2022 Dec. PCSHS Loei Photo Diary part_1 2022年Loei滞在記 その1  2023-01-02 Y.Okamoto
  (I used DeepL for the English version and after some modifications.)




と いうわけで,やってきました3年ぶりのタイランド!伊丹空港隣接のホテルで前泊の朝,期待せずに起きてみた,スペイン戦の奇跡の勝利の余韻が残るなか,な ぜかバンコクに飛ぶのに,羽田経由の12万円台のJAL便格安切符.座席は空席がわずかの繁盛.いつもより4時間近く余計にかかって.到着したスワンナ プーム空港.イミグラントは以前の入国書類は不要で(これ国によっては書かされていました,そして入口も別),目的も何も聞かれず.帰りの搭乗券情報も不 要.しかし問題は荷物の受け取り.これが時間がかかった.外に出てとりあえずAISの30日のネットの付いたSIMをiPhoneに刺してもらう.800 バーツほど.ここからタクシーをつかわず,いつもの方針でできるだけ,公共交通機関を使う.AirporlinkからMRTに乗り換えて,一汗かいてやっ とホテルに近い駅.ここでホテルにFBのメッセンジャーで連絡.無料の送迎をしてもらって,やっとホテル到着.1泊1650バーツのまずまずの宿.さっき 無料の送迎のツクツクみたいな車の兄ちゃんにセブンイレブンまで連れて行ってもらったの,50バーツチップを渡す.しかし3年ぶりの海外で,勘がにぶり,段取りが悪い.乗り場とか道順とか,親切な人に聞きまくって何とかなった.おもてなしは日本の専売ではない.というわけで久々のタイ日記1日目です.(FBより)

(I quote from my diary entries on FaceBook...two FB entries. The English text is posted using DeepL translation with a slight modification)

So, here I am in Thailand for the first time in three years! The morning before the flight, I stayed the night before at a hotel adjacent to Itami Airport and woke up without any expectations for the World Cup 2023. There were only a few empty seats. The flight took almost 4 hours longer than usual. Suvarnabhumi Airport. Immigrants do not need previous entry documents (some countries require them, and the entrance is different), and they are not asked anything about my purpose. No boarding pass information for the return trip was required. The problem was baggage claim. This took a long time. I went out and got a SIM with 30 days internet from AIS inserted into my iPhone for about 800 baht. I took the MRT from Airporlink to the station near my hotel, and after a long and sweaty ride, I finally arrived at the station. I contacted the hotel via FB messenger. Finally arrived at the hotel, where I got a free shuttle service to and from the hotel. I tipped him 50 baht for taking me to the 7-Eleven. However, I have been abroad for the first time in three years, so my intuition is a little rusty, and the arrangements are not very good. I managed to get around by asking a lot of kind people for directions and where to get on the bus. Hospitality is not a Japanese specialty. So, here is the first day of my Thailand Diary. (From FB)


I had to pay for a cheap ticket early in the morning, so I stayed at a hotel close to Itami Airport, where I stayed in a three-person room with an interesting bed arrangement. It was fortuitous that I could wake up at 4 a.m. and watch the miraculous soccer game in real time.

さ すがにJALのごはんは美味しい.ビールはもちろんえびすを選択.となりは欧米系の男女2人連れ.愛想のいい人だった.機内映画は前から観たいと思ってい た,「トップガン・マーベリック」想像よりよくできた映画だった.最後のA14に乗り込むところが圧巻.実写にこだわったというが,トム・クルーズが本当 に操縦しているのか?

JAL's food is delicious. Of course, I chose Ebisu beer. Next to me were two Western couple, both very friendly. The in-flight movie was "Top Gun Maverick," which I had wanted to see for a long time. The highlight was the final scene when they boarded the caught A14. Is Tom Cruise really piloting this thing?

