2025 Jan.-Feb. Thailand Science Highschool Photo Diary part_7 2025年タイ滞在記 その7  2025-02-26 Y.Okamoto


 (I quoted the diary on FaceBook and added a photo to it...) (The English text is posted with some revisions after DeepL traslation)

Silpakorn University SCiUS school (シルパコーン大学・SCiUS校)

The following is a quote from my FceBook page.

今 バンコクに戻る車の中でこれを書いています こちらシルパコーン大学ではいつもお世話になる 化学のL先生が午前の観光に連れて行ってくれました 大学 キャンパスの中央にある人工池の岩石をチェックしました 石灰岩にフズリナらしい楕円形が見えました 次回の訪問でこれを教材にしたいです.以下はL先生 のFBからシェアさせて頂きます.

I am writing this in the car on my way back to Bangkok, where my chemistry professor, Dr. L., who has always been a great help to me at Silpakorn University, took me for a morning sightseeing tour. I would like to use this as a teaching material on my next visit........ I would like to share the following from Dr. L's FB

初 めての地,未明のマニラの空港にいます.昨年に引き続き今回の滞在でも,国内の訪問経費は各校でサポートしていただいたので,往復の旅費のみ自腹となりま した.最初の日に書いたように,行きは中国東方航空,帰りはフィリピン航空という変則航空券になりました.それでも往復で6万円しなかったのは凄いで す.skyscannerとTrip.comさまさまです.いずれもLCCではなくキャリア便です.ただこの帰国便はトランジットが9時間あまりという長 時間なので,時間を潰すためにラウンジでこれを記します.少しだけフィリピンを覗いてみたいという気持ちがありましたが,一時入国は思いとどまりました. これからラウンジを3つハシゴする予定です.最後の滞在だった,シルパコーン大学のSCiUSクラスの授業と,その後の経緯を少し写真でご紹介します.

I am at the airport in Manila at dawn, my first time in this country. As in last year's trip, each school supported the expenses for the domestic visit, so I had to pay only the round-trip travel expenses. As I mentioned on the first day, I had to fly China Eastern to Bangkok and Philippine Airlines on the return trip to Kansai, which was an anomaly. Even so, the round trip cost less than 60,000 yen, which is amazing, thanks to "skyscanner" and "Trip.com". Both of them are carrier flights, not LCCs. However, the transit time of this return flight is over 9 hours, so I'm writing this in the lounge to kill some time. I wanted to see a little bit of the Philippines, but I decided not to enter the country temporarily. I plan to visit three lounges in the restricted area from now on. Here are some pictures of my last stay at Silpakorn University, the SCiUS class, and a bit of what happened afterwards.

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This is the exit of Bangkok Don Muang Airport from Chiang Mai, waiting for the pick-up car from Silpakorn University. As usual, the airport is crowded with arriving tourists. It seems that Grab Taxi also picks up passengers here these days.


After two-hours drive, I arrived at the university and was immediately taken where we would be staying. The usual building for intensive course teachers was full, so I was taken to a separate building on campus, which looked like a nice hotel room. As always, this university has been very kind to me. This picture was taken on the last day of my stay.

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The next day, I checked my samples and teaching materials at the SCiUS office in the university. There is also my fault experiment sets.


After the inspection of the seismograph, the seismograph case was made by Prof. O of the physics department of the university who is taking care of it. There are noise from the new building being constructed by the science department right next to the seismograph. 

I set it up so that data can be uploaded automatically via wifi.

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地 震計の点検のあと,地震波を使っていかに地球内部構造を解明するかという話を,理学部の物理の学部生と教授連にしました.このゼミは大変有効でした.なぜ なら,ふだん高校生からは出てこないレベルの極めて,重要な基本的な概念の質問が相次いだからです.自分ではこれは当然の分かったことだと,説明なしです ませていた,基本的なデータの扱いに,とても鋭い質問が出ました.さすがに物理専攻の学生さん,教員の方々の見識の高さに感心しました.こういった議論を ときどきするのはとても重要だと思われます.これいつか何かの形でまとめたいと思っています.

