2025 Jan.-Feb. Thailand Science Highschool Photo Diary part_4-1 2025年タイ滞在記 その4−1.  2025-02-26 Y.Okamoto


 (I quoted the diary on FaceBook and added a photo to it...) (The English text is posted with some revisions after DeepL traslation)

Bangkok Stay and Ayutthaya Sight Seeing Part1 (休憩)バンコク滞在・アユタヤ観光記 Part1

The following is a quote from my FceBook page.

そ の後,勝手知ったバンコクの下町の定宿に落ち着きました.以前の780バーツ/泊から,100バーツ値上がりしていましたが,勝手の効く宿で,ロビーで電 子レンジと電気ポットが使えるのが一押しです.なんせピザの温めと,粉からのコーヒーを淹れる作業だけは,旅先でもかかせないからです.今週の週末の予定 が決まっていなかったので,今週末まで滞在を延長したところです.Booking.comだと満杯だったのですが,やはり着いて交渉すると部屋は空いてい るものです.これで明日からのアユタヤ観光のあと,定宿でゆっくりと過ごすことができそうです.今日は市内に鉄道切符と日常品の買い物に出たのですが,何 と電車,地下鉄が全部無料でした.切符にあたるコインを駅で配っていて,何事かと思ったのですが,どうも何かの記念日なのかよくわかりません.とにかく5 本くらい乗った電車が,全部無料だったのはとても助かりました.今チェックしたら,ニュースに出てました.

After that, I settled down at a regular inn in downtown Bangkok, which I knew very well. The price had increased by 100 baht from the previous 780 baht/night, but it was a very convenient lodging, and the use of an electric range and an electric kettle in the lobby was a big plus. I'm always in need of heating up pizza and brewing coffee from powder when I'm traveling. I had no plans for this weekend, so I just extended my stay until the end of this week, and although Booking.com was full about this hotel, but  I found a room when I arrived and negotiated. Now I will be able to spend some time in Ayutthaya after sightseeing tomorrow. Today I went shopping for train tickets and daily necessities in the city, and to my surprise, all trains and subways were free of charge. I was wondering what was going on, but I don't know if it was some kind of commemoration day or not. Anyway, it was very helpful that all the 5 or so trains I took were free of charge. I just checked the news.
I really appreciate this.
I want to go sightseeing in Bangkok more when I come back from Ayutthaya!!

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ド ンムアン空港に近い宿をチェックアウト.電車に乗るのも考えたけど,どうせならGrab使ってと思って,次の定宿までTAXIに乗りました.240バーツ で1000円弱はまあまあかな.重い荷物を運ぶ手間が省けました.バンコクTAXIは悪名高かったで敬遠してましたが,Grabで呼ぶようになればボラれ る心配無用です.この宿オーナーのマダムがえらい親切で,エレベータと温水シャワーがあれば悪くない宿なのですが,-----.次使うかは微妙です.

I checked out of the hotel near Don Mueang Airport. At first, I thought about taking a train, but I decided to use Grab and took a Taxi to my favorite hotel. 240 Baht, less than 1000 yen, was fair. It saved me the trouble of carrying heavy luggage. I used to avoid Bangkok Taxi because of its infamous reputation, but now I don't have to worry about getting ripped off if I use Grab to call. The madam who owns this hotel is very kind, and it would not be so bad if it had an elevator and a hot shower. -----. I am not sure if I will use it next time.


I've already made my first mistake, and I'm taking the utmost precaution when using Grab. This is calling taxi at my hotel. This app is really useful.

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途中のショッピングモールは日本企業が結構揃っていますね.shinkanzen sushiというのは何でしょうか?

I see that there are many Japanese companies in the shopping malls along the way...what is shinkanzen sushi?
こ ちらが定宿のBBHouse.ARL(スワンナプーム空港から市内までの高架電車)のラームカーヘン駅のすぐそばにあり,重い荷物でもとても便利なところ です.今日はGrabだったので直付けでした.ごらんの荷物は先日26kgまで膨れていました.LGの大型液晶TVが,PCのモニタとして使いやすい高さ にあるので,とても見やすく助かります.これTVだけ異様に高い場所にあるホテルが多いので.

