2023 Dec. Satun Geo Park Geology Excursion Part_1 2023年Satun GeoPark 地質巡検記 その1  2024-01-21 Y.Okamoto

Satun GeoPark Excursion Day 1-2. (This page)
Satun GeoPark Excursion Day 3.

Satun GeoPark Excursion Day 4.


2023-2024 越年タイ日記第2弾.寒さに震えたタイ東北部のイサーン地方を離れ.昨日から全く気候が異なるタイ半島部南部に来ています.移動の飛行機は私は順調だった のですが,合流予定の日本からの巡検チームメンバーの,バンコクからハジャイ空港に向う便の出発が遅れに遅れて,ハジャイのホテル到着は日付の変わった昨 日未明午前1時すぎに.速攻で眠って,朝からの活動開始となりました.こちらは移動のみで休養十分だったのですが,睡眠が削られたのはつらい.さて今回の 移動の目的は,地質世界遺産になっているSatun Geo Parkへの日本地学教育学会主催の巡検です.古生代の堆積岩や石灰岩洞窟の見学が主な目的となります.2017年のコンケンの恐竜発掘地巡検以来の参加 となりました(この模様は下記をどうぞ.http://seagull.stars.ne.jp/2017Thai_Khon_Kaen/Part1.html).Satunのビーチのリゾートホテルで遅いwifiを捨てて,iPhoneのテザリングでこの日記を綴ります.

(The articles are from my diary entries on FaceBook...two FB entries. The English text is translated by DeepL with a slight modification)

This is the second part of my diary of Thailand in 2023-2024. Leaving the Issan region of northeastern Thailand, where I shivered in the cold. Since yesterday, I have been in the southern part of the Thai peninsula, where the climate is completely different. The flight was fine for me, but the other member's flight from Bangkok to Hajai airport was delayed much more, who were scheduled to join us. We went to sleep quickly and started our activities in the morning. I had enough rest only for transportation, but it was hard to sleep. The purpose of this trip was a field trip to Satun Geo Park, a World Heritage Site of Geology, organized by the Japan Society of Earth Science Education. To the Satun Geopark is my second visit since the 2017 Konken Dinosaur Excavation (see below. http://seagull.stars.ne.jp/2017Thai_Khon_Kaen/Part1.html). Ditching the slow wifi at the resort hotel on the beach at Satun, I write this diary entry tethering my iPhone. The excursion tour on 27th is added.

<謝辞> 案内者の久田先生はじめ,巡検を取り仕切っていただいた会計担当の渡来先生,チュラロンコン大学のPunya先生,院生のChanakanさん,さらに参加者の皆様に大変お世話になりました.感謝の念を記しておきます.

<Acknowledgements> I would like to thank Prof. Hisada, the excursion guide, Watarai Sensei, the treasurer, Prof. Punya of Chulalongkorn University, Ms. Chanakan, a PhD student, and all the participants for their great help. I would like to express my gratitude to all the participants.

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朝 食はハジャイ市内の飲茶のレストランとなりました.ごらんのような材料を適当に選んでカウンタに持っていくと,蒸して運んできれるシステムです.6年前の KVIS(タイの科学高校)に居た時にも,小旅行の朝食で経験しました.いつもはパン1枚の朝食なので,このボリュームに圧倒されます.

Breakfast was at a dim sum restaurant in Hajai. I had experienced this system when I was in KVIS (Thai Science High School) 6 years ago as a breakfast on a short trip. I was overwhelmed by the volume of this breakfast, as I usually have only a piece of bread for breakfast.


After breakfast, we visited a market in the city to refresh ourselves. Some of the participants, who had never been to Thailand before, enjoyed shopping in the crowded market. They seemed to be surprised at the low prices of the goods.

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The eastern part of the peninsula has been hit hard rain by the monsoon. There is no dry season in this area, but only two seasons, summer and monsoon. The climate is quite similar to that of Nakhon Si Thammarat, which I visited at the same month last year. Please see below for last year's diary.  http://seagull.stars.ne.jp/2022_NST... /NST-KVIS_Part_1.html

By the way, the car plate number you see is Malaysian. It only takes 2 hours by car to get to Malaysia, so many Malaysians come here to shop. There are many mosques in this area, and many veiled women can be seen.


After the walk, we had lunch. In the right foreground is Hisada Sensei, professor emeritus at Tsukuba University, who was our guide. On the right, Ms.Chanakan, PhD student of Chulalongkorn University, who is also a student of  Prof. Hisada. I gave her a piece of Horoman rock from Hokkaido, as a sourvenior. In this essay, I call her Ms.C.

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On the way to a resort on the west coast over a peninsula ridge. We noticed a beautifully planted rubber forest, so we took a look. I was already familiar with rubber forests, but many people who had never seen one before were very impressed.


This mechanism clearly shows the process of scraping bark and extracting raw rubber. Rubber production is still one of the key industries in Thailand.

