2025 Jan.-Feb. Thailand Science Highschool Photo Diary part_1 2025年タイ滞在記 その1.  2025-02-22 Y.Okamoto

Phayao University Demonstration School


 (I quoted the diary on FaceBook and added a photo to it...) (The English text is posted with some revisions after DeepL traslation)

Preliminary Report (No link for enlarged images etc)

一 年ぶりにまたタイに来ています(今朝の大失敗の顛末を追記でご笑覧ください!).今回は寄贈した地震計の,修理とアップデートにかこつけた,いわば押しか け訪問です.これから1ヶ月あまりで6カ所大学と高校を回る予定です.いずれも昨年まで訪れた場所ばかりで,新味はあまりないのですが,お付き合いくださ い.各校での宿泊と移動費用は,学校で出していただけるようなのですが,往復の渡航費は自腹なので,できるだけ安い航空券ということで,旅 YouTuberでは何かと話題の,中国東方航空というのに乗ってみました.あと今朝,国内移動にGrabを利用しようとして,嵌りました.これ以前にト ラブルで廃止したRのカードに紐付けられていて,これを新しいカードの支払い登録するのに嵌りました.要するに現在,新規で作成したSというカードはこの 種の利用登録の認証が,国内の携帯にSMSで送られてくる仕様です.ところが私はすでに,タイのSIMカードに昨夜入れ換えたので,これを受け取れませ ん.これ何とか地獄で,多くのサイトで旅行前に設定しろと,しつこく書かれているのを見ていませんでした.もうあきらめようかと思ったのですが,そうそう 常用のJのcardはどうかと見たら,こちらはメール認証で済みました.いつもながらJカードには足を向けて寝れません.それでは写真をどうぞ.
追 記.朝から大ポカをやらかしています Grabの行先設定でドンムアン空港を指定するところを どう間違ったのかスワナブームに来てしまいました 今シャ トルバスに飛び乗ってDMKに 向かっているところです まあ間に合うとは思うのですが(汗) 詳細はまたあとで.→これですが,結果として飛行機には十分間に合いました.しかし冷や汗どころか,一時は茫然としました.

I'm in Thailand again after a year's absence (see the postscript for a recap of this morning's fiasco!) ) This time, I am visiting Thailand to repair and update my donated seismographs for Thailand Science Highschools. I plan to visit six universities and high schools over the next month or so. All of them are places we have visited until last year, so there is not much new here, but we hope you will enjoy with my pages. The schools will support for my accommodation and transportation, but I will have to pay for my round-trip airfare, so I decided to use cheap China Eastern Airlines, which is a hot topic among travel YouTubers. Also, this morning, I tried to use Grab for domestic transportation, but I got stuck. It was tied to my "R" card, which was discontinued due to a previous problem, and I was stuck in registering it as a payment for a new card. In short, the S card, which is now newly created, is designed to send this kind of authentication to my domestic cell phone via SMS. Because, I have already switched to a Thai SIM card last night, so I cannot receive it. This is hell somehow, and I didn't see many websites insisting that I should set it up before my trip. I was about to give up, but then I looked at my regular J-card, which only requires email verification. As usual, I fully respect my J-card. Here are some photos.
Postscript. I've made a big mistake this morning, when I set the destination window in Grab to Suvarnabhumi instead of Don Mueang airport, and now I'm taking a shuttle bus to DMK. →I'm sure I'll make it, but I'll get back to you with the details........ But instead of breaking out in a cold sweat, I was stunned for a while.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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This is a view over the Nojima fault, the origine of the 1995 Kobe earthquake, which will soon mark the 30th anniversary of the disaster. The fault cliffs running north-south along the coast can be clearly seen.

始 発電車で家を出て,早朝便に乗り込みました.あまり早かったのでチェックイン待ちの4番目でした.中国系はチェックインが混むという話で.3時間前までに 到着しました.この飛行機エアバスA330という結構大型の機体で.2+4+2の並びなのですが,真ん中あたりまではそれないに乗客がいましたが,後ろ 1/3のコンパートメントには数えると18名しか乗っていません.ガラ空き状態です.しかもこの便だけ席をあらかじめ確保できたので,後ろから2番目の定 位置.足元にも余裕があり,久しぶりの快適な飛行でした.

