2023 Aug.-Sep. SciUS Schools in Thailand Photo Diary part_1 2023年SciUS滞在記 その1.  2023-09-24, 2023-10-07 Y.Okamoto
Ubonrachathani University and SciUS school

 (I quoted the diary entry on FaceBook and added a photo to it...) (The English text is posted at with some revisions after DeepL traslation)

Preliminary Report (No link for enlarged images etc)


Following last December's visit to two PCSHSs (Princess Chulabhorn Science High Schools), this summer I visited four Thai universities and their high schools.
The purpose of the visit was to give lectures and workshops to the students, geological field trips and setup my seismographs for some schools.
Also I was invited as a keynote lecturer of the SciUS symposium 2023 in Thammasat University.


I gave a keynote talk (45 minutes) in English for the first time in my life at the symposium. It was an excellent experience for me. I talked to present some of the research studies by Tennoji Senior High School students attached to OKU (Osaka-Kyoiku University).
During the visits to the universities and high schools, I was impressed by the enthusiastic attitude of the high school students in the SciUS course and the helpful support to the students by each university. In particular, I was impressed that in the physics room, there are a lot of tools for experiments with the students using real objects, such as pulleys and weights or electric circuits. It was a trip that strongly reminded me of what Japanese high school education lacks.
SciUS and each university provided me with round-trip air tickets, local transportation, accommodations, and meals. Thank you very much, and I appreciate your support.

4つの大学とシンポジウムは訪問順に,The four universities and the symposium are, in the order of their visits

Ubon Ratchathani University (ウボンラチャタニ大学,Page 1)
2023 SciUS Symposium at Thammaast Univ. (SciUSシンポジウム,page 2)
Silpakorn University (シルパコーン大学,Page 3)
Mahidol University Kanchanarubi Campus and Field Trip (マヒドン大学カンチャナブリキャンパスほか,Page 4)
Chiang Mai University (チェンマイ大学,Page 5)
Phayao University (パヤオ大学,Page 6)
Extra Note: Bangkok Downtown and Cambodia trip(余録:バンコク下町風景とカンボジア旅行,Page 7)

Each university has its own unique approach to supporting high schools in the SciUS course, and there are no common rules or organizations. Some of them are explained on the photo page.

 タイの科学高校の組織作りはおおまかに,2つのトップスクール(MWitsとKVIS)を頂点に,PCSHS12校,そしてこのSciUS高校36校が 引っ張っている状況です.日本のSSH(スーパーサイエンスハイスクール)と根本的に異なるのは,これらの高校ないしSciUSコースに属する生徒は奨学 金などにより,無償での生活,学費などが保障されていることです.親の経済力の如何にかかわらず,進学を希望できる体制は,タイがいかに次世代に国の科学 技術の将来を託しているかがわかります.それでは最初のウボンラチャタニ滞在記をどうぞ.まだとりあえずの暫定版Ver0.0です.そのうち拡大写真と英語翻訳をつけます.

The organization of science high schools in Thailand is roughly organized with two top schools (MWits and KVIS) at the top, 12 PCSHS, and 36 SciUS high schools. What fundamentally differs from Japan's SSH (Super Science High School) is that students in these high schools or SciUS courses are guaranteed free living, tuition, etc., through scholarships. This system, which allows students to apply for higher education regardless of their parent's financial ability, shows how Thailand is entrusting the future of science and technology to the next generation. Now, let's look at the first report of my stay in Ubon Ratchathani. This is a preliminary version (Ver. 0.0) for the time being. We will add enlarged photos and English translation soon.

Ubon Ratchathani University (ウボンラチャタニ大学,ページ1,このページ) Now enlarge images and Movies are available! (2023-10-07)

お 待たせしました!(誰も待っていないか?)2023年のタイ日記その1を掲載します.タイ到着4日目でやっと解放された休日となりました.台風に巻き込ま れて出発を1日ずらして,バンコク到着の日に国内便で移動となりました.今回は4つの大学でその指導を受ける高校生への授業とか,その組織SciUSでの 講演とかが主な目的です.当然地質巡検もそれぞれ計画されています.それで今回はまず最初の,タイの最東端にある県,ウボンラチャタニでの滞在や活動を紹 介します.バンコクから飛行機で1時間と少し.日本人観光客や欧米人などもほとんど見かけないドメスティックな印象の町です.その町にある国立ウボンラ チャタニ大学のキャンパス内のホテルに,昨日チェックインしました.タイ東北部のイサーン文化と伝統.が,色濃く残されている地域です.それでは活動を写 真で紹介します.移動などは飛ばして,一昨日,昨日と連続した巡検からまず報告します.地質関係の資料は下記を参考にしました.

