2022 Dec. PCSHS Loei Photo Diary part_3 2022年Loei滞在記 その3  2023-01-03 Y.Okamoto
  (I used DeepL for the English version and after some modifications.)

Loei Part_1
Loei Part_2


土 曜日に続いて,連日の日曜日の巡検の報告もします.土曜日と同じ,朝8時に学校を出発.私としてはLoeiから初めて南に下がりました.道は素晴らしく良 い道で学校専属のドライバー氏は飛ばす飛ばす.速度超過の警告表示の場所でわざと飛ばして120km/hは越えていたか.ちなみにこちらのバンは後部座席 は大抵,シートベルトはありません.最初は怖いですが,まあ慣れると覚悟を決めれます.田舎なので,大抵のバイクはノーヘルです.3人乗りも普通です.そ れで十分に生活できているのは,文化の違いです.日本固有の安全過剰文化が世界の大勢では決してありません.「郷に入れば郷に従えだと思います」.さて行 きはどこかのセブンイレブンに寄って飲み物を買ってという優雅な旅になります.この日の目的地はLoei郡のかなり南の端にちかい,石灰岩の名所「Pha Ngam Rock Garden」というところです.ビジターセンターもある場所ですが,あまり情報はありません.資料を 作るのにとても苦労しました.さて帰りはLoeiのBig-Cという,こちらでは有名なショッピングセンターで,しめしめやっとブランディが買えると喜ん だのも束の間,お酒の買えない時間(午後2時から5時のあいだ)だとわかり,残念しごく.S先生と専門店のピザを久々に買いました.そのあと夕陽を見に途 中の独立峰(500m)に登ります.これがなかなか大変.そのあたりも写真で紹介します.

Following Saturday's report, here is the report of the Sunday field trip. I left the school at 8:00 a.m., same as Saturday. For me, it was the first time to go south from Loei. The roads were excellent and the school's driver was very fast. He was driving at least 120km/h at the over speed warning sign. By the way, most of these vans do not have seat belts in the back seat. It is scary at first, but once you get used to it, you will be ready for it. Most motorcycles in the countryside have no helmets, and three-seaters are common. This is a cultural difference that allows us to live well. The culture of over-safety that is unique to Japan is by no means the majority in the world. I think "when in Rome, do as the Romans do". So, we will be going on an elegant trip, stopping at a 7-Eleven somewhere to buy a drink. Our destination for the day was the Pha Ngam Rock Garden, a limestone rock formation near the southern end of Loei province. There is a visitor center there, but not much information is available. It was very difficult to prepare the information. On the way back to Loei, we went to Big-C, a famous shopping center in Loei, and were happy to finally buy a brandy. but the time do not allowed it. After that, we climbed an independent peak (500m) on the way to see the sunset. This was quite hard work. I will show you some pictures of this area.

タ イ日記11日目.やっと大仕事が終わって,小仕事が連続します.今日は普通クラスの生徒(2クラス合併で約40人)に地震の話をしました.朝2クラス,午 後1クラスです.初期のデモ用のフィルム地震計を机上で紹介して,日本地震学会の「地震はなぜ起きる」(1996年制作)の英語版を見せました.3こぶ平 さんが若いころの例のやつです.最近の附属関係者には一度見せたかどうか記憶があやふやですが.ほか3D震源地図,断層実験など一通りを1時間に凝縮しま した.あとで校長と話すとこの学校の付近では毎年有感地震が最近はあるとのことで,生徒の関心が高いようです.
  ところで朝から困っていたのは,生徒に紹介しようと思った拙作のWebサイトの英語版のページがなぜか,朝から白紙状態で見れなくなっていたのです.とり あえずサーバー運営会社の担当にメールを打ったのですが,ややこしいのは,私のHPのトップページは実はこのサーバー会社の無料のサーバーを使っていて, これのサポートはできないという,けんもほろろの回答です.色々食い下がったのですが無駄でした.しかたなく色々考えて,1つの可能性はftpをかけると きに,向こうから学内wifiに何らかの問い合わせをしてきて,それをこちらの学内wifiが拒否っている可能性です.ということで,「テザリング」とい う手法を思いつきました.それも授業しながら考えていて閃いたのです.
  ということでテザリングで見事,Win機からFFFTPでアクセスがやっとできました!見ると,くだんの英語版トップページのファイルのサイズが0になっ ています.それはダメなはずです.実は2台のPCのうちの1台が,英語版ページを紹介したときのキャッシュが残っていたのか,トップページを表示していた ので,そのページをそのまま保存できました.しめしめとこれをアップロードしたのですが,フォーマットが崩れてダメです.CSSとかいろいろいじったので すが,どこかの依存関係が切れたようです.最後にダメ元で元のフォーマットで保存されたページを,Seamonkeyで開いて編集を選び,これを同じく Seamonkeyの出版で送るとなんとこれがBINGO!元のページが復活しました.朝から肝を冷やしました.よくキャッシュに残っていたものです.海 外でのネット環境にはいつも悩まされるのですが,テザリングとはとてもうまい方法を思いついたと自画自賛です.先週と今週の授業風景をいくつか.

