Making Procedure of a size distribution plot of earthquakes from JMA seismicity catalog by Yoshio Okamoto 27th 2019
Data: (It seems to be in Japanese only now.)
1. Combine the data from annual to a period.
cat h1986 h1987 ----- h2015 h2016 > H1986-2016
2. Convert the data format JMA to GMT style
# Data conversion JMA to GMT format
# by Yoshio Okamoto 16/July 2013, 27/February 2019
tr ' ' '_' <H1986-2016> tp1.txt
awk 'substr($0,1,1) == "J"' tp1.txt > tp2.txt
awk '{print substr($0,2,16),substr($0,23,6),substr($0,34,7),substr($0,45,5),substr($0,53,2)}' tp2.txt > tp3.txt
awk 'substr($5,1,1) != "-" && substr($5,1,1) != "_" &&
substr($5,1,1) != "A" && substr($5,1,1) != "B" &&
substr($5,1,1) != "C"' tp3.txt > tp4.txt
tr '_' '0' < tp4.txt> tp5.txt
awk '{print substr($0,1,16),substr($2,1,2) "."
substr(substr($2,3,4)/6000,3,4),substr($3,1,3) "."
tp5.txt > tp55.txt
tr ' ' ',' < tp55.txt> tp6.txt
awk '{print $3" " $2" "$4" "$5 > "JMA1986-2016.dat" }' tp55.txt
rm *.txt
#sort -k 3 -n -r JMA986-2016.dat > JMA1986-2016_ds.dat ## sorting by depth, if it needs.
"JMA1986-2016.dat" is a final one.
3. Pick up the region
# Pick up a area from JMA GMT format data
# by Y.Okamoto 07/Aug 2013, 27th Feb 2019
# Pick up Area = W/E/S/N or GMT -R
# picking up by area
awk "{ if ((\$1 >= $W) && (\$1 < $E) && (\$2 >=
$S) && (\$2 < $N)) { print \$1,\$2,\$3,\$4 }}"
"JMA1986-2016.dat" > Sanriku1986-2016.dat
4. Making Size(M)-Frequency distribution
# count.awk modified 27th Feb 2019 by Yoshio Okamoto
# awk -f JMA_M_count.awk Sanriku1986-2016.dat > Sanriku1986-2016_GR.dat
v = $4*10
for (v in count) {
print (v/10), count[int(v)]
5. Use "Excel" or "Calc" to make a scatter plot.

Copyright (C) 2013-19 Yoshio
Okamoto, all rights reserved.