2022年8月島根県松江地学教育学会/GeoSciEdiXと巡検.                            2024/08/04
August, 2022, Conference and field trip with GeoSciEdiX and Geoscience Education Society in Japan, Matsue.


This summer, the Geoscience Education Society of Japan and GeoSciEdiX were held simultaneously in Matsue. After participating in the conference, I went on a field trip organized by the Society and a self-guided field trip around Matsue with the students I taught at Osaka Kyoiku University. Here is a report of the tour with photos and a report I wrote on Facebook at the time.

Click here to see the self-organized tour.

First, a sketch of the conference.
From my diary on FB

久々 の国際学会(といっても松江開催ですが)に来ていまして,錆びついた英語で受け答えしています.何か久々に対面での料理が用意されたIceBreaker などを体験して,あー日常が戻りつつあるとは思うのですが----.今夏の「阿波踊り」のような壮大な感染実験にならないことを願っています(まあ私は直 近で感染して終わったので安心しているのですが).ビールやワインまで用意されて,何か10年近く前のAGUを思い出してしまいます.やっとここまでこれ たのか.2年間は遠かったなあという感想でもあります.
 I've been to an international conference (although it was held in Matsue, Japan), and I've been talked in my poor and rusty English. It's been a while since I've experienced something like IceBreaker, where food is prepared face-to-face, and I think I'm returning to my everyday life. ---- I hope it won't be a grand experiment in COVID-19 infection like this summer's "Awaodori" (well, I'm relieved to say that I ended up my last infection). I remember the AGU almost 10 years ago, with beer and wine on hand. It's been a long two years........COVID-19 days---.
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当然ながら,地学教育などという辺境の学会なので,参加者はそれほど多くなく,対面参加予定だった外国からの研究者も,直前にCOVID-19がらみでこれなくなるなど,準備の方は大変だったらしい.This is a nerd conference on geoscience education, the number of participants was not so large, and some foreign researchers who were scheduled to participate in person had to leave just before the conference due to COVID-19, so preparations were complicated. ア イリッシュ料理が用意されたIceBreakerでの一コマ.黒ビールのコップを手前に置いて,まずは撮影を忘れずに.ビールとこのつまみ兼料理がこの日 の夕食に.まだこのあとも結構な量でてきて,余るくらいだった.費用は学会参加費(5000円と格安)にインクルードだそうです.ビールをしこたま飲んだ のですが,友人の気象学が専門のS先生はこのあとすぐに,発表が控えているからとノンアルでした.時差を考慮して,国際学会の方は夜の7時から10時まで の時間帯で,施設の許容時間ぎりぎりまでのスケジュールです.当然zoomミーティングとのハイブリッド学会です.会場のスクリーンが遠く暗いので,わざ わざzoom画面でプレゼンを見る人も多かった.

A shot at IceBreaker, where Irish food is served. Don't forget to take a picture with a glass of black beer in the foreground. Beer and these snacks and dishes were the dinner of the day. There was still quite a lot of food left over after that. The cost was included in the conference registration fee (5,000 yen). We drank a lot of beer, but my friend Prof. S, who specializes in meteorology, drank no beer because he had a presentation soon afterward. Considering the time difference, the international conference was scheduled from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., just before the time allowed by the facility. Naturally, it was a hybrid conference with a Zoom meeting. The screen at the venue was far away, and dark, so many people took the trouble to watch the presentations on the Zoom screen.

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Hasn't it been a really long time? Such a large gathering of people in person... This is the moment before the cheers, led by the host.

さ て,今回親しく話していただいた方々のご紹介です.まずは2017年にタイの恐竜発掘サイトを案内していただいた,チュラロンコン大学のPunya先生. 構造地質が専門で,タイの地質関係の論文に数多く名前が登場する方.私も一応タイKVISのユニフォームを着て登場です.先生の左に私のポスターが映って いますが,下に地震計のポスター(こちらは本来e-Posterを紙で印刷),さらに上に微気圧計のポスターを2枚(英語と日本語,これが実は日本の地学 教育学会用,この学会は国際と自国のハイブリッド)を重ねた3重仕様!今日本語版をめくって英語版を表示.タイの恐竜サイト巡検の様子は下記です.

Now, I would like to introduce some of the people who were kind enough to speak with me. First, Prof. Punya of Chulalongkorn University guided us to the dinosaur excavation site in Thailand in 2017. Prof. Punya' major is structural geology, and his name appears in many papers on geology in Thailand. I am also wearing a Thai KVIS (a top level science high school where I taught geoscience from 2017 to 2019) uniform. My poster is on the left of Dr. Punya, with a seismograph poster (e-Poster printed on paper) below and two microbarometer posters (one in English and one in Japanese, which is actually for the Japanese Society for Earth Science Education, a hybrid of international and home country) on top! The Japanese version is now turned over to show the English version. The following is a report on the tour of the dinosaur site in Thailand.http://seagull.stars.ne.jp/2017Thai_Khon_Kaen/Part1.html

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3 重仕様のポスターの前で国際地学教育学会会長のRobert Greco氏(中央)と米国人の研究者.グレコ氏はイタリア人ですが,現在.ブラジルのカンピーナス大学(前回のGeoSciEdIIIV2018の開催 会場)で教えています.南アフリカ(2010)とインド(2014),ブラジル(2018)の学会のときも会っています.米国人は同じくカンピーナス大学 で,IOTがらみの教材開発のコンサルタントをしているそうです.私のM5Stackの微気圧計を持ち歩いて,建物内のエレベータで記録を取ったりして, いたく気に入ってくれました.そういえばこのとき,名札を付けるのを忘れていました.

