2023 Aug.-Sep. SciUS Schools in Thailand Photo Diary part_6 2023年SciUS滞在記 その6.  2023-09-26 Y.Okamoto
Phayao University and Demonstration School

Preliminary Report (No link for enlarged images etc)

Ubon Ratchathani University (ウボンラチャタニ大学,ページ1)
2023 SciUS Symposium at Thammaast Univ. (SciUSシンポジウム,ページ2)
Silpakorn University (シルパコーン大学,ページ3)
Kanchanarubi Field Trip (マヒドン大学カンチャナブリキャンパスほか,ページ4)
Chiang Mai University (チェンマイ大学,ページ5)
Phayao University (パヤオ大学,Page 6)
Extra Note: Bangkok Downtown and Cambodia trip(余録:バンコク下町風景とカンボジア旅行,Page 7)

<パ ヤオ日記>タイ滞在もようやくdutyの仕事が終わって,最初に予約した航空券の関係で6日ほど空きの日程が取れました.とりあえずバンコクに戻って,空 港からエアポートリンクの駅にほど近い,下町のホテルに戻ってきたところです.休息と買い出しのために2日泊まって,念願のカンボジア(アンコールワッ ト)を訪ねるつもりです.少し間が空きましたが,最後の訪問地であったタイ北部のパヤオ(Phayao)での滞在を少し紹介します.あまり日本では知られ ていない町ですが,国立パヤオ大学があって,ここの附属高校で生徒に授業や実習をしてもらいました.さらにいつものように地質巡検が加わりました.写真で 紹介します.なお写真のうちの一部はほかの日の記事でも同じですが,こちらの先生が撮られた写真を引用させてもらっています.

<Phayao Diary> I finally finished my duty work in Thailand, and I have 6 days free due to the airline ticket I had booked. I have just returned to Bangkok, and am now back in a downtown hotel near the Airport Link station from the airport. I will stay two days for rest and shopping, and then visit Cambodia (Angkor Wat), which I have long wanted to do. I will introduce my stay in Phayao, the last place I visited in northern Thailand. Phayao is not so well known in Japan, but it is home to the National University of Phayao, where the students of the affiliated high school had classes and practical training. In addition, as usual, a geological field trip was added to the tour. Here are some photos. Some of the photos are the same as the ones in the other articles, but I am quoting the photos taken by the teacher here.

初めて訪れるPhayao Universityのキャンパスです.市内ではなくかなり離れた丘陵地を,削って作られた新しいキャンパスです.例によってとても広く,学生は無料バスで移動するようです.

This is my first visit to the campus of Phayao University. It is a new campus built on a hillside, far from the city. As usual, the campus is very large, and students take a free bus to get around.


From Chiang Mai, I did not fly (there is no airport in Phayao), but drove. I spent the morning for transportation, and just after arriving in the afternoon, I went to the high school building on the campus. After dropping off my luggage, I was going to give a lecture to the students and teachers in the hall of the university. It was a very busy schedule.

な んかとてつもなく広い立派なホールですが,生徒は60人ほどです.一応持ちネタの「科学とは何か?」の話をまじえて2時間ほど話をしました.特にシンポジ ウムの講演でも話した,附属高で実践したとてもシンプルな手法での科学プロジェクトの提案は,話を聞きにきたM6(高校3年)の生徒にとても感動したと言 われて,最後写真を一緒に撮るようにせがまれました.

It is a very large hall, but there are only about 60 students. I gave a talk for about two hours, including my own story, "What is science? In particular, the M6 students who came to listen to my talk were very impressed by my proposal for a science project using a very simple method, which I also gave at the symposium, and asked me to take a picture with them at the end.


This is the building of the Faculty of Law. This is a relatively new national university, and all the buildings are beautiful. The university is built on a plateau carved out of a mountain, which is an ideal location for seismic observation, as I will explain later.

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さ て翌日はフルタイムで午前・午後にM4(高校1年生)の生徒60名への授業です.午前中にこの写真の地震記録の解析の話.午後は薄片観察と断層実験を行う という,かなり詰め込んだ内容です.こちらの学校ではこちらの指定どおり,きれいにA3用紙にカラーで印刷してくれました.こちらではA4の白黒が普通 で,とても手間をかけていただきました.おかげで結構難解なM(マグニチュード)の測定まで,フルコースの処理ができました.

