MUIGC2024 報告 MUIGC2024 Report            2024-01-27            Y.Okamoto

Movies now uploded on 28th Jan.

2024年新春タイ日記第三弾.マヒド ン大学カンチャナブリキャンパスで開かれている,この大学地質学部主催の第1回国際地質学会MUIGC2024に参加しています.昨年9月にこのキャンパ スを巡検で訪れたときに,この学会の開催をきいて参加を決めました.今回の宿泊はクワイ河の流れを望む宿でとても気持ちがいいところです.今日は学会2日 目で自分の発表は最終日なので,適当にのんびりやろうと構えていたら,午後のセッションの開始直前に,突然午後はco-chairmanだから前に来て ね.と言われて戸惑いました.「えー聴いてないよそんなの」とは言えません.なぜならこちらで散々世話になっている,元チュラ大のPunya先生の直々の ご指名なので仕方ありません.というわけで今回初めて国際学会の副チェアマン(パーソン)をすることになってしまいました.写真を紹介します.明日以降も 追加します.01/11朝動画を追加.01/12さらに写真・動画を追加します.
学会参加にあたり,MUIGC事務局のKantanatさん(Pさん),Apivutさん(アースさん)には昨年9月に初めてお会いしこの学会のことをお教えいだだきました.さらに今回はホテルとの送 迎を初め,ひとかたならぬご支援をいただきました.さらに昨年9月に現地でお会いした元MUKA教授の指田勝男先生には,学会をはじめ現地の事情について 詳しくお教えいただきました.指田先生が健康チェック上の都合で,この学会にご一緒できなかったことが残念でたまりません.またいずれ現地で元気にお会い できることを楽しみにしています.ありがとうございました.現地で多くの研究者,また教育関係者ともお会いできました.そのいくつかのルートを通じてまた タイに戻れる日を楽しみにしています.それでは写真をどうぞ.

The third part of my Thailand Diary for the New Year 2024. I am participating in the 1st International Geological Congress MUIGC2024 organized by the Department of Geology, Mahidol University, Kanchanaburi Campus. When I visited this campus last September, I heard about this conference and decided to participate. I stayed at an inn overlooking the River Kwai, which is a very pleasant place to stay. Today was the second day of the conference and my presentation was on the last day. I was perplexed because I was suddenly told to come to the front because I would be the co-chairman in the afternoon session. I couldn't say, "Oh, I haven't heard that", because it was a direct request from Dr. Punya, a former professor of the Chularonkorn University, who has been a great help to me here. So, for the first time, I am now the vice-chairman (person) of the international conference. Here are some photos. 01/11 I added a video in the morning. 01/12 I added more photos and videos. 01/13 I added a video in the afternoon.

I met Kantanat san (P san) and Apivut san (Earth san) of MUIGC secretariat for the first time in September last year and learned about this conference. I would also like to thank them for their extraordinary support, including transportation to and from the hotel. Furthermore, Dr. Katsuo Sashida, a former professor at MUKA, whom I met last September, provided me with detailed information about the conference and local conditions. I regret that Dr. Sashida was not able to attend the conference due to health reasons. I look forward to seeing him again in good health at some point in the future. Thank you very much. I met many researchers and educators there. I look forward to returning to Thailand through some of these routes. Here are some photos.

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ク ワイ河の見えるベランダの部屋を予約しました.900バーツ弱だったか.まあ田舎としては少し高めですが,眺めを優先しました.バスタブ付きの部屋をリク エストしたのですが,付いていない部屋をあてがわれました.入室してそうそう,手洗いの水がだだ漏れだったので,言ってすぐに直してもらいました.部屋を 替えてほしいと言ったのですが,作業してくれた人は英語はわからないようでした(ふりかな?).まあそれ以外は価格比較で何とか及第点.

