2019年Mukdahan写真日記その3  2019年10月24日公開

2019 Mukdahan Photo Diary Part 3 Published October 24, 2019

    Click here for Part 1
その2はこちら    Click here for Part 2
その4はこちら     Click here for No. 4
      Click here for No. 5


In preparation for a workshop for teachers at nearby schools, I went to a geological field trip to study this site).

こ ちらに来てほぼ1週間が経過しました.昨週でKVISでの残された仕事をほぼ終了して,やっとこちらの仕事に集中できそうです.昨日は近くの国立公園に学 校の車で連れて行ってもらいました.運転はいつもレーザーカッターを操作してくれているW先生.また2人の女性の先生(日本語担当と物理担当)も一緒でし た.この国立公園はPhu Pha Thoep National Parkという地質的にとても興味深いところです.タイ東北部の広大な地域を占めるコラート高原は,基本的にジュラ紀後期から白亜紀前期のほぼ水平な,分 厚い河川性の堆積物に覆われています.それらが山岳地帯で露出し,いくつかの恐竜の有名な産地が知られています.一昨年冬に行ったコンケン近くの博物館や 恐竜発掘サイトはこれに該当します.昨日の場所ではあまり化石の報告はないのですが,砂岩層の面白い風化や堆積構造が見られる場所です.「クロスラミナ萌 え」サイトと勝手に名付けました.それでは少し写真を紹介します(さきほど少し写真を追加しました).

It has been almost a week since I arrived here. Last week I finished most of my remaining work at KVIS and I can finally concentrate on my work here. Yesterday, I was taken to a nearby national park in a school car. The car was driven by Mr. W, who always operates the laser cutter for me. Two female teachers (one teach Japanese and the other of physics) were also with us. This national park is Phu Pha Thoep National Park, which is geologically very interesting. The Korat Plateau, which occupies a large area in northeastern Thailand, is basically covered by thick, nearly horizontal fluvial deposits of Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous age. These are exposed in the mountainous areas, where several famous dinosaur fossil or foot print localities are known. The museum and dinosaur excavation site near Khon Kaen that I visited the winter before last falls into this category. There are not many fossils reported from this site, but there are interesting weathering and sedimentary structures in the sandstone layers. I named this site "Cross Lamina Moe, Moe is popular Japanese "萌え" it means favorite". Here are some photos (I have just added a few more).

 Please see below for the dinosaur expedition in 2017.

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Monument at the entrance of the national park. The cross lamina is also well represented. By the way, the entrance fee is 200 Baht, 10 times the price for foreigners, but it was only 20 Baht for me. All fees are paid by the school.

公園のビジターセンターなのを抜けるとすぐに急坂にさしかかりこれを登ります.私は最初コンクリートで固めたあるのかと思いましたが,ちゃんと本物の礫を含む砂岩層でした.あとでご紹介する関連論文にはこのあたりの一連の地層は下記のように記載されています.meandering river deposits by thick floodplain deposits and some channel deposits.

After passing through the park visitor center, you will soon come to a steep slope to climb. At first I thought it was concrete, but it was a real sandstone layer containing gravel. In a related paper to be presented later, a series of strata in this area are described as follows: meandering river deposits by thick floodplain deposits and some channel deposits.

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A ranger from the national park was explaining about the site, but of course I couldn't understand him because he was speaking Thai! It seems that the hard conglomerate on top of the soft sandstone has been left behind by erosion.......


The same is true here. I am not sure why the sandstone in the center is softer. It seems to be a difference in the degree of diagenesis.

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As you can see, the cross lamina is a beautiful conglomerate-bearing sandstone layer. The gravels are mostly circular gravels. It also looks like quartzite.


Close-up of a soft part. It looks like a flood deposit of a huge river.

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After climbing up, the view of the lower area becomes spectacular.

Beautiful pink flowers. Ms. P, my Japanese teacher, asked me what the flower was called in Japan, but I am not familiar with flowers.

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The three teachers from Mukdahan who went with us. In the center is Mr. W who drove us. This rock seems to be the symbol of this park.


Cross lamina can be seen at the foot of the rock. The strata are almost horizontal, so the sedimentary structure is distributed along the contour lines.

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Dogs can be found even here. There are dogs everywhere in Thailand. They are following Dr. W. The white areas are where the washed out gravels are accumulated.


This is a washed out gravel in sandstone. The origin of the quartz gravel was not clear.

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Yellow flowers. Just looking at the flowers is fun because there are so many different kinds.


Mr. W told me that there is a heliport.

Is it for the helicopter bringing a medical doctor?
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This is a very strange plant, and the most interesting discovery this time. There are two kinds of plants, one is right-handed and the other left-handed. I have never seen it in Japan.


From the top of the plateau where a pavilion is located, we looked at the waterfall guide and headed for the nearest waterfall. The women are waiting for us in the azumaya.

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Follow the surface water stream for a short distance down the path. There are white flowers here.


Potholes are found. Is there a waterfall near here? There are potholes all around.

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The waterfall is a little small than I expected, but it's the closest one, so it can't be helped. The visitor center's information map said that there were several more serious waterfalls further away. There is also a pothole above the waterfall. It is still sandstone mixed with gravel.


I changed the photo a little. On the way back from this waterfall, I saw what looked like a dry fissure. I think so, because it is mentioned in a related paper. The related paper is as follows.


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The pavikion is now in sight.
Take a picture on the way back.
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A ranger at the Visitor Center gave us a briefing.