I left home by train and boarded an early morning flight. I was the fourth person on the check-in queue because I was so early arrived at the KIX airport. I was told that the check-in is very crowded for Chinese passengers, so I arrived 3 hours before the flight. The plane is a large Airbus A330, 2+4+2, and there were quite a few passengers in the middle compartment. There were only 18 passengers in the back 1/3 compartments, which were almost empty. This was the only flight where we were able to reserve seats in advance, so we were in the second position from the back. I have an enough space around my foot. It was a comfortable flight in a long time.

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There is a TV screen behind the seat in front of me, but there are no good movies, so I have no choice but to display a GPS map. The surprising thing about this is that it is indeed the lower limit along the jet stream as we fly west. The wind speed of our against is very high 263km/h!


The wind speed reached 70 m/s. The wind speed at the center of the jet stream would have exceeded 100 m/s.


The plane descended into Shanghai in a little more than two hours. The muddy seawater is indeed catching the water of the mighty Yangtze River. Quite a few wind turbines could be seen. I added a video of before the landing at Shanghai airport to the next frame.


This is the video before arriving at Shanghai airport. You can see how well planned the artificial city is. It is very different from Bangkok! But if you look closely, you can see that there are not so many cars on the road. I wonder if real estate in China is safe?

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There are two large airports in Shanghai, and this is probably my first time to land at Shanghai Pudong International Airport. I was overwhelmed by the huge facility.

さっ そくラウンジで,早朝便のため積んでいなかった.おじさんの昼ビールをいただく.しかしここで大問題に気づく.Lineで明日行く予定の大学の先生から何 か連絡が入っていたので,チェックしようとする,何とLineが使えない!Googleが使えないのは知っていたけどLineまで.これとても困るが仕方 ない.色々調べたら,日本の新聞社のサイトも,のきなみだめ.なぜかYhaooは使える.自分のEOのメールも読める.さすがにデジタル隔離大国だけはあ る.結局はLine連絡はバンコクについてから,再度応答した.

In the lounge, I find out that the flight was not loaded bear due to an early morning flight. I get my noon beer this time, but then I notice a big problem. I knew Google wasn't working, but even Line wasn't working... This is very annoying, but I can't help it. I checked around and found that the websites of Japanese newspapers were all out of order. For some reason, I can use Yhaoo. I can even read my EO's email. As one would expect from a country that is digitally isolated. In the end, I responded again to the Line contact after arriving in Bangkok.

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上 海までは快適だったのに,それと打って変わって,バンコクまでの便は.小型の737-8という機体で3+3がほぼ満員状態.これで狭い中,4時間のフライ トを辛抱.関空でのチェックイン時に,通路側席を選んでいてよかった.とりあえずこの便にはビールが乗せられていた.昼食は朝の便のビーフライスとは変え て,ポークヌードルでまずまず及第点.当然完食.快適だった早朝便と合わせて.まあ片道21000円(便変更可能オプションの2000円を含む)なので, 文句は言えない.JALのマイルまで加算された.

The flight to Bangkok was a complete change from the comfortable flight to Shanghai.  It was a small 737-8, and the 3+3 seats were almost fully occupied. I'm glad I chose an aisle seat when I checked in at Kansai International Airport. At any rate, beer was on board this flight. Lunch was pork noodle instead of beef rice on the morning flight. Naturally, it was a complete meal. Combined with the early morning flight, which was very comfortable. I can't complain since it cost me 21,000 yen one way (including the 2000 yen flight change option), and I even earned JAL miles.


Finally, I arrive at my hotel in Bangkok, and it's time for dinner... a new food stall village has opened just below the ARL station, where I pick up a cheap dinner. I celebrate my stay in Thailand with a Chan beer.

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こ こから空港に入って掲示板の航空会社を探せど,国内線がないのに気づいて,案内の女性に尋ねて初めて気づいたというなさけない状態.ただ無料のシャトルバ スがあったのを覚えていて,その乗り場を教えてもらって,ちょうど出発間際のバスに飛び乗れたので,1時間足らずのロスで済んだが,バンコク市内の渋滞に つかまったときは気が気ではなかった.写真はJustGrabで乗せて来てもらったTAXI.400バーツと少しでチップ不要だった.これどう考えても, 対面でTAXIなら間違いなく正しい空港に行けたのに,すべて電子情報で決済されるシステムで,入力で間違うと,あとで修正が効かないということがわかっ た教訓.運転手に一言行先を告げればよかったかも知れない.