I booked a room with a veranda overlooking the River Kwai. It was a bit expensive for the countryside, but I preferred the view. I requested a room with a bathtub, but I was given a room without a bathtub. As soon as I entered the room, I noticed that the water was leaking from the hand-washing sink, so I told them to fix it immediately. I asked them to change the room, but they didn't seem to understand English (or maybe they were just pretending?). I was very disappointed...but I'm not sure if it's a good thing. Other than that, the price comparison was somehow acceptable.


This balcony is the best. The river Kwai, which is rather close to both banks and flows rather fast, flows below. The evening of the day I arrived was a blissful time.
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さ らにプールまであったので,もちろん泳ぎました.またまたバタフライが泳げました.右の方の川辺よりは結構深く,足が立ちません.水はとても冷たくて,最 初逡巡しましたが,ここまで来たからと思い切って,中に入りました.泊り客はこのプールの横の部屋くらいで,私の部屋の隣の2部屋は誰も泊まっている形跡 がありません.とても静かな宿です.夕刻だったので慌ててスマホを取りに帰って,この写真を撮りました.

There was also a swimming pool, so of course I swam. I was able to swim butterfly again. It was deeper than the riverside on the right, and I couldn't stand on my feet. The water was so cold that I hesitated at first, but then I decided to go in because I had come this far. The only guests are in the room next to the pool, and there is no sign of anyone staying in the two rooms next to mine. It is a very quiet place to stay. It was late in the evening, so I hurried back to get my phone and took this picture.

さ て昨日が学会1日目でした.受付を済ませて会場に入ったところです.学会参加費は教員資格なのでたった50USドル(実は早期割引でこれもたった20ド ル).最後に参加する巡検が3泊4日で150USドルと格安です.支払いは170USDのみ.これだけは教員で良かったと実感.ふつう研究者なら参加費が300ドル+巡検 250USDだったはず.

Yesterday was the first day of the conference. I just finished registration and entered the venue. The conference fee is only 50 US dollars (actually, it is only 20 dollars with early bird discount) because I was a K12 teacher. The last inspection tour is 3 nights and 4 days and costs only US$150. The total conference fee is only 170USD. I am glad I was a K12 teacher. The usual fee for a researcher would have been 300 USD plus 250 USD for the field trip.

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さ て昼食は大学キャンパスの結構良い部屋でした.ホテルに送ってもらうのに,同宿の筑波大の院生(日本人)と,近くの宿のチェンマイ大の院生の2人と一緒 で,午前は一緒に行動したのですが,昼はあなたたち,知らない人と知り合うチャンスだからと,冷たく突き放して,私はこのテーブルに一人で座っていたら, ごらんのチュラ大の人たちとご一緒できました.このうち何人かは実は,筑波大で院生生活を送っています.

Well, lunch was served in a rather nice room on the university campus. I was accompanied by a Japanese graduate student from the University of Tsukuba and a graduate student from Chiang Mai University who were staying nearby so, the car teke us joining from the hotel. But I said them to sit your own table to talk other students or researchers. I was sitting alone at this table, and I was able to join the Chula University people you see here. Some of them are actually graduates of the University of Tsukuba.

さ てくだんの筑波大院生のE君は国際学会の発表は初めてということで,やや緊張の様子.写真を撮ってLineで差し上げました.とてもアクティブで海外にも ロシアやウズベキスタンなど結構行っているそうです.来年からハンブルクの大学で1年間のPhD修行が待っているそうです.古生物や堆積岩が専門とか.彼 と2人だけのときはめんどくさいので日本語で話しています.

Endo kun, a graduate student at the University of Tsukuba, was a little nervous because it was his first time to give a presentation at an international conference. I took a picture of him and sent it to him via Line. He is very active and has been to Russia, Uzbekistan and other countries. Next year, he will start a one-year PhD program at a university in Hamburg, Germany. He specializes in paleontology and sedimentary rocks. When it's just the two of us, I talk to him in Japanese because it's easy for me.

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Goods for this conference. I feel sorry for such goods, daily lunches and dinners, tea cakes, transportation, and so on, when the participation fee was only 50 US dollars. Well, I guess I made even with the co-chairman.