After inspecting the seismographs, I gave a talk on how to use seismic waves to understand the structure of the Earth's interior to a group of physics undergraduates and professors from the Faculty of Science. This seminar was very effective because I received a series of questions about very important basic concepts at a level that is not usually raised by high school students. I had thought that this was something I had already understood, and I had just let it go without explanation, but there were some very sharp questions about the handling of basic data. I was impressed by the high level of insight of the students and faculty members of the physics department. I think it is very important to have this kind of discussion from time to time. I would like to summarize this in some form someday.


The donated Horoman peridotite and Higashi-akashiyama eclogite were displayed on the glass shelves in the seminar room. I was impressed that they kept them well.

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Since this was the first time of my trip this year that a fault experiment was conducted at this school, I started with the initial motion distribution of the Kobe earthquake and talked a little about the mechanism of earthquakes. I explained the relationship between earthquakes and faults, focusing on the four-quadrant distribution of initial motion.


So, we connected it to the fault experiment, and the students really enjoyed creating the fault. I forgot that I had donated 10 of these fault exsp. sets to this school. Slide cases are the original way to do fault experiments, but recently I have been using acrylic cases instead.

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And finally, the fault was formed. ------. What's wrong? It doesn't work. Something is not shifting at all! To my dismay, the center of the video is moving out of alignment. This is an unexpected thing that happened.

ご らんのとおり,今回全然うまく行っていません.生徒もきょとんとしています.すかさずお世話になった大学の化学のL先生が,使ったココアに問題があるか も.と指摘してくれました.これいつも使う純ココアではなく,砂糖などが混ざったものだったようです.しかもいつもならケチって,壁際だけに落とすのに, この日は太っ腹で,層をそのまま作らせたのが良くなかったみたいです.また一つ研究テーマができました.当然ながら,生徒にはうまく行ったときの写真も紹 介して,このような失敗の実験からも得るものが多い,などと説明して納得してもらいました.

As you can see, things are not going well at all this time. The students were also puzzled. Immediately, Dr. L, a chemistry assit. professor at the university, pointed out that there might be a problem with the cocoa we used. It was not pure cocoa, but a mixture of sugar and other ingredients. And, although I am usually stingy and drop the cocoa only along the wall, on this day I was generous and let them make the layer as it was, which was a bad idea. Another research theme was created. Naturally, I showed the students pictures of successful experiments and explained to them that there is much to be gained from such unsuccessful experiments.

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ど うも原因はこいつのようです.ナコンパトムの大学からバンコクに送ってもらう車で,出発したあと思い出して,急遽L先生が事務所に取りに戻ってもらって, 車で追いかけて渡していただいたものです.くだんのココア?の本体です.少し重かったのですが,持ち帰って正体をあきらかにしたいと考えています.また研 究テーマが一つ増えました.

It seems that this is the cause of the problem. I was driving from Nakhon Pathom University to Bangkok, and after I left, I remembered it, so I asked Dr. L to go back to the office to pick it up. This is the body of the cocoa? It was a little heavy, but I would like to bring it back home and find out what it is. I have one more research theme.


This is a lunch box I received on a day I had a class. It is from Japanese restaurant “Oishinei”. Thank you very much for always taking care of me.

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い つもながら,今回の大学滞在でも大変お世話になった,大学の化学のL先生.この大学のSCiUSプログラムの責任者です.2016年に私をタイの科学高校 にいざなってくれた,この大学のT先生の教え子にあたります.銅像は大学の創始者.また飾られた花は明日行われる,大学の卒業式の一大イベントのためだそ うです.卒業式を控えた忙しい日に,わざわざ私をナコンパトムの観光に連れて行ってくれました.感謝です.

Dr. L., a chemistry assistant professor at the university, who, as always, was a great help to me during my stay at the university. She is in charge of the SCiUS program at this university, and was a student of Prof. T, the professor who took me to a science high school in Thailand in 2016. The statue is of the founder of the university. The flowers on the wall are for the graduation ceremony which will be held tomorrow. She took me sightseeing in Nakhon Pathom on a busy day before the graduation ceremony. Thank you very much.


Before going sightseeing, I visited the artificial pond on campus. This pond is inhabited by monitor lizards, which I once took a video of while they were slinking around the university campus.


