も少し紹介します.

Today I am in Mukdahan, a town in northeastern Thailand, near the border with Laos. I was allowed to place my own seismograph at PCSHSMukdahan, a science high school here, in 2019. I've visited several times since then, making minor modifications to the equipment each time, and today I'm finally getting the data uploaded to GoogleDrive automatically. After dinner, I went to a local event and was about to have a beer and go to bed when the news of the Hyuga-nada earthquake came in. It reminded me of the Noto earthquake on just New Year's Day last year. I was in Thailand at the time of today's earthquake, and of course I was able to access Google Drive from my PC at the hotel, so I am posting some photos here. I guess there must have been quite a commotion in Japan. I'll also introduce some of the photos of the local festivals in Mukdahan.

I have also added the seismograph record of the high school affiliated at Phayao University, which I visited last week, as I obtained it online. For some reason, there is no signal for horizontal motion here. I am asking them to check it now.

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こ の街はメコン河の中流の広い河床の平野にあるため,地盤が柔らかく,揺れやすくノイズが多い印象があります.それでこのM7クラスの日本の地震の揺れが, 結構な振幅で入ってきました.私はすでに夕食で出ていましたが,この地震計の部屋にはまだ生徒と,実習担当の先生がいて,生徒が何が起こったのかと不思議 がっていたそうです.水色は上下動で振幅が小さいのですが,最後の方でかなり短周期の揺れが見えるのは,その生徒たちが床を振動させたものと思わます.生 徒もはるか日本から到着した揺れを,地震計の上ですが,まさにリアルタイムで経験したことになります.ちなみに黄色が南北動,紫が東西動です.

This city is located on a broad riverbed plain in the middle reaches of the Mekong River, so the ground is soft and shakes easily, giving the impression of being noisy. So the shaking of this M7-class earthquake in Japan came in with considerable amplitude. I had already left for dinner, but there were still students and a teacher in the room with the seismograph, and the students were wondering what had happened. The light blue color shows up and down movements with small amplitude, but the very short period of shaking at the end of the day seems to be caused by the students vibrating the floor. The students also experienced the tremors arriving from far away Japan in real time on the seismograph. Yellow is the north-south motion and purple is the east-west motion.


Seismographs that have been cleaned up and repositioned. The PC has been replaced by a very good one, and it seems to be working very well. I am in the process of transferring the data of the past three years to a USB memory.

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こ の機材はまだ,地震計製作の黎明期というか,一番油の乗ったときで,総金属製です.真鍮とアルミ板材の加工で,結構苦労したものですが,おかげで3Dプリ ンタ機材にはない,強靭な機械的特性と安定性があります.私には思い出深い機材です.今回,床にきちんと方位を書いて,水平動を置きなおしました.その直 後にくだんの日向灘の地震を記録したことになります.

This equipment was made entirely of metal at the dawn of seismometer production, or at the time when the industry was at its peak. The machining of the brass and aluminum plates was quite laborious, but thanks to this, it has strong mechanical properties and stability that are not found in the modern 3D printed plastic equipment. I have fond memories of this machine. This time, I drew a proper orientation on the floor and repositioned the horizontal motion. The Hyuga-nada earthquake was recorded immediately after that.


In addition, I am checking the goods that were placed in this school for the teacher training and student practice that will start tomorrow. I reconfirmed that I had quite a lot of teaching materials. Most of them I brought in 2019, when I worked at this school for one month.

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さ て,物理のN先生に連れて行ったもらった夕食のあと,地元のフェスティバルを見ました.これは赤十字が主催する祭りで,地元の文化紹介のほか,たくさんの 屋台がところ狭しと出ています.一応20バーツの入場料をN先生が出してくれていました.わずか32000人の街の人々の大半が,いるのではないかと思え るほどの混雑でした.これは地元の踊りだそうです.

After dinner, N Sensei of physics took me to a local festival. This festival is organized by the Red Cross, and there are many food stalls in addition to the introduction of local culture. N Sensei paid the admission fee of 20 baht. It was so crowded that I thought most of the people in the city of only 32,000 might be there. This is a video of local dance performance.


Decorating with lights is the latest fad. The music of the local dance could be heard everywhere. At that time, I had no idea that there was an earthquake in Japan.

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Here is the seismograph record of Phayao University, which was maintained last week and is now available online. Unfortunately, there seems to be no signal for horizontal motion. Vertical movement (light blue) is well recorded. The cause is under investigation.


This is a gift from this school. A sample bag with the school's name on it (the original purpose may be different) and a ballpoint pen. Thank you very much for their kindness.

1 週間お世話になった,PCSHS Mukdahan校とも最後の夜になりましたので,少し総括の写真を載せます.仕事としては,地震計のメンテナンス,教員,生徒への研修と授業が主なもの です.すでに4回ほどきているのですが,そのたびに担当の物理のN先生にはお世話になるばかりで申し訳ない思いです.少し写真をまた載せます.明日朝のと ても早い出発に備えて,早めに眠るので,キャプションは明日以降にさせてもらいます.お休みなさい.

It was our last night at PCSHS Mukdahan, where we have been staying for a week, so I am posting a few summary photos. The main tasks are maintenance of the seismographs, training for teachers and students, and teaching. I have been here four times already, and I am very sorry to the physics teacher, Mr. N., who has been in charge of my work each time.  I will put up some more pictures, but I am going to sleep early to prepare for an early departure tomorrow morning, so I will leave captions for tomorrow. Good night.