The next day, I taught 60 M4 students (high school freshmen) full time from the morning to afternoon. In the morning, I talked about the analysis of the seismograms in this photo. In the afternoon, we observed thin sections and conduct flower fault experiments. The school printed out the data in color on A3 paper, as I had specified. Here, black and white on A4 paper is the norm, so the staff took a lot of time and effort. Thanks to this, we were able to do a full course of processing, including the rather difficult M (magnitude) measurement.


I brought a 3D seismocity maps and 3D glasses as a gift. As usual, I ask the students to think about the principle of these glasses by themselves. It may be a little difficult for first-year high school students.

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The principle of seismographs and the difference between horizontal and vertical pendulums were explained using a demonstration seismograph that we had brought with us. The real-time display of the actual ground motion on the desk was also very interesting to the students.


The explanation of seismographs starts with soot paper, the history of seismographs, the subsequent black-boxing of modern seismographs. So I told them that my seismographs are developed to show the inner mechanism of seismograph. 


Then, the seismogram shows the North Korean nuclear test waveforms captured by my first Thai seismograph system(installed at KVIS in 2017). The differences are explained in terms of fault and explosion mechanisms. This explanation is to lead to the next fault experiment.


The students were surprised when I told them that the world's first standard seismic network(WWSSN) was actually not for scientific purposes, but for military and political purposes to detect underground nuclear tests.

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This is the start time in the afternoon that I am showing students rock thin sections using my polarization units I brought. I encourage them to look at the rocks with the naked eye and not with their phones at first.


They took beautiful micrographs with his phone. Later, I sent them an STL file of the adapter that I made to make it easier for them to take pictures with their smart phone.

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The last part is a fault experiment as usual.


However, they had already made beautiful acrylic cases with a laser cutter. I was surprised at this.

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It even comes with a push plate. Everything is perfect.


Here, too, we have a nice fault experiment like this. This example shows a beautiful conjugate fault. It is very rare, but it is wonderful.

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After explaining that the relationship between principal stresses and other stresses results in three different fault forms and showing pictures of the San Andreas fault, which is a lateral strike-slip fault.
最後の質問は例によって,このモデルと実際の自然の間で,再現できてい ないものはなにかという問いです.この問いによって,太陽エネルギーによる風化侵食作用と,それでもなぜ現在も山はそびえているのかという問いで,地球内 部エネルギーの存在を考えさせ,壮大なプレートテクトニクスに結びつけて,あわただしい授業を終了しました.

The last question is, as usual, what is not reproduced in this model while the nature has. This question led the students to think about the weathering and erosion are caused by solar energy. And the next question is why the mountains still rise today. It leads to the existence of the Earth's internal energy and to the magnificent plate tectonics

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At the end of the class, I was thanked by all the students, and the exhaustion of a strenuous schedule was wiped away. After all, we visited four universities and high schools, and I could tell that I was getting better and better at conducting conversations. I will use this as a reference for the next time.


The first and second days of the tour ended without incident. This is the view from the 7th floor of the hotel, which is located on the shore of a populated lake near the city, away from the university where we stayed. It reminds me of the scenery of Lake Shinji in Shimane Prefecture. It seems to be a resort area.

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Breakfast is optional, but I had them make me an omelette. Fruits are plentiful and I always have to be careful not to eat too much.


The last class day is a geological field trip as usual. All 60 students take two university buses to Geo-Park near the town of Lampang, 50 km away. This is a limestone cave named after the locally famous King Rama VII.

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At the entrance of the cave, a guide explains about the caves. Thailand is a country with many limestone caves, which are located in various places and have become tourist attractions. In the south, limestone caves on the coast and islands such as Krabi are also famous.


A sink hole was open just outside the entrance. Here we talked a little about ancient human fossils. As you can see, animals and fossilized human bones are often found buried in the Ca rich soil below.

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The next stop is a place where paintings, said to be 3,000 to 4,000 years old, remain on a limestone cliff of tremendous height. The local people are selling fruits and other products, and the students are buying them.


I was given steamed corn by a student here. It was the first time I saw such a sticky thing like rice cake. The student told me it was sticky. It tastes very good.