さ て空港からの高速鉄道からMRT(地下鉄)に乗り換えるためにひたすら,重いスーツケース押して歩く.この乗り換えも色々,親切な駅員さんとかに教えてもら う.いつも思うが「おもてなし」は決して,日本だけの美徳ではない.空港高速はそれほど混まなかったが,MRTは夕方の通勤時間にぶつかり,とても混んで いた.

Then, to transfer from the High Speed Rail (HSR) to the MRT (subway) from the airport, I walked around pushing my suitcase with all my heart. I was also taught by a kind station attendant. I always think that "Omotenashi" is not only a Japanese virtue. The airport expressway was not so crowded, but the MRT was very busy during the evening commuting time.


The overpass to transfer to the MRT was jam-packed with Bangkok's famous evening traffic. This made me feel as if I had returned Bangkok.

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バ ンコク市街のやや中途半端な場所に宿をとったので,買い物にも不便で,また色々海外仕様を忘れていて,忘れ物も多い.宿からの迎えの兄ちゃんに,再度セブ ンイレブンに連れていってもらったのに,買ってきたのはビールと菓子パンのみという有様.まだ慣れていない.兄ちゃんには2度も世話をかけたので,本文の とおりチップを渡した.やはりこの国のビールはチャーン.昔ながらの円バーツ3倍の時代ではなく,今は4倍の時代を買い物のたびに実感.

Since we stayed in a rather halfway house in BANGKOK, it was inconvenient for shopping, and we forgot many things that were designed for overseas. The driver who picked me up from the hotel took me to a 7-Eleven again, but all I bought was beer and sweet breads. I am still not used to. I gave him a tip as described in the text, because he took care of me twice. Beer is of course my favorite "Chang". I feel that the yen is now four times rather than three times it used be.


I got up in the morning so as not to be late. In the end, To avoid trouble, I asked the hotel to call me a cab. I think this is the first time to take a taxi in Bangkok.

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I had a flight to catch this morning, so I unusually took a cab called at the hotel. It was probably the first time for me to take a cab in Bangkok. It took about 25 minutes to arrive at the airport. Lobby of Terminal 2 at Don Mueang Airport. AirAsia counter is at the back left. I'm glad I didn't have to carry any excess weight.


I had breakfast at a lounge using Priority Pass Card. The father and son next to me were having breakfast with sparkling champagne. So, me too, After that, I had a cappuccino and a dessert.

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On the way to Loei, there were many fields covered with water over a fairly large area. I was told later that the flooding in September of this year still remains. This is the northern border of the flooded area. News of the flood is not widely reported in Japan, but it seems to be quite large there.


A beautiful mountain can be seen below. I heard later that it is also called Loei Fuji. It is indeed a very beautiful mountain. Later, I found a remarkable circular structure on the geological map.

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Arrival at Looi Airport. Families were taking pictures with the plane in the background against the blue dry-season sky. Most of the tourists seemed to be Thai, except for a few Europeans and Americans. I did not see any Japanese during this trip.


I was moved by the unexpectedly large number of people who welcomed me at the airport. The teachers who greeted us were mainly from the science department. I really appreciate that they welcomed us on a Saturday.

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We had lunch at a restaurant that is said to have the best reputation in Looi. This is a dessert of ice cream.


Limestone Cave Park, which I visited for an afternoon snack. I felt that the half-collapsed cave was left as a cliff. I did not see any fossils, and the marble seems to have been metamorphosed a little. I ended up climbing to the top of the stairs.

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At the top of the high cliff, there is a place where a monk practiced asceticism in the past. We ended up climbing the stairs to the top.

Monument at the entrance of the park.
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This is the interior of the house that was prepared for our stay. Everything you need is here. Impressive!


Even the tableware, microwave, and rice cooker were newly prepared. The original plan was to stay at a hotel, but the principal made it convenient for me and prepared a VIP house on campus.

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There is a local market near the intersection of the school and the national highway that is open every evening. They sell a lot of fresh food and snacks at incredibly low prices.

