2023年12月〜2014年1月タイ日記完全版          2024-01-25    Y.Okamoto

Complete Thailand Diary, December 22 2023 - January 18 2024

FaceBookに載せた記事+書き下ろしです.This is an article I posted on Face Book + new photo diary

1.PCSHS Mukdahann Diary (This page) 22th Dec. to 25th Dec. 2023

2.Satun GeoPark Excursion Day 1-2.  25th Dec. to 30th Dec. 2023
  Satun GeoPark Excursion Day 3.

  Satun GeoPark Excursion Day 4.

3.Bangkok Downtown Diary            31th Dec. 2023 to 1st Jan. 2024
4.Phayao Univ. Diary                2nd Jan. 2024 to 4th Jan. 2024
5.Silpakorn Univ. Diary             5th Jan. 2024 to 8th Jan. 2024 

6.2024 Kanchanaburi Geological Excursion Part_1        9th Jan. 2024 to 16th Jan. 2024 
  2024 Kanchanaburi Geological Excursion Part_2   
  2024 Kanchanaburi Geological Excursion Part_3-4

7.Silpakorn Univ. Diary part2.      16th Jan. 2024 to 18th Jan. 2024  

3か月ぶりのタイに来ています.本年のタイ日記,最終版です.年末,週末とクリスマスが重なり,恐ろしいほどのイミグレ(入国審査)待ちの行列に怖れをな しましたが,何とか無事3日目の朝を迎えました.自分の備忘録に少しずつ写真で紹介します(今日は1日活動をはさむので夜また写真を追加します).
(12/24 追記)ということで,3日目の今日クリスマスイブは,午前中3時間,午後3時間の授業をこなしたあと,さらに1時間の生徒のプロジェクトの相談,そして夕 食.さらに夜は星空観望会の予定で望遠鏡が数台準備されたのですが,残念ながら雲が出て,急遽私が,月の起源やら地球の生命の起源やらの話を,観望会の会 場のグラウンドでする羽目に.まあ事前準備もなく適当だったのですが,生徒は結構よく聞いてくれました.世話をしていただいた物理のN先生からは,来年の 来訪の約束までしていただいて,とてもありがたいです.少し写真を追加します.

I have been in Thailand for the first time in three months. This is the last edition of this year's Thailand Diary. I caem across the long queue at the immigration because of the Christmas weekend, but after, I had the third morning safely. I will show you a few pictures as a reminder (I will add more pictures at night since I have a full day of activities today).

(12/24 Postscript) So, on Christmas Eve, the third day, I had three hours of classes in the morning and three hours in the afternoon, followed by another hour of consultation for students' projects, and then dinner. In the evening, several telescopes were set up for a stargazing party, but unfortunately, clouds codered the night sky. so I had to give a talk to students for a while in the ground. The story I chosed at is that on "the origin of the moon" and "the origin of life on earth". Because these themes I already talk to my Japanese students in English at the past time. So, I did not have any preparation in advance, but the students listened to my talk quite well. Niwat sensei, the physics teacher who took care of me, even promised to come back next year, for which I am very grateful. I will add some pictures.

I would like to thank Mr. Niwat, the physics teacher of PCSHS Mukdahan, who took care of everything during my visit, and Mr. Chatree, the former director of the school, who came all the way to see me.

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I arrived at Kansai International Airport three hours before the flight, but the crowds waiting to check in at the airport made me wonder what would happen next.
今 回の飛行機は初めて乗るベトナム航空.これ往復の航空券は自腹なので,Agodaで一番安いのを探したら,直行便ではなく,ベトナムホーチミン乗り換え が,何と格安の2万9千円でした!帰りは年が明けてからになりますがマカウ航空の予定で,こちらは2万3千園で,往復5万円強は信じられない!これいずれ もレガシーキャリアでLCCではないですよ!エアバスの大き目の機体の席はほぼ満席状態です.

This time I flew Vietnam Airlines for the first time. Since I have to pay for the round trip ticket on my own, I searched for the cheapest one on Agoda and found that it was not a direct flight but a transfer flight to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam! The return flight will be by Macau Airlines after the new year, and it will be 23,000 yen, which is unbelievable for a round trip of over 50,000 yen! These are both legacy carriers, not LCCs! The seats in the larger Airbus aircraft are almost full.

