2024 Kanchanaburi Geological Excursion Part_2                            2024-01-22            Y.Okamoto
video ready on 12 Feb. 2024

2024 Kanchanaburi Geological Excursion Part_1
2024 Kanchanaburi Geological Excursion Part_2   
2024 Kanchanaburi Geological Excursion Part_3-4


Here is the report of the second day of the MUIGC2024 excursion, edited from the FaceBook diary. The most exciting part of the expedition was the collection of basalt samples including sapphires. Of course, the target was not sapphires, but the deep subsurface rocks contained in the xenoliths. Please take your time.

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Before the morning meeting, we went out to the lakeshore for a while. It is a dam lake, and the scenery is very beautiful. And as expected in the Thai winter, it was very cool and pleasant in the morning. It gets hot in the daytime.


The same restaurant as last night, but this morning we had breakfast in the open area instead of the inside room. Flowers are arranged very beautifully.

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Breakfast was a choice of several menus, I chose a Western-style breakfast, and instant coffee is a Thai tradition.

さ て一旦下に降りて,対岸に渡り,ダムに再び上ります.ロックフィル式のダムだとわかりますが,この岩石がこれからみることになるオルドビス紀の石灰岩で す.対岸に水力発電の巨大なパイプが見えます.昨年9月にこの近くまでは来ていたのですが,ダムに上がるのは今回が初めてです.このほかにこの辺りには巨 大なダムがいくつかあります.たしか前国王の指示で作られたのではなかったかなと記憶するのですが.

We went down, crossed to the other side of the river, and climbed back up to the dam. You can see that it is a rock-fill dam, and this rock is the Ordovician limestone that we are about to see. On the other side of the river, you can see a huge hydroelectric pipe. I had been to this area last September, but this is the first time I have been up to the dam. There are several other large dams in the area. I think they were built with the leadership of the former King.

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ダ ムの延長上にある露頭で,カンブリア紀のメタ砂岩というのを観察します.弱い変成があるのでこういうみたいです.この写真,地層に黒いシミがかぶっている ので,わかりにくいのですが,実はきれいな褶曲がカップルになっています.わかるでしょうか?画面左が背斜,右が向斜になります.V字型の褶曲で す.Prinya先生に,スランピングではないのか?と聞いたのですが,堆積時ではなく,あとから2つのブロックが衝突する力が加わった,構造的なものだ という回答でした. さ てダムの上を通過するときにDMRのMさんが地震計(加速度計)があるからと,わざわざ車を少し止めて,教えてくれました.右のきのこみたいな頭はGPS のアンテナですね.ダムの変形の計っているのは,私が昔訪れたザンビアのダムと同じです.ザンビア旅行記は下記をどうぞ.
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こちらがダムを作るために作られた巨大な石切り場あとです.ダムの下に作られています.現在は放置された空き地になっているところです.時代はオルドビス紀とされていますが,次の写真のように化石はみあたりません. 灰 黒色の塊状の石灰岩です.少し熱が加わっているのか方解石の脈がかなり入っています.少し前におみせした,直角貝を含むストロマトライトとは,環境がかな りことなるものだという話だったように思います.このあたり同じ時代でもなんせ2つのブロックが,衝突しているのでややこしい話になります.Prinya 先生はとても簡単な構造だと言われるのですが,私の英語力ではやはり聴き取りにくい話もあるので.
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Next up was this outcrop, located well into the "Ninth Military War Memorial Park". It is a Felsic intrusive hosted in siliciclastic mica schist. The university van is directly drived on, which is very helpful in the heat of the day time.

新 生代のかなり新しい(48Ma)の電気石を含む花崗岩質の岩脈とペグマタイトです.インド大陸がユーラシアに衝突したとばっちりで,東南アジアに構造的な 力が発生.部分的なリフトの部分に地下からマグマが貫入して,いくつかの地域でこのような火成岩岩脈が見られます.場所によりこのようにFelsicで あったり,あとでお見せするMaficであったりします.クラックの生じた深さに関係するという説明でした.当然Maficなものが深くなります.ここで ちょっと素敵な,六角が見える電気石を採取しました.

The granitic veins contain fairly recent (48 Ma) Cenozoic tourmaline bearing granite and pegmatites. The impact of the Indian continent on Eurasia caused structural forces in Southeast Asia. Magma penetrated the partial rift from underground, and these igneous veins can be seen in some areas. Depending on the location, they are either Felsic or Mafic, which I will show you later. The explanation was that it is related to the depth of the cracks. Naturally, the Mafic ones are deeper. Here is a nice little hexagonal looking tourmaline!

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The war memorial is not the World War II, but the biggest war with Burma in the 18th century. I took this video because a military drill for high school students was being held here at the time. Thai high school boys are mobilized for this kind of training once a year for three years.