こ の40と書いたマンゴーを3個選んで120バーツ払おうとすると,何と4個入っていてしかも40バーツでいいという.ええって思わず聞き返した.1個では なく1kgの値段.これ日本だと1個700円くらいはしそうなマンゴーなのですが,1個40円ほどなのです.ただ乾季は果物シーズンではないので,たしか に味はそれほど甘くなかったのですが.(追記.数日置くとそれはそれは美味しくなりました!)

I chose three of these 40 mangoes and was about to pay 120 THB for them, when I was told that there were 4 mangoes in the package and they were only 40 THB. I asked her if she wanted to pay 120 THB for three mangoes, but she said she had four mangoes in the package for 40 THB. Mangoes in Japan would cost about 700 yen each, but they were only 40 yen for four. But the taste was not so sweet because the dry season is not the season for fruits. (Postscript. (Note: After a few days of storage, the mangoes tasted even better!)

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I bought these takoyaki (octopus balls) as snacks for beer. They were quite tasty. It comes with sauce and nori (seaweed) on top, and it costs just over 70 yen.


After dinner, I had some of the mangoes I mentioned earlier. It's still a little early. Maybe I should wait a few more days. I've been dreaming of eating fresh Thai mangoes here for 3 years.

タ イ滞在3日目.いつもながらのリア充自慢ですみません.滞在記の3日目を残します.今日は地震計の組み立てと,偏光ユニットの製作なのですが,後者は日曜 にもかかわらず集まってくれた,理科の先生方が熱心に作業してくれて,私はやり方を指示させてもらっただけで,あとは全部作ってくれました.とても科学教 育に熱心だとこの時点でわかりました.何人かの先生が持参した私の震源地図とか,M5Stack微気圧計とかに,質問をくれたました,さらに化学の女性の 先生(奨学金で修士をとったらしい,とても流暢なわかりやすい英語を話す)から,様々な質問をいただいたのでLineアドレスを交換すると同時に,ついい つものアナログ・デジタル教材論をぶちかましてしまいました.とても感心していただいて,こちらが恐縮することしきりでした.昼食は向こうで用意してくれ たテイクアウトの弁当を食べて,そのあと私は地震計のうち水平動2台の組み立を終了.午後3時から,3人の先生と一緒に,北部にある有名な観光地「チェン カーン」に車で連れて行ってもらいました.ここはメコン川沿いの「ルーイの京都」ともいわれる,古い町並みがきれいな観光地です.しかしまだ日本には,そ れほど知られていないようです(日本人に誰一人会わなかった場所です).そこからなんとメコン川のサンセット・クルーズに行くことになりました.その顛末 です.(FBより)

(I quote from the diary entry on FaceBook. The English text is posted this time with a slight modification of the DeepL translation)

The 3rd day in Thailand ........ Sorry for my usual boasting.... I leave the third day of my stay in Thailand. Today we assembled the seismograph and made the polarization unit, the latter of which was done by the science teachers who gathered here on Sunday. I could tell at this point that they were very enthusiastic about science education. Some of the teachers asked me questions about my epicenter map and M5Stack microbolometer, and a female chemistry teacher (who had received a master's degree on scholarship and spoke very fluent and easy-to-understand English) asked me various questions, so we exchanged our Line addresses, and at the same time, I started my usual I gave him my usual talk about analog-digital teaching materials as soon as we exchanged our addresses. He was very impressed, and I was very grateful to him. After lunch, I finished assembling two of the seismographs for horizontal motion. At 3:00 p.m., I was taken by car to Chiang Khanh, a famous tourist site in the northern part of the country, with three other professors. This is a beautiful old town along the Mekong River, which is also called "Kyoto of Looi". However, it is still not so well known in Japan (I did not meet a single Japanese person there). From there, we decided to go on a sunset cruise on the Mekong River. Here is the story. (From FB)


