Satun GeoPark 巡検4日目.  Satun GeoPark Excursion Day 4.                2024-01-22    Y.Okamoto

Satun GeoPark Excursion Day 1-2.
Satun GeoPark Excursion Day 3.

Satun GeoPark Excursion Day 4.

巡検の山を越えた日.この日は9時半にホテルを出て,ビーチで待つ船へ.みんなはビーサンで私だけ運動靴というやや変な出で立ち.船に乗るときは濡れな かったのですが,島で降りるときに結局船着き場ではなく単なる海水がある岩場に降りるのに,結局靴はドボンと海中に.あとは川を遡行するのと同じで,一旦 浸かればもう関係なし状態.島へは結構な距離ボードで走って,カルストキャッスルという岩場.大きな鍾乳洞がsinkholeで陥没した地形とか.丸い場 所が干潮で上陸できるようになっている.ここでF氏が三葉虫を見つける.あと化石の島と呼ばれるところで,弁当の昼食.その後もう一か所,猿が群れている ビーチに降ろしてもらって化石探索.今日はオルドビス紀石灰岩の化石探しの1日となった.少し早めに帰れたので,ホテルのプールでリゾート気分.カンボジ ア以来のホテルプールでのバラフライを試したのは言うまでもない.

The later half of the excursion. We left the hotel at 9:30 AM. and went to the boat waiting for us on the beach: everyone else was wearing beach sandal, and I was the only one in hiking shoes. I didn't get wet when I got on the boat, but when I got off the boat at the island, I ended up on a rocky beach with salt water instead of a landing place, and my shoes ended up in the water. And once you were in the water, it didn't matter anymore. We boarded a long way to the island and came to a rocky place called Karst Castle. A large limestone cave has been sunk by a sinkhole. The rounded area is open for landing at low tide. Mr. F found a trilobite here. We had lunch at a place called Fossil Island. After that, we were dropped off at another beach where monkeys were gathering to search for fossils. Today was a day of fossil hunting in Ordovician limestone. Since we were able to return home a little early, we went to the hotel pool and enjoyed the resort atmosphere. Needless to say, I tried butterfly in the hotel pool for the first time since Cambodia.

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ビー チからボートに乗り,一路カルストキャッスルという地点へ.途中オルドビス紀の分厚い層状石灰岩がきれいに見える.ある場所ではゆっくりと背斜は向斜を 作ったり,別の場所では層理が見えない塊状であったりと興味が尽きない.日本のオリストリスのブロック状の分布が狭い石灰岩とは,様子が異なると久田先生 と議論した.持参したGoProの迫力ある動画はクリックしてください.

From the beach, we took a boat to a point called Karst Castle. On the way to the karst castle, thick stratified limestone of Ordovician age is beautifully visible. In some places, the formations are slowly forming anticlines, and in other places, the limestone is massive with no visible layers, which is very interesting. I discussed with Prof. Hisada that this is different from the blocky, narrowly distributed limestone of the Japanese Oristolith.

Click the image for a spectacular video by GoPro I brought.


The canoe will take you to each observation point. The water is shallow, but be careful not to fall in.

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The landing site can only be reached when the sea is calm and the tide is low. We were able to go down after meeting all of these conditions. Here, we checked the limestone rock under our feet.


Mr. F immediately found a trilobite. It was the only clearly recognizable trilobite this time. It is a trilobite of Ordovician age. However, we could not find the compound eye, probably because of an impression of the ventral side.

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Here is a snail.
し かしここで久田先生が注目したのは,この妙な風化模様です.彼はこれをBioTurviationと考えるとの考え.すなわち海底の未固結の石灰泥に,何 か生物が穴を掘り,それが同質の物資で埋められて残ったものだろうという解釈.実際ODPのボーリングコアで,原生に近い部分では凄まじいこの生物かく乱 が生じているとか.言われてみると一部は巣穴や食べ物を探したあとに見えなくもない.

However, what caught Prof. Hisada's attention here was the strange weathering pattern. He thinks this is BioTurviation. In other words, some organism must have dug a hole in the unconsolidated lime mud on the seafloor, which was then filled with the same material and left behind. In fact, the ODP borehole cores show tremendous bio-disturbance in the near-pristine areas. It seems that some of the bio-disturbance may be burrows or after searching for food.
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これはスランピングが見えたような気がしたところ.This is where I thought I saw slumping ... さて化石島に到着.ここにはトイレとベンチがあって,ここで弁当を食べました.

Now we arrived at Fossil Island. There is a toilet and a bench here, where we ate our lunch.

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Unfortunately, the information board was only in Thai. However, I could hear staffs of the boat acting as guides, explaining to the tourists in technical terms such as "Ordovician" mixed with Thai.


This is the fossil observation point on Fossil Island. There are 13 fossils in total on this wall, according to an explanation board.


