2024年 Silpakorn大学滞在記   2023-2024 Thailand New Year Diary Silpakorn University       2024-01-26        Y.Okamoto

2024 年新春タイ日記第二弾.早いもので今回のタイ訪問も,すでに4つ目の訪問地であるSilpakoorn大学に来ています.タイの中央平原に位置するナコン パトムという町にある大学ですが,昨年8月末にも寄せてもらいました.今回は北部のPayao大学訪問と次のカンチャンブリ学会+巡検の間を縫って無理を 言って,来させてもらっています.地震計の修理と大学生へのレクチャー,高校生との野外巡検が主な目的です.世話をいただくSCiUSプロジェクト担当の Looknum先生とは昨年6月先生が,附属高に来られたときに案内してからの縁です.大学の宿舎を取っていただいたので,とても快適に過ごさせていただ いています.今日は珍しく休息日になったので,少しこの間の写真を紹介します.1/8少し写真を追加しました.

This is the second installment of my Thailand Diary for the New Year 2024. We are already at Silpakoorn University, the fourth stop of our visit to Thailand. This university is located in Nakhon Pathom, a town in the central plains of Thailand. This time, I had to squeeze in a visit to Payao University in the northern part of the country and the upcoming Kanchanburi conference + inspection tour. The main purpose of my visit is to repair the seismograph, to give a lecture to university students, and to make a field trip with high school students. I have a good relationship with Dr. Looknum, who is in charge of the SCiUS project, since he guided me when he visited our high school in June last year. He has given us a very comfortable accommodation at the university. Today is a rare day of rest, so I will show you some photos of the past few days. 1/8 I added a few more photos.


Silpakorn University provided accommodation and domestic transportation for this visit. I would like to thank Dr. Looknum, the driver who picked me up at the airport, and the staff at the SCiUS project office.

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The Pagoda, the symbol of the city, was located right in front of the pizza restaurant where Dr. Looknum took me for dinner. It was a New Year's festival, and was very crowded with markets and events.


We toasted to our reunion with Dr. Looknum and a pizza dinner while enjoying the wonderful night view of the Pagoda.

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Dr. Looknum of Silpakoorn University, who is sponsoring the second half of this trip. He specializes in chemistry and was a student of Dr. Thanit, who also specializes in chemistry and has been a great help to me since I first came to Thailand.

さ て翌日は朝から早速,以前に送った荷物が乱暴に扱われたらしく壊れてしまっていた,上下動地震計の修理です.その前に水平動の2本も動かないということで 調べると,予想どおり振り子の重みでコイルが下の磁石に接触していました.これを持って行った,薄い磁石と交換することで,隙間を作って接触しないように する作業でほぼ1時間.

The next day, I started repairing the vertical motion seismograph, which had been broken because the package I had sent earlier had been handled roughly. Before that, the two horizontal seismographs were also not working, so I checked them and found that the weight of the pendulum was causing the coils to contact the magnet below. We spent almost an hour replacing the coils with thin magnets, which we had brought with us, to create a gap so that the coils would not come into contact with the magnets.

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Next, we finally started repairing the vertical motion seismograph. I attached a cross spring to a new 3D printed part that supports the fulcrum, which took quite a while. It was around noon when I finished the work.


I couldn't borrow a 1mm drill bit, so I used a soldering iron with a thin needle to make a hole in the bobbin. This was a good idea and I will be able to use it next time.

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さ て置いていくパーツの確認のために,写真をとります.これまた何かの機会に訪れてメンテをするために,とても重要です.数えるとここを含めてすでに7セッ トの地震計をタイの高校や大学にセットしているのですが,それぞれに作った時期がことなり,微妙に仕様が違うので苦労します.まあ自作の機械のなきどころ ですね.

Now, we take pictures of the parts we are going to leave behind. This is also very important so that I can visit the site and do maintenance on some occasion. Including this one, I have already installed 7 sets of seismographs in high schools and universities in Thailand, and each set was made at a different time and has slightly different specifications.

After the lecture, I talked about the Noto Peninsula earthquake and seismographs to physics students and teachers. The story is as described in the main text.


Thanks to all the hard work, the station was successfully rebuild as the seventh seismograph station in Thailand. However, the power supply will be cut off on every week end, and a new building will be constructed across the window, so there are some difficulties ahead for the observation site.