This is BBHouse, my regular accommodation, located near the LahmKahen station of ARL (elevated train line from Suvarnabhumi Airport to the city), which is very convenient even with heavy luggage. Today's transpotation was by Grab, so it was directly arrived at the hotel entrance. The large LG LCD TV is located at a height that is easy to use as a PC monitor. Many hotels have the TV at an unusually high place.

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今 回のコーヒー淹れのエクイップメントです.カリタがとてもかさばるので,対処を考えました.コーヒー粉はスーパーで適当なものを買いました.様々な種類が あって結構迷います.今回はMorning用と書かれたものです.まずまずの味ですね.ここにはありませんが,ブライトを入れ物に入れて持ってきていま す.砂糖とミルクを加えないと飲めない小心者ですから.

This is the equipement for this coffee brewing session. The Kalita is very bulky, so I thought of a solution. I bought coffee powder at the supermarket. There are many kinds of coffee powder, so it is quite confusing. This time, I used the one labeled “Morning”. It tastes good. I brought some Bright(A Japanese milk powder brand) in a container, which is not shown here. I can't drink it unless I add sugar and milk, because I'm a novice.


The BTS ticket came out without money, just by pressing the destination button. At the ARL station, station staff handed out tokens, which look like plastic coins, at the ticket gate(the next row photo).

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今 日の買い物.右が一番大事な明日のアユタヤ行きのタイ国鉄(SRT)の切符.約1時間余りの乗車で,急行らしいエアコン付き列車の切符が片道191バー ツ.まずまずの値段.もちろんエアコンなしだと半額になりますが.あと空港そばの宿で蚊が飛んだので,電気蚊取り109バーツ.これ一応アースと書かれて いるのですが.それに電源が少なく困ったので,左の3股ソケットは80バーツ.しかし定宿には電源がたくさんあるので,不要だったかも.この電化製品はス クンビットの駅そばの百貨店には当然なくて,探したあげく,近くのアソークの駅そばのHomeProで,それも店員に聞き倒してやっと見つけました.英語 をわかる店員が意外と少なく驚きました.

Shopping for the day. On the right is the most important ticket for tomorrow's trip to Ayutthaya on the State Railways of Thailand (SRT). It takes about one hour and costs 191 baht one way for an air-conditioned train ticket, which seems to be an express train. It is half the price without air-conditioning. Also, I paid 109 baht for an electric mosquito repellent for the mosquitoes that were flying around at the inn near the airport. This is labeled “Earth Corporation, A Japanese  company). The 3-way socket on the left is 80 baht. However, there are plenty of power sources in the inn, so it may not have been necessary. I found it at HomePro near the Asoke station, after a long search, and after asking many questions to the staff. I was surprised to find that there were surprisingly few clerks who understand English.

こちらがARLのホームとそのチケットになる,トークンと呼ばれるプラ スティックの丸いコイン状の玉.バンコクの鉄道がややこしいのは,古い国鉄(SRL,古くて遅い)の他に,日本の地下鉄にあたる高架鉄道が3種類あって, 順に上の写真のBTS,MRTそしてさっきのARLです.このうちこの丸いトークンはMRTとARL.BTSは上の写真のカード.ややこしいですね.これ を駅員が各駅で無料で配ってくれていた.もともと安い料金でもさらに無料になるのはありがたい.でも共通きっぷが今のところないのです.日本みたいに ICOCAで全部行けるようにしてほしい.

