2024年新春タイ巡検日記第一弾. 2024 Kanchanaburi Geological Excursion Part_1.                            2024-01-22            Y.Okamoto
video ready on 12 Feb. 2024

2024 Kanchanaburi Geological Excursion Part_1
2024 Kanchanaburi Geological Excursion Part_2   
2024 Kanchanaburi Geological Excursion Part_3-4

さて今回のタイ訪問の最後の活動となる,学会付帯の地質巡検に参加しています.全4日のうち,2日が終了しました.カンチャナブリ北部の主要地質露頭を総 なめにする贅沢な巡検です.外国人は私のほかにはタイの地質論文があるという,ロシアの老夫婦だけで,あとはタイ人の研究者のみとなります.リーダーはタ イの地質論文に数多く引用されている文献の著者で,タイ地質学界の大御所Prinya先生.もうこの先生に,大学院生のようにくっついて,ひたすら幅広い 知識と経験を学ぶ旅となりました.Prinya先生には本当にお世話になりました.また同行していただいたMUKAのスタッフの方々にもお礼申し上げます.全行程はかなり細かく長いので,その代表的な地点のみをご紹介します.

The last activity of this visit to Thailand is the geological field trip attached to the MUIGC2024 conference. Two out of four days have been completed. It was a luxurious tour to cover all the major geological outcrops in the northern part of Kanchanaburi. The only foreigners are an elderly Russian couple who have published a geological paper on Thailand, and the rest are Thai researchers. The leader of the expedition was Prof. Prinya, a well-known authority in the Thai geological community and the author of numerous references cited in Thai geological papers. I followed him as if I was a graduate student, and I learned a wide range of knowledge and experience. I would like to thank Dr. Prinya for all his help. I would also like to thank the MUKA staffs who accompanied me. The entire trip was quite long and detailed, so I will only introduce a few of the major points of interest.

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ま ず昨日早朝,泊まっていたサイヨークのリバーサイドホテルをチェックアウトしようとして,朝7時なので誰もいません.一応門の横の家をノックしてチェック アウトしたいのだけど,というと女性の声で何か言っているのですが,タイ語でわかりません.まもなく迎えの車が来たので,仕方なくレセプションのドアのと ころに部屋の鍵を挟んで,失礼しました.前に夜遅く帰ったときに,ドアが閉まっていて同様に鍵が挟まれていたので,そのお返しです.

First of all, early yesterday morning, I tried to check out of the Riverside Hotel in Saiyoke, but it was 7:00 in the morning and no one was around. I knocked on the house next to the gate and asked to check out, and a woman's voice said something in Thai, but I couldn't understand it. A car arrived shortly after, so I had no choice but to leave my room key in the reception door. I had found the key in the same place when I came back late the night before when the door was closed.

さ て大学の宿舎まで連れて行ってもらって,巡検に同行するロシア人ご夫婦と朝食を取ったのですが,彼らの泊まったキャンパス内のホテルの部屋に,こんな毒蛇 が出たと写真を見せてくれました.毒蛇であることは地元の人がそういうので,間違いないそうです.ちなみにこのキャンパス内では象はいないのですが,タイ ガーを,見かけた人がいると世話になったPさんが言ってました.ただrumorだとは言ってましたが.

I had breakfast with a Russian elder couple who also join on a field trip. They showed me a picture of such a poisonous snake in the hotel room on the campus where they stayed. By the way, there are no elephants on this campus, but P Sensei, who took care of me, told me that some people have seen a tiger. He said it was just a "rumor"!?

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The first point of interest on the morning of the first day (yesterday) was a small outcrop at the back of a farmer's field. It is a Permian limestone that has been secondarily deposited in a submarine fan deposit of Triassic age. It contains a rather peculiar elongate fusulinid, Monodiexodina, fossil.


Here is a picture of it. You can see that it is quite elongated. According to Prof. Prinya, some of them are up to 5 cm long.

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It's quite well. I'm going to take some of them home and polish them. I am very happy to find fossils like this early in the morning.


Jackfruit I got back to the car. The unique crispy flavor and sweetness are quite delicious.