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さ て能登の地震や地震計の話を終えて,夕食は物理のスタッフが連れて行ってくれました.手前がS先生とそのご令嬢.私の隣が物理の地震計を担当していただい ている,Ohm先生です.Ohmはもちろんニックネームですが,いかにも物理の先生という名前ですね.彼は実は黒の豪華なベンツで私をこのレストランに乗 せて来てくれました.街の治安の話になって,先生が住んでいる大学の近所はとても治安がよくて,家の鍵をしないこともあるとか.タイも経済発展で治安が良 くなっていることがわかります.

After the talk on Noto earthquake and seismographs, the physics staff took us to dinner. In the foreground is Dr. S. and his daughter. Next to me is Prof. Ohm, who is in charge of the seismograph in the physics department, Ohm is of course a nickname, but it is a very physics teacher's name. He drove me to the restaurant in his luxurious black Mercedes Benz. He told me that the neighborhood of the university where he lives is very safe and that he sometimes does not lock his house. It is clear that Thailand is becoming safer and safer due to economic development.

さ て休息日の今日は朝から,溜まった洗濯物を詮索しに,大学玄関前に新しくできたコインランドリーに来ました.今日は洗濯物は少ないので,洗濯が10kgで 40バーツ.ドライも14kgで同じく40バーツと格安で済みました.いずれも25分ほどの待ち時間でした.土曜朝のこともあり空いていました.この大学 ももし定宿になることがあれば,使いやすい場所を見つけました.

Today is my no work day, and from this morning I came to the new laundromat in front of the university entrance to poke around in the laundry. I did not have much to wash today, so I paid 40 baht for 10 kg of laundry, and 40 baht for 14 kg of dry clothes. Dry laundry was also inexpensive at 40 baht for 14 kg. The waiting time for both was about 25 minutes. The place was not crowded because it was Saturday morning. I found a good place to stay if I ever need to stay at this university again.

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After finishing the laundry, I went shopping again for lunch. This campus is filled with student graffiti in many places. This is because this university originally started out as a university of arts.


A supermarket with fresh food is located right in front of the entrance of the university, just across the busy street. This is also a common store in Thailand.

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On the way home, I took a picture of the main gate of the university. There was a magnificent signboard.


This is the art building of the Faculty of Art, which makes this university famous. Various artworks, including graffiti, by students here are exhibited in the campus.

緑 色のバスが,学内中央の通りを往復する電動バス.これ手を上げると無料で乗せてくれます.停留所に止まっていたので,洗濯の帰りに思い切って乗ってみまし た.運転手が何か尋ねたのですが,英語しかわからないというと席に座っていた,女学生が通訳してくれました.荷物があるときは結構便利です.歩道手前に白 く何か描かれていますね.これも美術系学生のいたずらです.

The green buses are the electric buses that ply the streets in the center of the campus. If you raise your hand, they will give you a free ride. I took the plunge and got on it on my way home from the laundry. The driver asked me what I wanted to do, but when I told him I only understood English, a girl student sitting on the seat interpreted for me. It is quite convenient when you have luggage. What is painted in white in front of the sidewalk? This is another prank by an art student.


Now, here is a reptile that appeared last summer. Is it a monitor lizard? I took a video of it as it was walking quietly. It's quite cute, isn't it? Can you hear the birds singing?

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Location on Google map. A large pond on the campus is a unique feature of this university.


On the left is the Chemistry building, and the office of SCiUS, the sponsor of my visit, is in the foreground. The red building on the far right across the road is the dormitory where I am staying.

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鍵 を3つ渡されて2個鍵を開けるとこの2Fロビーに至ります.部屋は2つあって,手前が私が昨夏に滞在した部屋で,今回は奥の部屋です.なんせ泊り客は私し かいないので気楽なものです.電気ポットと電子レンジはロビーで自由に使えますが,冷蔵庫がないのがちょっと残念ではあります.まあ贅沢はいえませんが.

I was given three keys and unlocked two of them to get to the lobby on the second floor. There are two rooms, the one in the front where I stayed last summer and the one in the back this time. I am the only guest in the room, so it is easy to stay in the room. Electric kettle and microwave are available in the lobby, but there is no refrigerator, which is a little disappointing. Well, I can't say it's a luxury.