I added the caption early in the morning on 01/18. I would like to thank Chatree Sensei, the former principal, and Niwat Sensei, the teacher in charge of the school, for all their help and support. I hope we will have such an enjoyable visit again next time!

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この学校に来たときはいつも私の前哨基地となる,STEM LAB.物理の実験助手のP先生の拠点を間借りする.
Whenever I come to this school, I always stay my outpost, the STEM LAB, the base of Mr. P, a physics lab teacher.

The room can be used as a normal classroom, and there is a huge laser cutter, 3D printer, drilling machine, and various tools in the back. In the front right side of the room, there are posters introducing me and my own seismograph system and a 3D seismicity map of south-east asia.

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こ ちらは先行して開催された,地元の高校の理科教員を対象として,研修講座.私の科学教育のポリシーや,どのように生徒の科学プロジェクトを指導するかとい う,テーマについて,私の経験に基づいた話をさせていただいた.午前午後の長い時間にも関わらず,先生方は大変熱心に話を聞いていただいた.話だけだと退 屈なので,STEMLABに場所を移して,地震計の原理や仕組みを見ていただいた後,私がいつも小学生の自由研究のときに行う,スパゲティを折る実験を一 緒に楽しんでいただき,ヒストグラムの取り扱い方を紹介した.

This is a training course for science teachers at local high schools, which was held earlier for students. I talked about my science education policy and how to guide students' science projects based on my experience. The teachers listened to me very attentively for a long time in the morning and afternoon. After that, I showed them how to fold spaghetti, an experiment I usually do with elementary school students for their science projects, and introduced how to make a histogram as a basic scientific method.
こ ちらは翌日の生徒対象の地震波形を中心にした授業.午前中は地震計の原理や仕組みを中心に説明.午後は地震波形の解析を行った.Phayao大学で行った 波形作業のほか,Moho面の発見をテーマに,走時曲線の折れ曲がりから,地殻,マントルの地震波速度を求めて,地殻の厚さを測定する実習に熱心に取り組 んだ.タイは地震国ではないの,いかに地震波形が地球内部の構造解明に役立つかを中心に実感してもらうように心がけた.M4(高校1年生)なので,少し難 しいかと思ったが,よくくらいついて来てくれた.

This class focused on seismic waveforms and travel-times for the next day's students. In the morning, the students were introduced to the principles and mechanisms of seismographs. In the afternoon, the students analyzed seismic waveforms, and in addition to the travel-time analysis done at the University of Phayao, they also practiced with enthusiasm the discovery of the Moho boundary and the measurement of crustal thickness by determining the velocity of seismic waves both in the crust and mantle from the bending of the travel time curves. I thought it would be a little difficult for M4 (first-year senior high school students), but they were very enthusiastic about it.

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Phayao 大学の附属高校と同じ作業だけども,より長く時間が取れたので,とてもきれいに作ってくれた.自作の地震波形シミュレーションを併用して,走時曲線の出来 る様子を説明したのも,より分かりやすかったかも知れない.地震波形は8年前から3年間お世話になった,タイの科学教育のトップ校,KVISに最初に置か せてもらっている地震計によるものです.海外の地震波形が多数記録されたのですが,その中で選りすぐりの波形を様々な震央距離で集めて,走時曲線を作りま す.

The work was the same as that of the high school affiliated at Phayao University, but the students were able to spend more time on it, so they made it very beautifully. The simulation of the seismic waveforms was also used to explain how the travel-time curves were formed. The seismic waveforms(seismograms) were obtained from the first seismograph installed at KVIS, a top science education school in Thailand, where I have been working for three years since eight years ago. A large number of seismograms from overseas were recorded, and selected seismograms were collected at various epicentral distances to make a travel-time curve.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Two new physics teachers took me to an Issan(the region name of north-east Thailand) restaurant for dinner. Although I was not good at the spicy food unique to this region, I was able to enjoy the regional cuisine of northeastern Thailand.

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The night market on the street by the city hall, where I was taken to buy fruits after dinner. I always think it is a very good and unique street culture of Thailand.


All the stores are very inexpensive and full of food to fill the stomachs of Thai people who are crazy about food at a reasonable price. I am very thankful that I can buy things at a really low price in Thailand, which I have a hard time doing overseas due to the lower yen.

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There are relatively few dogs in this town, and this dog happened to be lying on the road. This dog was a domesticated dog and very gentle. I had already bought a rabies shot when I first came to Thailand 8 years ago.


So I finally got my second mango and first papaya on this trip. Needless to say, both were very tasty and satisfying. The mangos were total 60 baht and the papaya was as you can see.

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On the last day, I was joined by another physics teacher, Mr. M, at a restaurant in the suburbs. Here, however, I discovered that the stone material, which was apparently used as building material, was local sandstone.


I take a photo to prove it. This is the transitional area from conglomerate to sandstone, which looks like Izumi sandstone in Japan. This is not marine strata, but river sediments, and many dinosaur fossils have been excavated here and there. This is called the Khorat Group in geology.

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Dinner with physics teachers. The fact that there are many young teachers is a characteristic of this school. It was quite cold in the morning and evening, so I was wearing a sweater inside.


