2023 Aug.-Sep. SciUS Schools in Thailand Photo Diary part_3 2023年SciUS滞在記 その3.  2023-09-30 Y.Okamoto
Silpakorn University SciUS School

Preliminary Report (No link for enlarged images etc)
Ubon Ratchathani University (ウボンラチャタニ大学,Page 1)
2023 SciUS Symposium at Thammaast Univ. (SciUSシンポジウム,page 2)
Silpakorn University (シルパコーン大学,Page 3,このページ)
Mahidol University Kanchanarubi Campus and Field Trip (マヒドン大学カンチャナブリキャンパスほか,Page 4)
Chiang Mai University (チェンマイ大学,Page 5)
Phayao University (パヤオ大学,Page 6)
Extra Note: Bangkok Downtown and Cambodia trip(余録:バンコク下町風景とカンボジア旅行,Page 7)

Silpakorn University (シルパコーン大学,Page 3,このページ)

タ イ日記その3.現在滞在中のバンコクの西の平原の街ナコーンパトムにある,Silpakorn大学に滞在中です.やっと大学生と高校生へのレクチャーとか 実習とかのdutyの仕事が終了して,今日は昨日からこちらに送った地震計の修理に追われています.これ安心だと思った高い航空便で送ったのですが,到着 した荷物を見ると内部の地震計が,振り子の支点など結構ひどく壊れていました.さらにその代替パーツを最初送った荷物の中に発見できず,右往左往しました が,修理が終わる寸前になって,荷物の箱の中に入っているのを発見.あわてて代わりのもので代替したバネとかまた交換する応急修理となりました.しかし振 り子とコイルの取り付け部が壊れた,上下動の修理は結局時間切れとなりました.12月に再度タイにさる地質巡検で来るときに,必要パーツを持参して本格修 理をしようと思っています.その模様やらキャンパスの様子を少しだけ紹介します.実は夕方,土産を日本に箱で送るためと,壊れた荷物の補償の書類をもらい に,郵便局に行って面白い体験をしたのですが,またそれは明日にでも.

こちらのSciUSコースの生徒は,学生寮が大学の中にあり,数学,英語,理科の授業はこの大学の教室で受講します(週3日).しかしあとで写真を載せま すが社会,国語などの授業は地元の公立高校にバスで通学して,受講するそうです(週2日).このように同じSciUSに属する高校生ですが,大学によって 組織運営が若干異なります.さらに興味深いのは,これらSciUSの高校の運営は国(文科省)ではなく,大学が責任を負って行っているそうです(各大学共 通).生徒は同様に奨学金をもらって学費や生活費が無料扱いとなっています.この点は本当に素晴らしいと思いました.ただ組織運営は大学毎にそれぞれ苦労 されている様子でした.13年前に始まったという試行もまだまだ発展途上と言えそうですが,そのチャレンジを微力ながら応援したいと思っています.

<Thai Diary Part.3> (from FaceBook diary) I am currently staying at Silpakorn University in Nakhon Pathom, a town on the plains west of Bangkok. I finally finished my duty work of lectures and worlshops for university and high school students, and today I am busy repairing the seismograph that I sent here since yesterday. I sent it by airmail, which I thought was very safe, but when I saw the package that arrived, I found that the seismometer inside was quite badly damaged, including the fulcrums of the pendulum. We were unable to find replacement parts for the seismograph in the package we had initially sent, and had to go back and forth, but just before the repairs were completed, we found them in the package box. In a panic, we replaced the spring with a substitute one, and the emergency repair was carried out again. I am planning to bring the necessary parts for a full-scale repair when I come back to Thailand in December for a geological field trip. I will introduce some of the photos of the repairing and the University campus. 

Postscript. What happened at the post office: I sent the luggage that I couldn't put in my suitcase to Japan, because I had more souvenirs and other bulky stuffs. Here is what happened at the post office.

Students in the SciUS course have a dormitory in the university, and take math, English, and science classes in the university's classrooms (three days a week). However, as will be shown in the photos later, they commute by bus to a local public high school for social studies and Thai language classes (2 days per week). Although these high school students belong to the same SciUS, the organizational structure differs slightly from university to university. What is even more interesting is that these SciUS high schools are not managed by the national government (Ministry of Education), but by the universities (common to all universities). The students receive the same scholarship, and their tuition and living expenses are free. I thought this was really wonderful. The trial program, which started 13 years ago, is still in its infancy, but I would like to support its challenge, even if only in a small part.