The room looks like this, with a study desk, and is probably a facility for faculty members who come here for intensive lectures. The room next to the last one did not have hot water, but the shower in this room has enough hot water to make it very comfortable.

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Now, I'm going to heat up my lunch that I bought frozen. I bought two pieces of dragon fruit at the supermarket earlier for 69 baht. Kai jiao rice (rice with fried egg on top) was 35 Baht.

さ て,冷蔵庫がないのに,冷えたビールを買ってしまいましたが,休息日なので,当然ながらおじさんの昼ビールとなりました.卵焼きはソースが付いてこなかっ たのですが,前にピザ屋でもらったチリソースがあったので,それをかけるととても美味しい昼食となりました.これから一休みして,学会の原稿書きですね.

I bought cold beer even though there was no refrigerator, but it was a rest day, so of course it was my lunchtime beer. The omelette did not come with sauce, but I had some chili sauce from a pizza shop, so I poured it over the omelette and it became a very tasty lunch. I am going to take a rest now and write a manuscript for the conference.

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さ て翌朝は,西部のペチャブリ,ラチャブリ両県まで地質巡検に出かけます.宿舎前で待っていると,何じゃこれ?というバスが来ました.タイでは流行りの2階 建てバスです.イラストもめちゃかわいい.背景の屋根は大学が面倒を見ている高校の建物です.高校生が30名ほど参加します.

The next morning, we went on a geological trip to the western provinces of Phetchaburi and Ratchaburi. While waiting in front of our lodgings, a bus arrived. What is this? It is a double-decker bus, which is very popular in Thailand. The illustration is very cute. The roof in the background is the building of the high school that the university is taking care of. About 30 high school students will participate.


We are seated in VIP seats on the first floor. Here's a continuation of this (laughs). I was making a paper for geological explanation.

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After driving west for nearly two hours, we have just entered the province of Phetchaburi, which is dotted with Permian limestone (Latvian limestone). We visit the famous limestone caves there.


This is the inside of the cave. Stratified limestone can be seen in the back.

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Here I gathered the students and asked them a question. Why is the limestone in the back stratified, but not the limestone on either side? It was quite difficult, but my answer is on the next page.


At the entrance of the cave, there was a man climbing up with a rope, as if he was doing some kind of construction work. They were putting their tools down, so it seems that they were working on power lines or something and not climbing.

Answer to the previous page: Both sides of the cave are covered with stalactites that were formed later.

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There are wild monkeys in this cave park. This is a common sight in Thailand. I warned my students not to make eye contact with them because of the fear of rabies.

さ て昼食簿少しラチャベリ県に戻って,同じ石灰岩の古い石切り場が観光地(StonePark)になっている場所を訪ねました.こちらの方が新鮮な露頭が多 くみられるので,生徒に化石の説明をして,しこたま探したのですが,結局見つかりませんでした.時代がトリアス紀に入っているのか,あるいは熱の影響を受 けているのか,結局分からずじまい.次回はもっと下調べをしてから来ようと思っています.今回は調べる時間がなく,場所の設定をこちらのスタッフにおまか せになっていました.

After lunch, we went back to Ratchaveli province to visit Stone Park, an old limestone quarry that has been turned into a tourist attraction. I explained the fossils to the students and searched for them a lot, but could not find any. We could not find any fossils. We did not know if they were in the Triassic period, or if they had been affected by heat. Next time, I will do more research before coming back to the site. This time, I did not have time to do the research, so I left the location setting to the staff here.

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There was a nicely stratified section of boulders, so I took a picture of it. As I will explain in the next photo, it appears to be limestone with few fossils. No wonder I couldn't find any fusulinas, corals, or crinoids. I told the students to look hard, but they were very disappointed.

説 明用に作った紙です.右の2枚は現地で書いたものです.化石が見つからなかったので,石切り場の奥で古生代の地史の説明を簡単にしました.カンブリア爆発 と石炭紀の大森林と巨大昆虫,さらにP-T境界の大量絶滅の話でした.これらは最初にバスの中でも少しだけ触れた内容です.これあとでMUKA(マヒドン 大学地質学部)のスタッフに聞いて知ったのですが,このペチャブリ,ラチャブリの石灰岩はカンチャナブリと異なり,やや寒冷相で化石も少なく多様性にも富 んでいないそうです.化石探しにああまり適していないことがわかりました.もう少し下調べして,アドバイスすればよかったと反省.