The outside of the restaurant is decorated with beautiful lights. I feel like the nights in the countryside of Thailand are getting more and more fancy.

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Today we say goodbye to the beautiful campus of this high school where we have been for almost a week. Tomorrow we have a long drive to the northern city of Loei. On the way, we will stop at the famous Phu Wiang National Park in Khon Kaen, which we are looking forward to seeing.

追加の写真はムクダハンのメコン川河畔.対岸はラオスです.川のな かほどに中洲があります.以前にノービザの滞在期限が1ヶ月だったころに,この川を渡ってラオスに渡り,ビザ期限のクリアをしたことがあります(ビザラン と言うらしい).現在はノービザ滞在が2ヶ月に延長されたので,それもよい思い出です.

The additional photo shows the banks of the Mekong River at Mukdahan. Laos is on the other side of the river. There is a sandbar in the middle of the river. I once crossed the river to Laos to clear my visa when I had a one-month visa (called “visa run”). Now, the visa-free stay has been extended to two months, so I have good memories of this experience.

今 日は移動日なので,スキップしようと思っていたのですが,7時間弱の移動の行程の,途中で立ち寄ったコンケン県のプービアエン恐竜公園で素晴らしい体験を したので,少し報告します.朝6時半にムクダハンのホテルを出発.東西回廊として作られた道路をひたすら西進.コラート高原のど真ん中,カラシンを過ぎて 今度は北上して,今日の目的地ルーイを目指します.途中対向車がパンクしたのか,大きくスリップして中央分離帯を越えて,こちらの車線に大きくはみ出して きたのを,ドライバーが急ブレーキと左ハンドルで,間一髪何とかかわせました.日本でもタイでもこんな事故に遭遇するのは初めてです.まあ車や我々に何の ダメージもなくて本当に良かった.なんせこちらのスクールバンは,後部座席にシートベルトがない仕様なので,ある意味命がけです.まあそんなこともありま したが,途中の県境に近い,プービエン恐竜公園で,たまたま恐竜の発掘風景に出くわしました.紹介します.

I thought I would skip this day since it was a travel day, but I am happy to report that I had a wonderful experience at the Phu Wiang Dinosaur Park in Khon Kaen Province, which we stopped at on our way to the next city. We left our hotel in Mukdahan at 6:30 in the morning. We headed westward along a road that was built as an east-west corridor in Thailand. We passed Kalasin in the middle of the Khorat Plateau, and then headed north to Loei, our destination for the day. On the way, an oncoming car had a flat tire, or perhaps a big slip, and crossed the median strip and swerved into our lane. This is the first time I have encountered such a trafic accident in Japan or Thailand. I am very glad that there was no damage to the car or us. In a sense, we were risking our lives because our school van does not have seat belts in the back seat. Despite all that, we happened to come across a dinosaur excavation at the Phu Wiang Dinosaur Park near the border between the two prefectures on the way to Thailand. Here are some of the scenes.

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The road from Mukdahan to Kalasin in the early morning. It was foggy due to the cold weather. I took this picture because I thought it was quite rare to see fog on tropical trees at this time of the year. However, when I asked C Sensei a local regident, he told me that it happens all the time.


After a four-hour drive, we finally arrived at Phu Wiang National Park. I was told that I had to pay an entrance fee at the entrance, but C.Sensei and his wife, who are already over 60 years old, were admitted free of charge. I could not ask N sensei what happened to me because I am a foreigner.

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松 だったかの種の形に似ている山ですが,火山性ではなく,純粋の堆積岩の地層です.ただ真ん中がくぼんで,周囲に風化や侵食強度の高い砂岩の部分が付きだし て,このような山の方になるようです.私は2年前に飛行機でルーイを訪れたときに,空からこの特徴的な地形を見ることができました.この公園はちょうど二 等辺三角形の底辺の真ん中あたりにあります.

The mountain resembles the shape of a pine tree seed or some other species, it is not volcanic origin, but pure sedimentary rock strata, with a hollow in the middle, surrounded by highly weathered and eroded sandstone, giving the mountain this appearance. I had the opportunity to see this unique formation from the sky when I flew to Loei two years ago. This park is right in the middle of the base of an isosceles triangle.


We parked our car and walked to the trail. The sun is shining and it's getting a little hotter.

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最 初の見学地点は,ごらんのように砂岩層の表面に直径10cmほどの穴が2個開いています.最初金属の柱でも立ていたのかと話したのですが,何とこれが 1970年代に米国地質調査所が,ウランの可能性があると試掘した跡だそうです.驚きました.ウラン自体はあまりたいしたことがなかったようなのですが, 何とその試掘に伴って,すぐこの近所で恐竜の骨が見つかりました.それをフランスに送って鑑定したところ.タイで最初の恐竜の化石だと判定されたそうで す.その現場を次に訪ねます.

As you can see, the first site we visited had two holes of about 10 cm in diameter on the surface of the sandstone layer. At first, I thought they were metal pillars supports, but to my surprise, I was told that these holes were the remains of exploratory drilling by the U.S. Geological Survey in the 1970s for possible uranium. The uranium itself was not so important, but they found dinosaur bones in the neighborhood. The bones were sent to France and were determined to be the first dinosaur fossils in Thailand. We will visit the site next.


That is the gouged out area on the right side of this site. There is a building right next to the site. I heard something banging, so I went inside.