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こ れが一番ひどく壊れていた上下動地震計.支点の十字バネの取り付け部分のバーが折れてしまっています.どんな力が加わるとこんなになるのか想像つきませ ん.箱が外観にはあまり変化がなく,こちらの先生が箱を開いてきづいたそうです.そういえばコイルも取り付け部から取れてしまっています.線が切れている のでこちらもかなり大事です.さてどこから手を付けようかと,途方に暮れているところです.

This is the most badly broken vertical pendulum. The bar where the cross spring at the fulcrum attached is broken. It is hard to imagine what kind of force would cause such a breakage. The appearance of the box has not changed much. The coil has also been removed from the mounting area. The wire is broken, so this is also very important. I am at a loss as to where to start.

こ ちらは一見あまり変化がなさそうだった水平動の2本ですが,どちらも支点のバネが全部ちぎれてしまっています.おまけに右下に磁石の取り付け部分のL字型 の3Dプリンタ印刷部品が根本から折れてしまっています.高価な航空便を使った(送料17200円)のに,あきれるしかありません.もちろん日本に帰って から保障請求するつもりです.

The two horizontal components did not seem to change much at first glance, but the leaf springs at the fulcrums of both pendulums have all been torn off. In addition, the L-shaped 3D printed part of the magnet case holder in the lower right corner is broken from the root. I can only be disappointed, even though I used an expensive air mail service (shipping cost was 17,200 yen). Of course, I will file a claim for warranty after returning to Japan.

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The metal part has been pulled out at the signal output of the vertical comp.

The coil came off the mounting .... Both wires are broken. This is going to be very difficult to repair.

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A physics professor who helped me repair it. In the back right corner, a 3D printer was brought in to print from the STL file of the broken bar, but it took 6 hours to complete the job, and when I looked at it the next day, the print was broken in the middle.


At first, we did not have phosphor bronze sheets in stock to make springs, so Dr. O (whose nickname is "Dr. Ohm," a unit of resistance. D. in physics), who had invented the idea of cutting an aluminum juice can to make a spring. )

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Replacement parts that were packed in a box. The broken parts for the horizontal comp. could be replaced with these, but not for the vertical comp.

今 日午前に予定の修理時間が終わる寸前に見つけたリン青銅板の代替部品.もっと早くみつけていれば,今日は休息日で休めたはずなのに.中央がリン青銅板,両 側の黄色いのが,アルミ缶で作った代替品.急いで付け替えました.おかげで終了予定の11時半を大幅に超えて,昼食をはさんで午後3時近くまでかかってし まいました.

A replacement part for the phosphor bronze plate found just before the scheduled repair time was up this morning. If I had found it earlier, I could have had a rest day today. The phosphor bronze plate is in the center, and the yellow ones on both sides are replacements made from aluminum cans. I replaced them in a hurry. Thanks to this, it took us until almost 3:00 p.m. after lunch, far exceeding the scheduled completion time of 11:30 p.m.

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昼 過ぎにやっと完成した水平動の2本を,とりあえず床に置いて試験観測です.PCも一応用意してもらいました.これもProcessingが言うことを聞か ず,バージョンをダウングレードしてようやくエラーを回避するなど,ひと悶着あったのですが,何とか無事に波形を書くようになりました.めでたし.

I put the two horizontal comps. waveforms on the floor for test observation. I had to downgrade the version of "Processing" to avoid the error, but I managed to get it to write waveforms. I am happy.

中 央網状のユニットが,こちらのLAZADAに在庫があった.OP`アンプ用の電源.これプラスマイナスの両電源で,今時日本橋にも安いものは見当たら ず,AmazonやAliExpressでも探せなかったのですが,なんとタイのLAZADAにあったので,今後のことを考え3台買ってもらって,うち2 台を日本に持ち帰ります.水平動の黄色(東西動)はエアコンの風によるノイズにまみれてしまっています.こちらの先生にカバーをかけてもらうようお願いし ました.

The center net-overed unit was stocked at LAZADA here, and is a power supply for an OP` amplifier. I could not find a cheap one even in Nihonbashi, Amazon or AliExpress, but to my surprise, I found it at LAZADA in Thailand, so I bought three units and brought two of them back to Japan for future use. The yellow horizontal motion (east-west motion) is covered with noise from the air conditioner wind. I have asked the professor here to cover it up.

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Before these activities today, I woke up early in the morning and took a walk around the university campus.

A group of dogs, which Dr. L called "public dogs," roam around the campus of the Faculty of Science. She asked me if there were such dogs in Japan.