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Drinks were served immediately, and this was still mid-morning, so of course it was my uncle's beer for lunch. There were no alcohol free lounges in Kansai International Airport, so I quickly got one.


The food was acceptable, but not extravagant. After that, more drinks were rationed, and of course I had another bottle of Ichiban Shibori.


A330 with TV. I flew to Ho Chi Minh City. I got two cans of Jpanese Itiban-Shibori, coffee and I'm going to be a Vietnam Airlines fan.

通 路の反対側の席でとてもフレンドリーに,日本語を話してくれたベトナムの若者.私が落とした荷物を拾ってくれたり,色々と気づかないこを教えてくれた,と ても親切な若物だったので記念写真.彼は学生だと思ったのですが,技能実習生で来日とのこと.今回は里帰りだそうです.最初英語で話かけらのですが,英語 はわからない.日本語の方がよいとかなり上手な日本語で話してくれました.

A young Vietnamese man sitting on the other side of the aisle who spoke very friendly Japanese to me. He was a very kind young man who picked up my dropped luggage and taught me many things that I did not notice. I thought he was a student, but he came to Japan as a technical intern trainee. And this time he was returning home. I tried to speak to him in English at first, but he did not understand English. He spoke fruent Japanese, so I was surprized.

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Well, I boarded a Vietnam Airlines flight at Tan Son Nhat Airport in Ho Chi Minh City to Bangkok DMK. Another simple meal was served. This time, I decided to have a Vietnamese beer.


This is the first Vietnamese beer I've ever had. It's hard to believe that a one-way trip costs 29,000 yen.

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さ てスワンナプーム空港にほぼ予定通り着いてほっとしていたのですが,とんでもない最初の至難が待ってました.これ入国審査の列なのですが,何と300mも ありました!1時間半立ったまま並んで,ようやく解放されました.前の人達と話したのですが,やはり週末+クリスマス+年末の三重苦だったようです.

I was relieved to arrive at Suvarnabhumi Airport almost on schedule, but a terrible first difficulty awaited me. This is the immigration line, and it was 300 meters long! After standing in line for an hour and a half, I was finally released. I talked with the people in front of me, and it seemed that it was the weekend, Christmas, and the end of the year, triple timing!


A cheap hotel downtown along the Airport Link. I feel safe here. I leave my big suitcase here and go out with a medium-sized suitcase containing my touring gear and other necessities. This is because the buses are too small for the field trip, so we are restricted in our luggage.

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The next day, I left early in the morning for the airport next to  Mukdahan where I was invited to work. This is a domestic flight from Don Mueang Airport. ATL + BTS + A1 bus, cheap cost. The total fare was 85 Baht, right?


After checking in my luggage at Don Mueang Airport, I had breakfast at Coral Lounge. Sorry for my noon beer again. I was in a rush to get ready for my flight, so I had to drink beer and orange juice hurry up, which made me a bit sick in the afternoon.

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さ て,東北部ムクダハンまでの直行便はないので(ムクダハンに適当な空港がない),その隣の県,夏に行ったウボンラチャタニまでの飛行機を降りたところ.こ のあと迎えのN先生の車にのせてもらって,高校まで2時間あまりの行程です.久しぶりのAirAsiaで中型スーツケースのみですが,LCCなので,一応 航空券には預け荷物25kgの追加は付けてもらいました.

There are no direct flights to Mukdahan in the northeast (there is no suitable airport in Mukdahan), so I just got off the plane to Ubon Ratchathani, a neighboring province that I visited in the summer. After this, Niwat sensei picked me up in his car and took me to the high school, which is about 2 hours away. It's been a while since I flew with AirAsia, and I have only a medium-sized suitcase, but since it's an LCC, I asked them to add an extra 25kg of checked baggage to my ticket.

ム クダハンの高校について,さっそく4年前の訪問で設置した古い地震計を修理.どうも十字バネの一つがちぎれていたようで,それをバックアップに持って行っ たバネと交換.ついでに4年間のほこりを少し掃除.メンテをしてくれている実習教員のP先生にも再開.彼は熱心な若い先生で,私の作業をずっと動画で撮っ てくれていた.自分の勉強にするそうだ.