A fresh piece of sandstone. It looks a little tuff.

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The school's official vehicle then took me to another national park about 30 km to the south.

This is a very minor national park, and is rarely mentioned on tourist websites. At first, we went along the road where we could see some geological formations. The entrance fee was 20 Baht.

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This seems to be the geological formation we are looking for.

In the end, we turned back without understanding much about it. As expected of a minor national park, there were no signs explaining about it. There was no signboard explaining about it.

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最後に私の住んでいる部屋の紹介です.右奥にシャワーとトイレ.さらに網戸の奥がテラスでそこに洗濯機を置いています.この写真は住み始めた直後の状態で,このあと少しこまごまとした棚とかテーブルを追加しました. 最初の日の買い物.必需品である電気ポットとコーヒーメーカーを買い込みました.2つで500バーツほどだったか.1800円ほどと安いですね.ピザパンは当然夕食になります.2個で60バーツ.マンゴスチンも一袋買い込みました.50バーツ弱です.
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そしてモカコーヒー.ちゃんと飾りを入れてくれています.飾りはおそらくインスタントの粉か.しかしコーヒー自体はとても美味しいドリップコーヒーでした. さて夕食はかねて約束をしていたMukdahanの学校で働く同じ学校のNさんと別の学校のMさんの両名との日本人お食事会.メコン川のみえるレストランで優雅に夕食です.
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オムレツライスです.これ私の好物.両名のタイでの話とか私がタイに来た経緯とか話がはずみました.とくにMさん(日本語専任教員)には来る前から学校の情報を教えていただいてとてもお世話になりました.5年前に初めて来られたそうですが,タイ語の読み書き,話すのを驚くスピードでマスターされていました. メコン川の素晴らしい夕焼け.こんな景色を見ながら優雅に夕食を取れる生活を数年前はとても想像はできていなかった.

か れこれ2週間も続いた例年にはないという長雨がやっと今朝晴れて,ようやくこの学校に来て初めて,朝の朝礼で生徒に紹介してもらいました.自分の専門は地 震学でタイは幸運なことに地震がほとんどないけど,日本はとても地震被害が多い.95年の神戸に始まり2011年の東北沖では大変な被害が出た.そのとき タイの人々からとてもたくさんの支援をいただいて深く感謝していると英語で最初の挨拶を述べた.そのあと,みんなは日本はハイテクの国だと想像するかも知 れないけど,実はそのハイテクは大変なスーパーローテク技術に支えられているのだという話をした.自分のいるSTEMラボにはそのローテクの結晶である自 作の地震計があるからぜひ見に来てねと誘って,最後に2日前にAppleがiPhoneXIをアナウンスしたけど,実は自分のラボにはすでに開発を終えた iPhoneXIIが置いてある.来た人だけにこっそり見せてあげると締めくくった.さてそのiPhoneXIIとは?写真をご覧ください.

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iPhoneXiiのご紹介の前に今日夕刻家まで送ってもらう車のなかからタイで久々の虹がきれいに見えた.同乗のフィリピン人教員の2人にも二次虹とその色が逆になることを教えてあげたらとても喜んでいた.片方は英語,片方は理科の先生なのでDispersionだと教えてあげた. さてこれが拙作のiPhoneXIIです.何のことはないただの糸電話なのですが,実はこれを使ってやや長い挨拶をする予定だったのですが,時間が押していたのでやめたのです.つまりiphoneはとても複雑な機械だけど,要するに基本原理はこれだと.つまり複雑な構造の中に単純な原理を発見することが科学.その逆に単純な原理から複雑で役に立つものを開発するのが技術だという話につなげようと思っていたのですが.
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My colleague, a young teacher, made beautiful acrylic cases for the fault models in just two days. Only the two cases on the left were made by me, and the rest were made by them using a laser cutter.



In the end, I found that the coil of the vertical seismometer was broken and had to rewind it, but my colleague, Dr. P., found a store in Mukdahan and bought the wire you see here. I had already given up and ordered it from AliExpress, but he was able to find a local store. He also found a phosphor bronze plate for me. And, as you can see, I got two rotating stands to rewind....


But I thought it would be better to use the lathe, since we have one at the factory, so Mr. P is winding the coil. His hand skill is quite good for a first time. He was hired this year to be in charge of the STEM lab, and he is a young lab teacher with a really good sense of humor and very good ingenuity. 

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話題は変わって,こちらの校長にとても気に入ってもらって,昨夜は日本食をごちそうになりました.Robinsonという百貨店が入った大型商業施設に入っている日本食レストランです.何か回転寿司だと思ったら,実は違います. 何としゃぶしゃぶの材料が運ばれてくるのです.それを選んで取ってしゃぶしゃぶに入れます.この店入場料夜は1000バーツ(昼は500バーツ)とかで,要するにバイキングで食べ放題なのです.
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左がしゃぶしゃぶの鍋で右側が出汁,左側がただのお湯です.左の小皿は別に用意された寿司のバイキングから取ってきたもの.ほとんど日本の店と同じですが,中央左側のたれだけがタイ風味で辛かった. さてアイスクリームまでいただいて満腹で店を出た後,少しローカル食品特区みたいな店を見て回りました.これはチャンタブリだったかの甘いものだそうです.中央奥の茶色い焼き物は実はカステラで,副校長はポルトガル語で何とかいうというのでカステラではないかと自分が言ったものです.

Copyright (C) 2019 Yoshio Okamoto, all rights reserved.