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さ てずっと授業や巡検に同行してくれている,大学教員のDr.チャチャワル氏です.タトーやピアスで見かけはやんちゃそうなのですが,オーストリアの大学 でPhDを取った生物学の研究者です.大学のVicePresidentもしていたというとても優秀な人です.この人が私と最初にコンタクトを取ってくれ た人で,この人の人となりに本当に感心させられて,今回の旅でも色んな話ができて良かったです.もういつもハイテンションで,この人に会えただけでも Phayaoに来た甲斐がありました.

Dr. Chatchawat is a university faculty member who has been accompanying on my classes and tours. He looks mischievous with his tatoos and piercings, but he is a biologist with a PhD degree from an Austrian university. He is a very talented person who also served as Vice President of the university. He was the first person who contacted me, and I was really impressed by his personality. He was always in high tension behavior and it was worth coming to Phayao just to meet him.

さ てこの石灰岩の崖がすごいです!今までみた岸壁の中ではベスト3には入りそうです.これオーバーハングしていて,さきほどのチャッチャワル氏によると,軍 隊の訓練場所だったのが次に紹介する絵画が発見されて,一気にジオサイトとして有名になったとか.さらにこのあたりの石灰岩の崖はかつて,タイ軍と旧日本 軍が共同でビルマの軍隊と戦ったとかいう話をしていました.この場所のような崖では,旧日本軍の当時の軍刀が見つかったりしているという話も聞きました.

This limestone cliff is amazing! It is one of the best three cliffs I have ever seen among the world. According to Dr. Chatchawal, it used to be a military training site, but it became famous as a geo-site after the discovery of the painting I am going to introduce next. He also said that the limestone cliffs here were once the site of a joint battle between the Thai army and the former Japanese army against the Burmese army. I also heard that military swords of the former Japanese army were found on the cliffs like this one.

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This is a painting left on the cliff. They seem to have been painted using red iron oxide. It is resemble to the paintings on the sandstone layer of Ubon Ratchathani, the first place we visited. But the main difference is the base rock; here is limestone.The signboard in the foreground explains the paintings, but can you tell from the rock wall?


It is hard to see, so here is a magnified photo. A cow and a man attacking it are drawn with fine lines.

少 し動画をご紹介します.いかにオーバーハングの崖がすごいかの一端がわかります.これが何百mも続いているのはすごいです.遊歩道はその途中まであるよう です.層理面はわかりにくいのですが,途中の石灰質礫岩の挟みなどで,どうも垂直に近いような場所があるように思えました.帰国してからゆっくり資料を探 します.

Here is a video to show you how amazing the overhanging cliffs are. It is amazing that it continues for hundreds of meters. The trail seems to go halfway along the cliff. It is difficult to see the bedding surface, but it seems that there are places where the cliffs are bedding plain vertical, such as between calcareous conglomerates along the way. I will look for more information after I return to Japan.

さ て午後に訪れたのは,このLamparnにある地質博物館です.こちらで展示の見学と岩石,化石のワークショップに生徒が参加します.少し雨が降り出して きました.雨季の現在のタイは天候が不安定で夜に豪雨になった日も数日ありました.この日の午前は天気が持ったので巡検には幸いしました.

The next stop in the afternoon was the Geological Museum in Lamparn. Here the students visit the exhibits and participate in a rock and fossil workshop. It started to rain a little. The weather in Thailand during the rainy season is very unstable, and there were several days when it rained heavily at night. Fortunately, the weather held up in the morning, which was a blessing for the tour.

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こ の博物館の外でとてもよい岩石展示を見つけました.近所の採取されたという玄武岩の中にかんらん岩のゼノリスが入った石です.チェンマイ大学の岩石園でみ たものと同じかもしれません.あとで博物館の人に聞くとかなり最近の溶岩で,サファイヤやルビーを含むといっていたので,前にチャンタブリで見た玄武岩と 同じ時代のものかもしれません.

I found a very nice rock exhibit outside the museum. It is a basalt with peridotite xenoliths in it, which was collected in the neighborhood. It may be the same rock I saw in the Chiang Mai University petrographic garden. The museum staff later told me that it was a very recent lava containing sapphires and rubies, so it might be the same age as the basalt I saw in Chanthaburi 2017.

This is a magnified image of Xenoliths on peridotite. It is very similar to the one seen at a sphire mine in Chanthaburi near the Cambodian border. It is relatively new, from a Quaternary eruption.

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The inside of the museum is filled with model exhibits like this one, instead of the actual rock exhibits. This one shows a giant insect from the Coal Era, but I think the size is a bit exaggerated.