This is an ARL platform and the ticket, a round coin-shaped ball of plastic called a token. The railroad system in Bangkok is complicated because, in addition to the old national railway (SRL, old and slow), there are three types of elevated railroads, which are equivalent to Japan's subway system: BTS, MRT and ARL. The round tokens are MRT and ARL.  The BTS is the card shown in the photo above. The station staff gave these out for free at each station. It's nice to be able to get a free ticket even though the fare is already low. But there is no common ticket at the moment. I wish ICOCA like ticket could go to all stations like in Japan.

世 界遺産アユタヤ滞在日記その1.自転車運転危険編.これまでタイは何度も来ているのですが,ほとんど観光らしいことをしなかったので,今回休息を兼ねて, 有名な世界遺産のアユタヤまで来ています.土地感がなく,適当に決めたホテルが市街から5kmも離れていて,駅前で格安で借りたレンタル自転車で,毎日危 険な車道の端を逆通行で,猛スピードのバイクや車にひやひやしながら,走って風致地区まで通っています.世界遺産の紹介などはまた明日バンコクに戻ってか ら,少し暇になるのでアップする予定です.走りながらの動画が多いので,手が映ったりと,編集できていません.前半はiPhone,後半はGoProで 撮ってます.なお自転車は駅前のレンタサイクルの店で,3日借りているのですが,何と1日目が夕方だったので,2日分でよいと嬉しい措置.学生さんみたい な親切な店主で使用料は60バーツ/日と格安.これ初日(一昨日)列車で着いて,ホテルまでバイクタクシーと交渉したら,最初80バーツとふっかけられ て,半額の40なら乗るといい,50バーツで交渉成立した距離です.あとでGrabで調べると同じバイクが61バーツだったので,安かったと思います.交 渉力も徐々についてきました.1/30.追記バンコクに戻ったので,動画編集しなおして再アップする予定です.

Diary of my stay in Ayutthaya World Heritage Site, Part 1. I have been to Thailand many times, but I have not done much sightseeing, so I came to Ayutthaya, a famous World Heritage site, for a rest. I have no local knowledge, and the hotel I chose at random is 5 km away from the city center, so I have to ride a cheap rental bicycle to the scenic area, driving the wrong way along the dangerous side of the road every day, being afraid of fast-moving motorcycles and cars. I plan to upload some more information on the World Heritage sites when I return to Bangkok tomorrow. I have not been able to edit the video because there are many videos taken while I was riding, so my hands are not on the video. The first half was taken with iPhone and the second half with GoPro. I rented a bicycle for 3 days from a bicycle rental store in front of the station. The owner of the store is very kindand young like a student, and the rental fee is only 60 Baht/day. I arrived by train on the first day (the day before yesterday) and negotiated with a bike taxi to get to the hotel. It costs finaly down to 50 THB but at first they said 80. Later, I checked the price on Grab and it was 61 baht for the same bike, so I think it was cheaper. I will edit the video and upload it again after I return to Bangkok.

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風 致地区の市街は川に囲まれていて,車道が越える橋は数えるしかありません.その中でもホテルからだとどうしても,この巨大な橋を越える必要があります.阪 神高速に自転車で乗り入れうようなものです.最初のこれは,もうかなり運転にも慣れた今日の朝のその橋の車道に側道から合流する動画です.余裕がやっと出 て来て(まだ命がけですが),スマホを片手の危険な運転をしています.最初のうちは本当に恐怖の連続でした.ここで事故ったら,次の学校の仕事をできなく なると心配になるほどでした.

The city is surrounded by rivers, and there are only a few bridges that can be crossed by roadways. From the hotel, you have to cross this huge bridge. It is like riding a bicycle over the Hanshin Expressway in Osaka(This is an anaology of that danger) !!  This is the first video of me joining the bridge from the side road in the morning, when I was already quite used to driving. I finally have some leeway (but I am still risking my life) and I am driving dangerously with my phone in my hand. At first, I was really scared. I was afraid that if I had an accident here, I would not be able to do my next job at the next school.