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天 文学の教室で作業をしました.日曜なのに理科の先生が大勢集まってくれて,偏光ユニットを作ってくれました.自分でしようと思っていたので,とても感激で す.教科は物化生地様々です.中学高校が併設されていて,地学は一応高校の方でも,別分野の専門の方が教えているそうです.一クラス24人ととても恵まれ た環境で,中学が4クラス,高校が6クラスで,イサーン(タイ東北部)一帯から受験.学費はほぼ政府の奨学金でまかなうそうです.生徒のレベルは高く,研 究者を目指す生徒も多いとか.一番奥で立っておられる方が,今回とても世話になっている物理のS先生です.この中に専門外ですが,地学を教えている先生も 2人おられます.S先生も物理専門ですが,結構地学の知識のある方です.(FBより)

We worked in the astronomy classroom. Even though it was Sunday, many of the science teachers gathered to help me build the polarized unit. I was very impressed because I had planned to do it by myself. The subjects are all different kinds of material science fabrics. There is a junior high school and a high school attached to the school, and geology is taught by a specialist in a different field at the high school. The school has 4 classes in the junior high school and 6 classes in the senior high school, and students from all over Isan (northeastern part of Thailand) take the entrance examinations. Tuition fees are mostly covered by government scholarships. The level of the students is high, and many of them aim to become researchers. The person standing at the far end is Songkran sensei, a physics teacher who has been very kind to help me this time. He has also a lot of knowledge about earth science.

Thanks to this, 10 polarization units were completed based on the materials sent from Japan. I also brought 10 LEDs for the bottom illumination, which I bought at an one-dollar shop in Japan. My luggage is getting lighter and lighter.

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I was able to concentrate on answering questions and assembling the seismograph. Tools were bought by the school already.

こちらは事前に日本から送ったOlympusの偏光顕微鏡.某所で廃品 で捨てられたのをゲット.2台を今年こちらの高校に寄付.しかし航空便で送った木箱はさすがにごらんのように,底が壊れていました.中身の顕微鏡には何の 瑕疵もない.これ全体を大きなダンボールに入れて,さらにかなり梱包材を詰めたのですが,さすがに輸送時の取扱でこのように壊れることも.

This is an Olympus polarizing microscope that I sent from Japan in advance. Two of them were donated to two high schools this year. However, as you can see, the bottom of the wooden box we sent by airmail was broken. The microscopes inside are in perfect condition. We put the whole thing in a large cardboard box and packed it with a lot of packing materials, but as expected, it could be broken like this by handling during transportation.

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さ て作業が一段落した,午後3時から,広い道路を北上して,イサーンの小京都と言われる「チェンカーン」の街に出かけました.車で20~30分のところで, ラオスとの国境メコン川に沿った町です.古い町並みがきれいな街で,最近,タイ在住の日本人YouTuberが紹介を始めて,人気が出だしているところだ そうです.街をぶらぶらするだけかと思ったら,なんとこのあと,メコン川のサンセットクルーズに参加することになります.

At 3:00 p.m., after the work was finished, we headed north on a wide road to the town of Chiang Khan, which is called the "Little Kyoto" of North Isan. It is a town along the Mekong River on the border with Laos, 20 to 30 minutes by car. It is a town with beautiful old townscape, and recently, Japanese YouTubers living in Thailand have started to introduce the town and it seems to be getting popular. I thought I was just going to wander around the town, but after that, I was going to join a sunset cruise on the Mekong River.

さ てサンセットクルーズの船に乗り込んだのはいいものの,午後4時の定刻になかなか出発しません.そのうち最初がらがらだった,船内はお客さんで混んでき て,とうとう通路まで椅子を出す満員になって,やっと午後5時近くに出航しました.早くから船内にいた,我々は料理とビールをしこたま飲んで,早くも出来 上がった状態です(笑).

We boarded the boat for the sunset cruise, but the boat did not depart at the scheduled time of 4:00 p.m. The boat was empty at first, but then it was full of people. The ship, which had been empty at first, became crowded with passengers, and finally the aisles were filled with chairs. We were on board early, and after a lot of food and beer, we were already ready to go (laughs).