The eleventh day of my Thai diary. The big job is finally over, and now we have a series of small tasks. Today, I gave a talk about the earthquake to the regular class students (about 40 students in two classes), two in the morning and one in the afternoon. I showed them a demonstration of film seismograph on the table and showed them the English version of "Why Earthquakes Happen?" (produced in 1996) by the Seismological Society of Japan, the same one used by Mr. Kobuhei when he was young. I'm not sure if I showed it once to the people who are affiliated with the JSAE or not. I condensed the lecture into one hour, including 3D seismicity maps, fault experiments, etc.  Later, I talked with the principal, who told me that there is an earthquake every year in the vicinity of this school, and that the students seem to be very interested in it.

  By the way, I had been troubled since this morning because the English version of my website, which I had intended to introduce to the students, had been blank since this morning and I could not see the page. I sent an e-mail to the server company, but the complicated thing is that the top page of my website is actually on a free server provided by this server company, and they said that they cannot provide support for it. I tried to get them to give up, but to no avail. One possibility is that when I ftp, the other end is making some kind of inquiry to the on-campus wifi, and our on-campus wifi is rejecting it. This is why I came up with the idea of "tethering". I was thinking about it while I was teaching a class, and it hit me.

  So, with tethering, I was finally able to access FFFTP from my Windows machine! I saw that the size of the file on the English top page was zero. That shouldn't be possible. Actually, one of the two PCs was displaying the top page, probably because it still had the cache from when I introduced the English page, so I was able to save the page as it was. I uploaded the page, but the formatting was corrupted, and I tried to change the CSS, but some dependency seems to have been broken. Finally, I opened the page saved in its original format in Seamonkey, selected "Edit", and sent it to Seamonkey's publish page, and BINGO! The original page was restored. I was chilled since this morning. I am amazed that it was still in the cache. I'm always worried about internet access when I'm overseas, but I'm proud of myself for coming up with such a clever idea of tethering. Some scenes from last week's and this week's classes

タ イ日記12日目.この学校PCSHS Loei校でのお仕事も,あと明日を残すのみとなりました.土曜日は次のタイ南部の高校へ,国内線乗り継ぎとなります.思えばとても短い滞在の間に,とて も多くのことがあり,消化するのにかなり時間がかかりそうです.まあほぼ休みなしで,結構頑張ったと思います.さらに歓待を受けた滞在で生徒もいい生徒ば かりで,こんな楽しい仕事で良いのかな?と思うことしきりです.考えてみると,国内を退職後に,海外でこんな楽しい仕事が待っているとは本当に,自分の未 来なんて全く想像できないですね.高校を定年退職後に後任の方の産休講師として,2016年のTJ-SIFという科学イベントで,女生徒2人をタイに引率 しました.そのとき,まったくの偶然でタイでの仕事のきっかけとなる,現地の大学の先生との出会いがありました.まあ40歳を過ぎてから,英語の勉強をコ ツコツ始めたのが,こんな形で役に立っているので,年を取ったからとあきらめないで,いろんなことに挑戦するのはとても大事だと思います.ここ数日の活動 を紹介します.

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This is the tourist center and mini museum building at the entrance of the park. In the museum building on the right, I talked to the students about the geology of Thailand in general.


The Paleozoic Era and why it was named the Carboniferous Era. How did the great forests and giant insects come to dominate the world? This area is the boundary between the old Indochina and Chanthai plates, and is part of the Tethys Sea, where limestone rocks from that period are distributed.

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The walk to the observatory is very picturesque. It is not too hot because of the altitude, so it is a nice walk.


Then, we drove to the main sightseeing spot where karst landforms have developed, and took a commemorative photo.