やっ と橋のなかほどにさしかかり川の上を通行します.この川がやがてヤオプラヤ川と合流してバンコクに下るのです.慣れてくると段々と車やバイクと対抗するす べを学習しだしました.まあママチャリなのであまり速度は出ません.なれたMTBならもっと勝負できるのですが(笑).端の中央部は少し車道の端が広くて 走りやすいのですが,これが下るときにはかなり狭くなるのです.

Finally, you will reach the middle of the bridge and pass over the river. This river eventually joins the Yao Phraya River and goes down to Bangkok. As I got used to it, I gradually learned how to compete with cars and motorcycles. I ride a Mom's bike, so I can't go very fast. I could have done better on my MTB (laughs). The center of the edge of the road is a little wider and easier to ride, but it becomes much narrower on the way down.

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こ れは昨日の反対車線の端をホテルに帰る方向の様子です.次第に車線幅が狭くなり,危険度が増します.車より車線すれすれを,結構な速度で走るバイクが怖い ですね.線路はアユタヤ駅からバンコクに向かう長距離路線です.線路は日本と同じ狭軌ですが,列車の様子などはまた帰ってから報告します.

This is a view of the opposite end of the lane from yesterday, heading back to the hotel. The lane is getting narrower and more dangerous. Motorcycles running at a very high speed in the lane are more frightening than cars. The train line is a long-distance line from Ayutthaya Station to Bangkok. The tracks are narrow gauge, the same as in Japan, but I will report on the condition of the trains after my return.

こ れは一つの交差点の例ですが,左折する車が入ってくるのでひやひやです.しかもこれはまだ中央分離帯がないので,よいのですが,これで分離帯があると,一 旦分離帯で停止して車の通行を見計らって渡る必要があります.信号もみないとだめなので,それこそ運動神経が必要です.ただ私はだんだんとadapted してきました.それとここに動画はありませんが,逆走を覚えたので,急に楽になりました.要するに車線の端をルールとは無関係に,より走りやすい方を走る 手段です.こちらはこの同にあるように結構逆走してくるバイクも多いです.私は自転車でこの手段を取ります.まあ 昔はやった「生きる力」とかいう御託 が,本当の意味で生きる場所ではあります.

This is an example of an intersection, but it is a very dangerous one because of the incoming left-turning cars. If there is a divider, you have to stop at the divider and wait for the traffic to pass before crossing. You also have to watch for traffic signals, so you need to have good bike skills. I am getting more and more adapted to it. I don't have a video here, but I learned to drive in reverse, and it suddenly became easier. In short, it is a way to drive on the edge of the lane that is easier to drive, regardless of the rules. As you can see in this video, there are a lot of bikes going the other way. I use this method with my bicycle. Well, this is a place where the old oracle of "the power to live" really lives on.

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動 画を一本追加です.こちらは風致地区に入ったところで,自転車用のレーンが一応整備されてはいます.ただ優先というほど配慮は当然してくれないので,走る のは自己責任になります.この風致地区,私の第一印象は何か奈良に似ているなという印象でした.象を鹿に換えると似てくるのではと.詳しくは明日以降に.

Here is an additional video. This is a bicycle lane in a scenic area. However, it is not a priority area, so it is your own responsibility to ride a bicycle. My first impression of this area was that it is similar to Nara city Japan. I thought it would be similar if elephants were replaced by deer. I will give you more details tomorrow or later.

こ ちらが追加でアップした動画です.アユタヤ市街に入る橋は実は南側にもう一つあることがわかり,最終日にはその橋を渡っています.こちらにはごらんのよう に歩道がついていて,しかもその歩道が橋のたもとでは自転車が通れるように工夫してあります.この橋を発見したので,次回から市街に外から自転車で入るの はかなり楽になりそうです.

Here is an additional video I uploaded. We found out that there is another bridge to the south of Ayutthaya city, which we crossed on the last day. As you can see, this bridge has a sidewalk, and the sidewalk is designed to allow bicycles to pass under the bridge. Now that we have discovered this bridge, it will be much easier to enter the city by bicycle from the outside next time.