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し かしうまい具合に,途中でちょうどサンセット時刻になりました.満員の乗客はみんな写真を撮ろうと必死です.この船はまずメコン川を遡るので,右側がラオ ス(地元の人はラオと呼びます),左側がタイになります.広い川ですが,結構流速と流量があって,さすがに大陸の大河であることが実感できます.私はタイ の先生方に,いかに日本の河川と大陸河川がことなるかを,河川の縦断曲線を引き合いに出して,説明しました.画面をクリックで動画へ.

But as luck would have it, the sunset was just around the corner. The boat was packed with passengers, all eager to take pictures. The boat first goes up the Mekong River, so the right side is Laos (called Lao by the locals) and the left side is Thailand. It is a wide river, but the speed and flow are quite high, and you can feel that it is indeed a great river on the continent. I explained to the Thai teachers how different Japanese rivers are from continental rivers, citing the longitudinal curves of the rivers. Click on the image to watch the video.


It was just time for sunset. The sunset on the Mekong River is also very special. It was a long three years, but I am glad I waited!

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45 分ほどかけて上流に行ったところで,ぐるりと踵を返して,また同じ時間をかけて船着き場に戻ります.日も暮れた下流側に,ほとんどエンジンを吹かさず,川 の流速と同じ速度でゆるやかに下っている,優雅なクルーズです.右側にチャンカーンのにぎやかな明かりが見えますが,左のラオス側はとても暗いのです.そ れでもラオスの対岸の小さな町から,祭りか何かの大音量の音楽が,行きも帰りもずっと聞こえてきたのが,とても印象に残りました.

After 45 minutes upstream, the boat turns around and returns to the pier in the same amount of time. It is a graceful cruise downstream at dusk, with hardly any engine revving, at the same speed as the river. The lights of Chang Khan can be seen on the right, but the Laotian side on the left is very dark. But I was impressed by the loud music coming from a small Laotian town on the other side of the river, which sounded like a festival or something, all the way to and from the river.

し こたまビールを飲んだので,酔いを醒ますために,街をしばらく歩きます.古い町並みの両側に屋台と常店が並んで,ほとんどタイの観光客がぶらぶら歩いてい ます.欧米人も少なく,さらに日本人とおぼしき人には,全く会わなかったが印象的です.S先生に昆虫食をすすめられましたが,笑って拒否しました.

After drinking a lot of beer, I walked around the town for a while to sober up. Food stalls and regular stores line both sides of the old streets, and almost all of them are occupied by Thai tourists. S sensei recommended me to eat insects, but I refused with a smile.

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I talked with the teachers about the dark blue pattern, which somewhat resembles the Japanese yukata, a typical costume of this region.
The town has preserved old buildings like Kyoto. And there are rows of stores selling clothes. The price tags are very cheap, ranging from 150 to 180 baht, including the one on the left. The current exchange rate of the baht to the yen is 3.9 yen, so multiply by 4 to get the Japanese yen.
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On the way back to the car, S sensi, physics teacher bought me a bottle of ice beer. It is a frozen beer, and if you don't drink it quickly, the bubbles will come out. I've already had a lot of it, but I'm glad I'm still drinking it (laughs).
部 屋まで送ってもらって,忘れていた洗濯をしたのですが,このHisenseの洗濯機.全自動のはずなのに,最初何度やってもエラーで壊れているかもとか, 思ったのですが,いつもの海外渡航の鉄則,何か困ったことがあっても,できるだけ自力で何とかする.に従って取説をネットで探す.しかしその通りやっても またエラーで,あきらめかけた時に,上の扉を跳ね上げていたのに気づいて,これを閉めると,何のこともなく動き始めた.まあいつものことですが.あきらめ ずによかった.
I was taken back to my room to do laundry, which I had forgotten to do, using this Hisense washing machine. It was supposed to be fully automatic, but at first I thought it might be broken because it kept giving me errors no matter how many times I tried, but I followed the "I'll try to do it by myself as much as possible even if I have some trouble" rule and searched for an instruction manual on the Internet. But even after following the instructions, the error occurred again, and just when I was about to give up, I noticed that the upper door had been sprung up, so I closed it, and the machine started working without any problems. Well, that's the usual thing. I'm glad I didn't give up.
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This is the VIP house where I have been staying for a week, a detached house with a balcony where I can dry my laundry.
The next night we had dinner on the balcony, and our young physics and chemistry teachers came over and cooked up a storm. I was very impressed! The first load of laundry was hung out to dry behind us.
Now it is time for the practical training for science teachers. This is a practice to determine the epicenter using the usual JMA earthquake records. Everyone is working in a friendly atmosphere. Many of them are wearing pink, which is the color they wear on Tuesdays. After this, they also see a 3D seismicity map.