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Local boys followed us all the way. The boy in the center spoke to me in English, asking me where I was from. I took their picture at the end.


Lunch was, as usual, sticky rice for the other teachers, but I had my favorite fried rice with seafood and kai jiao (egg omelet). The soup was a little spicy.

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From here, the car you see here will take you to the entrance of the karst terrain, as the mountain road is inaccessible to ordinary cars. I will upload a video soon.


From there, we now climb up a narrow limestone gap. It is a very narrow place, and a fat person would have a hard time. There are fossils here and there, and I was looking for them a lot.

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Now, we have arrived at the observing spot. This is called Kunming of Looi. You can see the beautiful limestone rain-eroded terrain. I have never been to Kunming.


Returning to the souvenir shop area, I went back to the original place to go to the Waterfall. A tranquil countryside sightseeing spot.

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On the way, another teacher gave us a coconut as a gift. After drinking the juice, you can eat the coconut inside. I brought it home and it is now in my refrigerator.

さ てこの公園では最後の見学場所.WaterFallです.しかし私は目ざとく,右にある干からびた鍾乳石の跡を見つけました.滝の色がとても不思議なの は,これおそらく鍾乳洞の中の滝だったからだと,推定されます.いわゆる百枚皿みたいなものだと私は考えています.巨大な鍾乳洞の,崩れ置いたなれの果て だという私の推論です.それを滝つぼで水遊びをしこたましたあと,上がってきた生徒たちにこの場所で説明しました.

The last stop in the park was the WaterFall. But I spotted with my eyes the dried-out stalactite ruins on the right. The color of the waterfall is very strange, probably because it was a waterfall in a limestone cave. I think it is something like a hundred plates. My theory is that it is the crumbling remnants of a huge limestone cave. I explained this to the students who came up from the waterfall after they had spent a lot of time playing in the cascade.

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A magnificent stalactite is clinging to one side of the cliff. This is evidence that this place was part of a limestone cave. A scale pen is sandwiched in the center.

さ て,この場所をあとに本文で書いたBig-Cを経て,夕暮れ近くなった時刻にS先生プロデュースの山登りです.500mの山を一気に登るとてもハードな道 です.しかも最後はごらんのような階段の連続.これには日頃鍛えている私も,たじろぎましたが,当然ながら若い先生と一緒に,トップで頂上に登りました!

It is a very hard way to climb up a 500m mountain at once. The last part of the trail is a series of stairs, as you can see. Even I, who traing hard every day, flinched at this, but of course, I climbed to the top with a young teacher!

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A wonderful sunset was waiting for me. The summit is made of limestone. I am very curious about the geological structure of this peak, since the foot of the mountain is brownish mudstone.


The center of Loei can be seen at the bottom. All the students reached the summit, some early, some late.

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From here, we have to go back down the steep stairs. It is a very scary place to go down.


I looked for the boundary between limestone and mudstone, but could not find it. I wanted to know if it was a limestone block or if it was layered and consistent. By the time I got back to school, it was well after dark.

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This is the field trip guide I've been working on in my room after class.

こ ちらが最近の自室の食料事情.ほとんど主食がフルーツ状態.左下は市場で買ってくる「たこやき」これが結構おいしいので何度も買う.一パック20バーツ. ちなみに写真のマンゴーは今日追加して3個(1kg)35バーツ.右のドラゴンフルーツも市場で見かけたので,2個で60バーツ.こちらのフルーツは安い のつい買ってしまうが,今週土曜には,こちらを退散するので,考えて買わないといけない.

This is the food situation in my room these days. Almost all of the staple food is fruit. The bottom left is "Takoyaki (octopus dumplings)" that I buy at the market. A pack of takoyaki costs 20 THB. By the way, the mangoes in the photo are 35 THB for 3 pieces (1 kg), which I added today. The dragon fruit on the right, which I saw at the market, cost 60 THB for two. I buy them because they are inexpensive, but I have to think carefully before I buy them because I will be leaving this place this Saturday.


Since this dragon fruit is white in color, there is no danger of mistaking it for bloody stool in the bathroom. I eat durian every day, but it does not decrease in quantity. I try to eat it before meals, not after beer.