I arrived at an airport safely by Grab, never knowing that I was at the wrong airport at that time. It was like arriving at Yao Airport when going to Itami Airport. Not as far as Kansai Airport.

I entered the airport from here and looked for the airline on the bulletin board, but I noticed that there were no domestic flights, and I finaly noticed on a wrong way when I asked the information desk lady,  then I realized it. I remembered that there was a free shuttle bus, and she showed me where to get on it, so I was able to jump on the bus just before it departed. The photo shows a Taxi that JustGrab picked me up for a little more than 400 baht and no tip. The system is based on electronic information, and if I made a mistake in the input, I found that I could not correct the mistake later. I could have told the driver where I was going to.


This is a luxury hotel that was taken care of by the university. The room was a large corner room with a great view, and as before, we had a wonderful stay. In addition, as described in the next page, they provided me with a sumptuous dinner. I would like to express my gratitude to all the professors who took care of us.

Phayao University Demonstration School(パヤオ大学付属高校,ページ1,このページ) Now enlarge images and Movies are available! (2023-10-07)


連 日の投稿で失礼します.タイ北部のPhayao(パヤオ)という街に来ています.宍道湖によく似た淡水湖に面した美しい街です.美味しい夕食で歓迎してい ただいたあと,湖岸を少し散歩しました.昨年もそうだったのですが,ちょうどこの時期.湖岸に沿って新年を祝う,イルミネーションとライトアップが素晴ら しくきれいなので,少し紹介します.

The following is a quote from the FceBook page.
I am here in Phayao, a city in northern Thailand. It is a beautiful city facing a freshwater lake similar to Lake Shinji in Japan. After being welcomed with a delicious dinner, I took a short walk along the lake shore. It is the same time of the year as last year. I would like to introduce some of the beautiful illumination and lighting along the lakeshore to celebrate the New Year.

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明 日から訪問する高校の新任の校長先生をはじめ,昨年もお世話になった先生方に,ディナーで歓迎いただきました.何と生ガキまで出していただきました.生バ ンドが演奏するEaglesのDesperadeとか,日本のすばるのタイバージョンなどを聴きながら,至福の時を過ごさせていただきました.

I was welcomed at dinner by the new principal of the high school I will be visiting tomorrow, as well as by the teachers who took care of me last year. They even served us fresh oysters. We had a blissful time listening to the live band playing "Desperade" by the Eagles and the Thai version of "Subaru".

夕 食をご一緒させていただいたPhayao UniversityのDemonstration School(附属高校)の先生方.私の向かって左が新任の校長先生.右が昨年お世話になった校長先生.ほかに物理や数学の先生も.地元ではとても有名な レストランだそうです.ちなみにPhayao Universityは国立大学です.夕食を取りながら議論させていただいたのは,例によって,最近のAIの進歩とか,IICT教育の光と影,そして地学 教育の日本における絶滅など.2つめの話題には,私の今朝の大失敗の話もネタとして提供しました.みなさん大笑いでした.

Teachers of the Demonstration School of Phayao University with whom I had dinner. On my left is the new principal. On my right is the previous principal who took care of me last year. There are also teachers of physics and mathematics. Phayao University is a national university. At the faous restrant dinner, we discussed, as usual, the recent progress of AI, the light and shadow of IICT education, the extinction of geoscience education in Japan, etc. For the second topic, I told them about my big failure this morning Grab. Everyone had a good laugh.

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After a wonderful dinner, we walked along the lakeshore in a tipsy mood. The lakeside illumination, which was upgraded to about three times the size of last year's illumination, was beautiful.


It is amazing to see LED lighting so densely packed. A group of Thai ladies who seemed to have come here as tourists They were taking pictures of each other, yelling and shouting!

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But in fact, the flowers on display are also amazing. I used to be a big fan of orchids when I was young, and this is a coveted one, Vanda, the most cold-sensitive species, which was very difficult to grow in Japan. This is my favorite orchid.


I am going to see the flowers without the lights on early tomorrow morning.

I have also grown them in my greenhouse, but I had to heat the greenhouse with an oil heater to keep them from withering in the winter. I am very envious of the fact that here it is normal to grow in nature.