Since we can not enter beyond the chain enclosure, the nearest of these shells was sprayed with water to see easier the internal structure. This is the interior of a Nortiloid. The septum is clearly visible.


This is another one near the foot.
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Overall view of the outcrop. Several limestone islands can be seen offshore.


This is a view of a beach on this island. We need to take care getting down from the boat to the beach using a canoe as a platform.

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This was the last beach where we saw the natural monkeys. But as soon as they saw us, they disappeared into the forest. At that moment, I held up my iPhone to take a picture of the monkeys, but they ran away.


There are some strange limestone rocks on this beach. This one looks like Brachiopods.

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Ms. W and I agreed that this is clearly a section of a Brachiopod.

Finally, this is a Paleozoic type ammonite I found, which I believe to be Goniatite.
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It is difficult to see, but the central part is horizontal and falls off obliquely in the direction of travel, so I think I am looking at a part of the anticlinal structure. On the return trip, Prof. Hisada and me had another discussion about bio-disturbance, and he explained that the Ir seepage on the Cretaceous side of the K-T boundary must be the same. I was convinced.


The area is both stratified and massive. Limestone coasts and islands. I realized that the world GeoPark is on a different scale rather than Japanese limestones.

Satun GeoPark 巡検最終目.  Satun GeoPark Excursion Final Day 5.



We almost finished the geological excursion and visited a few local GeoPak facilities on this day.

Last but not least, I would like to thank Prof. Hisada, the guide, Watarai Sensei, the treasurer, Prof. Punya of Chulalongkorn University, Mr. Chanakan, a PhD student, and all the participants for their great help. I would like to express my gratitude to all the participants.

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巡検の間泊まっていた,See Sea Resortというビーチ際に建つホテル.とてもリラックスできるよいホテルでした.

The hotel where I stayed during the tour, See Sea Resort, is located on the beach. It was a very relaxing and nice hotel.


The built-in shelves are spacious and suitable for a long stay. However, as I will describe later, there were a few small ants on the desk. Be careful if you leave fruits and other things on the desk. Here are some points to note about hotels in Thailand

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トイレとシャワーも十分.ただ,シャワーの床が木なのは少し蟻とか湿気 とかが心配です.ガイドのHisada先生はかつてタイ東部のさる地方のホテルで,夜,カサカサ音がするので観てみたら,サソリが歩いていたとか.これだ けはごめん蒙りたい.これあとの方のカンチャナブリの巡検で報告しますが,カンチャナブリの大学の宿舎ではベランダか庭に毒蛇が出たとロシア人の老夫婦に 写真を見せられました.

Toilets and showers are adequate. However, I am a little worried about ants and humidity on the wooden floor of the shower room flour. Our guide, Prof. Hisada, once told me that he heard a rustling sound at night in a hotel in a certain region of eastern Thailand, and when he looked around he saw a scorpion walking around. I'm worry about that. I will report later on my Kanchanaburi inspection tour, but an elderly Russian couple showed me a photo of a poisonous snake on their balcony or in their garden at a university dormitory in Kanchanaburi.


On the morning of the last day, we visited a batik dyeing workshop, which is a local industry. Batik is also found in Indonesia, but it is a form of batik dyeing using tools.

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The pattern may be handwritten in melted wax, or it may be drawn on by hand.


In other cases, the design is created using a stamping tool. I was shown a similar tool when I led students on a school trip to Bali, Indonesia. The students experienced dyeing with this tool.

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In many cases, the perimeter lines are drawn in advance with wax, and the spaces between the lines are dyed.


We have learned the tie-dyeing technique, and we are doing it on the spot.
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After that, I went shopping for souvenirs in the city...


The last meal of the tour was at a restaurant.
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ところがここで皆さんに迷惑をかけることに.参加者の大学のY先生とハ ジャイ市内のロビンソンという百貨店まで歩いて行ったのは良かったのですが,帰る道を間違えて,バスの迎えの場所から外れてしまい.わざわざバスで迎えに 来てもらう羽目に.迷惑をおかけしました.どうもすみません.

However, we got into trouble here. I walked to Robinson's department store in HatYay with a participant, Prof. Y., but we took a wrong turn to go back to the bus stop. We had to be picked up by a bus. I'm sorry for the trouble. I am very sorry.


This is some kind of sweet we had afterwards.... I don't remember. After that, I was dropped off at a hotel in the city and parted from the other participants who were going to the airport for their flight back to Japan.


Last but not least, I would like to thank Prof. Hisada, the guide, Watarai Sensei, the treasurer, Prof. Punya of Chulalongkorn University, Mr. Chanakan, a PhD student, and all the participants for their great help. I would like to express my gratitude to all the participants.

Copyright(c) by Y.Okamoto 2024, All rights reserved.