ア ユタヤ日記.列車編.さてバンコクの定宿に戻ってきました.今回バンコクからアユタヤには,タイ国鉄(SRT)に初めて乗りました.遅いと揶揄されること のある国鉄ですが,なかなか快適でした.行きはエアコン付き(2等,寝台車仕様)の快速で191バーツ.帰りはエアコンなし(3等)の急行で何とたったの 20バーツ(90円相当)でした.安すぎると窓口で言ってもスタッフ嬢は笑うだけ.しかも帰りは45分遅れて到着したので,それを取り返すがごとく飛ばし に飛ばして,アユタヤ-バンコク間を何と,たった50分足らずで到着しました.これには驚きました.切符の値段といい,かかる時間といい,ネット情報など 当てにはなりません.それでは鉄オタになった気分で写真で紹介します.

Ayutthaya Diary. Train .......... Now I am back at my hotel in Bangkok. This is the first time for me to take a train of the State Railway of Thailand (SRT) from Bangkok to Ayutthaya. The train is often ridiculed for its slowness, but it was quite comfortable. The fare to Ayutthaya was 191 baht for a fast, air-conditioned (2nd class, sleeping car specification) train. The return trip was an express train without air conditioning (3rd class) for only 20 baht (equivalent to 90 yen). When I told the staff at the counter that it was too cheap, they just laughed at me. Moreover, the train arrived 45 minutes late on the return trip, so as if the train was trying to make up for it, and arrived in less than 50 minutes between Ayutthaya and Bangkok. I was surprised at this. The ticket price, the time it takes, and the information on the Internet are not to be trusted. I'll show you the pictures as if I were a train geek.

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バ ンコクの国鉄の大阪駅にあたる,バンスー駅は何か名前が変わっていて,覚えきれない.その窓口で前日に切符を購入するところです.エアコン付きの切符は, 前日にこのように予約可能ですが,3等のエアコンなしの格安切符は,オンラインなどでは買えず,駅で直接,当日の発車20分まえからの購入になります.ち なみにこの駅は新幹線の駅のように,とても立派な建物で近代的で清潔です.

Bansu station, which looks like the Osaka station, of Thai National Railways in Bangkok, has a different name that I can't remember. You can buy tickets with air-conditioning the day before, but you cannot buy 3rd class tickets without air-conditioning online, and you have to buy them directly at the station 20 minutes before departure. The station is modern, clean, and very well built, just like the Shinkansen stations.

さ て,翌日大きな荷物はバンコクの定宿に預けて,リュックだけで列車に乗り込みました.191バーツの値段が左下に.また購入時にパスポートが必要なので, 名前も記載されています.当然座席指定で,列車番号と席を間違えないように座ります.すぐに車掌さんが切符のチェックにやってきます.

The next day, I left my large luggage at my hotel in Bangkok and boarded the train with only my backpack. The price of 191 baht is shown in the lower left corner and my passport is required to purchase the ticket. Naturally, you are assigned a seat, so make sure you get the correct train number and seat. The conductor comes to check my ticket immediately.

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車 内の様子.深夜便ではおそらく,上からベッドが下りてきて,2段の寝台車になる構造です.ファンがありますが,エアコンが効いているので不要です.荷物は 上の棚か.ごらんの荷物置きにおきます.この車両は一人掛けの席です.前の女性には座るときにハローと声をかけました.にっこり微笑んでくれました.片道 約900円になるのでタイ国鉄としては高額な切符です.

Interior view. For late-night trips, the beds will probably come down from above to form a double-decker sleeping car. There is a fan, but it is unnecessary because the air conditioner is working. Luggage can be placed on the upper shelf or on the luggage rack as you can see. This car has a seat for one person. I said hello to the woman in front of me when I sat down. She smiled at me. The one-way ticket costs about 900 yen, which is an expensive ticket for Thai Railways.


