2025 Jan.-Feb. Thailand Science Highschool Photo Diary part_5 2025年タイ滞在記 その5.  2025-02-26 Y.Okamoto


 (I quoted the diary on FaceBook and added a photo to it...) (The English text is posted with some revisions after DeepL traslation)

Princes Chulabhorn Science High school(PCSHS) Nakhon Si Thammarat (プリンセス・チュラボーン・科学高校ナコンシータマラート校)

The following is a quote from my FceBook page.

さ て今回のタイ滞在も後半戦に突入しました.現在タイ南部の町,ナコンシタマラートを再訪しています.ここまでの経路を少し備忘録に載せます.まずバンコク 下町の定宿からどのようにドンムアン空港を目指すかを考えたあげく,最初に失敗したルート.要するに先にスワナブーム空港に行ってから,無料の空港間シャ トルバスを使うという方法を思いつきました.怪我の功名です.これだと電車の乗り換え不要.しかも費用が電車代わずか30バーツだけ.さらに空港もバス直 付けなので,電車の駅から歩く必要がないなど,26kgの重いスーツケースを持っての移動には,よいことずくめ.これ最初の失敗がなければ思いつかなかっ た手でした.まあGrabで最初から500バーツ弱を払う覚悟があれば,こんな苦労はしなくて済むわけですが,どこまでも貧乏性が治りません.写真でご紹 介します.いつものバンコクの定宿の紹介を兼ねます.

We are now in the second half of our stay in Thailand. I am now revisiting Nakhon Si Thammarat, a town in the southern part of Thailand. Here is a little reminder of my route to this point. First of all, I took the route that I failed to take after thinking about how to get to Don Mueang Airport from my hotel in downtown Bangkok. I decided to go to Suvarnabhumi Airport first and then take a free shuttle bus between the airports. It was a blessing in disguise. No need to change trains. The cost is only 30 Baht. And since the airport is directly connected to the bus, there is no need to walk from the train station, which is a good thing when traveling with a 26 kg heavy suitcase. I would never have thought of this if I hadn't made my first mistake. If I had been prepared to pay less than 500 baht for the Grab from the beginning, I would not have had to go through this trouble, but I still keep my poverty! Here are some pictures. This is also an introduction to my usual hotel in Bangkok.

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Departing from the hotel where I stayed for the second time this trip. A metal statue sitting on the bench on the right is a symbol of this inn. This time I had a room on the top floor, the 4th floor. It is in the city center, but on the opposite side of the road, so it is quite quiet except for the occasional whistle of the Thai National Railways(SRT).


Now, walking about 100 meters, here is the Ramkhahen station of the ART (Airport Link) directly connected to the Swanabhumi Airport. The 8 steps in front of me are the only place where my luggage is heavy. So I chose an elevetor behindto carry 26 kg of luggage. .

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も はや勝手知ったる,無料の空港間シャトルバス.ただしこれにはEチケットなどドンムアン空港での搭乗の証明が必要です.係の人はとても親切で,私の重い荷 物を持ってさっさとバスにあげて,所定の場所に置いてくれました.出発時に,たまたま外を覗いていた私と目があったときに,にっこりと笑いかけてくれまし た.タイには本当に親切が方が多いです.

The free shuttle bus between the airports is no longer self-explanatory. However, you need an E-ticket or other proof of boarding at Don Mueang Airport to take the shuttle. The staff was very kind and quickly lifted my heavy luggage onto the bus and put it in its place. He smiled at me when he happened to see me peeking outside at the departure time. There are so many kind people in Thailand.


I arrived at the airport safely, but I needed to check out of my hotel by noon, and I still had almost 6 hours to go before the night departure time. I had no choice but to leave my luggage at the airport's luggage storage, which was reasonable at 75 baht per piece.

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Now that I was light, I took a short tour of the airport. The large lobby is decorated with signs and ornaments celebrating the Chinese New Year. Thailand's dependence on the Chinese economy seems to be getting stronger and stronger.