This is a video that the teachers told me represented a shooting star. On the other side of the flower bed is a freshwater lake. It is a wonderful place, but not so much announced as a sight seeing spot. it takes about two hours by car from nearby Chiang Rai because there is no airport in the city.

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I went through the tunnel of light. The real thing is even better than the picture.

今 回の教材の目玉の,地震波形で作る走時曲線です.タイで最初に勤めたKVISに8年前に設置した地震計記録と自宅での記録を組み合わせて,世界中の地震の 震央と観測点の距離ごとに地震波形を張り付ける実習です.世界で最初にこのPhayao大学附属高校で実施しました.これで地球内部を通り抜けた地震波の 特徴をつかむことができます.グラフの横軸は震央と観測点の距離を地球の中心角で表したもの.縦軸は地震発生からの時間です.これ地震の選定には結構苦労 しました.この生徒は時間内に,とても丁寧に作業してくれました.

The main feature of this teaching material is a travel-time curve made from seismic waveforms. This is a practical exercise to make a travel-time curve of earthquakes around the world by combining the records of seismographs installed at KVIS, my first job in Thailand, eight years ago, and the records at home, and to put them at each distance between the epicenter and the observation points. The world's first  practice was conducted here at Phayao University High School. This allows us to grasp the characteristics of seismic waves passing through the earth's interior. The horizontal axis of the graph shows the distance between the epicenter and the observation point in terms of the center angle of the earth. The vertical axis is the time since the earthquake happened. It was quite taking a time to select these earthquake. The students worked very carefully and in time.

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It was my first practice with these seismograms, and as you can see, the students were delighted! It was worth all the hard work. Even after the class was over, I was still being asked to take pictures with them, even at my old age. In the foreground is Dr. J., who was very kind to me.


With Dr. J, the mathematics teacher, in the seismograph room. He has studied in UK and Austria and received his Ph.D. He is currently assisting the administration, and he took time out of his busy schedule to help me in various ways. I am very grateful to him.

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昼 食後に大学構内を見学しました.広大な敷地で北海道大学よりも広いのではないかと思わされます.その中に目を引く銅像がありました.タイ・ビルマ戦争で軍 神と恐れられたタイの英雄,アユタヤ朝のナレースワン王です.刀を持っています.学生は何かあるときには,ここでお願いごとをするそうです.

After lunch, we toured the university campus. The campus is so vast that it might be larger than Hokkaido University. It is King Naresuan of the Ayutthaya Dynasty, a hero of Thailand who was feared as a military god during the Thai-Burma War. He is holding a sword. Students are said to ask for favors here whenever they have something to ask for.


On the way to Chiang Rai Airport, we passed by the White Temple, which we visited last year. The owner of this temple is not really related to the temple, but a motorcycle gang, according to J-sensei. Is it true?

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さ てこちらは,とても親切なGrabドライバーに送ってもらった今回の宿です.ドンムアン空港にとても近いのですが,道はU議型でとても距離が長いのです. 最初待っていた空港出口では待てど暮らせど,車がこないので,何度か電話で確認して,やっと,見つけてくれました.車を別の階に置いてあるということで, 私の重いスーツケースを押してエレベータで運んでくれました.Grabのドライバーは親切な人が多いです.それでホテルの玄関で親切にしてもらったの で,20バーツを渡そうと思ったのですが,もらえないというのを,無理やり押しつけて帰ってもらいました.ところがここで大問題.夜のまだ10時にはなっ ていないのに,玄関が開いていません.誰も中にいないようで電話をかけて,10分近く待ってようやく世話する女性が到着.やっと開けてもらってチェックイ ンできました.これは長い旅人生でも初めての経験.