The first thing to do after departure is to drive through the city of Bangkok. The scenery here is similar to that of the Shin-Osaka area on the Midosuji subway line. The train stopped once at Don Mueang Airport. The train skipped at several more stations because it is a rapid train.

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さ てアユタヤ駅に到着して降りたところです.チェンマイまで行く列車なので,ここで乗客が乗り込んでいます.いつかこれに乗ってチェンマイまで行きたいと 思っています.あとタイの線路の狭軌のことを書くのを忘れていました.日本と同じ狭軌ではあるのですが,実は厳密には違います.日本は1,067 mmですが,タイはちょっきり1,000 mm(メートル狭軌)だそうです.これ知りませんでした.線路幅が狭いなというのは最初に駅で思ったのですが.

Now we have arrived at Ayutthaya station and just got off the train. Passengers are getting on the train to Chiang Mai. I would like to take this train to Chiang Mai someday. I forgot to write about the narrow gauge of the tracks in Thailand. It is the same narrow gauge as in Japan, but actually it is not exactly the same. Japan's gauge is 1,067 mm, but Thailand's is a bit more like 1,000 mm (metric narrow gauge). I did not know this. I thought the track width was narrow at the first station.


I took a picture of the station as I watched the train departing. Many of the passengers were Europeans and Americans, which made me feel as if I were in the European countryside. I have not been to Europe much (laugh).

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さ てグーグル地図でやっと探し当てた,駅前のレンタル自転車屋で自転車を借りました.すでに自転車編で書いたように,3日分なのに,60バーツ/24hだか らと言って,2日分の費用ですみました.商売気があまりないのが好感が持てます.この写真は返却時に撮りました.探せばわかりやすい場所ではあるのです が,最初着いたときは戸惑って,重いリュックかついで,少し歩き回りました.場所は駅の真正面の,道路の向い側の路地を,少し入ったところにあります.ち なみにグーグル地図はうそが多いです.何度も騙されて,結構ひどいめに会っています.

I rented a bicycle at a bicycle rental shop in front of the station, which I finally found with the Google map. As I already wrote in the Bicycle section, I only had to pay 60 Baht/24hours for 2 days within 48 hours, not 3 days. I like the fact that they are not too commercial. This picture was taken when I returned the bike. The location is easy to find, but when I first arrived, I was confused and walked around a bit with a heavy backpack. The location is directly in front of the station, a little further down the alley on the opposite side of the road. Google maps are full of lies, by the way. I have been cheated many times and had quite a bad experience.

駅 前はごらんのダイハツミゼットのカラフルな車両が目立ちます.観光客用のタクシーですが,これダイハツオリジナルではなく,現地で生産されたコピー車のよ うです.オリジナルと異なるのは,ライトが丸目ではないことだそうです.それにしても日本ではとっくに見なくなったミゼットを,こちらで大量に見るとは 思ってもみませんでした.

The colorful Daihatsu Midget vehicles are conspicuous in front of the station. They are cabs for tourists, but they are not Daihatsu originals, but copies produced locally. The only difference from the original is that the lights are not round. I never expected to see so many Midgets here, which I have not seen in Japan for a long time.

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今 回Booking.comで適当に探して予約した宿ですが,前に書いたように市街地から4-5km離れた辺鄙な場所にあります.車かバイクが必須のところ です.これは昨日の朝チェックアウトしたあとで,重いリュックなど荷物を預けに,一旦アユタヤ駅に向いました.もう道は結構勝手がわかったので,楽な近い 道を通って駅に向かうところです.

As I mentioned earlier, it is in a remote area 4-5 km away from the city center, so a car or a motorcycle is necessary. After checking out yesterday morning, I went to Ayutthaya station to leave my heavy backpack for sight-seeing. I already know the way to the station, so I took the easy way to the station.