The following are the papers I made for explanation. The two sheets on the right were written at the site. Since we could not find any fossils, I gave a brief explanation of the geological history of the Paleozoic at the back of the quarry. The Cambrian explosion, the great forests and giant insects of the Carboniferous, and the mass extinction at the P-T boundary. These are the topics that were briefly discussed in the bus. I later learned from the staff of MUKA (Mahidol University, Department of Geology) that the limestones of Pechaburi and Ratchaburi, unlike those of Kanchanaburi, have a slightly colder facies with fewer fossils and less diversity. I found out that it is not very suitable for fossil hunting. I regret that I should have done a little more research and given better advice.

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When I went back to my room to charge my GPS battery, I found that the charging adapter was dead. I have been using this adapter for a long time since the nickel-cadmium batteries, but I'm going to throw it away.


After breakfast this morning, I took a short walk around the university campus. I saw a lizard swimming in the pond. It reminded me of a scene from Movie Shin-Godzilla.

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The morning temperature is cool and refreshing on the campus. I would love to spend a week or so in such a place.

散 歩に出たついでに大学前の7-11で安全ピン,Lotusのスーパーで偶然売っていたマンゴーを買いました.マンゴーは69バーツと書いてあったのです が,それは1kgの値段で,これは重さを計ってくれて24バーツ.ちょうど100円ですね.日本の1/8くらいですか.これは昨夜買ったドラゴンフルーツ がまだ余っているので,次のカンチャナブリに持参します.大きなスーツケースは大学に預けて,小型の荷物だけで学会と巡検に出かける手筈にしてもらいまし た.身軽になります.さらにカンチャナブリまで往復,送迎までしていただけます.これが本当にありがたいです.

I went for a walk and bought some safety pins at 7-11 in front of the university, and some mangoes that I happened to find at Lotus supermarket. The price was 69 baht for a kilo of mangoes, but it was 24 baht after that were weighed. That's just 100 yen, about 1/8 of the price in Japan. I still have some dragon fruit left over from last night's purchase, so I will bring it with me to the next trip to Kanchanaburi. I left my big suitcase at the university, and only took my small luggage with me to the conference and the excursion. I will be light. In addition, we will be picked up and returned to Kanchanaburi. I really appreciate this service.


This is the last entry in the New Year 2024 Thailand Tour Diary. I finally returned to my room at Silpakorn University in Nakhon Pathom after a long tour of northern Kanchanaburi. It was a long and tiring trip, but with the help of the friendly staff, we had a very good tour. The tour will be introduced in the following site.

と ころが巡検の3日めだったかに驚きのメールが入る.実は安航空券の常で,帰りの飛行機のうち,マカオから関空に飛ぶ,明後日朝に乗る予定の便が急にキャン セルになって,1日あとの便に勝手に変更され.途方に暮れました.これバンコクからまずマカオに飛んで次に乗り継ぎの予定の便です.マカオ航空にどうして くれるのか?と問い合わせると,代理店で買ったのならそちらにまず言ってくれとつれない返事.頭にきてこれはすべてそっちの責任だ,マカオ空港内で1日過 ごすなんて耐えられないと,英語と日本語でまくしたてて,何とかバンコクからマカオへも1日延ばしてもらいました.そこで今無理を言って今夜泊まる予定の 大学の宿舎に,さらに明日ももう1泊できることになりました.まあ不幸中の幸いです.
(この件にはさらに後日談があります.今回の旅行には日本人同士の年末のSatun巡検があり,巡検案内者の久田先生の強い要望で,私も全体を通したH社 という旅行保険に入って何がしかの支払いをしました.それで最終的にその保険に航空機遅延補償があったので,これを問い合わせました現地から海外サポート に電話したときは,変更後の日付のレシートがあればOKということで,早朝のラウンジのレシートを出してもらって,さらにチェックインカウンタで粘って 作ってもらった,航空機キャンセル証明とともに提出しようとしたら,査定の担当者からラウンジのレシートは駄目だの一点ばり.それはおかしいと何度かやり 取りしたのですが,埒が明かず,もう二度とオタクの保険は使わないと捨て台詞を吐いて,交渉を打ち切りました.ひどい保険会社があったものです.最後の最 後でひどく気分を害しました.保険全体へのイメージも悪くなりました.皆さんも保険を掛ける際は気をつけてください.