Robert Greco (center), president of the International Society for Geoscience Education, and an American researcher in front of a triple pasted poster. Dr. Greco is Italian, but he is currently a professor at the University of Campinas, Brazil(site of the previous GeoSciEdIIIV2018). We met during conferences in South Africa (2010) and India (2014) and in Brazil (2018). The American is also working as a consultant at the University of Campinas to develop IOT-related educational materials. He liked my M5Stack microbarometer very much, carrying it around with him and recording atmospheric pressure in the elevators of the building. I forgot to put my name tag on at that time!


The American guy showed me a similar microcontroller with various built-in sensors, including temperature, acceleration, heart rate, etc. It is controlled by ArduinoIDE, just like my microbarometer, via USB connection. It seems to be this one.
This seems to be a new trend from now on! Left is my microbarometer sensor.

大 根島は汽水の中海に浮かぶ溶岩台地状の島です.粘性が低いアルカリ玄武岩の噴出で2万年前の氷河期にできたとされます.船でいくのかと思いきや,写真の右 端に連なる,堤防沿いの立派な道路が作られていました.一度はこの中海を干拓しようとして作られたそうです.急に外国人対象に案内を英語訳してくれと頼ま れて,英語で案内しました.

Daikonjima is a lava plateau island in the brackish Nakaumi Sea. It is believed to have been formed during the Ice Age 20,000 years ago by the eruption of alkali basalt with low viscosity. I thought I would have to take a boat to get there, but a fine road was built along the embankment on the right side of the photo. It is said that this road was once built to reclaim the Naka Sea.Suddenly, I was asked to translate a guide into English for a foreigner.

大 根島は汽水の中海に浮かぶ溶岩台地状の島です.粘性が低いアルカリ玄武岩の噴出で2万年前の氷河期にできたとされます.船でいくのかと思いきや,写真の右 端に連なる,堤防沿いの立派な道路が作られていました.一度はこの中海を干拓しようとして作られたそうです.あと何か地元TV局が番組を作るとかで取材に きていました.

Daikonjima is a lava plateau island in the brackish Nakaumi Sea. It is believed to have been formed during the Ice Age 20,000 years ago by the eruption of alkali basalt with low viscosity. I thought I would have to take a boat to get there, but a fine road was built along the embankment on the right side of the photo. It is said that this road was once built to reclaim the Naka Sea.

Also, a local TV station came to interview us for a program.

こ れが溶岩トンネルへの入り口でふだんは鍵がかけられています.深さは10mほどですが,とてもひんやりと冷たい場所です.とてもめずらしい小さな虫が棲ん でいるということで,ガイドさんが詳しく説明しました.ちいさなむかでもいたのですが,私は「むかで」の英語がとっさに思いつかず苦労しました.正しくは centipedeですね.タイの高校の授業で,石炭紀の1mに達する巨大むかでの話で,出てきたのですが,すっかり忘れてしまってました.

This is the entrance to the lava tunnel, which is usually locked. The depth is about 10 meters, but it is a very calm and cold place. The guide explained to us in detail about the rare small insects that live in the tunnel. There was a small centipede, but I had forgot this English term at once. The correct word is centipede. In my high school class in Thailand, we talked about the giant centipedes that reached 1 meter in the Carboniferous Era 300 million years ago, but I had forgotten all about them.

こちらは海岸沿いのアルカリ玄武岩の柱状節理です.ここの玄武岩はごらんのように,多量の穴が開いているのが特徴です.インド人でデカン高原巡検を案内してくれた,旧知のNさんがVesicular textureと,彼の地元のデカンの玄武岩と比較して説明してくれたのが,印象的でした.このほか途中,島の中央のスコリア丘にも立ち寄ったのですが,写真は割愛します.

These are columnar joints of alkali basalt along the coast. As you can see, the basalt here is characterized by many bubble holes. It was impressive that Dr. N, a friend of mine from India who guided us on our tour of the Deccan Plateau 2016, compared the Vesicular texture with the basalts of his home region, the Deccan. We also stopped at Scoria Hill in the island's center, but I omitted the photos.


With Prof. Chang of Taiwan Normal University. He gave me a USB memory stick as a thank-you for interpreting for him. In return, I gave him a glue-polished eclogite sample from Higaashi Akashiyama, and he was delighted.


After the half-day tour of Daikonjima, all the conference events are over, and we will move to Izumo Airport to rent a car for the following self-guided tour on 8/25.

写真はありませんが,移動した宿でのエピソード.FBで大学以来の親友M氏からのコメントに対して答えた部分です.There are no photos, but this is an episode at the inn where we moved, in response to a comment on FB from Mr. M, a good friend of mine since college.
今 夕出雲に移動しました.ホテルの大浴場でたまたま,日本に里帰りしたという今年80歳の日系3世の方に話しかけられました.温泉を旅しているのだと言われ てました.ベトナム戦争に従軍して,ベトコンに攻められ20数名の中で3人だけ助かったのが私だと言われてました.背中にはまだ手りゅう弾の小さな傷があ るとおっしゃてましたが,わざわざ見せてもらうのもどうかと思って遠慮しました.彼が戦争は絶対にダメだと強くおっしゃっていたのが印象的でした.I moved to Izumo this evening. I happened to talk to an 80-year-old third-generation Japanese American who was returning to his hometown in Japan at the hotel's public bath. He told me that he was traveling around Onsen (hot springs). He told me that he had served in the Vietnam War and that I was one of only three survivors out of more than 20 who were attacked by the Vietcong. He told me that he still had a small hand grenade wound on his back, but I didn't want to go to the trouble of showing it to him. I was impressed by his strong words that war is absolutely prohibited.

Copyright (C) 2024 Yoshio Okamoto, all rights reserved.