新 しいホテルなので,バイタク運ちゃんもほとんど知らず,私の携帯で電話をして場所を尋ねるほどでした.それでもやはり新しく清潔なのはいいですね.1Fロ ビーには電子レンジと湯沸かしポット,それに朝だけ無料のコーヒー機があります.ただもう一度泊まるかと言われると,やはり市街地に近い方が便利かと.

The hotel is so new that the bike taxi drivers hardly knew it, and even called me on my cell phone to ask where it was. The lobby on the first floor has a microwave, hot water kettle, and a free coffee machine in the morning. However, if I would visit this city again, I would prefer to stay closer to the city center.

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I noticed this when I was sightseeing yesterday. The bicycle had been used for commuting to school somewhere Japan. It was a mom's bicycle, but it had a gear shift and was very convenient. However, the adjustment of the high saddle was rusted and it was not working, so it was quite dangerous in the city.

こ れは一昨日の夕方で,夕食を買いにホテル近くのショッピングモールにでかけたときのものです.こちらでは中国の旧正月を祝う飾りがどのモールにも飾られて います.中国服を来たスタッフもキャンペーンに参加しています.最近のタイへの中国の進出ぶりがよくわかる風景です.ただ駐車場は車とバイクばかりで,自 転車の姿はありません.まあこんなところに自転車で来るのは私くらいかと.

This was the evening before yesterday, when I went to a shopping mall near my hotel to buy dinner. Every mall here is decorated to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Staff members dressed in Chinese clothes are also participating in the campaign. This is a scene that clearly shows the recent expansion of China into Thailand. However, the parking lots are full of cars and motorcycles, not a bicycle in sight. I think I'm the only one who rides a bicycle in such a place.

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さ てこれが旅の1日目の夕食.さきほどのモールで買い込んだものですが,もうちょっとまとものものを買いたかった.重いマンゴーまで買い込んだのですが,果 物ナイフをバンコクに忘れてきたので,バンコクまでお持ち帰りになります.クロワッサンは朝食用.朝はホテルのコーヒーがサービスであるのでそれを飲めま した.メニューに迷ったときは,卵焼きごはんのカイジャオライス一択になります.

Well, this was dinner on the first day of the trip. I bought these at the mall, but I wanted to buy something more decent. I even bought heavy mangoes, but I left my fruit knife in Bangkok, so I had to bring them back to Bangkok. Croissants for breakfast. I could drink the hotel's coffee in the morning as it was provided by the hotel lobby. If I am not sure about the menu, I can choose Kai Jiao Rice.


So I thought of something decent, and decided to try No. 8 Ramen the next evening. It was reasonable 120THB and delicious!

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さ て最終日の昨日朝,観光に出かけるために,リュックと買い物袋の2個を駅の荷物預かりに預けました.10バーツ/個と格安です.こちらにではまだ,コイン ロッカーをみたことがありません.これで身軽になって,また自転車で博物館などに向いました.もう一つ忘れていました.この写真を撮ってうろうろしている と,中からスタッフの方が出て来て,私がどうも中で落とした自転車の鍵を届けてくれました.鍵はとても重要なので助かりました.あやうく鍵代を弁償する羽 目になるところでした.親切な駅員さんに感謝です・

Yesterday morning, the last day of my Ayutthaya trip, I left my backpack and two shopping bags at the train station's luggage storage. 10 Baht/each is a reasonable price. I have never seen coin operated lockers in this country. So, my carrying was so light that I rode my bicycle again to the museum and other places. I forgot one more thing. While I was wandering around taking this picture, a staff member came out from inside and gave me the key of my bicycle that I had dropped in the locker. The key is very important. I almost had to pay for the key to the rental shop. Thanks to the kind station staff.

こ ちらは最終日の昼ごはんですが,駅の食堂があったのでそちらで食べました.メニューは結構色々あったので,ごらんのラザニアを選びました.もう自転車返し たので,当然昼ビールです.合わせて250バーツほど.とても美味しかったです.店員はまだおどおどした感じのする若い人でした.ぎごちない手つきでビー ルまでついでくれたので,勘定のときに20バーツ,チップを渡しました.

