The expected increase/decrease in the SIR model is obtained. However,
when I look at the graph of the actual number of infected people of my
acquaintance on FB, I see that the number of infected people has been
decreasing in a nice exponential function since late August. However, my calculations do not reproduce this exponential decay (the right graph on the logarithmic axis shows poor linearity).
My next goal is to set a larger grid and number of days (number of steps), and include post-healing and post-vaccination immunity expiration conditions, as well as the effect of vaccine evaders, to see if a periodicity of infection emerges, but I am not sure when this will be done. Well, I think I can't stop this programming, where a mysterious world opens up before my eyes with just the code I write.
The parameters of the calculation are the same as a few days ago (calculated on October 12, 2021 below)
The probability of infection by contact IP is 0.5, the number of days to recover RT is 14 steps (days), the porosity VP is 0.5, and the intensity of movement MP is 0.8 (80% of the total movement). Furthermore, the number of vaccine recipients increased by 0.07 of the total number of vaccine recipients every 5 days. Only the number of vaccinations was simplified as increasing every 5 days. Naturally, the number of new vaccinees decreases as the number of eligible persons (i.e., unvaccinated and uninfected) gradually decreases. The right panel shows the logarithm of the vertical axis. A straight line indicates an exponential increase and an exponential decay. The first and last parts of the increase and decrease ride on a straight line, but the rest does not. The time step is 100, but it is not clear if this corresponds to 100 days or not. The right panel is a Semi-Log plot as mentioned.
The results of the calculations are shown in a video (click on the image to go to the video on my YouTube page). First, 20 initially infected persons are randomly placed. From there, infection (red) begins to spread through human contact. However, the number of infected individuals gradually decreases due to recovery from infection (green) and vaccination of uninfected individuals (yellow), and the spread of infection is gradually suppressed. However, a certain number of people remain unvaccinated until the end.
I have been playing with my simulation prototype I made last year since this morning, trying to reproduce the process of the rapid infection and subsequent rapid convergence of the COVID-19 epidemic. I have made three changes: I have increased the infection rate (corresponding to the delta strain), I have increased the momentum of the human flow (as it has been since this summer), and I have introduced a new vaccine effect. The vaccine effect was newly introduced. In particular, the parameters of the vaccine have been set so that the number of vaccinations will increase as time goes by. However, vaccination is limited to non-infected persons, and those who have recovered from infection are not vaccinated (assuming that the effect of immunity is the same at 100%). Please see the movie and the graph. This simulation is based on a very simple rule, but I think it is doing a pretty good job. However, the number of infected persons is very large. It may be better to say that this is an explanation for the convergence in India and other countries rather than Japan. However, the vaccination rate in India is much lower. The parameter settings for this are still to be worked out. For now, a prototype is shown below. The calculation method is as follows. is the probability of infection (probability of infection by agent contact, which I set very high for delta stock), RP is the probability of recovery, which is quite slow, VP is the probability of voids (unoccupied areas), which I set very high, MP is the moving rate, which is the strength of the human flow, I set very high. WP is the probability of vaccination, which is increased every 10 steps, but the graph is not very large because it is assumed that only those who can be infected are vaccinated, and the probability of recovery is very low. The reason why the graph is capped is that it assumes that only those who can be infected are vaccinated, and the number of such people is decreasing rapidly. The initial value starts with 30% of the population having been vaccinated (was this the situation before the summer?). The following is a video of the simulation.
The above is a video of the simulation. The colors are the same as in the graph: white is the potentially infected population, yellow is the vaccinated population, black is the void, and red is the infected population. Black is a void, red is an infected person, and green is a person who has recovered from infection. You can see the rapid spread of infection at the beginning.