や れやれ,コチェアマンの仕事が終了して,やっと休憩です.時間を計ってあと何分の札を上げる役なので,ひと時も安心できません.さらに一応地震,活断層関 係のkeynote講演が2件続いたので,まじめに司会役として,質問もしました.司会は例のPunya先生の手助けなので,とても楽しい時間でした.

Well, my co-chairman duties are over and it's finally time for a break. I can't relax even for a moment, because I am in charge of measuring the time and raising the minutes to go. In addition, there were two keynote speeches on earthquakes and active faults, so I took a serious role as a moderator and asked questions. I was assisted by Dr. Punya, as usual, as the moderator, so it was a very enjoyable time.

These are tea cakes during the breaks, and they are quite delicious. As you can see, there were many tea cakes served during the breaks. Only the coffee was instant. The episode with Dr. Punya is at the bottom of the following page.

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こ ちらは今日2日目の学会の様子です.私が副司会を頼まれた,午後のセッションの前半に続いて,後半のキーノート講演が始まったところです.ミャンマーの大 学の院生?の発表です.流暢な英語で講演しました.民族衣装が素敵ですね.タイとミャンマーは歴史的には対立が繰り返されたのですが,ちょうど日本と韓国 の関係のようなものだと思われます.あとで夕食で話したP先生はそう言ってました.

This is the second day of the conference. Following the first half of the afternoon session, which I was asked to co-chair, the second half of the day's keynote session has just started. A graduate student from Myanmar University gave a presentation in fluent English. Her ethnic costume is very nice. Historically, Thailand and Myanmar have been in conflict with each other, just like the relationship between Japan and Korea. P san and me discussed at dinner later.

こ ちらは最初の日から,くだんのE君と並んでいつも一緒に行動していた,チェンマイ大の修士の学生Kさんの発表です.初めての発表とかでナーバスな様子がわ かりましたが,きちんと発表していました.何か若い2人をこんな年寄りが引き連れていると,まるで水戸黄門とスケさん,格さんみたいだと,自分で笑ってし まいます.こちらも写真を撮ってあげてLineで差し上げました.とちあえず今宵はここまで.

This is a presentation by K kun, a MS student of Chiang Mai University, who has been working with E kun since the first day. I could see that he was nervous because it was his first presentation, but he did a good job. I laughed to myself that two young students are accompanied by an old man like this, just like Mito Komon and Sukesan and Kaku-san, a Japanese famous ancient strory in Samurai era. I took their picture and sent it to them on Line. That's all for now.

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It is the morning of the third day of the conference. I woke up early in the morning and prepared for my presentation. Because of the Noto earthquake 2024, I had to make some changes to my PowerPoint presentation. I will make a tour today and give my presentation tomorrow morning, so I will be able to manage.


Here is the early morning flow of the River Kwai and birdsong. Can you hear it in the video? It's a blissful time. You can see how fast the river is flowing. The famous Kwai River Railroad Bridge is located quite a bit downstream. Today is the middle day of the conference, and we are on a one-day sightseeing trip.

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Now, it is the third day of the conference. This is the day of sightseeing tour. On this day, we did a little sightseeing. First of all, we visited the famous war cemetery in Kanchanaburi town. For us Japanese, it was a little bit uncomfortable to visit there.

お びただしい数の兵士の墓は,鉄道建設の犠牲になった欧米系の兵士(一部地元民も含むとか)の墓です.英国,オランダ人の墓標が多かったです.やはりこれを 見ると生まれていなかった時代のこととはいえ,何か重い責任みたいなものを痛感します.それを知り合いのタイの研究者Apivutさんに言うと,指田先生もここで同じ話をされました.しかしもう古い話ですと, 慰めてはくれましたが,やはり心のどこかに引っかかるものがありました.

The large number of soldiers' graves were those of Western soldiers (including some locals) who sacrificed their lives in the construction of the ”Death" railroad. Many of them were British and Dutch. I felt a sense of responsibility when I saw these graves, even though I was not born in that era. When I told this to Apivut san, a researcher of MUKA, he consoled me by saying that Dr.Sashida said same word here in his visit, but it was an old story----, nevertheless there was still something that stuck in my mind.

