格安地磁気センサBM1422GMVによる地磁気計記録の紹介.Y.Okamoto 2024-05-18, updated on 2024-07-16
Preliminary report of magnetometer recordings with the BM1422GMV low-cost geomagnetic sensor
have separated the making and observation parts of the geomagnetometer
using the new geomagnetic sensor BM1422GMV from the previous article..
First of all, here is the fabrication part.
The sensor and an Arduino Uno are connected with the i2c protocol. The details of this sensor are as follows,

The sensor at an office of Taisei Gakuin University for avoiding train noises of my house.
I am appreciated Ms.H Nishiguchi for providing me her office for our observation.
The connecting circuits are as follows,

The software for ArduinoIDE can be downloaded at
An easy way to get data is the use of cu command on Linux PC like this. However you should install cu command with apt-get.
cu -s 9600 -l /dev/ttyACM0 | awk '{ print strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), $0 }' > logfile
(/dev/ttyACM0 should be adjusted on your PC)
The details of this command line options with time stamps, you can find the following page,
The difference between my home and TGU(Taisei Gakuin University). My home records are the following previous data.
The records at my new observation site of TGU is as follows,

TGU office at Sakai Mihara campus. Some moderate noises are seen. But we
have no idea about these noises. Because at this site, we have no high-voltage lines and traffics or trains.

home at Osaka-Sayama city beside the Nankai Koya railroad. Most of
noises are from the rail road signals and passing trains about 40m apart
from. We can see the coincide signals by running trains on time on week
days. You can see calm periods in the midnight to early morning because
of no trains.
New daily data are uploaded at the folloewing pages on 2024-05-24;
the previous magneto-sensor is cheap, I replaced it with another one
because I was not sure about the sensor characteristics and because it
is not a Honeywell geomagnetic sensor. This time, I used a magneto-sensor named BM1422GMV, which is manufactured by ROHM and available from Switch Science in Japan. The price was about 2000 yen, excluding shipping costs. The
sensor has a complete datasheet, and the output unit is specified as
[uT] (MicroTesla). i2c connection to the Arduino board is easy, just
like the previous sensor. In
addition, by downloading the test program from the ROHM website and
loading it into ArduinoIDE, data can be easily imported into a PC via
Serial com. software.

This is a 15-hour record from yesterday afternoon to this morning. The bottom is the raw data. The top is the moving average with the number of samples increased in ascendig order. There are a moving average (low-pass) calculation with 1-minute, 3-minute, and 10-minute windows, in ascending order. The top one shows that the daily fluctuation range is within 50 uT with some exceptions. This is almost the same level as the Kakioka geomagnetic data. However, the waveform is different. The influence of the artificial magnetic field is still strong. Still,
it should be noted that, as with the previous sensor, the noise
subsides after midnight at night and reappears after 5:00 a.m. The oscillations during the daytime appear to be slightly different depending on the moving average level. We are waiting for the next big magnetic storm.
This is a record of the horizontal and vertical rotations of the substrate before starting the observation. The left image shows the trajectory in the xy-plane, and the right image shows the trajectory in the xz-plane and yz-plane. Note that the recordings are for the entire rotation. This shows that the sensor has drawn a very beautiful arc compared to the previous sensor shown below. This alone shows the high reliability of the observed values.

Arduino+BM1422GMV on the blue board at the back right.
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びCopyright(c) by Y.Okamoto 2024, All rights reserved..