After the training was successfully completed, a commemorative photo was taken with everyone. Many science teachers gathered from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. on a weekday when they had classes.
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さ て,1日目の研修が終了して,担当の物理のS先生がカフェに行きましょうというので,車に乗ると,なんと一昨日とおなじ,「チェンカーン」を越えて,さら に東,つまりメコン川の下流域へ.しかしそこには両岸に高い山があり,メコン川が急流となって,先行河川のように越える場所です.その渓谷を見下ろす,と ても景色のよい高台に,キャンプ場とカフェがありました.美しい花と夕暮れのチェンカーン方面を望む写真です.
After the first day's training was over, Dr. S., the physics teacher in charge of the course, suggested that we go to a cafe, so we got in the car. However, there are high mountains on both sides of the river, and the Mekong River becomes rapid and crosses the river like a preceding river. There was a campsite and cafe on a hill overlooking the valley with a beautiful view. This is a photo of the beautiful flowers and the view toward Chiang Khan at dusk.

The cafe, as usual, brought us mugs of churned beer that were frozen to a crisp. In the distance is the town of Chiang Khan, which I visited the day before yesterday, and the Mekong River, where I took a cruise ship. In the center of the river, you can see a rocky dike running through it.
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We had been drinking every day. I never thought I would have such an experience in a campground cafe surrounded by beautiful scenery and beautiful flowers. It was another moment of bliss.

The moon rising in the eastern sky after dark, and Mars near impulse, brightening above the tent below. It gets quite cold at night during the dry season in Thailand. The young information specialist I was with was wearing short sleeves and repeatedly saying how cold he was. A Christmas tree is decorated.
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こちらは毎朝,生徒の授業が8時15分から始まるので,すでに空いた8時半に訪れて,朝食を食べる食堂(Canteen)です.いくつか店が分かれていて,好きなメニューを注文して作ってもらいます.これはPCSHS Mukdahan校でも同様でした.

This is the Canteen where we eat breakfast at 8:30 a.m., when it is already empty because the students' classes start at 8:15 a.m. There are several different shops, and you can order what you like and have it prepared for you. This was also the case at PCSHS Mukdahan.

こ ちらがこのあと定番になる私の朝食.カイジャオ(タイのオムレツ)とトムヤンクン,ジューサーで氷と一緒に砕いた,ココナッツの甘いシェイクです.飲み物 が25バーツ.食事が計40バーツです.日本円だと合計で250円くらいですか.安いですね.ただ,トムヤンクンはさすがに本場で,生徒用なので唐辛子が 効いて辛いです.KVIS(3年前まで滞在した,ラヨーンにあるタイの超科学高校)に居たときは,外国人の教員や訪問者も多かったので,もうすこし辛さが ましだったかと.でも私はもうだいぶ慣れてきました.