At the high school in Mukdahan, I immediately repaired the old seismograph that I had installed four years ago. One of the cross springs had been torn off, and I replaced it with a spring that I had brought as a backup. In addition, I cleaned up some of the dust that had accumulated over the past four years. I met up with Mr. Pao, the laboratory teacher who has been doing the maintenance. He is an enthusiastic young man who has been taking video of my work. He said he was going to use it for his own study.

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The repair was successfully completed. Now the system can observe again. I am very grateful that he went to the trouble of buying a new PC for me. After that, we went out for dinner.

ここで大発見.実は年明けに訪問予定の P大学の附属高校の先生に頼んでいた,両電源のパワーユニットが何を間違えたのか,片電源のユニットを買ったと昨日連絡があって,頭を抱えていたのです. なぜなら今更注文し直しても,中国通販なので私の訪問には間に合わないのです.片電源を2つ重ねるというかなりヤクザな方法を志向していたのですが,何と このムクダハン高校に,私が念のためにとストックしておいた電眼があったのです!本当にラッキーでした.これをN先生に頼んで先方に送ってもらえれば,同 じ国内なので余裕で着きます.一件落着でとてもうれしい.

Here I made a great discovery. I was having a hard time thinking about it, because I got a call yesterday that the power unit with both power supplies(+,-) that I had ordered from a teacher of a high school affiliated with Phayao University, which I was going to visit in the new year, had been mistakenly purchased as a single power supply(+ only) unit. I was puzzled, because even if I reorder them now, they will not be ready in time for my visit, since they are mail-ordered in China. I had been planning to use a rather complecated method of stacking two single power supply units, but to my surprise, Mukdahan High School had a power supply unit that I had stocked up just in case! I was really lucky. I asked Niwat sensei to send it to the destination, and it will arrive there in plenty of time, since it is in the same country. I am very happy that the case is settled.

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と いうことで安心してこの日の夕食へ.4年前に世話になった当時の校長先生(こちらではディレクターと呼びます,中央の私の隣の方)がわざわざ,会いに来て いただきました.私が土産に持参した,風神雷神の風呂敷を奥さんが,これはスカーフに使えると喜んでいただいて,今首に巻いていただいています.私の隣の 先生が私を前回も今回も世話してくれた物理担当のN先生です.とても世話になっています.

The principal of the school at that time (called "director" here, the one next to me in the center), who took care of me 4 years ago, came all the way to see me. His wife was delighted with the furoshiki (wrapping cloth) with the Wind and Thunder Gods on it, this is very faous Japanese ancient art, which I brought as a souvenir, because she thought it could be used as a scarf. The teacher next to me is Niwat sensei, the physics teacher who took care of me last time and this time. He has been very kind to me.


This is the hotel room provided by the school. It looks like a suite, and I am very grateful. I had a little problem with the shower temperature control, and the air conditioner did not turn off for some reason.

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This corner room has a balcony like this. You can see the Mekong River at the back left. The other side of the river is Laos. I am very grateful to have such a room for me.


Since the room was prepared so well, I had to give a special class. 30 students and teachers came all the way on Christmas Eve Sunday.
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As usual, I had to spend some time explaining the seismic waveforms to the M4 (first-year high school students), who were a bit unfamiliar with the process.

This is also the making of the well-known fault experiment. They seemed to enjoy making it. Thanks to the teachers who prepared the materials.

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準 備の甲斐があって,今回も素晴らしい断層実験結果ができました.前回から行っている,この断層実験にまつわる議論(モデルと自然の違い,太陽エネルギーと 地球内部エネルギーの地形に加わる作用の違い,地球内部エネルギーはどこから来るのかなど)を行いました.この議論はとても生徒が興味を持ってくれたよう です.この議論についても年明けのカンチャナブリでの学会MUIGC2024で発表する予定です.

Thanks to the preparation, we were able to obtain excellent results from the fault experiment again. We had the same discussion about the fault experiment that we have had since the last time (i.e., the difference between models and nature, the difference between solar energy and Earth's internal energy acting on the terrain, where Earth's internal energy comes from, etc.). The students seemed very interested in this discussion. This discussion will be presented at the MUIGC2024 conference in Kanchanaburi in the new year.


In the afternoon, we talked about rocks and minerals and practiced microscopy. First, a PPT was given on the types and characteristics of minerals. Since geology is not a compulsory subject at this school, the talk seemed fresh to the students.