空 港には当然フードコートがあるのですが,結構高く,こちらはネットで見つけた空港の南の端にある,古くからのフードコートで,ごらんのチキンカツライスは 60バーツ(300円弱)と市内と変わらない値段で,とてもリーズナブル.結構人でにぎわっています.日本の空港なら最初に放逐される運命かもしれません が,こういう古い施設を残すタイの文化に感心します.

This is an old food court I found on the Internet at the south end of the airport. The price of the chicken katsu rice shown here is 60 baht (less than 300 yen), the same price as in the city and very reasonable. It is quite crowded with people. If it were a Japanese airport, it might have been the first to be destroyed, but I admire the Thai culture that preserves old facilities like this.

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I also ordered a cappuccino at a place called MYBREW. I was impressed by the logo, which says “Energy=MYBREWxCOFFEE^2”. This is a great sense!


I had already checked in my baggage 3 hours and a half before departure, and I had too much time to kill, so I went to the lounges in the restricted area.  This is the second Miracle lounge, where I am enjoying a glass of bubbly champagne. I struggled to get my Priority Pass at the end of the year for this reason.


After a 45-minute delay, the plane arrived at Nakhon Sithammarat Airport. This is my second visit to this airport. It is located in the south, but it was cooler than Bangkok. It was almost 9 o'clock at night.

これからお世話になるPCSHSNST校の物理のFocus先生.夜遅 い時間に空港まで迎えにきていただきました.ニックネームがいかにも物理の先生らしい.でも大学では地球物理系の授業も取っていたとか.前回といい今回と いい,大変お世話になりました.ありがとうございます.

Mr. Focus, a physics teacher at PCSHSNST, who will take care me this vist. He picked me up at the airport late at night.  His nickname is like a physics teacher, but he also took geophysics classes at the university. Thank you very much for your help last time and this time.

さ て今回のタイ訪問も,いよいよ終盤を迎えました.今朝,南部のナコンシタマラート(NST)から車で2時間の,スラタニ空港に送ってもらって,直行便で午 後に北部のチェンマイに着きました.2年半ぶりの古都チェンマイです.5校目になります.バンコクでの休息のあと,南部のPCSHS NST校で数日,地震計の修理と特別授業,そして国立公園への巡検が続きました.昨日の巡検では片道4㎞ほどの道ですが,結構アップダウンが激しく,生徒 も先生もふうふう言いながら山道を登りました.タイでは今までみたことがない規模の滝を巡って,久々のよい巡検でした.訪問の面倒をみていただいた,物理 のF先生ほか先生方に感謝します.

(From my diary on Face Book) Now, my visit to Thailand has come to an end. This morning I was picked up at Surat Thani Airport, a two-hour drive from Nakhon Sitamarat (NST) in the south, and took a direct flight to Chiang Mai in the north in the late afternoon. After a short break in Bangkok, we spent a few days at the PCSHS NST school in the south, repairing seismographs, teaching a special class, and going on a field trip to a national park. Yesterday's field trip was a 4-km one-way trip, but the ups and downs were quite challenging, and both students and teachers had to climb up the mountain paths with a lot of huffing and puffing. It was the first time in Thailand to visit a waterfall of this scale, so it was a good visit after a long time. I would like to thank Focus Sensei of physics department and other teachers who took care of our visit.

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As in our previous visit, we are staying at a very nice 4-star hotel and will start with a sumptuous breakfast.


The view from the hotel window. Colorful apartments. Although still within the city area, the city is still in the process of development. There is a large BiG-C at the end of the road on the left side of the street.

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Fruits we had for lunch. Citrus fruits like large Japanese Hassaku(Pomelo) are a specialty of this area. They are sweet and delicious. We had a lot of them at the last visit.


First, the seismograph was repaired. As expected, the pendulum is bent by the weight of the horizontal pendulum. The first thing to do is to adjust it to moving upward the magnetic circuit.