This is my breakfast that will become a staple later on. Kai jiao (Thai omelet), tom yang kung, and a sweet coconut shake, crushed with ice in a juicer. The drink is 25 THB. The total cost of the meal was 40 THB. In Japanese yen, the total cost is about 250 yen. That's cheap. When I was at KVIS (Thai super science high school in Rayong, where I stayed until 3 years ago), there were many foreign teachers and visitors, so I thought it was a little less spicy. But I adapted to it now.
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一 方こちらが学校の様子の紹介です.これは地学教室です.一応他科目の先生が地学も担当しているそうです.物理専門で私の世話を担当の画面のS先生は,地学 の知識もかなりあって驚きました.理科の各科目は科学棟という建物に入っています.授業があるときは,物理の準備室で昼食(外の弁当屋から買ったもの)を 食べさせてもらうのですが,物理の女性の先生の子供がいつも席に座っています.子供を育てている先生が気軽に職場に,子供を同伴できる環境は,かつての日 本でもあったのですが,いつの間にかコンプライアンス馬鹿が蔓延って,すたれてしまった習慣です. こ ちらは生徒の3Dプリンタによる作品で,恐竜や地元の地形図が3Dで印刷されています.別のICTルームの机の上は,多数の3Dプリンタが置かれていまし た.タイでもこのような精細な地形図を作れる,数値データが公開されているようですね.昔は見なかったのですが,1/50000の紙の地形図なども,すべ てWebサイトで画像が公開されているようです.
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と りあえず地震計の設置が完了.アクリルカバーを作ってもらったので,それでとても安定度が上がりました.画面でゆれが出ているのは,部屋のエアコンをつけ て風が動き,水平動の一本のカバーの隙間から風がはいったためですが,すぐに改善しました.3年前まで行っていたKVISと並んで,地盤がとても固く,地 震観測にはとても適した場所だとわかりました.実は今日午前中に小さい揺れですが,フィリピンのM5.2が検知できました.この地震計による初記録となり ます.
The installation of the seismograph is now complete. The acrylic cover I had made for the seismograph was very stable. The reason for the shaking on the screen is that the air conditioner in the room was turned on and the wind was blowing through a gap in one of the horizontal covers, but this was quickly remedied. In fact, we were able to detect an M5.2 earthquake in the Philippines this morning, although it was a small tremor. This is the first record using this seismograph.
12/8.最後に画面写真を追加しました.昼 の記録なので,部屋に出入りする人がいて,床が傾くためにノイズが入っていますが,水色の部分に確かに少し遠方の地震記録が採れています.M5と小さい地 震なのであまり長周期の波は出ていません.しかしフィリピンのM5クラスが採れるというのは,驚異的に地盤がよい証拠です.つまり地盤ノイズが少ないとい うことです.これはこれから楽しみです.(このあと約1週間の観測で5〜6個の地震が早くも観測できました!)

I added a screen shot at the end of the report. The magnitude was small, but we were able to detect a M5.2 earthquake in the Philippines. However, the fact that M5 class earthquakes in the Philippines can be recorded is evidence that the ground is remarkably good. In other words, there is little ground noise. This is something to look forward to. (We have already observed 5 to 6 earthquakes in about a week's time!)

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さて研修2日目,今日は顕微鏡で薄片を観ました.この学校は高級な日本製の顕微鏡ばかりで,私の使うMade in Chinaの格安双眼実体がなく,偏光ユニットがうまく入りません.仕方なく偏光フィルムをはさみで切って,薄片を挟む原始的な方法で観察しています.まあ頑張って作った30枚の玄武岩の薄片も何とか役立ちました.次は生徒に見せる予定です.

On the second day of lecture, we watched thin-sections under microscopes. This school has only high-end Japanese microscopes, and my cheap polarized units for China binoculars do not fit. I had no choice but to use a primitive method of cutting polarizing film with scissors and inserting the thin-section between the two polarizing films. Well, the 30 basalt thin-sections I made with my best effort were somehow useful. Next, I plan to show them to the students.