三 葉虫の展示のところで,なぜ三葉虫というのかという説明をしました.生徒はとても熱心に見ていますね.この学校では地理の授業とかさっきのDr.チャチャ ワット先生の授業とかで軽く地学に触れるだけのようです.生徒はこう言った説明ポイントの説明を読んで,自分の資料にポイントごとのハンコを押しているよ うです.

At the trilobite exhibit, I explained why they are called trilobites. The students were looking at it very attentively. It seems that this school only lightly touches on geology in the geography class and Dr. Chachawal's class. The students read the explanations of the points and put their stamps on their own notes.

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The head of a rare sea lily, but it does not seem to be from Thailand. I wish there were more rocks and fossils on display for highschool students. Maybe it is aimed at children.


A special exhibit of ammonites was being held at the time. However, the Mesozoic in Thailand was dominated by fluvial deposits, as is famous for the dinosaurs of the Korat Plateau, and the distribution of marine strata from which ammonites emerge was quite small.

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こ ちらが生徒が参加したが岩石を分類して紙にはっていくワークショップ.12種類の箱に入れられた岩石標本を自分で探してきて,当該の岩石の表に張り付けて いくもので,なかなかよく考えられています.ただ説明は全部タイ語だったので,私にはよく分かりませんでした.化石の方も別の部屋でこちらは説明と化石あ てクイズがされていました.

Here is a workshop in which the students sorted the rocks and put them on paper; they had to find 12 different boxes of rock specimens by themselves and put them on the front of the rock in question. The explanations were all in Thai, so I did not understand them very well. Fossils were also displayed in a separate room, where explanations and fossil-guessing quizzes were given.


Students are divided into two courses and take both in turn. This is the final form of the rock course. It took quite a long time, and it was well past 5 p.m. when we finished, so we had dinner at a shopping mall in Lampang on the way.

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On the way back to the bus, Dr. Chatchawal asked me to explain the bedding plain of the conglomerate sandstone layer.  But the students not tool geology in their school, so my explanation seems to them a little bit difficult.

夕 食を取ったLampang市内のショッピングモールのスタバでおどけてみせるチャチャワッル先生.この大学のサイエンス専攻の教員は8割大学,2割を高校 での仕事をするように決められているようです.彼のいつもハイテンションでエキサイティングな授業に,参加できる生徒は幸せだと思いました.

Dr. Chatchawal shows off his antics at a Starbucks in a shopping mall in Lampang, where we had dinner. It seems that the science teachers at this university are supposed to do 80% university work and 20% high school work. I thought the students were lucky to be able to attend his exciting and high-tentioned classes.

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As I wrote in my diary the other day, I arrived back at the hotel around 9:00 p.m., and I had no time to recover from the fatigue. The next day was my flight back to Bangkok. A view of the lake from the corridor of the hotel in the morning.

パ ヤオを朝出発して,飛行機に乗るチェンライ空港まで車で送ってもらいました.昼過ぎの飛行機まで少し時間があるのでチェンライ市内に入るところにある,有 名な白い寺に立ち寄りました.この寺は何と地元の有名な美術家が自分に作品として建てたものだそうです.本当に驚きです.

I left Phayao in the morning and was driven to Chiang Rai airport to catch my flight. We had some time before our afternoon flight, so we stopped by the famous white temple on the way into Chiang Rai city. This temple was built by a famous local artist as his own work. It was really amazing.

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The secret of the white shine seems to lie in this small embedded mirror. Furthermore, this temple is a place for artists to exhibit and sell their works. It is surprising that the temple is maintained with the money from the sales.

タ イ・スマイル航空に乗ってバンコクに帰ります.かなりの強行軍でやや疲れました.向こうの先生から要請があり地震計を,1セット作って寄贈することにしま した.観測値としてはタイ西北部からミャンマーにかけての地震の発生地に近いこと,また山を削った敷地だけに,よい記録が期待されます.帰ってからまた製 作です.

I flew back to Bangkok on Thai Smile Airways. It was quite an arduous round trip and I was a little tired. At the request of the professor over there, I decided to make and donate a set of seismographs. I expect to get good records because the site is close to where earthquakes occur in the northwestern part of Thailand and Myanmar, and also because the site was carved out of a mountain. I will make another set after we return home immediately.

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