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何 と博物館の若い人が,今まさに恐竜の骨を発掘中でした.これには驚きました.彼はとても親切な人で途中で作業を止めて,我々を中に誘って,説明をしてくれ ました.40年前に右にある骨が少しだけ出ていたのを発掘せずに保存していたそうです.ところが昨年,その左の現在発掘中の場所に,素晴らしい骨がたくさ んでてきたので,急遽それを発掘しているところだそうです.このあと中に入れてくれました.

To my surprise, a young man at the museum was excavating dinosaur bones right now. This was amazing. He was so kind that he stopped his excavation, invited us in, and explained to us that 40 years ago, someone had found a few bones on the right side of this ground, but had preserved them instead of excavating them. Last year, he found a lot of wonderful bones on the left side, where he is currently excavating. He let us in this site.

作 業を止めて説明をしてくれています.残念ながらタイ語なので,C先生から英語にしてもらって概要を判断しました.それにしても発掘直後でとても新鮮な骨が 多数露出していて,私も結構タイで発掘現場を見せてもらったことがあるのですが,こんな新鮮なものを,こんな近くで見せてもらったのは,生まれて初めて で,とても感動しました.

He stopped his work and explained to us. Unfortunately, it was in Thai, so I asked C sensei to translate it into English so that I could get an overview. I have been to many excavation sites in Thailand before, but this was the first time in my life that I was shown such fresh bones so close to the excavation site, and I was very impressed.

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現 在わかっている部分だそうです.彼が現在掘っていたのは,この図の左の首の骨の部分だそうです.これからさらに下に掘り進めて,脚が出てくるのを期待して いるそうです.骨はきれいに並んでいるのではなくて,色んな部所が密集しているようです.知られていた種類よりかなり大きいそうで,現在バンコクのPhD 学生と教授が,研究しているそうです.

This is the part that is currently known. He is currently digging at the neck bone on the left side of the figure. He is hoping to dig further down to reveal the legs. The bones are not neatly arranged, but are densely packed in various parts. A PhD student and a professor in Bangkok are currently working on it.


I'm taking a video of the explanation that goes on and on. It would be very interesting if I could understand Thai, but I can't help it. I'll wait for the AI translation technology to catch up.

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地 層の断面に興味があったので,撮ってみました.砂岩ですがシルト岩に近いかなり細粒のものでした.それ以上のあまり細かい構造は写真をごらんになって判断 をお願いします.ラミナのように見えるのは,採掘のあとだったような.現地では気づかなかったと思います.あまり感動したもので,地層の走向傾斜を測るの を,すっかり忘れてしまいました.左方向にゆるやかに傾斜しています.外の地層も同様です.この傾向は公園の入り口からずっと同じ傾向でした.さらにおそ らく昔見つかったという化石と今回の発掘の場所は,おそらく同じ層準だと思われます.

I was interested in the cross-section of the stratum, so I took some pictures. It is sandstone, but it is very fine-grained, almost like siltstone. Please refer to the photos for more detailed structure. The lamina looks like it was mined out. I don't think I noticed it at the site. I was so impressed that I forgot to measure the strike and dip of the strata. The strata are gently tilted to the left. This trend has been the same since the entrance to the park. Perhaps the fossils found in the past and the site of this excavation are of the same stratigraphic level.

さ て,この公園近くで,次の訪問地のPCSHSLoeiの先生方が私を受け取りに,スクールバンで来てくれました.両校の先生方と運転手の方で,昼食を取り ました.このあたりの名物のチキンのグリルしたものです.片道7時間の道を,ムクダハン側は往復8時間,ルーイ側は6時間かけて,私を荷物ごと受け渡して くれるという,とてもありがたい,連絡方法です.しかも恐竜発掘現場の見学のおまけつきとなりました.両校の先生方に本当に感謝です.

Near the park, the teachers from PCSHS Loei, my next stop, came to pick me up in a school van. The teachers and drivers from both schools had lunch together. It took 8 hours for the Mukdahan side and 6 hours for the Looi side to receive me and my baggage from the Mukdahan side. And I got to visit the dinosaur excavation site as a bonus. I am very grateful to the teachers of both schools.

私の滞在にあたり,PCSHSMukudahan校,前校長のChatree先生,私の訪問担当の物理のNiwat先生,研修の通訳をお願いした英語の Sakkrin先生ほか,多数の先生方にお世話になりました.また滞在費用はすべて,高校の方からサポートしていただきました.以上感謝の上,ご報告しま す.

I would like to thank PCSHS Mukudahan school, former principal Mr. Chatree, my visiting physics teacher Mr. Niwat, English teacher Mr. Sakkarin, and many other teachers who helped me during my stay. All the expenses for my stay in Japan were supported by the high school. I would like to express my gratitude to all of them.

