Seis 移動平均計算と描画 2025-02-15
Seis Moving Average Calculation and Drawing
Moving average
processing of existing seismograph data (64 Hz sampling thinned to 4Hz)
to suppress wind-induced microseisms, especially in winter.

Fixes from the first script by chatGPT today. Carriage returns are now used at the end of lines instead of spaces.
If this is not done, an error will occur when loading arrays in the Drum drawing program.
English Version of awk script
# Moving Averaged for Seis data by ChatGPT, Y.Okamoto 2025-02-15
# awk -v N=16 -f M_AVE.awk input.txt > output.txt
# Get the window size for moving average
if (N <= 0) {
print "Error: N must be greater than 0"
exit 1
# Process each line of data
for (i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
# Store data for each channel
data[NR, i] = $i
# Calculate cumulative sum for moving average
sum[i] += $i
# If window size is exceeded, subtract the oldest data
if (NR > N) {
sum[i] -= data[NR-N, i]
# Calculate moving average (output starts from the Nth line)
if (NR >= N) {
ave = sum[i] / N
output = sprintf("%04d", ave)
} else {
# Output original data for lines less than N
output = sprintf("%s", $i)
# Add space except for the last column
if (i < 6) {
printf "%s ", output
} else {
printf "%s\n", output
N=8(cutoff=2sec) と 16(4sec)を試したが,後者が有効.当然ながら,inputなどはrenameして用いる.
We tried N=8 (cutoff=2sec) and 16 (4sec), the latter being more effective. Naturally, inputs, etc., should be renamed.
awk -v N=8 -f M_AVE.awk input.txt > output.txt
awk -v N=16 -f M_AVE.awk input.txt > output.txt
Moving Averaged

地磁気計.2024年6月時点でのデータ処理備忘録.2024-06-06 Y.Okamoto
Geomagnetometer.Data processing reminder as of June 2024.
The recent processing is almost entirely ChatGPT-dependent, and it answers a pretty solid script.
For now, the Bash shell script used for the current processing
# assited by ChatGPT on May 2024
# Input and output file names
# Step 0: Remove unwanted characters (;,=) from the data
tr '=,:XYZ[uT]' ' ' < $input_file > cleaned_data.txt
# Step 1: Extract timestamp and numerical data (assuming space-separated values after cleaning)
awk '{print $1, $2":"$3":"$4, $5, $6, $7}' cleaned_data.txt > extracted_data.txt
# Step 2: Calculate sqrt(x^2 + z^2)
awk '{print $1, $2, sqrt($3*$3 + $5*$5)}' extracted_data.txt > magnitude.txt
# Step 3: Calculate moving average with a window size of 3
awk '{
window_size = 600
values[NR] = $3
sum += $3
if (NR > window_size) {
sum -= values[NR - window_size]
if (NR >= window_size) {
print $1, $2, sum / window_size
} else {
print $1, $2, "N/A"
}' magnitude.txt > moving_average.txt
# Filter the data to only include entries where the seconds are "00"
awk -F " " '$2 ~ /:[0-5][0-9]:00$/' "moving_average.txt" > "thinned_data2.txt"
And then the data is aligned from midnight by process_magnetic_data.awk
# awk -f process_magnetic_data.awk input_data.txt > output_data.txt
FS = " ";
time[$2][$1] = $3;
# Print header
printf "Time";
for (date in dates) {
printf "\t%s", date;
printf "\n";
# Sort times
n = asorti(all_times, sorted_times);
# Print data by sorted time
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
t = sorted_times[i];
printf "%s", t;
for (date in dates) {
printf "\t%s", (time[t][date] ? time[t][date] : "");
printf "\n";
This aligns the time of several daily data starting at midnight. And calc (on Linux) is used to read this output_data.txt.

びCopyright(c) by Y.Okamoto 2024-2025, All rights reserved.