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But one of the pendulums was in a very serious condition, and the underside of the pendulum was hitting the pillar. I didn't have a file, so I had the school van take me to a nearby HomePro (a big DIY shop) and bought a file and other tools. I shaved the bottom part of the pendulum so that it would not hit the pillar.

し かし原因は,支点の薄いリン青銅バネが破損していることでした.原因がわかったのでバネを交換し,最後の作業は観ていた生徒に替わってもらって,組み立て をしてもらっています.何事もできるだけ生徒にやってもらって,あまり教員が手を入れないのが,私流の教育ポリシーですね.

However, the cause was a broken thin phosphor bronze spring at the fulcrum. After finding the cause, the leaf spring was replaced, and the final assembly was done by students who were watching. It is my educational policy to have students do as much of the work as possible, and not have the teachers do too much.

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上 下動の方も2年の経過で案の定,メインバネがへたっていました.それをHomeProで買ってきたペンチで工夫して,少しだけ短く切ってバネの張力を増や して,再組立てをしました.バネの切断と,取り付けはいずれも,少し危ない作業なので私が行い,生徒には見ててもらいました.ただ生徒は高1なので,これ からメンテを手伝ってもらうこともあり,すべての作業を見学してもらいました.

As expected, the main spring was worn out after two years of use. Using a plier I bought at HomePro, I cut it a little shorter to increase the spring tension and reassembled it. Both the cutting and the installation of the spring were a bit dangerous, so I did them myself and let the students watch. However, since the students are in their first year of high school, they are expected to help with maintenance from now on, so I asked them to observe all the work.


The three seismometers have been repaired and the installation is complete. The direction was checked and the north-south axis was adjusted. The phases of the pendulums were also checked. The amplifiers have also been slightly leveled and are now almost complete.

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さ らにPCにはwifiで自動的にGoogleDriveにデータをアップロードできるように,フォルダを共有.これで日本からでも,ほぼリアルタイムに近 い時間で,データ確認が可能となります.ただ,ときどき近所の新校舎建設のために,ネットワークが止まるそうで,まあそれは仕方ありません.面倒をみてい ただいた物理のF先生と,組み立てを手伝ってくれたM4(高1)の生徒に感謝です.

In addition, a data folder is shared on the PC so that data can be automatically uploaded to Google Drive via wifi. This allows me to check the data in near real time from Japan. However, the network sometimes stops due to the construction of a new school building in the neighborhood, but that can't be helped. Thanks to Focus Sensei of physics department and M4 student who helped me with the assembly.

さ て生徒への特別授業の方は,久々に気象庁の波形データを用いた,マグニチュード測定を行いました.彦根,大阪,豊岡3か所の気象台波形記録から,震源の決 定とマグニチュードの推定計算を行います.15年前にいただいた科研費により作成した教材です.海外向けに英語表記にしてあります.ノモグラムで簡単に対 数計算なしで答えを出せます.

The special class for the students was a magnitude measurement using waveform data from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). This is a teaching material created by my research grant 15 years ago. The textbook is written in English for overseas users. The nomograms can be used to easily obtain answers without complicated logarithmic calculations.

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こ ちらは別の日の顕微鏡と私の自作偏光ユニットを用いた薄片観察です.生徒は当然ながらスマホやタブレットで写真を撮って,それを見ながらのスケッチです. この6人はF先生が指導する地理専攻の高1生だそうで,地学に対する興味と理解がことのほか良かった生徒たちです.次の日の巡検にも参加しました.

Here is another day's observation of a thin-sections using a microscope and my home-made polarizing unit. Naturally, the students took pictures with their smartphones or tablets and sketched while looking at the pictures. These six students are first-year geography majors under the guidance of Focus Sensei. Their interest in and understanding of geology were very good. They also participated in the field trip the next day.