2025 Jan.-Feb. Thailand Science Highschool Photo Diary part_2 2025年タイ滞在記 その2.  2025-02-23 Y.Okamoto


 (I quoted the diary on FaceBook and added a photo to it...) (The English text is posted with some revisions after DeepL traslation)

Princes Chulabhorn Science High school(PCSHS) Mukdahan(プリンセス・チュラボーン・科学高校ムクダハン校)


今 日はタイ東北部の,ラオスとの国境近くにある,ムクダハンという町に来ています.ここのPCSHSMukdahanという科学高校には,2019年に私の 自作の地震計を置かせてもらっていました.その後何度か訪れて,そのたびに細かい修正を機材に加えていたのですが,今日やっと最終的に GoogleDriveに,自動でデータがアップロードできるようにしたところです.今日は夕食後に,地元のイベントをぶらっと見て来て,さあこれから ビールでも飲んで寝ようかと思ったところに,日向灘の地震のニュースが飛び込んできました.思わず昨年元旦の,能登の地震を思い出しました.あのときもタ イにいました.それで当然GoogleDriveに,ホテルの自分のPCからアクセスしてデータが取れましたので,写真を載せます.日本では結構な騒ぎに なっているのではと推測します.あと地元のフェスティバルの様子も少し紹介します.

Today I am in Mukdahan, a town in northeastern Thailand, near the border with Laos. I was allowed to place my own seismograph at PCSHSMukdahan, a science high school here, in 2019. I've visited several times since then, making minor modifications to the equipment each time, and today I'm finally getting the data uploaded to GoogleDrive automatically. After dinner, I went to a local event and was about to have a beer and go to bed when the news of the Hyuga-nada earthquake came in. It reminded me of the Noto earthquake on just New Year's Day last year. I was in Thailand at the time of today's earthquake, and of course I was able to access Google Drive from my PC at the hotel, so I am posting some photos here. I guess there must have been quite a commotion in Japan. I'll also introduce some of the photos of the local festivals in Mukdahan.

I have also added the seismograph record of the high school affiliated at Phayao University, which I visited last week, as I obtained it online. For some reason, there is no signal for horizontal motion here. I am asking them to check it now.

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こ の街はメコン河の中流の広い河床の平野にあるため,地盤が柔らかく,揺れやすくノイズが多い印象があります.それでこのM7クラスの日本の地震の揺れが, 結構な振幅で入ってきました.私はすでに夕食で出ていましたが,この地震計の部屋にはまだ生徒と,実習担当の先生がいて,生徒が何が起こったのかと不思議 がっていたそうです.水色は上下動で振幅が小さいのですが,最後の方でかなり短周期の揺れが見えるのは,その生徒たちが床を振動させたものと思わます.生 徒もはるか日本から到着した揺れを,地震計の上ですが,まさにリアルタイムで経験したことになります.ちなみに黄色が南北動,紫が東西動です.

This city is located on a broad riverbed plain in the middle reaches of the Mekong River, so the ground is soft and shakes easily, giving the impression of being noisy. So the shaking of this M7-class earthquake in Japan came in with considerable amplitude. I had already left for dinner, but there were still students and a teacher in the room with the seismograph, and the students were wondering what had happened. The light blue color shows up and down movements with small amplitude, but the very short period of shaking at the end of the day seems to be caused by the students vibrating the floor. The students also experienced the tremors arriving from far away Japan in real time on the seismograph. Yellow is the north-south motion and purple is the east-west motion.


Seismographs that have been cleaned up and repositioned. The PC has been replaced by a very good one, and it seems to be working very well. I am in the process of transferring the data of the past three years to a USB memory.

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こ の機材はまだ,地震計製作の黎明期というか,一番油の乗ったときで,総金属製です.真鍮とアルミ板材の加工で,結構苦労したものですが,おかげで3Dプリ ンタ機材にはない,強靭な機械的特性と安定性があります.私には思い出深い機材です.今回,床にきちんと方位を書いて,水平動を置きなおしました.その直 後にくだんの日向灘の地震を記録したことになります.

This equipment was made entirely of metal at the dawn of seismometer production, or at the time when the industry was at its peak. The machining of the brass and aluminum plates was quite laborious, but thanks to this, it has strong mechanical properties and stability that are not found in the modern 3D printed plastic equipment. I have fond memories of this machine. This time, I drew a proper orientation on the floor and repositioned the horizontal motion. The Hyuga-nada earthquake was recorded immediately after that.


In addition, I am checking the goods that were placed in this school for the teacher training and student practice that will start tomorrow. I reconfirmed that I had quite a lot of teaching materials. Most of them I brought in 2019, when I worked at this school for one month.

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さ て,物理のN先生に連れて行ったもらった夕食のあと,地元のフェスティバルを見ました.これは赤十字が主催する祭りで,地元の文化紹介のほか,たくさんの 屋台がところ狭しと出ています.一応20バーツの入場料をN先生が出してくれていました.わずか32000人の街の人々の大半が,いるのではないかと思え るほどの混雑でした.これは地元の踊りだそうです.

After dinner, N Sensei of physics took me to a local festival. This festival is organized by the Red Cross, and there are many food stalls in addition to the introduction of local culture. N Sensei paid the admission fee of 20 baht. It was so crowded that I thought most of the people in the city of only 32,000 might be there. This is a video of local dance performance.


Decorating with lights is the latest fad. The music of the local dance could be heard everywhere. At that time, I had no idea that there was an earthquake in Japan.

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Here is the seismograph record of Phayao University, which was maintained last week and is now available online. Unfortunately, there seems to be no signal for horizontal motion. Vertical movement (light blue) is well recorded. The cause is under investigation.


This is a gift from this school. A sample bag with the school's name on it (the original purpose may be different) and a ballpoint pen. Thank you very much for their kindness.