昨 日は特別クラスで,午前は少し難しい地震のG-R則と複雑系の話をしました.Logの話が出るのですが,彼らの半分が高1だということを忘れていて,少し 難しかったようです.グラフはきちんと書けていました.午後は大陸移動説からプレートまで.途中でカナダの氷河の写真を見せているとき,海外での会合から 帰ってこられた校長が,参観に来られて,しきりにうなづいていただけました.彼らの最後の授業となるので,アンケートを書いてもらったのですが,意外と私 の英語はよく聞き取れたという反応でした.また全体評価でVery Goodに印をしてくれた生徒も多かった.これは嬉しかった.

Yesterday we had a special class, and in the morning I talked about the G-R rule for earthquakes and complex systems, which were a bit difficult, because I forgot half of them they are in their first year of high school. Nevertheless, They were able to draw the graphs well. In the afternoon, we went from the theory of continental drift to plates. When I was showing pictures of glaciers in Canada, the principal, who had just returned from a meeting overseas, came to see the class and nodded his head. Since it was their last class, I asked them to fill out a questionnaire, and surprisingly, they responded that they could understand my English very well. Many students marked "Very Good" in the overall evaluation. This made me happy.

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At the beginning of the lesson, two movies (pyroclastic flow in Unzen and CG of Pompeii) were shown and students were asked to think about the fundamental difference between the two movies.


Many students noticed the difference between real and CG. After the class, many students looked at the 3D seismicity map. They were really surprised at the number of earthquakes in Japan.

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こ れは別のクラス.後ろの生徒はピースサインをしていますね.こちらのSNSでは生徒の写真を,先生が結構平気で載せていたりします.それと野外巡検でもと にかく,先生がカメラを向けてたくさん写真を撮っています.顔写真の掲載を極度に気にする,日本の現状が異常なように見えます.まあ私もできるだけノーマ スクの写真は,避けるようにはしますが.

This is another class. The student in the back is making a peace sign. In this social networking site, teachers post pictures of their students without any hesitation. And at field trips, the teachers are always pointing their cameras and taking lots of pictures. It seems to me that the current situation in Japan, where people are extremely concerned about having their portraits posted on SNS, is unusual. Well, I try to avoid normal photos as much as possible.

こ れがやっとテザリングでFFFTPがつながって,確認した英語版トップページのサイズが0になっているところ,なんでこうなったかの原因が不明なのがやや 不安.つながらないFFFTPで設定を変えて色々していたときに,なんか妙な操作が行われたのかもしれない.まあそれでも修正が早めにできて良かっ た.iPhoneにはこちらのAISのsimを刺しているのですが,確かネットは無制限のものだったような.テザリング万能というのが今日の結論.

I finally connected to FFFTP via tethering, and found that the size of the English top page is 0. It may be that some strange operation was performed when I was changing the settings and doing other things with the disconnected FFFTP. I have an AIS sim connected to my iPhone, and I think it has unlimited internet access. Tethering is a universal solution today.

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A structure that looked like some kind of insect eggs or chrysalis, right next to the door of the room. I have never seen such a structure in Japan.

昨 日,今日とルーイ県の他の高校から生徒と先生がやってきました.午前中は岩石と薄片および火山灰(赤玉土)の観察.午後は地震計の話と地震波形解析です. 朝の涼しいうちに,校内の池の中の石灰岩の化石を探します.これは今日のもので少し人数が少なめでした.かなり遠くから来ているらしく,朝ぎりぎりに駆け つけてきました.

Yesterday and today, students and teachers from other high schools in Looi province came to visit us. In the morning, we observed rocks, Yhin-sectionsand volcanic ash (akadama soil). In the afternoon, we discussed seismometers and analyzed seismograms. In the cool condition of the morning, we look for limestone fossils in the school pond dried up. The number of participants was a little small. They seem to have come from quite far away and arrived just before morning.

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Taking a photo of a sea lily. The loupe and the smartphone are well used.


his is a photo of a thin sliver.

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Washing akadama soil, crushing and cleaning 5 to 10 times repeated.


This is a statistic to examine the S-Ptime variation of the epicenter determination. The number of people was small this time, and perhaps my explanation was successful, so the scattering was small.

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これは昨日の分の,どの内容が一番興味を持ったか?という問いへの答えです.意外だったのは,けっこうみんな苦労していた地震波形解析に,興味を持ったという生徒がいたことです.最後のon Timeというのは,私の時間進行が,ちょうど予定どおりだったという点を,指摘した生徒がいたということです.地震計への興味が薄かったのが,ちょっと残念ですが.