This is my lunch on the last day. I had lunch at the station cafeteria. The menu was quite varied, so I chose the lasagna you see here. Since I had already returned my bicycle, I naturally had a beer for lunch. The total price was about 250 Baht. It was very tasty. The waiter was a young man who still looked intimidated and serve me the beer. I tipped him 20 baht when I paid the bill.

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I decided to go to the restroom before boarding the train, and to my surprise, I found that I had to pay 3 baht (14 yen) to enter the restroom. I was surprised at this, because it was a toilet in a public train station.


I'm just about to return the bike, which has served me well for the past three days. From a high school student commuting to school, it is now working in a foreign sightseeing spot. I would like to be able to be like him (laugh).

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Waiting for the train at the station. This guy in front of me has a YAMAHA guitar case. He looks so cool.

私 の乗る予定の76番の列車は45分ほど遅れているようです.実はこのあと,ちょっとしたミス.看板の一つ前の112番の快速がこれも遅れてホームに入って きたのですが,駅員にこれに乗り換えれるか?と聞いたときにはすでに発車の態勢で乗れませんでした.まあ20分ほどのことですが.

My scheduled train 76 was delayed by 45 minutes. Actually, there was a slight mistake after that. The 112 rapid train, which came in one train before the sign, was also late, but by the time I asked the station staff if I could transfer to it, it was already ready to depart. so I could not get on. Well, it was only for about 20 minutes.

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So, the rapid train I mentioned has just arrived. I was taking a video and could not judge whether I could get on this train or not, so I asked the station staff a little after I finished taking the video. But it was already too late. It was a lesson for the next time.


Now, 45 minutes late, we say goodbye to Ayutthaya station. The train was quite full, and some people were standing. 3rd class is not reserved seats, so you can get on train as you want. This is what the station clerk told me that the train would never be full and that I would get my ticket.

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ご らんのように片道なんと20バーツ.宿やレストランのチップなみの値段です.これで急行なのですから驚きます.窓口の女性も格安の値段の理由は教えてくれ ませんでした.どうも条件によって変わるようで,ネット情報とは全然ちがいますね.エアコンなしで心配でしたが,開けられた窓から心地よい風が入ってき て,日本の5月のような爽やかさです.まあこの時期だけのことだと思われますが.

As you can see, the one-way trip costs 20 baht. This is about the same cost as a tip at a hotel or restaurant. I was surprised because it is an express train. The lady at the counter did not tell me the reason why the low price. It seems that the price depends on the conditions, and is totally different from the information on the Internet. I was worried about the lack of air conditioning, but the breeze coming in through the open window was as refreshing as if it were May in Japan. I guess it is just only this season during the year.

さ てバンコクの定宿に逗留.初めてこの宿で最上階の4Fのツインの部屋です.Booking.comでは明日からの1日だけの予約でしたが,前後に3泊を追 加して計4泊にしました.これからゆっくり骨休めですね.市内の交通機関が前に書いたように明日まで無料らしいので,それに乗ってバンコク市内の観光にも 出かけるつもりです.今夜以降にアユタヤ世界遺産編をアップする予定です.

Well, I'm staying at a regular hotel in Bangkok. I booked a twin room on the top floor of this hotel for the first time, but Booking.com said I could stay only one day from tomorrow, but I added three nights before and after to make it four nights in total. I'm going to rest for my relaxation from now on. As I mentioned before, the transportation in the city is free until tomorrow, so I am going to go sightseeing in Bangkok. I plan to upload the Ayutthaya World Heritage Site after tonight.

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There is a new food stall village under the ARL (Airport Rail Link) station near the hotel. I had the Pad Thai for dinner last night for 60 Baht, a very reasonable price.


Dinner was served with a can of Chang that I brought back from my trip. I was so tired that I fell asleep. Thank you for reading my diary.

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