1 週間お世話になった,PCSHS Mukdahan校とも最後の夜になりましたので,少し総括の写真を載せます.仕事としては,地震計のメンテナンス,教員,生徒への研修と授業が主なもの です.すでに4回ほどきているのですが,そのたびに担当の物理のN先生にはお世話になるばかりで申し訳ない思いです.少し写真をまた載せます.明日朝のと ても早い出発に備えて,早めに眠るので,キャプションは明日以降にさせてもらいます.お休みなさい.

It was our last night at PCSHS Mukdahan, where we have been staying for a week, so I am posting a few summary photos. The main tasks are maintenance of the seismographs, training for teachers and students, and teaching. I have been here four times already, and I am very sorry to the physics teacher, Mr. N., who has been in charge of my work each time.  I will put up some more pictures, but I am going to sleep early to prepare for an early departure tomorrow morning, so I will leave captions for tomorrow. Good night.

I added the caption early in the morning on 01/18. I would like to thank Chatree Sensei, the former principal, and Niwat Sensei, the teacher in charge of the school, for all their help and support. I hope we will have such an enjoyable visit again next time!

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この学校に来たときはいつも私の前哨基地となる,STEM LAB.物理の実験助手のP先生の拠点を間借りする.
Whenever I come to this school, I always stay my outpost, the STEM LAB, the base of Mr. P, a physics lab teacher.

The room can be used as a normal classroom, and there is a huge laser cutter, 3D printer, drilling machine, and various tools in the back. In the front right side of the room, there are posters introducing me and my own seismograph system and a 3D seismicity map of south-east asia.

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こ ちらは先行して開催された,地元の高校の理科教員を対象として,研修講座.私の科学教育のポリシーや,どのように生徒の科学プロジェクトを指導するかとい う,テーマについて,私の経験に基づいた話をさせていただいた.午前午後の長い時間にも関わらず,先生方は大変熱心に話を聞いていただいた.話だけだと退 屈なので,STEMLABに場所を移して,地震計の原理や仕組みを見ていただいた後,私がいつも小学生の自由研究のときに行う,スパゲティを折る実験を一 緒に楽しんでいただき,ヒストグラムの取り扱い方を紹介した.

This is a training course for science teachers at local high schools, which was held earlier for students. I talked about my science education policy and how to guide students' science projects based on my experience. The teachers listened to me very attentively for a long time in the morning and afternoon. After that, I showed them how to fold spaghetti, an experiment I usually do with elementary school students for their science projects, and introduced how to make a histogram as a basic scientific method.
こ ちらは翌日の生徒対象の地震波形を中心にした授業.午前中は地震計の原理や仕組みを中心に説明.午後は地震波形の解析を行った.Phayao大学で行った 波形作業のほか,Moho面の発見をテーマに,走時曲線の折れ曲がりから,地殻,マントルの地震波速度を求めて,地殻の厚さを測定する実習に熱心に取り組 んだ.タイは地震国ではないの,いかに地震波形が地球内部の構造解明に役立つかを中心に実感してもらうように心がけた.M4(高校1年生)なので,少し難 しいかと思ったが,よくくらいついて来てくれた.

This class focused on seismic waveforms and travel-times for the next day's students. In the morning, the students were introduced to the principles and mechanisms of seismographs. In the afternoon, the students analyzed seismic waveforms, and in addition to the travel-time analysis done at the University of Phayao, they also practiced with enthusiasm the discovery of the Moho boundary and the measurement of crustal thickness by determining the velocity of seismic waves both in the crust and mantle from the bending of the travel time curves. I thought it would be a little difficult for M4 (first-year senior high school students), but they were very enthusiastic about it.

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Phayao 大学の附属高校と同じ作業だけども,より長く時間が取れたので,とてもきれいに作ってくれた.自作の地震波形シミュレーションを併用して,走時曲線の出来 る様子を説明したのも,より分かりやすかったかも知れない.地震波形は8年前から3年間お世話になった,タイの科学教育のトップ校,KVISに最初に置か せてもらっている地震計によるものです.海外の地震波形が多数記録されたのですが,その中で選りすぐりの波形を様々な震央距離で集めて,走時曲線を作りま す.

The work was the same as that of the high school affiliated at Phayao University, but the students were able to spend more time on it, so they made it very beautifully. The simulation of the seismic waveforms was also used to explain how the travel-time curves were formed. The seismic waveforms(seismograms) were obtained from the first seismograph installed at KVIS, a top science education school in Thailand, where I have been working for three years since eight years ago. A large number of seismograms from overseas were recorded, and selected seismograms were collected at various epicentral distances to make a travel-time curve.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Two new physics teachers took me to an Issan(the region name of north-east Thailand) restaurant for dinner. Although I was not good at the spicy food unique to this region, I was able to enjoy the regional cuisine of northeastern Thailand.

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The night market on the street by the city hall, where I was taken to buy fruits after dinner. I always think it is a very good and unique street culture of Thailand.


All the stores are very inexpensive and full of food to fill the stomachs of Thai people who are crazy about food at a reasonable price. I am very thankful that I can buy things at a really low price in Thailand, which I have a hard time doing overseas due to the lower yen.

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There are relatively few dogs in this town, and this dog happened to be lying on the road. This dog was a domesticated dog and very gentle. I had already bought a rabies shot when I first came to Thailand 8 years ago.


So I finally got my second mango and first papaya on this trip. Needless to say, both were very tasty and satisfying. The mangos were total 60 baht and the papaya was as you can see.