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一 人一人の墓標を少し時間をかけて観察しました.圧倒的に若い人,それも20代前半が多いのです.いつかウクライナ戦争の激戦地にもこのような墓標が,おび ただしい数並ぶのでしょうか?暗い気持ちになりました.それでも日本の若い人たちにはぜひ訪れてほしい場所でもあります.

I took some time to observe each of the grave markers. The overwhelming majority of them were young people, mostly in their early twenties. I wondered if there would be a huge number of grave markers like this one day in the Ukrainian war zone. It made me feel gloomy.

Still, it is a place I would like young Japanese to visit.
さ て次は考古学的遺物を集めた,国立博物館を見学しました.この地がタイ考古学発祥の地となったのは,皮肉にも日本軍の鉄道建設が関係しています.オランダ 人捕虜としてここで作業していた兵士が偶然,鉄道建設現場で石器を見つけたのです.これが戦後ハーバード大学に送られて調べられ,一躍有名になります.く だんの兵士は解放後,考古学の教授となりタイの考古学の礎を築きました.戦争が結び付けた歴史の偶然に驚かされました.解説するのは昨年9月の巡検でもお 世話になったMUKAカンチャナブリキャンパスのKantanat先生です.今回私の滞在についても,ホテルから学会会場の大学までの送迎とか,とても世話になりました.

Next, we visited the National Museum, a collection of archaeological artifacts. Ironically, the reason why this area became the birthplace of Thai archaeology is related to the construction of the railroad by the Japanese army. A Dutch POW working here accidentally found stone tools at the railroad construction site. After the war, they were sent to Harvard University for research and became famous. After the liberation, He became professors of archaeology and laid the foundation of Thai archaeology. I was amazed at the coincidence of history brought together by the war. The commentator was Kantanat san of the MUKA campus, who was also a great help to me during my tour in September last year. He also took good care of my stay in this time, such as transportation from the hotel to the university where the conference was held.

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考古学は全く素人の私の目には,どこか日本の縄文から弥生の土器にも似ている気がしますがどうでしょうか?To my eyes as a complete amateur archaeologist, it looks somewhat like Japanese Jomon to Yayoi pottery, but what do you think? こちらは時代がかなり進んで,クメール文明の影響下に入ったころの遺跡や出土品の展示です.昨年訪れたアンコールワットを思い出しました.

This is an exhibition of ruins and artifacts from a much later period, when the Khmer civilization came under the influence. It reminded me of Angkor Wat, which I visited last year.

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This is the main entrance of the museum. Even though it is winter, the sun in Thailand is still strong. I put my long-sleeved cotton shirt in my backpack and put on a short-sleeved polo shirt with a MUIGC2024 Logo.


The last place to visit is one of the most dangerous places on the railroad, close to the university campus. The track, the main part of which has a wooden construction, runs through under the strong overhanging limestone and steep cliffs as you can see. The rail way is covered with thick steel plates so that we can walk on it, but it is quite a scary place to walk on.

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1 日の列車の本数は少ないので,まさかと思ったのですが,警笛とともに本当に列車がやってきました.線路わきの細い退避場所で動画を撮りました.途中線路上 で写真を撮る学生がいたので,運転手がよけるように減速して警笛を鳴らします.列車は遅いのですが,ごらんのように観光客で満員です.少し長い動画をどう ぞ.

I thought it was impossible, since there are only a few trains a day, but the train really came with a whistle. I took a video at a narrow evacuation point by the tracks. There were students taking pictures on the track, so the driver slowed down to avoid them and blew the whistle. The train is slow, but as you can see, it is packed with tourists. Here is a longer video.

さ てやっと列車が通りすぎ,例の危なっかしい土台の場所を通過していきます.線路に耳を当てて音を聞いている参加者がいたので,真似をして耳を当ててみまし た.やはりかすかに線路に当たる車輪の音がします.これは初めての経験でした.さすがに日本では経験できないですよね.