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さ て本日のメインの巡検に参加します.この方は案内者の一人,チュラロンコン大学の地質の有名人,Punya先生です.タイの地質の論文には何度も顔を出さ れています.昨年12月のタイ滞在では,バンコクのレストランでビールを,しこたまご馳走になりました.バスでも同席してとても賑やかに話をしていただい ています.

Now we will join the main excursion of the day. This is one of our guides, Prof. Punya, a geological celebrity from Chulalongkorn University. He has appeared many times in papers on the geology of Thailand. During our stay in Thailand last December, we were treated to many beers and drinks at a restaurant in Bangkok.  I had many lively conversations with him.

さ てSatun Geo Parkの見ものがある,Khao To Ngao国立公園に入場しました.入場料は例によって外国人は,200バーツと少し高いです.この公園の入ったところに珍しいものを見つけました.地元に 多い,ムスリムの人に向けた礼拝部屋です.罰当たりなことに,てっきりトイレだと思ったと,さきほどのP先生に言って笑われました.

We now entered Khao To Ngao National Park, which is home to the Satun Geo Park. As usual, the entrance fee for foreigners is 200 baht, which is a little expensive. I found something unusual at the entrance of the park. It is a prayer room for Muslims, who are common in the area. Prof Punya laughed at me when I told him that I thought it was a toilet, so sorry for Muslims.

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At low tide, the beach where many fishing boats are moored has a wide lagoon-like tidal flat. It looks a little like Isahaya Bay in Kumamoto Pref. The promenade along the beach, the purpose of this excursion, can be seen at the far right.

Time Traver’'s Bridge と綴られています.遊歩道の入口です.

It is spelled "Time Traver's Bridge". This is the entrance to the boardwalk.


This is the fossil sign at the entrance. As expected of a World Geopark.


The trail is quite long. The first is a gray Ordovician limestone. Notch structures cut by seawater can be seen. The area near the seawater is covered with oyster shells. There are supposed to be fossils, but the surface is so weathered that we could not find any.

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This is the main site of the tour. On the up right is the Ordovician limestone and on the left is the Cambrian red sandstone. In other words, the two age boundaries meet at a fault line. The slicken pattern of the fault plane is also carved into the boulder block.


This is a close-up. However, the fault is only one interpretation, and some of the participating experts pointed out that it might be unconformity. However, I find it difficult to imagine an unconformity where limestone overlies sandstone.

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Explanation board for the interpretation as a fault.
カ ンブリア紀の砂岩が広く海岸に広がっています.さらに遠くにカンブリア紀の三葉虫化石で有名なタルタオ島が霞んでみえます.想像より大きな島でした.案内 者の久田先生によると最初この島を巡検地に考えたそうですが,渡し船が気象条件で左右されやすいそうで,今回はあきらめたとのこと.少し残念でした.

Cambrian sandstones are widely spread along the coast. Tarutao Island, famous for its Cambrian trilobite fossils, can be seen in the distance. The island was larger than I had imagined. According to Prof. Hisada, our guide, the island was first considered for the excursion, but he gave up the idea this time because the ferry is easily affected by weather conditions. It was a little disappointing.

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Now, let's visit the sandstone layers on the beach. The stratigraphy is clearly visible here. prof. Hisada explained that he thinks it was deposited by a shallow sea.

Beautiful cross lamina can be ssen.
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They say this is probably a patch of calcite, and they explained it as secondary formation, but it's hard to say.

The trail is built at the bottom of a very steep cliff where the limestone has been eroded by sea water. We are going back the way we came.

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The dinner that night was at a restaurant near the resort hotel. 80% of the residents in this area are Muslim, and only one out of ten restaurants serve beer. This is one of the few restaurants in the area.

色 んな料理が出たのですが,これが極め物です.器がある海に棲む生物の甲羅でできています.さらにごらんのソンタムに似たサラダには,この生物の卵が入って います.さてなんという生物かわかるでしょうか?答えは次の写真です.ヒント:日本の生息地では,天然記念物に指定されています!

The dishes served were of various kinds, but this one was the best of them all. The bowl is made of the shell of a sea creature. The salad, similar to sontam, contains the eggs of this creature. Can you guess what kind of creature it is? The answer is shown in the following picture. Hint: In one habitat in Japan, it is designated as a nationall monument!

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The answer to the cooking eggs and vessel I just mentioned: horseshoe crabs! Today, the 27th, we will first visit the Geopark museum. In the back of the museum, there is a rather shabby geological exhibit.

そ の後さきほどの,右手にあるもっと素晴らしい建物の,ステゴゾン象化石の博物館で説明を受けました.この半島部に少数住む原住民の「マニ族」についての説 明でした.この人たちはあまり現在のタイの住民とは接触が少なく,いわば森の民としてひっそりと住んでいた人たちです.

After that, we were taken to the Stegozone Fossil Museum, the more impressive building on the right, the presentation was about the "Mani", a small group of indigenous people living in this peninsula. These people have little contact with the present inhabitants of Thailand, and they lived in seclusion as forest people, so to speak.