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On the last day, I was joined by another physics teacher, Mr. M, at a restaurant in the suburbs. Here, however, I discovered that the stone material, which was apparently used as building material, was local sandstone.


I take a photo to prove it. This is the transitional area from conglomerate to sandstone, which looks like Izumi sandstone in Japan. This is not marine strata, but river sediments, and many dinosaur fossils have been excavated here and there. This is called the Khorat Group in geology.

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Dinner with physics teachers. The fact that there are many young teachers is a characteristic of this school. It was quite cold in the morning and evening, so I was wearing a sweater inside.


The outside of the restaurant is decorated with beautiful lights. I feel like the nights in the countryside of Thailand are getting more and more fancy.

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Today we say goodbye to the beautiful campus of this high school where we have been for almost a week. Tomorrow we have a long drive to the northern city of Loei. On the way, we will stop at the famous Phu Wiang National Park in Khon Kaen, which we are looking forward to seeing.

追加の写真はムクダハンのメコン川河畔.対岸はラオスです.川のな かほどに中洲があります.以前にノービザの滞在期限が1ヶ月だったころに,この川を渡ってラオスに渡り,ビザ期限のクリアをしたことがあります(ビザラン と言うらしい).現在はノービザ滞在が2ヶ月に延長されたので,それもよい思い出です.

The additional photo shows the banks of the Mekong River at Mukdahan. Laos is on the other side of the river. There is a sandbar in the middle of the river. I once crossed the river to Laos to clear my visa when I had a one-month visa (called “visa run”). Now, the visa-free stay has been extended to two months, so I have good memories of this experience.

今 日は移動日なので,スキップしようと思っていたのですが,7時間弱の移動の行程の,途中で立ち寄ったコンケン県のプービアエン恐竜公園で素晴らしい体験を したので,少し報告します.朝6時半にムクダハンのホテルを出発.東西回廊として作られた道路をひたすら西進.コラート高原のど真ん中,カラシンを過ぎて 今度は北上して,今日の目的地ルーイを目指します.途中対向車がパンクしたのか,大きくスリップして中央分離帯を越えて,こちらの車線に大きくはみ出して きたのを,ドライバーが急ブレーキと左ハンドルで,間一髪何とかかわせました.日本でもタイでもこんな事故に遭遇するのは初めてです.まあ車や我々に何の ダメージもなくて本当に良かった.なんせこちらのスクールバンは,後部座席にシートベルトがない仕様なので,ある意味命がけです.まあそんなこともありま したが,途中の県境に近い,プービエン恐竜公園で,たまたま恐竜の発掘風景に出くわしました.紹介します.

I thought I would skip this day since it was a travel day, but I am happy to report that I had a wonderful experience at the Phu Wiang Dinosaur Park in Khon Kaen Province, which we stopped at on our way to the next city. We left our hotel in Mukdahan at 6:30 in the morning. We headed westward along a road that was built as an east-west corridor in Thailand. We passed Kalasin in the middle of the Khorat Plateau, and then headed north to Loei, our destination for the day. On the way, an oncoming car had a flat tire, or perhaps a big slip, and crossed the median strip and swerved into our lane. This is the first time I have encountered such a trafic accident in Japan or Thailand. I am very glad that there was no damage to the car or us. In a sense, we were risking our lives because our school van does not have seat belts in the back seat. Despite all that, we happened to come across a dinosaur excavation at the Phu Wiang Dinosaur Park near the border between the two prefectures on the way to Thailand. Here are some of the scenes.

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The road from Mukdahan to Kalasin in the early morning. It was foggy due to the cold weather. I took this picture because I thought it was quite rare to see fog on tropical trees at this time of the year. However, when I asked C Sensei a local regident, he told me that it happens all the time.


After a four-hour drive, we finally arrived at Phu Wiang National Park. I was told that I had to pay an entrance fee at the entrance, but C.Sensei and his wife, who are already over 60 years old, were admitted free of charge. I could not ask N sensei what happened to me because I am a foreigner.

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松 だったかの種の形に似ている山ですが,火山性ではなく,純粋の堆積岩の地層です.ただ真ん中がくぼんで,周囲に風化や侵食強度の高い砂岩の部分が付きだし て,このような山の方になるようです.私は2年前に飛行機でルーイを訪れたときに,空からこの特徴的な地形を見ることができました.この公園はちょうど二 等辺三角形の底辺の真ん中あたりにあります.

The mountain resembles the shape of a pine tree seed or some other species, it is not volcanic origin, but pure sedimentary rock strata, with a hollow in the middle, surrounded by highly weathered and eroded sandstone, giving the mountain this appearance. I had the opportunity to see this unique formation from the sky when I flew to Loei two years ago. This park is right in the middle of the base of an isosceles triangle.


We parked our car and walked to the trail. The sun is shining and it's getting a little hotter.

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最 初の見学地点は,ごらんのように砂岩層の表面に直径10cmほどの穴が2個開いています.最初金属の柱でも立ていたのかと話したのですが,何とこれが 1970年代に米国地質調査所が,ウランの可能性があると試掘した跡だそうです.驚きました.ウラン自体はあまりたいしたことがなかったようなのですが, 何とその試掘に伴って,すぐこの近所で恐竜の骨が見つかりました.それをフランスに送って鑑定したところ.タイで最初の恐竜の化石だと判定されたそうで す.その現場を次に訪ねます.