Finally, the train passes by, passing the dangerous foundation. One of the participants put his ear to the tracks to listen to the sound, so I tried to imitate him and put my ear to the tracks. I tried to imitate him and heard the faint sound of the wheels hitting the tracks. This was my first experience. This is something you can't experience in Japan.

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There is a wide variety of stones found in the track's barracks. The reddish-brown stones are andesite, the sesamoidal stones are diorite, and the dark greys are sandstone or limestone. and some of them are pegmatite-like with some tourmalines on top of the scale.


A student from Chiang Mai University, K-kun, who found a slicken band along a plane in a tremendously high overhanging limestone wall, explains its direction to another student. Can you see the plane with horizontal parallel stripes?

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In the evening, there is a fairwell party at the conference. The students of the geology department here are performing their own tricks. After that, a band played for a long time, and the night went on and on.

さ て学会最終日の今日(1/12)やっと私の発表の番が回ってきました.能登の地震の話題を入れたのでかなり元の原稿を端折りました.これは私が2006年 にドイツで発表したネタを基に,日本の地学教育のアクティビティが減衰しつつある現状を枕に,タイでの昨年夏の授業の様子を報告しました.終わってから英 国の偉い人に,あなたの今の発表が今回の学会の中で,一番聴きごたえがあったと言われました.もちろん半分リップサービスですが,少し嬉しかったです.

Today, the last day of the conference (January 12), it was finally my turn to give a presentation. I had to cut down my original manuscript because I had to include the Noto earthquake topic. This was based on a presentation I gave in Germany in 2006using the declining activity of geoscience education in Japan as a pillow. And I reported mainly on class activities using my developed teaching tools which were I lectured last summer in Thailand science high-schools,  After the conference, I was told by an authority from UK that my presentation was the most worthwhile of all the presentations at the conference. Of course, it was half lip service, but it made me a little happy.

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さ て思いがけず若手発表者の表彰をうける筑波大のE君.あわてて写真を撮ったので,縦長で遠距離撮影になってしまいました.彼は昨夜のバンド演奏時に,レッ トイットビーが流れたとき,このギターはクラプトンが弾いたといううわさもある.これなら私の方がリードギターはうまいよと言ったら,彼はエリック・クラ プトンのステージを数年前に見たと言うので,驚かされました.彼はオアシスというバンドのファンでそこから古い曲を聴くようになったそうです.26歳の彼 からまさかクラプトンの名前がでるとは思いもしませんでした.

Endo-kun of the University of Tsukuba PhD student, unexpectedly received an award for young presenter. I was in a hurry to take his picture, from a long distance away. When the student's band played "Let It Be" last night party, there was a rumor that Clapton played this guitar. I told him that I was a better lead guitarist than him, and he surprised me by saying that he had seen Eric Clapton on stage a few years ago. I never expected to hear Clapton's name mentioned by a 26 years young student.


Here is Mito Komon's group with Sukesan and Kaku-san on both sides. On the right is Mr. K, a 3rd year MS student of Chiang Mai University (Actualy,He is in his 3rd year because he could not go his field work due to COVID-19). We were allowed to work together from most of the lodgings.

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さ て宿まで送ってもらったあと,宿のプールで人泳ぎするために,暑い中を1km以上ある駅前のセブンイレブンまで買いだしのあと,帰る途中で警笛が聞こえ, またまた数少ない列車の通過を見ることになりました.ついでにカンチャナブリ県の田舎町サイヨーク駅前の風景をごらんください.

After being dropped off at the inn, I went to the 7-Eleven over a kilometer away from the station in the heat of the day to swim in the inn's pool. Here is a view of the train station in front of Saiyoke, a rural town in Kanchanaburi Province.


My lodger, E-kun, record this ideo while I was swimming in the swimming pool at the hotel. Please look at the heroic swimmer who was sinking down without floating!!

Copyright(c) by Y.Okamoto 2024, All rights reserved.