This is an image from a high-end microscope with an LCD monitor. This is a picture of gabbro at Cape Muroto. You can clearly see the difference between olivine, pyroxene and plagioclase.
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This is what it looks like in the morning. Fog is coming down from the mountain. It is a fantastic scenery. The bougainvillea near the entrance is also very beautiful. It really looks like a paradise, but I am surprised that it is part of a large high school campus.
い つも夕刻に車で少し走った交差点で開催される,マーケット(市場)に連れていってもらっています.そこで買ったランの花です.確か35バーツだったよう な.日本に比べると無茶苦茶安いです.ただ残念ながら食物検疫にひっかかるので日本には持ち帰れず,こちらにいるときだけ部屋に飾って,あとは誰かにあげ るつもりです.

I am always taken to the market, which is held in the evening at an intersection a short drive away. I bought this orchid there. I think they cost 35 THB. Compared to Japan, it is absurdly cheap. Unfortunately, I can't bring them back to Japan because they are caught by the food quarantine, so I will display them in my room only when I am here and give them to someone else.
By the way, today is Friday, and on this day, the number of stores in the market increases, making it very crowded. I saw university students collecting donations at the entrance, so I made a small donation. They looks high school students for me, because undergraduates wear school uniforms here.

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市 場で珍しくドリアンを売っていたので速攻で買いました.そばのサラと一緒に買いました.ドリアンが160THB/㎏で3kg近くあったので430バーツ, サラが60バーツで,500バーツでおつりがきました.日本円だとドリアンが1500円くらいになりますか.でも日本よりとても安いと思います.切っても らっているところを動画に撮りました.

I found durians on sale at the market, which was a rare occurrence, so I bought one immediately. I bought it together with soba (buckwheat noodles) and sala (buckwheat noodles). The durian was 160 THB/kg, which was almost 3 kg, so I paid 430 THB for the durian and 60 THB for the sala, which was enough for 500 THB. In Japanese yen, durian is about 1500 yen. But I think it is much cheaper than in Japan. I took a video of them cutting the durian for me.
と いうことで,部屋がフルーツで一杯になりました.マンゴーもまだ山ほどあるし,いただいたバナナも食べきれないので,サラと一緒に今日,市場に行くとき に,S先生とD先生に少しもらってもらいました.ドリアンは左下にあります.写真のときだけ出して,あとは包んで冷蔵庫に入れてあります.いくら一戸建て とはいえ,やはり臭いは気になりますから.

So the room was filled with fruit. I still have a lot of mangoes and I couldn't eat all the bananas, so I gave S sensei and D sensei some of them when I went to the market with Sarah today. The durian is on the lower left. I only put it out for the photo, the rest is wrapped up and stored in the fridge for avoid the smell.
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So I am already consuming more and more fruit as I have to move to the next high school next Saturday. I've been waiting for three years to be able to eat this mango every day. I'm worried about getting diabetes, though...
こ ちらが今日の夕食の前段階です.このあと今日の昼食に出た焼き飯がまだ残っていて,それを電子レンジでチンした食べます.右は今日市場で買ってきた,えの きだけの揚げ物.この3倍くらい入って20バーツだったか.左は同じく20バーツのたこ焼き.小さいですが,どうもタコの触感のものが入っています.味は まあ側は少し硬いものの,たこ焼きそのものです.さて,明日の巡検に備えて,資料を少し読んで,今日は早めに寝ます.未明からいつも寒くなるので,途中か ら長袖の寝巻を着ることにしています.

Here is a preview of today's dinner. After this, I still have some leftover fried rice from today's lunch, which I microwave and eat. On the right is a deep-fried enoki mushroom that I bought at the market today. It contains about three times as much as this and costs 20 baht. On the left is a takoyaki (octopus dumpling), also at 20 baht. It is small, but has the texture of an octopus. The taste is just like takoyaki, although the sides are a little hard. Well, I'm going to read some materials for tomorrow's inspection tour, and go to bed early today. It always gets cold in the early morning, so I will wear a long-sleeved nightgown from the middle of the day.

Copyright(c) by Y.Okamoto 2023, All rights reserved.