と てもきれいにスケッチしています.花崗岩とかんらん岩の薄片をスケッチしています.花崗岩は万成花崗岩,かんらん岩は幌満のものと,タイのチャンタブリの ゼノリスのもの.ほかに薄片は室戸岬と潮岬のはんれい岩,鹿児島の輝石安山岩などを見せました.潮岬のはんれい岩は橄欖石がきれいな,自形を見せるので, これでマグマからの,晶出順序を考えさせました.

This is a very beautiful sketch. The sketch shows thin-sections of granite and peridotite. The granite is Mannari granite in Japan, and the peridotite is from Horoman, Japan and the xenolith from Chanthaburi, Thailand. Other sections shown were gabbros from Cape Muroto and Cape Shionomisaki, and pyroxene andesite from Kagoshima, Japan. The gabbro of the Cape Shiomisaki shows beautiful euhedral olivines, so I asked the students to think about the order of crystallization from the magma.

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This microscope is used for observation. A home-made polarization unit is mounted on the stage. Please refer to the following web for the construction of this unit.


This is an example of a student's sketch. The student was able to distinguish the minerals. It is a very good sketch done in a short time. We are currently collecting class questionnaires and will report back when we have collected them.

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On the last day of our stay, we are going on a field trip. The school van will pick us up and take us to the mountains northeast of the city, where the GPS shows low, tropical latitude.


The office building of the national park. Click on the picture for a video.

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巡検はカオルワン国立公園という山中にある,7つの滝めぐりです.そのうちの大きな2つの滝を回りました.4㎞弱の山道ですが結構急坂もあり,付き 添いの先生が大変そうでした.途中国立公園のガイドさんが植物などの説明をしてくれます.さらに地元大学の2人の地学の先生も同行してくれて,地質の説明 もしてくれています.

The tour road of visiting seven waterfalls in the mountains of Kaorwan National Park. The tour was a little less than 4 km long and visit only two major falls, but there were some steep slopes, and the accompanying teacher seemed to be having a hard time. On the way, a guide from the national park explained about plants and other information. Two geology professors from a local university also accompanied us and explained the geology.

こ ちらが少し小さい方の滝ですが,これでも高さは10mを越えていて,モンスーンシーズン(12月)のあとだけに,凄い水量で圧倒されます.ここで地質の説 明をしたのですが,なかなか地層の解釈が難しかった場所.いただいたタイ語の説明パンフレットでは,古生代の砂岩と頁岩層とだけ書かれています(これスマホカメラで翻訳するとカンブリア紀と記載されています).大学の先 生とも議論しましたが,解釈が難しい場所でした.私の,見立てでは,砂岩頁岩は少し弱い変成作用を受けているように,見受けました.

This is the smaller of the two waterfalls, but it is still over 10 meters high, and the sheer volume of water is overwhelming, especially after the monsoon season (December). The geological formation was difficult to interpret. The explanatory pamphlet in Thai that we were given said only Paleozoic sandstone and shale formations (translated by a smartphone camera, it said Cambrian). As I discussed with our professor, it was a difficult place to interpret. In my opinion, the sandstone and shale are a little weakly metamorphosed.

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実は滝にいたるまでの,山中にとても興味深いものがありました.このあたり は1970年代から80年にかけて,ベトナム戦争の影響もあり,コミュニストが山にこもって,軍事訓練などをした場所にあたります.これはそのうち,ゲリ ラがバスケットコートなどとして使ったという鍾乳洞の看板です.この他にもベトナム戦争でよくあった,落とし穴を作ったあとなども看板で紹介されていまし た.

In fact, there was something very interesting in the mountains leading up to the waterfall. This area is where the communists holed up in the mountains from the 1970s to the 1980s for military training, partly due to the Vietnam War. This is a signboard of a limestone cave that was used by the Guerrillas as a basketball court. In addition, there is an another sign showing the human made pitfalls for solders that were common during the Vietnam War.