The following is a quote from the FceBook page.
Thank you for being so patient! (Is no one waiting for me?) Here is the first part of my Thailand Diary for 2023. It was the fourth day of my arrival in Thailand, and I finally had a free holiday. Due to a typhoon, we had to postpone our departure by one day and took a domestic flight on the day of arrival in Bangkok. The main purpose of this trip was to give lectures to high school students at four universities and to give talks at the SciUS organization. Naturally, geological field trips are also planned for each of them. The first part of this article describes our stay and activities in Ubon Ratchathani, the easternmost province in Thailand. It is a short one-hour flight from Bangkok. It is a town that gives the impression of being a domestic town, with few Japanese tourists or Westerners. I checked into a hotel on the campus of Ubon Ratchathani University yesterday. The Isan culture and traditions of the northeastern part of Thailand are still strongly preserved in the hotel. The area has a strong Isan culture and traditions. Here are some photos of our activities. Let's skip the transportation part and start with the inspection tour that was conducted the day before yesterday and the day after yesterday. The following is a list of geological data.
08/22 addition. Many photos taken by Dr. Sura (a specialist in physics education) are uploaded on the official website of SciUS. The latest iPhone is showing its capability without regret. https://www.facebook.com/SCiUSUBU

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The JAL late-night flight was empty even though it was after the Japan Bon Holidays. I got the first beer without hesitation on the stable JAL flight and slept for 2 hours.


After getting an AIS SIM at the AIS shop in Suvarnabhumi Airport, I took a shuttle bus from Exit 3 to Don Mueang Airport for the first time. It is free of charge if you show your domestic flight ticket.

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I arrived at Don Mueang Airport and had some time before lunch, so I first went to the lounge and had a bite to eat. After that, I have some spaghetti. Drinking beer in the morning.

今回はウボンラチャタニ空港まで,Lionエアに乘る.荷物も25kg で確保してもらっている.1時間あまりで空港に到着.前に訪ねたムクダハンよりまだ南東側にあるカンボジアと国境を接する県.この空港初めてかとずっと 思っていたが,あとで調べるとなんと2019年にムクダハンに滞在したあと,バンコクに戻るために一度使っていた.何か既視感があるなと思っていたらその とおりだった.

This time, I flew by Lion Air to Ubon Ratchathani Airport. We arrived at the airport in an hour and more. This province borders Cambodia and is still southeast of Mukdahan, which I visited before. I always thought this was the first time I had flown to this airport, but later I found out that I had used it once before to fly back to Bangkok after my stay in Mukdahan in 2019. I had a feeling of déjà vu, and I was right.
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ウ ボンラチャタニで最初の宿は,大学のホテルがイベントの関係で空きがなく,少しはまれた古い街ワリンに,これも古い古民家を改造したホテルに泊めていただ きました.このホテルはよかった.高い天井と古い木の質感がいかにも古い街を感じさせる風情の素晴らしい宿で,ホテルの予約サイトの評判も抜群の4つ星ホ テルです.ここには巡検の始まりとあとで2泊することになります.
The first lodging in Ubon Ratchathani was not available due to an event at the university hotel, so I stayed at a hotel converted from an old house in the old town of Warin, a short distance from the university. The hotel was nice. The high ceilings and the texture of the old wood give it an old town feel, and it is a four-star hotel with an excellent reputation on hotel reservation sites. We will be staying here for two nights sandwiching a field trip to National park.

In the evening, Dr. Sura (physics education specialist, back) and Dr. Mui (biology specialist, astronomy enthusiast, left), who will be taking care of my visit, treat me to dinner.
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The hotel cafeteria is deserted with few people. There seem to be few overnight guests.


I choose American-style breakfast. You can also choose Thai style.

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広 大な敷地に展開する大学の建物ですが,こちらが高校との交流の中心地SciUSの建物です.この大学の理学部が,高校生(各学年1クラス,30名)をドミ トリに3年間住ませて,週に3日をここで大学の先生が理科,数学,英語の授業を担当.そして残りの2日は地元の高校に通って,ほかの科目を受講するという とだそうです.地元の高校には大学の専用バスで送迎付きとかで,恵まれた環境が想像できます.さらにドミに住む生徒には,生活費も国から支給されていると いう,どこかの国とは比べものにならない充実ぶりです.大変驚かされました.(08/24追記,記述を少し訂正しました)

This is the SciUS building, the center of exchange with the high school. The university's science department sends high school students (one class per grade, 30 students) to live in a dormitory for three years, where university professors teach science, mathematics, and English three days a week, and the students attend a local high school for the remaining two days to take other courses. To the local high school, a university bus employed for sending students, so you can imagine how blessed the environment is. Furthermore, students who live in Domi are provided with living expenses by the government, which is a far more generous arrangement than in Japan. I was very surprised at. (08/24, I made some corrections).


High school and university students on the campus of the Faculty of Science. In this country, undergraduates and university students wear uniforms, so it is difficult to distinguish them from high school students. However, depending on the day, high school students often wear T-shirts or jerseys with the school name on them. The university seems to have been holding events for the past few days, and there are many students and teachers from nearby junior and senior high schools.

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On the way to the field trip, I visited a museum that introduces Isan traditional culture. The museum shows the life of a typical rural village, and gives us a glimpse of a simple life that blows away any pretense of the SDGs.