This is the answer to the question "Which of the contents of yesterday's session interested you the most? Surprisingly, some students were interested in the seismic waveform analysis, which was quite difficult for everyone. The last point "on time" means that some students pointed out that my time progression was right on schedule. I am a little disappointed that there was not much interest in the seismograph.

さ て昨日は夜,またまたチェンカーンまで車に乗せてもらって,校長先生が設けたディナーに招待されました.これは観光通りに立っている,現地の祭り「ピー ターコーン」装束を着た人です.観光客と一緒に写真を撮ったりして,チップをもらっています.私もなにがしかのコインを,手前の壺に入れて写真を撮らせて もらいました.「ピーターコーン」は実は英語ではなく,現地の言葉だそうです.意外でした.https://www.thailandtravel.or.jp/thai-festival-02/

Yesterday evening, I was driven to Chiang Khan again and invited to a dinner prepared by the principal. This is a man dressed for the local festival "Pieterkorn" standing on the tourist street. He takes pictures with tourists and receives tips. I also put some coins in the jar in the foreground and had my picture taken. Peter corn" is not actually an English word, but a local word. I was surprised. https://www.thailandtravel.or.jp/thai-festival-02/

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Beautiful decorations outside the restaurant. This is also unique to northern Isan.


We had a wonderful sunset on this day, too. The Mekong River is on the right, and today's restaurant is on the left. This is a photo from the view point a little further along the promenade.

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さ て例によって,豪華な食事と氷入りのチャーンビールです.この日のトムヤンクンは,今までで一番辛かったです!まあ少しずつ飲みましたが.校長が静岡県の 高校に出張で来たとき,初めて寿司屋に連れていかれて,最初は食べれなかった刺し身を少しずつ食べれるようになったエピソードを話してくれました.そのと きの英語adaptedがとても印象に残って,このあと,地元の先生に辛いものは大丈夫?と聞かれるたびにadaptedと答えていました.

As usual, a sumptuous meal and Chang beer with ice. The Tom Yung Kung of the day was the spiciest I have ever had! Well, I drank a little bit of it. The principal told me a story about how he was taken to a sushi restaurant for the first time when he visited a high school in Shizuoka Prefecture on a business trip, and how he gradually learned to eat sashimi, which he could not eat at first. He express this situation as "adapted". After that, every time a local teacher asked me if I could eat spicy food, I answered every time "adapted".


After the dinner hosted by the principal, we strolled around the city of Chiang Khan again. After the dinner, I was served with snow beer, which I had been served on the street before. I had to pee again in the middle of the night.

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さ て今朝の午前中のレクチャーで,みんなが赤玉土を外のトイレの水場まで,洗いに行っている間に,なんとリアルタイムで,地震が飛び込みました.あとで調べ ると台湾のM5.9でした.少し上下に人が動くノイズが入りましたが.一目で地震とわかりました.午後の地震計の授業で少しだけ,紹介しました.たった 10日間で,もう小さなものを入れて,4つくらい地震が採れています.すごく条件の良い場所です.これはこれからが楽しみ.

While everyone was washing akadama soil in the bathroom outside during the morning lecture, an earthquake hit us in real time. Later I found out it was a 5.9 magnitude earthquake in Taiwan. There was a little noise of people moving up and down. I knew it was an earthquake at a glance. I introduced a little about it in the afternoon seismograph class. In just 10 days, we have already collected about 4 earthquakes, including small ones. The conditions are very good. I am looking forward to the future more earthquake records.


Since there were only a few students today, we were able to spend quite a bit of time observing. This is an observation of the green transparent pyroxene that can be seen after washing akadama soil.

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As usual, lunch is served in the physics classroom. When I asked him about it, he told me that it contained pork brads, and I immediately told him that I was sorry and could not eat it.

さ て今日の他校から参加した生徒の,興味を持った分野は,薄片と地震記録解析が多いですが,岩石も面白かったという生徒も結構いて,これはこれで良かったで す.どうも昨日の校長の話では,来年も来てほしいような話だったので,来年同様の企画をするとするとどんな分野がいい?と聞いて意見が出たのは天文分野で した.地質が一人いるのは,地学オリンピック出場の生徒で,今日特別に参加したLoei校の高3生で,今チェンマイ大学でも,特別に授業を受けていると か.大学では地質を専攻するつもりだと聞いたので,速攻で偏光ユニットと,薄片を数枚差し上げました.