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The author examining the stone materials around the pond. This limestone will be useful for a class for high school students on my next visit.


I found an oval shape in the limestone, which is typical of fusulina, in the pondside rock. The situation and other information about the class are introduced on the FB site of SCiUS here.


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ナ コンパトムを代表する寺院の大塔です.これ実際にはその大きさに圧倒されます.観光ガイドなどでもよく紹介されている場所です.このj日は万仏節という仏 陀の記念日にあたり,タイは休日です.多くの人がこの塔の周りを3周してお祈りを捧げるそうです.日本ではどうですか?と聞かれ,いやそういう日は,あま りないですとしか言いようがなかったのです.

This is a large pagoda of the representative temple of Nakhon Pathom. It is actually overwhelmingly large. It is often introduced in tourist guides. The pagoda is located in the center of the city, and it is a holiday in Thailand on the occasion of the Buddha's anniversary called “Manbutsu Festival”. Many people go around the pagoda three times to pray. She asked me, “How about in Japan? I could only say that such a day is not so common in Japan.


This is the famous odd-headed serpent (called Naka) growing out of the Buddha image.

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毎 日昼食と夕食をご馳走になり,申し訳ないほどでした.この日の昼食は日本レストランで,ごらんのマグロ丼をいただきました.想像どおりの美味しさで感動し ました.ただわさびはなぜか日本のわさびより強烈です.何度も鼻にむせそうになりました.スパイシー好きのタイの好みに合わせて,材料が違うのかな?味は 同じなのですが.

I was treated to lunch and dinner every day. For lunch that day, I had the tuna donburi at a Japanese restaurant. I was impressed by the taste as I had imagined. However, the wasabi was stronger than Japanese wasabi for some reason. I almost swallowed my nose many times. I wonder if the ingredients are different according to the spicy taste of Thailand. The taste is the same, though.


The scenery of the canal in downtown Bangkok on the way to the laundry after being taken by the university car to the hotel in downtown Bangkok. For some reason, it soothes my heart. It is similar to the canal scenery in Osaka, isn't it? Only the bougainvillea flowers are different.

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さ てこちらもいつもの定宿から600mのコインランドリー.10kgの洗濯が30バーツ.14kgの乾燥機が50バーツと格安.日本にいるとき,普段はあま り気にしないコインランドリーですが,こちらではどこにあるいかを,いつもチェックしています.今これを書いているマニラの夜が明けてきました.

Here is another laundromat 600 meters from my usual lodging, where 10 kg of laundry costs 30 baht and 14 kg of dryer costs 50 baht. When I am in Japan, I usually don't pay much attention to laundromats, but here I always check where they are located. As I write this, dawn is breaking in Manila.

さ て昨日は帰国便の日だったのですが,夜遅くの便だったので,大きな荷物をホテルに預けて,一度行きたかった,バンコク郊外のパチュムタニにある,国立科学 博物館を訪ねました.しかしここは,公共交通機関がない辺鄙な場所で,ARL,MRT,BTSというバンコクの三大高架電車を乗り継ぎ,ドンムアン空港の 端まで行って,そこからどうしようかと,最初バイクタクシーに値段を聞いて,400バーツとふっかけらて断り,当然ながらGrabのお世話に.バイクより はるかに安い200バーツほどで,こちらに運んでもらいました.この立体的な建物が,メインの科学館でこのほかにいくつかの建物が広い敷地内に点在しま す.

Yesterday was the day of my flight back to Bangkok, and since my flight was late at night, I left my large luggage at the hotel and visited the National Science Museum in Pathumthani, a suburb of Bangkok, which I had wanted to visit once. However, this is a remote place with no public transportation, so I took the ARL, MRT, and BTS, Bangkok's three major elevated trains, to the edge of Don Mueang Airport, and then I asked a bike taxi driver how much it would cost, but he quoted me 400 THB,  which I refused, so naturally I took care of Grab, 200 THB. This multi-story building is the main science museum, and there are several other buildings scattered around the large site.