This is the accommodation that I was picked up by a very kind Grab driver. It is very close to Don Mueang Airport, but the road is very long and U-shaped. I waited for a car at the exit of the airport, but no one came, so I called several times and finally they found me. He told me that he had left the car on another floor, so they pushed my heavy suitcase to the elevator and brought it to me. I wanted to give him 20 baht for his kindness at the entrance of the hotel, but he said he would not give it to me, so I pushed him to leave. But here's the big problem. It was not yet 10 o'clock in the evening and the front door was not open. I called the number and after waiting for almost 10 minutes, the woman who takes care of the guests finally arrived.  She opens the door and I am able to check in. This was the first time in my long life as a traveler.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
安 宿のもう一つの問題は,この宿にはエレベータがありません.なのに私の部屋は4階(これ実質5階!)なので,C先生にかってもらったビールを入れた荷物 は,すでに25kg弱に達して,狭い階段を上るのに往生しました.途中なんども休憩しながら,やっと自室にたどり着きました.しかし部屋そのものはやや古 いですが,設備などは悪いないです.冷蔵庫と湯沸かしが部屋にあり,2Fには共用の電子レンジも置いてありました.これで1泊が4000円弱なので,荷物 が重くないときは,また泊まってもよいかと思っています.

Another problem with cheap hotel is that they do not have elevators. My room was on the 4th floor (actually the 5th floor!). So, my luggage, including the beer that Dr. C. had brought for me, already weighed around 25 kg, and I had a hard time going up the narrow stairs. I finally arrived at my room, taking many breaks along the way. The room itself is rather old, but the facilities are not bad. There is a refrigerator and a kettle in the room, and a common microwave oven on the second floor. For less than 4,000 yen per night, I would be happy to stay there again if my luggage is not too heavy.

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So this morning after 7:00 a.m. I took my laundry and looked for a laundromat, and found a brand new one half the distance (550m) from where I looked on the Google map. I was able to do my laundry here for 40 baht for washing and 50 baht for drying.

さ て昼食を買いに再度,今度は流しのバイクタクシーに乗って,HappyAvenueというモールに出かけました.30バーツで高いかなと思ったのですが. 帰りのGrabだとさらに高い34バーツだったので,まあ適当かと.ただしノンヘルで怖かったです.スーパーのTOPSがあったので,そこで待望のマン ゴーをゲット.ついでにコーヒー粉も買って,近くにPizzHutがあったので,ここでいつもの1by1.399バーツですが,何と分厚い方を頼んだつも りが薄いものになっていました.まあ仕方ない.しかし何か箱が少し小さくなっていませんか?

I took a motorcycle cab to a mall called HappyAvenue to buy lunch. 30 Baht seemed expensive, but it was 34 Baht on the way back by Grab, so it was reasonable. There was a TOPS supermarket, so I got a long-awaited mango. I also bought some coffee powder, and got my usual 1by1.399 Baht at PizzHut. I ordered the thicker one, but it turned out to be the thinner one. But isn't the box a little smaller?


Dr. C, who helped me a lot last year, bought a rather expensive Chang beer at Seven on his way home, and it became a daytime beer holiday. Well, the pizza was thin and a little cold.

洗 濯を待つ間に何か凄い音が聞こえると思ったら,軍事空港でもあるドンムアン空港を母港とする戦闘機がときどき飛びます.ホテルに戻ってこれを撮ってやろう と,音のたびにスマホをかまえるのですが,見える空の範囲が狭くなかなかうまくいかない中,ようやく撮った動画です.最後で驚いた鳥が飛び立ちます.ご笑 覧ください.

While I was waiting for the laundry to be washed, I thought I heard a loud noise, but it was the occasional fighter jet flying over Don Mueang Airport, which is also a military airport. I tried to take a picture of it back at the hotel every time I heard the sound, but the area of the sky I could see was too narrow and I couldn't get a good shot. The surprised bird flies away at the end of the video. Please enjoy.

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夕 刻無謀にも,近くのドンムアン空港に歩いて行ってみようと思って,車がひっきりなしの徹歩道のない車道沿いに空港を目指しました.運河?の橋の上できれい な夕焼けが見えたので写真に収めました.日本ではすでに失われた,たくましく生きるタイの人々の日常を見ながら,なぜか印象に残る風景でした.

In the evening, I recklessly decided to walk to the nearby Don Mueang Airport and set off for the airport along a roadway with no sidewalks, where cars were constantly passing by. I saw a beautiful sunset on a canal bridge and took a picture of it. It was a scenery that somehow left an impression on me as I watched the daily lives of the Thai people, who were already lost in Japan.


The airport is fairly empty. It was a good thing that I checked where I was going to board the plane tomorrow, but I lost the way I came and got into trouble. At that time, I had no idea that I was going to be in trouble.

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