As for the students from other schools, most of them were interested in thin sections and seismogram analysis, but there were also many who found rocks interesting, which was good. The principal said yesterday that he would like  to me to come back next year, so I asked them what kind of field you would like to have next year's similar event. The answer was astronomy. One student in geology is a student who participated in the Geology Olympiad and she is 12th grade at Loei School, who is taking a special course at Chiang Mai University. I gave her a polarization unit and a few thin-sections as soon as I heard that she was going to major in geology at university.

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This is a sketch of a thin slice of the earth from a previous class I gave to a special class of geology enthusiasts. I was told that I could have the original as a souvenir since I made a copy of it. It is a very beautiful sketch. The upper left is an example I picked up from the net.


It was a short time work, but it is very well done. I thought it would be a good idea to use a smartphone or tablet to project the image and have the students sketch based on it.

今 日の授業のあと,近所に地元の文化と伝統を紹介する,ミニ博物館があるからと,車で連れていってもらったところです.我々が着くと,地元の子供たちが踊り の練習をしていたようで,我々は見物させてもらいました.手振りや音楽が独特です.イサーン北部の伝統的な踊りや服装のようですが,やはりラオスの影響 を,強く受けていると聞きました.よい踊りを見せてもらったので,チップの箱にポケットにあった140バーツほどを入れて,隣にある土産物屋を覗きまし た.画像をクリックすると動画が再生できます.

After class today, we were driven to a mini-museum in our neighborhood that showcases local culture and traditions. When we arrived, local children were practicing a dance and we were allowed to watch. The hand gestures and music are unique. The hand gestures and music are unique. It seems to be a traditional dance and dress of northern Issan, but I heard that it is strongly influenced by Laos. After the good show, I put about 140 baht in my pocket and went to the souvenir shop next door. To click the image, then the movie start.

I looked at https://www.thailandtravel.or.jp/tai-dam-community/

I found that the people in the "Tai-dam" were not from Laos, but from the northern part of Vietnam. After all, it is important to do research!

い つもはあまり土産は買わないのですが,ここは博物館直営みたいなので,少し張りこんで土産を買いました.観光慣れしたチェンカーンの土産物屋とは違って, あまり商売気のない近所のおばさんが,店番をしているのどかな店です.一緒に写真をお願いしました.土産は次の写真で紹介します.

I usually do not buy souvenirs, but since this shop seems to be directly operated by the museum, I took a chance and bought some souvenirs. Unlike the souvenir shops in Chiang Khan, where tourists are used to shopping, this is a peaceful store with a neighbor lady tending the store, who is not so commercial. I asked her to take a picture with me. Souvenirs are shown in the following photos.

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と いうことで,これが今回の滞在で唯一の土産になりそうです.手前は前に石灰岩地形のところで,回廊に飾ってあったものと同じような,吊り下げ物ものです. これが欲しかった.一つ100~150バーツでした.あと地元の織物の反物を張り込みました.こちらは左の薄紫が大きな反物で500バーツ.右の黒いのが 小さい反物で350バーツ.全部で1200バーツ(4500円くらい)です.商売気のない店で,おそらくチェンカーンなどで買うともっと高いと思われま す.このコミュニティの活動への支援の意味も兼ねて,奮発しました.

These will be the only souvenir of my stay. In the foreground is a hanging object similar to the one that was displayed in the cloister at the previous limestone terrain. I wanted one of these. They cost 100-150 THB each. I also staked out some local textile fabrics. The light purple one on the left is a big one for 500 THB. The black one on the right is a small one for 350 THB. The total price was 1200 THB (about 4500 yen). The store is not a commercial store and would probably be more expensive if bought in Chiang Khan or other places. I was very excited to buy these items to support the activities of this community.

あっという間の2週間の滞在でした.最初の頃に市場で買ったラ ンの花のつぼみが咲き始めました.植物は検疫があり日本に持ち帰れないので,世話になったS先生に残った食料などと一緒に差し上げました.これにて 2022年Loei日記を終了します.来年もここに来れることを祈って.

My two-week stay was a blur. The flower buds of the orchids I bought at the market at the beginning of my stay have started to bloom. Since plants cannot be brought back to Japan due to quarantine, I gave them to S sensei, who took care of my all life in this campus, along with the rest of the food and other things. This concludes my Loei Diary for 2022. Hopefully, I will be here again next year.

Copyright(c) by Y.Okamoto 2023, All rights reserved.