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I didn't check the opening hours of the museum, and the museum closed at 3:00 p.m. on a weekday. I arrived at the museum around 2:00 p.m., so I had to rush through the museum. However, it is free for seniors, which is a good thing. To be honest, the exhibits in this science museum were quite common and not very fresh.


However, what interested me was the Technology Pavilion next to it (though you have to take a free streetcar to get there), which was quite impressive.

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The history of computing is explained in considerable detail. This is the age of vacuum tubes.


The logic circuit exhibit was quite good. The explanation is very easy to understand. You can actually move the switches and see the changes in logic. This is a circuit called AND circuit, and it makes me nostalgic for the days when I studied it in “Tra-gi”(A Japanuse electronics journal) at the beginning of my digital career.

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It gets quite complicated. I can't remember what it was. It was explained in Thai.

さ て再度,Grabで迎えにきてもらって,BTSの電車の駅に,戻ります.28kmの距離で帰りは,一番安い表示の車が探せなく,少しだけ高くて241バー ツだったか.まあ往復500バーツ以内だのは上出来.へたにバイクタクシーに乗らなくてよかった.このあたり少し経験がいりますね.

I had a Grab pick me up again and take me back to the BTS train station...I couldn't find a car with the cheapest price tag for the return trip, which was 28 km. It was a little bit expensive, 241 baht. Well, it was a good thing that the round trip was within 500 baht. I am glad I did not take a bike taxi. It takes a little experience.

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さ て遅くなって午後に,食事をとるために,BTSからMRTに乗り換える駅で,下車してすぐ近くのJJモールという,ショッピングモールを訪ねました.ネッ トでは小さい店が密集したモールと紹介されていましたが,こちらは骨董品を売る店のようです.結構面白いものが多く,物を探すのなら,有名なMBKよりこ ちらの方がいいように思えます.

Late in the afternoon, I visited JJ Mall, a shopping mall near the BTS MRT transfer station, to have a meal. It was introduced on the Internet as a mall with many small stores, and it seems to be an antique store. If you are looking for something interesting, I think this mall is better than the famous MBK.

さ て,ひなびたフードコートで,ごはんとなりました.通常フードコートはカードを買って入るのですが,ここにはどこにもカード売り場が見当たらない.ネット には売り場があると書かれていたのですが.仕方なく店の人に聞くと,キャッシュでOKということで,ごらんのオムレツ入りカレーライスとなりました.野菜 は自分でトッピングしました.ちゃんと福神漬けがあったのが,ポイントが高い!しかし日本のソースを置いてほしかった.これで99バーツはやはり安いです ね.このフードコートはなぜか,欧米系の客が多かったようです.

Now, we had dinner at a rustic food court. Usually, you have to buy a card to enter a food court, but I couldn't find a card counter anywhere in this place. The Internet said that there was a card counter, but I couldn't find it anywhere. I had no choice but to ask the staff at the restaurant, and they told me I could use cash, so I ended up with the omelette and curry rice you see here. I added my own vegetable toppings. The fact that they had "fukujinzuke" pickles was a high point! However, I wish they had Japanese sauce. 99 baht for this is still cheap. For some reason, there seemed to be many Westerners in this food court.

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と いうわけで,今回のタイ訪問はこの,スワナブーム空港の竜の像でお別れです.なかなかまだ消化しきれない,体験が多く帰国してからの反芻がかなり必要なよ うです.ということでこのあたりで,今回のタイ日記を終了予定です.マニラから帰国まではこのあと追加するかも知れませんが.長らくごらんいただきありが とうございました.またお世話になったタイの方々に感謝申し上げます.

So, I will say goodbye to this visit to Thailand with the dragon statue at Suvarnabhumi Airport. There are still many experiences that I have not fully digested, and I will need to ruminate on them after I return home. So, this is the end of my Thailand Diary. I may add some more after this until I return home from Manila. Thank you very much for reading this diary for a long time. I would also like to express my gratitude to the people of Thailand who have been so kind to me.


I flew Philippine Airlines for the first time on my return flight this trip. It is a flagship airline with good service and low fares. I managed to stay in the restricted area of Aquino International Airport for 10 hours by visiting 3 lounges. However, 10 hours is still a long time.

Copyright(c) by Y.Okamoto 2025, All rights reserved.