We visited a limestone caves. The park guide's explanation was in Thai, so I could not understand it, but I experienced something I did not know yet in Thailand's modern history.
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こ ちらがメインのクルンチン滝です.日本語で資料を探しましたがほとんど見つかりません.環境破壊を避けるために,ツーリズムにわざと載せないようにしてい るのかもしれません.なんせ4㎞の山道を自分で歩かないとたどり着けない場所なので,観光客はまず来ない場所だと思われます.2段で落ちていて,落差は 100m近くあると思うのですが,あまり資料がないので,詳しいことはこれから探します.こちらも水量が凄く,今までタイで見た滝の中ではベスト1だと思 われます.こちらの地質は滝の右側できれいに傾斜した砂岩頁岩層が見れます.パンフレットには頁岩が主体で,段差の部分が侵食に強い砂岩という説明をして いました.ここでも続成作用がかなり進んだ顔をしている岩石です.

This is the main Krungchin Waterfall. I searched for information in Japanese, but could find very little. It may be that they intentionally do not include it in tourism to avoid environmental destruction. It falls in two stages, and the total drop reaches about 100 meters, but there is not much information available, so I will look for more details in the future. This waterfall also has a large volume of water, and I think it is one of the best waterfalls I have seen in Thailand. The geology of this waterfall is a beautifully sloped sandstone shale layer on the right side of the waterfall. The pamphlet explains that the strata is mainly shale, and the stepped part is sandstone that is highly resistant to erosion. Again, It seems to me that the rocks have a very advanced diagenesis appearance.


Now, we are going back up the steep slope we descended to the waterfall. It was interesting to see the contrast between the energetic students and the tired teachers. I was naturally with the group of fast students, and we had a lot of fun talking.

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さ て今回の巡検コースをVikingで地図に緑の線でプロットしました.滝のあるEは公園のパンフによるとカンブリア紀(本当かなあ?),また周囲の濃い緑はオルド ビス紀の石灰岩.ピンクはトリアス紀の花崗岩となっています.NSTは2度めですが,前回同様,素晴らしい巡検を計画していただいたFocus先生はじめ,安全運転のドライバーの方,また学校の皆様に感謝します.

Now, I plotted  a green line with the course of this expedition on a map using Viking. The E of the waterfall is Cambrian (is that true?) according to the park brochure, and the dark greens surrounding it are Ordovician limestones. The pink volor is Triassic granite. This was my second visit to NST, and I would like to thank Mr. Focus, our safe drive by drivers, and the school for organizing such an excellent tour.

今 日昼前に到着した,スラタニ空港には当然ながらラウンジはありませんが,とても美味なカプチーノを出すカフェがありました.パンも手ごろな値段で,次来る ときもこの店で昼食を食べることに決めました.チェンマイ行きの乗客の半数以上は欧米系の観光客です.しかも多数がリュック,また中には男性が裸足のヒッ ピー風のカップルなどもいて,それはそれで楽しめました.

At Surat Thani Airport, where I arrived before noon this day, there is no longer launge but there is a cafe that serves very good cappuccinos and bread at reasonable prices.  I decided to have lunch there next time I come back. More than half of the passengers to Chiang Mai were Western tourists, many of them wearing backpacks, and some of them were hippie-style couples with the man barefoot, which was quite enjoyable.

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Surat Thani Airport is a small airport with one runway, but has a boading brige. This time I flew on a red AirAsia plane.

取っ ていただいた席は,何と前から2列目で,LCCでもビジネス仕様なのか.とてもありがたかったです.スラタニ空港から次のチェンマイへは,バンコクを経ず に直行便です.そのためわざわざ地元のナコンシータマラート空港ではなく,この隣のスラタニ空港まで送ってくれたのです.世話になったFocus先生に感 謝です.次回もまた来たいな.

The seat was in the second row from the front may be a bussiness class sheet. I was very grateful. The flight from Surat Thani to Chiang Mai was a direct flight without going through Bangkok. So Focus sensei took to Surat Thani Airport, not to the local airport, Nakhon Si Thammarat, but to the next airport. I would like to thank Focus sensei for taking care of me. I hope to come back next time.

Copyright(c) by Y.Okamoto 2025, All rights reserved.