As you can see, the first site we visited had two holes of about 10 cm in diameter on the surface of the sandstone layer. At first, I thought they were metal pillars supports, but to my surprise, I was told that these holes were the remains of exploratory drilling by the U.S. Geological Survey in the 1970s for possible uranium. The uranium itself was not so important, but they found dinosaur bones in the neighborhood. The bones were sent to France and were determined to be the first dinosaur fossils in Thailand. We will visit the site next.


That is the gouged out area on the right side of this site. There is a building right next to the site. I heard something banging, so I went inside.

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何 と博物館の若い人が,今まさに恐竜の骨を発掘中でした.これには驚きました.彼はとても親切な人で途中で作業を止めて,我々を中に誘って,説明をしてくれ ました.40年前に右にある骨が少しだけ出ていたのを発掘せずに保存していたそうです.ところが昨年,その左の現在発掘中の場所に,素晴らしい骨がたくさ んでてきたので,急遽それを発掘しているところだそうです.このあと中に入れてくれました.

To my surprise, a young man at the museum was excavating dinosaur bones right now. This was amazing. He was so kind that he stopped his excavation, invited us in, and explained to us that 40 years ago, someone had found a few bones on the right side of this ground, but had preserved them instead of excavating them. Last year, he found a lot of wonderful bones on the left side, where he is currently excavating. He let us in this site.

作 業を止めて説明をしてくれています.残念ながらタイ語なので,C先生から英語にしてもらって概要を判断しました.それにしても発掘直後でとても新鮮な骨が 多数露出していて,私も結構タイで発掘現場を見せてもらったことがあるのですが,こんな新鮮なものを,こんな近くで見せてもらったのは,生まれて初めて で,とても感動しました.

He stopped his work and explained to us. Unfortunately, it was in Thai, so I asked C sensei to translate it into English so that I could get an overview. I have been to many excavation sites in Thailand before, but this was the first time in my life that I was shown such fresh bones so close to the excavation site, and I was very impressed.

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現 在わかっている部分だそうです.彼が現在掘っていたのは,この図の左の首の骨の部分だそうです.これからさらに下に掘り進めて,脚が出てくるのを期待して いるそうです.骨はきれいに並んでいるのではなくて,色んな部所が密集しているようです.知られていた種類よりかなり大きいそうで,現在バンコクのPhD 学生と教授が,研究しているそうです.

This is the part that is currently known. He is currently digging at the neck bone on the left side of the figure. He is hoping to dig further down to reveal the legs. The bones are not neatly arranged, but are densely packed in various parts. A PhD student and a professor in Bangkok are currently working on it.


I'm taking a video of the explanation that goes on and on. It would be very interesting if I could understand Thai, but I can't help it. I'll wait for the AI translation technology to catch up.

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地 層の断面に興味があったので,撮ってみました.砂岩ですがシルト岩に近いかなり細粒のものでした.それ以上のあまり細かい構造は写真をごらんになって判断 をお願いします.ラミナのように見えるのは,採掘のあとだったような.現地では気づかなかったと思います.あまり感動したもので,地層の走向傾斜を測るの を,すっかり忘れてしまいました.左方向にゆるやかに傾斜しています.外の地層も同様です.この傾向は公園の入り口からずっと同じ傾向でした.さらにおそ らく昔見つかったという化石と今回の発掘の場所は,おそらく同じ層準だと思われます.

I was interested in the cross-section of the stratum, so I took some pictures. It is sandstone, but it is very fine-grained, almost like siltstone. Please refer to the photos for more detailed structure. The lamina looks like it was mined out. I don't think I noticed it at the site. I was so impressed that I forgot to measure the strike and dip of the strata. The strata are gently tilted to the left. This trend has been the same since the entrance to the park. Perhaps the fossils found in the past and the site of this excavation are of the same stratigraphic level.

さ て,この公園近くで,次の訪問地のPCSHSLoeiの先生方が私を受け取りに,スクールバンで来てくれました.両校の先生方と運転手の方で,昼食を取り ました.このあたりの名物のチキンのグリルしたものです.片道7時間の道を,ムクダハン側は往復8時間,ルーイ側は6時間かけて,私を荷物ごと受け渡して くれるという,とてもありがたい,連絡方法です.しかも恐竜発掘現場の見学のおまけつきとなりました.両校の先生方に本当に感謝です.

Near the park, the teachers from PCSHS Loei, my next stop, came to pick me up in a school van. The teachers and drivers from both schools had lunch together. It took 8 hours for the Mukdahan side and 6 hours for the Looi side to receive me and my baggage from the Mukdahan side. And I got to visit the dinosaur excavation site as a bonus. I am very grateful to the teachers of both schools.

私の滞在にあたり,PCSHSMukudahan校,前校長のChatree先生,私の訪問担当の物理のNiwat先生,研修の通訳をお願いした英語の Sakkrin先生ほか,多数の先生方にお世話になりました.また滞在費用はすべて,高校の方からサポートしていただきました.以上感謝の上,ご報告しま す.

I would like to thank PCSHS Mukudahan school, former principal Mr. Chatree, my visiting physics teacher Mr. Niwat, English teacher Mr. Sakkarin, and many other teachers who helped me during my stay. All the expenses for my stay in Japan were supported by the high school. I would like to express my gratitude to all of them.

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