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「マ ニ族」のDNAが縄文人のDNAと似ているという最近の研究結果で,にわかに日本の研究者の関心を呼んでいます.我々の巡検の案内者の久田先生もこの問題 に関心を持っていて,近頃NHKで特集番組に出演されたとか.まさかこのあと本物の「マニ族」に出会うとは,この時は思ってもみなかった.

A recent study showing that the DNA of the Mani people is similar to that of the Jomon people has suddenly attracted the interest of Japanese researchers. Our guide, Prof. Hisada, is also interested in this issue and recently appeared in a special program on NHK. At the time, I had no idea that I would meet the real "Manis" later on.

こ れが道端で偶然出会ったマニ族の家族です.一般のタイ人とは風貌が異なります.むしろアンダマン海にすむ人々に似ています.しかし先ほどの博物館の説明で は,そのアンダマン海の人々は,アイヌの人々と様々な特徴が似ているとか.なんか急に人類学の学問への興味が俄然a沸いてくる気がしました.この写真はも ちろん彼らの許可の元に撮っています.

This is a Mani family I met by chance on the roadside. They look different from ordinary Thai people. They look more like the people of the Andaman Sea. But according to the museum's explanation, the Andaman Sea people are similar to the Ainu people in Japan in many ways. I suddenly felt a sudden interest in the study of anthropology. This photo was taken with their permission, of course.

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今 までは森の奥に住むのみで,あまり接触を好まなかったかれらも少しずつ表に出てくるようになって,子供をタイの学校に通わせたり,このように物を通りがか りの人に売るようになっているとか.チュラ大の大学院生のCさんがタイ語で話かけてコミュニケーションをとってくれました.ごらんの売り物を我々が極めて 安価で少しずつ購入しました.Cさんによるとやはりタイ南部のアクセントとも少し異なる言葉を話すとか.今日は本当ににわかに人類学の勉強をする日となり ました.

They used to live deep in the forest and did not like to be contacted, but they are now gradually coming out to the public, sending their children to Thai schools and selling their goods to passers-by like this. Ms. C, a graduate student at Chula University, communicated with us in Thai. She told us that she also speaks with a slightly different accent from the southern part of Thailand. Today was a day of learning about anthropology in a new way.


This is a branch of something I bought from them for 2 baht for 2 sticks. They said that it is used as a medicine to ease the pain in the lower back if you boil it and put it on your back. It was a very nice souvenir.


After a short drive, we enter an unusual limestone cave where the river runs through the cave, which is the excursion point for this afternoon. We all put on life jackets and board the canoes. A guide is on board and paddles the canoe. 2 people are in a group, so I was in the same canoe with Ms. C, a graduate student.

こ れが無茶苦茶長い鍾乳洞でかなり来たと思っても,旅程の半分だったとか,驚きました.さらに現在は少し水面が下がっているとかで,途中2か所カヌーを降り て歩く場所がありましたが,何とか通行できました.何カ所か鍾乳石が美しい場所があり,これはそのうちの一つです.クリックで動画.

This is an absurdly long limestone cave, and even though we thought we had come a long way, We were surprised to hear that it was only half of our trip. There are several places with beautiful stalactites, and this is one of them. Click to Movie.


After leaving the cave, which was really long, we went further down the mangrove river. The scenery is very similar to that of Iriomote Island Okinawa Pref, Japan, where I went on a school excursion a long time ago.

さ て川を下ってさらに少し大きめの船に乗り換え,さらに川を下り,食事場所に到着.バンに朝から積んできた弁当を食べました.さらにそこから今度はバスで別 の川を少し遡ったところにある,今日最後の見学場所である滝に出かけました.ここでは連続する滝の岩石をTufa(石灰質の沈殿岩)が見事に覆っている場 所です.ご夫婦で参加されていた,旧知の兵庫県立大学のKさんの奥さんに撮ってもらいました.

We then changed to a slightly larger boat down the river, and arrived at the dining place. We ate lunch boxes that had been loaded in the van since the morning. From there, we took a bus to another waterfall a little further up the river, which was the last stop of the day. Here, Tufa (calcareous sedimentary rock) beautifully covers the rocks of a series of waterfalls. In font of Tufa, Prof.Kawamura of Hyogo Pref. University and me were taken a picture by Kawamura's wife.

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This is a shot of us at the year-end market on our way back to the hotel after dinner. A police guard saw us, and asked us to take a picture together. I respect this kind of Thai society very much, which is unthinkable in Japan.


A night stall, like a goldfish catching stall, not a goldfish scooping stall.

The market is mainly composed of clothing, sundries and food products. It is typical of rural markets.


There is even a temporary amusement park. Children in the countryside, where amusements are scarce, seem to enjoy it. Click to Movie.


A music band that always plays at events was loud and blaring. After this, our van picked us up and took us back to my hotel. Click to Movie.

To be continued to third day ---->

Copyright(c) by Y.Okamoto 2024, All rights reserved.