こ ちらは普段は稼業する会社の大規模な,石灰岩の採掘場です.日曜で作業が休みなので見学できました.以前はオルドビス紀と記載されていましたが,最近中期 トリアス紀に修正されました.MgOの含有量が20%に達するタイ国内で,最大級のドロマイト採掘場所だそうです.建設用材ではなく,Fluxの製造ほか に用いるとか言っていました.https://www.morex.co.jp/product.html日本が主たる得意先だそうです.

This is a large-scale limestone mining site of a company that usually does the work. We were able to visit the site because it was a Sunday. It is one of the largest dolomite mining sites in Thailand, with a MgO content of up to 20%. It was described as Ordovician in the past, but now is revised as Triassic. It is not a construction material, but used for Flux production and other purposes. https://www.morex.co.jp/product.html Japan is their main customer.

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次の場所は花崗岩質のマイロナイトが見られる場所.私はこれまでマイロナイトはぼんやりと構造的な生成のものだと,認識していましたが,ここでPrinya先生先生から,斜長石結晶がRight Lateralの構造運動で回転しながら,引きずられ,尾を引く組織が見られると教えられて,目からのうろこの状態でした.この写真ではあまり明らかでないかもしれませんが.

The next location is where granitic mylonite is found. I had been vaguely aware of mylonite as being structurally generated, but this was an eye-opener when Dr. Prinya told me that plagioclase crystals rotate in Right Lateral structural motion and are dragged and tailed by the structure. It may not be so obvious in this picture, but

く だんのロシア人老夫婦と私.この日の昼食の一コマ.奥さんは石炭紀からペルム紀のフズリナ(彼女はForaminiferaと言っていた)が専門.ご主人 は口数がとても少ない人ですが,たしか構造地質が専門だったはず.タイの研究者との何本もの,タイの地質に関する共著を残しているはずです.

An elderly Russian couple and myself. This is a shot of lunch that day. The wife is a specialist in Coal to Permian fuzulina (she said Foraminifera). The husband is a man of few words, but I believe he specializes in structural geology. He must have co-authored several books on the geology of Thailand with Thai researchers.

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さ てこちらが,この巡検2日を通しての最大の収穫です.少し前の花崗岩質のペグマタイトの貫入と,ほぼ同時期(37Ma?)により深い場所から,もたらされ て貫入した玄武岩の岩脈.この中に例の私の垂涎のものが多数含まれています.あまりの興奮で動画が揺れているのはご容赦ください.あまり長く留まっている ので,Yoshi! Lets go!とせかされています.

This is the biggest present of the two days excursion. Basalt veins that were introduced and penetrated from a deeper location at about the same time (37 Ma?) as the granitic pegmatite penetrations of a while ago. Many of my coveted items are included here. Please forgive the shaking of the video, it's so exciting. I've stayed too long, and I'm being urged to Yoshi Let's Go!!

こ れが例のものです.6年前にタイ東南部のチャンタブリで見たのと同じような,サファイヤを含む玄武岩に,多数入るかんらん岩のXenolithです.もう あたりは入れ食い状態で,興奮の極致でした.もちろんここで多数のサンプルを採取したのですが,あとで他のサンプルと合わせて重さを見ると,とても日本に 一度に送れる量ではなく,現地の世話になっているSilpakorn大学に,半分を置いてもらうことを頼みました.チャンタブリの宝石鉱山の話は下記にあ ります.http://yossi-okamoto.net/KVIS/2017/Photo_diary_Part3.html

This is an example of Xenolith, a sapphire-bearing basalt with numerous peridotites, similar to the one I saw six years ago at Chanthaburi in southeastern Thailand. Of course, we collected many samples here, but when I weighed them with other samples later, I realized that they were too heavy to send to Japan at once, so I asked Silpakorn University to drop off half of them. The story of the Chanthaburi gem mine six year ago is below.

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こ ちらは同じ場所ですが,Xenolithは橄欖岩だけとは限りません.このように花崗岩質のものなどとても多彩です.一緒したMUKA(マヒドン大学地質 学部)の女性研究者から薄片にしたら,ぜひ内容を教えてほしいと頼まれました.今から薄片を作るのがとても楽しみです.

Xenolith is not only peridotite, but also granitic, etc. It is very diverse. A female researcher from MUKA (Faculty of Geology, Mahidol University) asked me to tell her about the thin-sections when I made them. I am looking forward to making the thin-sections.


We worked very hard to break the rocks for the sample. I carefully selected the rocks to take home as samples. This is about half a bag of samples. The other members of the group were a bit surprised, but as an ultra-mafic-lover, it was a natural quantity for me.

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さ て午後別のダムサイトで,お茶の休憩です.海外の巡検はこのようにきちんと休憩を入れるのがいいですね.日本だと一日に回る場所を多くいれて自転車操業に なるのですが,このように景色を楽しむのも一興です.しかしここでもPrinya先生は私と,ロシア人夫婦に衝突したSibumasuブロックともう一つ のブロックの間で,オルドビス紀とトリアス紀という時代が異なる地層の,付加が繰り返されているという説明をしていただきました.