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さ て次は中生代の中部から後期トリアス紀の石灰岩洞窟です.断層ブレッチャやそれをさらに切る断層など非常に複雑な構造が見れます.一応レンジャーの服を着 たひとが,内部は付き添ってくれます.座っておられる方がDMRの退職者でMさんです.かつて私が教えたことがあるKVIS(タイの科学高校)の,タイオ リンピックの代表になった生徒を,いくつかの場所で案内したことがあり.私もKVISで世話になった化学の,T先生も知っていると言われていました.意外 な結びつきに驚かされました.

Next is a limestone cave from the Middle to Late Triassic period of the Mesozoic Era. The cave has a very complex structure, including fault breccias and faults that cut through the breccias. A ranger will escort us inside the cave. The person sitting there is M san, a retired DMR employee. He have guided students of KVIS (Thai High School of Science), where I used to teach, who represented Thailand in the Thailand Olympics, at some of the places. He told me that he knew Dr.T, a chemistry teacher who also helped me at KVIS. I was surprised at this unexpected connection.


There are some beautiful stalactites, but the main attraction of this cave is the following.
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The ceiling, which is quite deep into the site, is covered with a magnificent fault breccias and a fault that cuts further into it. It is hard to see without illumination, though.


It is difficult to explain the structure in this way. M san, who is retired from the DMR and helped organize the World Geoscience Olympiad held in Thailand a few years ago, said he would like to submit a question for the Olympiad.

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さ て近所の集会所みたいなところで,持参したお弁当のパックを開けて昼食が始まりました.このあたり世話をする大学のメンバーは,手慣れたものでどんどんと おかずと,スティッキーライスが並べられています.当然のように集まってきたパブリックドッグ達(まあ要するに野良犬のうち,やや品の良い連中)が,足元 に控えてお下がりを待っているのは,言うまでもありません.

Lunch started at a nearby meeting place, where we opened the lunch boxes we had brought. The members of the university who take care of this area are very familiar with this area, and the side dishes and sticky rice are being laid out one after another. Needless to say, the public dogs (or rather, the more well-behaved of the stray dogs) gathered at the foot of the table, waiting for their handouts.


This is a rather muddy middle Triassic chert layer casually folded at the site we visited this afternoon. This one actually contains something extraordinary.

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Before that, it is quite a beautiful fold.

This is it, can you guess what it is? The wife of the Russian couple talked to us with her knowledge of paleontology. This white speckled thing is a very small juvenile ammonite. This really surprised me.
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Dr. Prinya explains it in Thai in this video. Did you see the distinctive shape of the white ammonite at the end? Next, I will show you a magnified image.


Can you see the shape of the juvenile trying to spiral neatly in the center? Many ammonites are not necessarily parallel to the stratigraphic plane, so many ammonites only appear round. This is the first time we have confirmed such a small ammonite.

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I don't remember what the next place was, but I do remember this chili pepper that was growing in the bushes along the way. I think it was planted by a nearby farmer.


At the end of the tour, at dawn, they changed the schedule a little and stopped by the Ordovician stromatolite site. I will not describe the tour of this site here, as it is detailed in the following page, which I visited in September last year. http://seagull.stars.ne.jp/2023.../Kanchanaburi/index.html

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In the evening, we had a dinner with music at a restaurant near our lodgings. First, a lot of Russian music was played as a service to the Russian couple, and then, for some reason, a Japanese song was played for me.

さ てそんな風に無事1日目が終了して,今日2日目の朝です.宿はダムを見下ろすダムサイトで,部屋はこんな風にやたら広く,さらに窓が多いので夜カーテンを 閉めるのが大変です.しかしこの巡検,私が参加費用として学会に支払ったのは,何と120USDだけです.K12(高校)教員として,ディスカウントして くれているのです.本当に申し訳ない限りです.宿泊・食事からおよそすべてが,サポートされています.

The first day ended safely, and today is the morning of the second day. The room was very spacious and had many windows, so it was difficult to close the curtains at night. As a K12 (high school) teacher, I am getting a discount, and I am very sorry about that. Everything from lodging, meals, and about everything else is supported by the conference.

Copyright(c) by Y.Okamoto 2024, All rights reserved.