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It was a very nice walk in the morning, with only students on bikes waking up early and monk begging for alms.

On the way back to my room by the science department, I saw people praying. Thai people are very religious. The building of the chemistry department on the left is getting a little tired.

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This is the building where the physics laboratory is located. Today's seismograph repating was done in a room of this building.


It is a kind of a hall and accommodation for me, next to the Chemistry building. Go up the stairs from the door on the right.

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There are two rooms up the stairs and a large lobby in front of them. Here you can boil water and prepare meals electronically. I boil water and drip coffee every day.


This is the room for accommodation, but I am the only occupant. It is spacious and comfortable, but the only drawback is that the hot water in the shower is always cold enough. I have asked them to fix it, but no one comes to fix.


When I went to the post office with Dr. L sensei this evening, I found this amazing one. It's fun to see such a big lizard or crocodile on the university campus. But when I approached it, it turned around as if it was trying to intimidate me.

最 初大学構内の郵便局に行った(トカゲの動画)のですが,国際郵便は取り扱いがないということでLさんに市内の郵便局まで連れて行ってもらいました.待つ ことしばし.自分の番になって荷物をカウンタに預けて,局員が送り人の確認で私のパスポートをと言ってきました.実はそれは部屋に置いています.どうして も彼はそれが必要だと言ったので,もう締め切りの5時を過ぎていたのですが,一旦取りに帰ろうと局を出かけたのですが,Lさんが差し出し人を私ではなく, 自分に変更すればよいという素晴らしい考えを思いつきました.それで何とかOK.しかし次の仕事はひどく壊れた地震計の荷物の,補償を日本の郵便局から後 日得るために,こちらの郵便局の証明が必要とのことで,壊れた部品を手に奥の方の別室に.驚いたことに小さなかわいい猫が居て局員のペットのようです.L さんが色々交渉してくれて,何とかこちらの郵便局の証明みたいなものを書いてくれました.これ補償は日本の郵便局からの補償金なので,まだ帰ってから一悶 着ありそうですが,基本私は旅行中のこうした事象では,自分の勉強だと思ってかならずダメ元でも交渉することにしています.さて郵便局についたころから降 り出した大雨がまだ少し降る中を,夕食のレストランに向いました.雨でところどころ水がなかりたまった道路をLさんは2週間経ったという新車が水をかぶる のを気にしながら,レストランに連れて行ってくれました.

I first went to the post office on the university campus (see the lizard's video), but they did not handle international mail, so I asked Dr. L sensei to take me to the post office in the city. At the PO, I waited for a while. When it was my turn, I deposited my luggage at the counter, and the clerk asked for my passport to confirm the sender. Actually, I left it in my room. We went out to get it, but Dr. L sensei had a brilliant idea to change the sender to herself instead of me. The next task, however, was to get a proof from the post office in order to get compensation from the Japanese post office for the badly damaged seismograph package later, so I went to another room in the back with the broken parts. To my surprise, there was a cute little cat, which seemed to be the postman's pet... Dr. L sensei negotiated with the postwoman and managed to write a proof of post office. I am still in a bit of trouble after I get back to Japan, but I always try to negotiate with the post office as if it is a learning experience. I went to the restaurant for dinner in the heavy rain that started to fall around the time I arrived at the post office. Dr. L sensei took me to the restaurant on the road, which was filled with water in some places due to the rain, while worrying that her new car, which was two weeks old, would be covered with water.

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The principal told us about the important role of the art department as the start point of the university and gave me a beautiful painting as a memento of our first visit.

The professor who operates the various instruments for measuring solar radiation on the roof of the physics building explained them to us.

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My original 3D seismicity maps, which was given to Dr. L sensei, are displayed on a pillar next to the classroom at the high school.

These tools are prepared in advance for the students of the SciUS course to conduct a flour fault experiment. Seismographs for demonstration is also available. All of them were brought in a suitcase.

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Fault experiment. These are students of the SciUS course.


Model faults have been formed!
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This is a microscopic observation of processed volcanic ash. The soil from Ibaraki, which was purchased locally, did not contain as many beautiful pyroxene as akadama soil. It would be better to bring Akadama soil from Japan next time.


This is a workshop for the students of a local public high school where the SciUS course students take regular classes (Thai language, social studies, etc.). The content was the same, but the target students were different.

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The students were not from the SciUS course, but they were very enthusiastic about it.

They seemed to be satisfied with the fault experiment.

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