Now we have a tea break at another dam site in the afternoon. It is good that overseas excursions take a proper break like this. While in Japan, we would have to cycle through many places in a day, but it is fun to enjoy the scenery like this. But here again, Dr. Prinya explained to me that between the Sibumasu block and the other block at which collision zone aound here, there are repeated accretions of the Ordovician and Triassic strata of different ages.

こ ちらはそのうちペルム紀からトリアス紀に相当するリボンチャートという褶曲構造が美しいものです.右側に少し断層が見えているのがわかります.ここで放散 虫を探したのですが,泥質(hemipelagic)なためか,よく見えませんでした.ここに来る前に訪れたサファイヤ鉱山のあとが池になっている,ゴル フ場の水たまりには,放散虫がルーペで見やすい赤色チャート礫が多数あって,これを同行のタイの研究者に教えてあげました.初めてみたと感動されまし た.DMRを退職したMさんも初めてみたと言われてました.意外でした.

This is a beautiful ribbon chert with a fold structure that corresponds to the Permian-Triassic period. You can see a fault on the right side. I looked for radiolarians here, but could not see them well, probably because of the muddy (hemipelagic) environment. I showed the Thai researcher accompanying me this red chert gravel, which was easy to see with a loupe, in a puddle at a golf course where a sapphire mine I visited before coming here had been converted into a pond. I showed this to another Thai researcher M-san who was retired DMR, and he was very impressed that he had never seen them before. It was unexpected.

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This is the last site of the second day, an old quarry where we searched for granite pegmatites. On the way there, we found a lot of fruits that Dr. Prinya said were Thai plums, and he was tasting them.


Here they are, falling all over the place. I tried some and found that they were indeed slightly sweet. He offered me a lot of berries to eat, but I didn't want to. I wanted to see the granitic pegmatites as soon as possible.

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Dr. Prinya, who is probably older than I am, was leading the group ahead of me, and the other members were chasing after him. It was a very dangerous foothold, but those who have trained in the field have very strong legs. I wanted to follow in their footsteps.

やっ と割れた巨岩の裏側にくだんの,電気石を含むペグマタイトを見つけました.しかし足場が悪く採取をあきらめたのですが,何とPrinya先生はここでもハ ンマーをふるって,かけらを採取されていました.おどろくばかりの熱意です.お年の割りに足元がしっかりしていて,さすがに日頃鍛えた私も負けそうです.

Finally, I found the pegmatite containing the electroxene on the back side of the cracked huge rock. However, the foothold was not good enough to collect the pegmatites, and I gave up collecting them. Prinya sensei's enthusiasm was astonishing. He is very strong on his feet for his age, and even I, who train hard every day, was defeated by him.

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も う帰るはずが,もう一つみていこうということでわざわざ立ち寄ったのは,かつて40度の温泉が湧いていたという井戸です.どうしても温度を調べたいとい う,先生の要望でにわかに採取器を作りました.棒を持っているのが我々のバンのドライバー氏です.バンともう一台スタッフが乗る車とさらに,この時私は話 をするために,例のDMRの退職者のMさんの車に同乗させてもらっていました.

We were supposed to go home, but we decided to stop by a well that used to have a hot spring of 40 degrees Celsius. Prof.Prinya wanted to check the temperature, so he made a sampler. The man holding the stick is our van driver. The van, another staff car, and I was also allowed to ride in the car of M san, a retired DMR employee, so that I could talk with him.

こ ちらが急遽現場で作った,温泉水採取器です.すごいアイデアですね.Prinya先生の情熱にはあきれるばかりです.後ろで女性研究者が笑っています.た だし期待した温度はまったくなく,ややうすぬるい温度でがっかりです.Mさんによると30年前はたしかに熱かったというので,何かが原因で熱源が枯渇した のでしょう

This is the hot spring water sampler that he made on the spot. It is a great idea, and I am amazed at Dr. Prinya's passion. A lady researcher is laughing in the background. But the expected temperature was not there at all, and it was a little lukewarm, which was disappointing. 30 years ago, according to M-san, it was indeed hot, so something must have caused the heat source to run out.

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So we had a sumptuous Thai dinner at the hotel's cafeteria. The Russian couple does not like spicy food, so the dishes are a little more ordinary. Rice porridge was served this day. Of course, beer was Chiang.

さ てホテルの部屋で当然探したのは,何とか代表のアジアカップをみたかったのですが,やはりYouTubeにライブが転がっていました.70分からあとはラ イブで見れました.上田の得点が見れたのはよかったですが,さすがに私の大のお気に入りだった,トルシエのベトナムは強かったですね.これはこの日記を綴 りながら,最初から少し要点を見直しているところです.

I wanted to watch the Asian Cup, but I found a live video on YouTube. I was happy to see Ueda's goal, but my favorite team, Troussier's Vietnam, was very strong. This is just a little recap from the beginning as I write this diary.

Copyright(c) by Y.Okamoto 2024, All rights reserved.