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Next, we practiced taking micrographs of rocks using polarizing units and thin-sections of rocks, which I already kept in the school. The students are taking very good pictures with their smart phones. I think they will be published on their social networking pages. I was somewhat tired after 3 hours of class in the morning and 3 hours in the afternoon.

授 業終了後,日本の高校との合同プロジェクトを持っている女生徒2人と,それを指導する物理担当の若い先生とで,地震の際に,地元産の竹を主な材料として用 いる建物の振動応答を,どのように測定するかという相談に乗っています.私は企業などがやる専門的な方法ではなく,高校生が考える,より原始的でかつ意外 な発想の手法を考える方がよい,というアドバイスをしました.

After the class, two female students who have a joint project with a Japanese high school and their young physics teacher are discussing how to measure the vibration response of a building made mainly of locally grown bamboo during an earthquake. I advised them to think of more primitive and unexpected methods that high school students might consider, rather than the specialized methods used by companies and other organizations.

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From the car of Niwat sensei, who is driving me to the dinner place today. The decorations of the local church on Christmas Eve are very beautiful.


The restaurant for today's dinner. Niwat sensei is in the picture. He is in charge of taking me to and from school and all the events. I forgot a lot of things this time, and he drove me around every time I forgot something. I am so grateful to him!

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夕 食のレストランの外の風景.この時期メコン川の河岸で虫が異常に発生するそうです.これには驚きました.ホテルにも窓を開けないようにとの注意書きがあり ました.このあと高校のグラウンドで天体観測だったのですが,薄着の生徒は時ならぬ寒さに震えていました.私もホテルの部屋で寒すぎて,フロントで有料の 毛布を借りたほどです.タイのホテルのエアコンは暖房がないのを初めて知りました.

Outside the restaurant where we had dinner. Insects are said to be abundant along the banks of the Mekong River at this time of year. I was surprised at this. There was a warning in the hotel not to open the windows. After that, we went to a high school for star gazing, and the students in light clothing were shivering in the cold. I was so cold in my hotel room that I had to borrow a blanket from the front desk for a fee. It was the first time for me to know that air conditioners in Thai hotels are not heated.

さ て薄雲が覆ってきたグラウンドで,用意された天体望遠鏡も役に立たないなか,仕方なくピンチヒッターで登板した私は,せっかくだからと観望する予定だっ た,月の起源と関連する声生命の起源の話をここでしました.おおよそ昔作った教材の話を少し脚色しました.教材の出所は以下です.

I had no choice but to pinch-hit and talk about the origin of life in relation to the origin of the moon, which I had planned to observe. I adapted a bit of an old teaching material I had made up. The source of the material is as follows.


The story of the late heavy bombing period from


I used the story of the early earth from the following as a skeleton. I had a bit of trouble because I was speaking in plain English without any preparation, but I am glad that the students enjoyed it!

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天 体観望は残念ながら幻に終わりましたが,生徒たちは喜んでくれたようでよかったです.それにしてもタイとしては珍しく寒い日々が続きます.しかしこれはお そらくタイ北部と東北部に限られると思います.明日からはタイ半島部南部の地質巡検に参戦するのですが,向こうは暑くておまけに雨季だそうで,同じ国でも その違いの驚かされます.この地質巡検はまた明日以降,手のあいたときに綴る予定です. 

Unfortunately, the star gazing ended in ilusion, but I am glad that the students seemed to be pleased with it. The weather has been unusually cold for Thailand, but this is probably limited to northern and northeastern Thailand.Tomorrow I will start a geological field trip to the southern peninsula of Thailand, where it is hot and rainy. I will write about this geological expedition after tomorrow when I have some free time.


Now that the cloud-disturbed observing session is over, a few students came to look at my seismograph. It is a new PC and is working well. I am looking forward to getting new seismogram records.

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On the next day, Niwat Sensei took me to the airport again. This is where we stopped for lunch on the way.


I had a gorgeous lunch at the end of the Mukdahan stay. As always,  I am very grateful to PCSHS Mukdahan for all the help and support. After this, we returned to Bangkok and then go to Hat Yai airport for the departure to the end of the year tour.

Copyright(c) by Y.Okamoto 2024, All rights reserved.