However, on the third day of the tour, I received a surprising e-mail. In fact, as is my cheap airline tickets, my return flight from Macau to Kansai Airport, which was scheduled for the morning of the day after tomorrow, was suddenly cancelled and changed to a flight one day later without my permission. I was at a loss. This is the flight from Bangkok to Macau and then to KIX. When I asked Macau Airlines what they were going to do about it, they replied that if I had bought the ticket through an agency, I should have told them first. I was so mad that I told them that it was fully your responsibility and I couldn't stand to spend a whole day in Macau airport. So I was able to stay one more night tomorrow at the university dormitory where I will be staying tonight. It is a blessing in disguise.

(There is more to this story. There was an end-of-year Satun inspection tour among Japanese people on this trip, and at the insistence of the tour guide, Dr. Hisada, I bought a travel insurance by "H Company" through which I paid for the whole trip. When I called the overseas support from the airport, I was told that a receipt with the changed date would be acceptable, so I asked for a receipt from the lounge in the early morning, and then asked the check-in counter to produce one for me. When I tried to submit the receipt together with the proof of cancellation, the person in charge of the assessment said that the receipt from the lounge was not acceptable. I told the underwriter that I would never use Otaku's insurance again, and ended the negotiation. I was so disappointed in the insurance company. I was very upset at the end of the negotiation. I have a bad image of insurance as a whole. Please be careful when you buy insurance.

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The faculty members of the Physical Society of Japan who will take care of the seismographs. Dr. Ohm is on the left and Dr. Worrapass is on the right. They made a beautiful transparent case for the seismographs. We went to see the seismograph for a little while in the morning.


The data of the M7.0 earthquake in the Uyghur Autonomous Region in China, which occurred after our return to Japan, was sent to us.

I made this drawing. The seismic motion of 2ch north-south motion is a little weak, but the data is basically well recorded.

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I drink milk on campus in the morning when it is still cool. I forgot that there is no refrigerator, so I have to drink it early.


Yakisoba noodles from the market that is held on campus every Wednesday. This will be my lunch today.

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1日滞在が延びたので,コーヒーと食料をBigCまでバイクタク シーを飛ばして買い出し.行きは途中からで30バーツ.帰りはフルで大学までで40バーツ.自転車があればと思うが贅沢は言えない.Looknum先生に よると,テスコロータスかセントラルの方が近いそうで,今地図を調べると1kmあまりと圧倒的に近いことに気づいた.なるほど

Since I stayed one day longer than usual, I took a motorcycle cab to BigC to buy coffee and food. The fare to BigC is 30 baht on the way there, and 40 baht on the way back to the university. The full trip back to the university costs 40 baht. Dr. Looknum said that Tesco Lotus or Central is closer, and I just checked the map and realized that it is only about 1km away. I see...


Eating ripe papayas.
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On the last day of my stay, Dr. Lookinum took me to a Japanese restaurant for lunch and I took home some sushi. It was delicious. I really appreciate all the help and support I received.


The driver took me to Don Mueang Airport before the evening traffic, and I waited for the check-in time at the airport.
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Finally, check-in was over, and I had a curry meal at the lounge.

Arrival at Macau Airport. I noticed later that the clientele changes drastically from DMK to Macau and from Macau to KIX.

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Walking through Macau airport. The security check is waiting for me again.


I go to the lounge and change my SIM to a Japanese one. I'm not in Thailand anymore, so I realized that the AIS SIM is no longer useful.

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Now, the last flight from Macau to Kansai International Airport. Although most of the passengers are of Chinese descent, the clientele is clearly more refined. The flight was almost full. I guess that's because many of the passengers who canceled the previous day's flight have joined the flight.


The food was not bad, but not bad at all. Japanese-style somen noodles were served.

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After a long wait at the check-in counter, I was finally given a proof of cancellation at the boarding gate. However, it was useless because of the shitty insurance company.


All the tickets I took this time...I traveled a lot in less than a month!

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