This is a traditional tato, and its power is overwhelming. The teachers and I talked a little about Japanese "yakuza" tattoos.

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This accommodation is located in the national park called PhuTaem, and is more comfortable for me than the hotel in the university. The Mekong River is flowing in the distance beyond the window.


Well, I woke up at 4:30 a.m. and before breakfast, a bus took me to a sunrise viewing point. This is the earliest place to see the sunrise in Thailand. This is the most easterly point. The river in the lower right is the well-known Mekong River, and the other side of the river is Laos.

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Unfortunately, the sunrise was blocked by clouds, and we returned to our lodgings. On the way back to the lodge, I explained a little about the geology, including the weathering of the honeycomb structure.

こ ちらが大学の所有するSciUSの活動用の自前のバスです.このあたりの予算の使いようは,タイが若い世代にいかに,科学と技術の未来を託しているのかが わかります.地質巡検は暑い日中で汗びっしょりになって,エアコンの効いたこのバスに戻るとほっとします.実はバスの向こうに地質サイト(マッシュルーム 岩が2本)あってその説明を生徒にしました.同様のものがトルコにあるけど名前を知ってる?ときいたけど,知ってるけど名前が出てこないと言われました (笑).一応学術用語はHooDooだそうですが.

This is the university's own bus for SciUS activities. The way the budget is spent shows how Thailand is entrusting the future of science and technology to the younger generation. After getting drenched in sweat during the hot day of the geological field trip, it was a relief to return to the air-conditioned bus. In fact, there is a geological site (two mushroom rocks) on the other side of the bus, which I explained to the students. I asked him if he knew the name of a similar site in Turkey. But they said they knew it but could not name it (laugh). The academic term is HooDoo.

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Breakfast at a restaurant in the park was local rice noodle soup. In short, udon noodles in Japanese. Udon is confusing with Ubon Ratchathani, because there is another prefecture called Udon Thani to the north of this area. I used to confuse the two until I came here.


In front of the restaurant, a local was selling dried almonds (bag on the right). I bought a bag of cashews (bag on the left) and a bag of cashews for 30 Baht, I think. Very inexpensive.

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The trees in the park are covered with orchids of various species. There are not many flowers now, but this is the only one that was blooming nicely.


Before the afternoon activities, we took a rest at a nice cafe overlooking the Mekong River. The Mekong River in the rainy season is different from the dry season that I saw last winter. It is a real sense of a continental river. The other side of the river is, of course, Laos.

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Lunch this day was mainly very spicy, but on my second day in Thailand, I was getting more and more adapted.
さ てビジターセンターに戻って,この国立公園を有名にしている,マッシュルーム岩やあとから観ることになる,古代人の壁画など見るところを,ガイドさんから 聞きます.この方の前には私が地質の話を生徒にしました.この地域(コラート高原)には,中生代のジュラ紀から白亜紀のほぼ水平な地層が分布すること.し かし不思議なことに平原部には若い地層.周辺のやや高い部分には古い地層が露出するのをどう説明したらよいかという,質問を生徒に投げかけました.そのた めにあらかじめ4Pの資料を作成して配り,さらにガイドさんの後ろに見えるホワイトボードを使って説明しました.さすがに学年が高校1年の生徒ばかりで, 地学を習っていないために,なかなか難しかったようです.プレートの沈み込みの話を混同している生徒もいて,なかなか短い時間の話では正確な理解に持って いくのは難しいですね.手前の生徒が手にしているのが私の作った資料です.

Back at the visitor's center, the guide told us what we would see in the park, such as the mushroom rocks and the murals of the ancients that we would see later. Before this I gave a talk on geology to the students. In this area (Korat Plateau), there are almost horizontal strata of Jurassic to Cretaceous in Mesozoic age. The strata in the plains are young, but the older strata are found in the surrounding higher areas. The students were asked how to explain the fact that the younger strata are exposed on the plains and the older strata are exposed on the slightly higher areas in the periphery. For this purpose, I prepared and distributed a 4-page document in advance, and explained the situation using a white board behind the guide. As expected of first-year high school students who have not studied geology, it was quite difficult for them. Some of the students were confused about plate subduction, and it was difficult to get them to understand the topic correctly in a short time. The student in the foreground is holding a handout I prepared.

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さ てこの場所がこの国立公園でもっとも重要な3000から4000千年までと言われる.古代人の描き残したたくさんの絵が見られる場所です.地質は砂岩層が 主で,白亜紀の最初の時代のものとされています.途中クロスラミナなども見事に見える場所があったので,帰りに説明しました.

This is the most important place in the park, where you can see many paintings left by the ancients from 3000 to 4000 years ago. It is a place where many drawings left by ancient people can be seen. The geology is mainly sandstone, and is considered to be from the early Cretaceous period. On the way back to the park, I explained that there was a place where cross laminae could be seen beautifully.

こ こが赤い色を使った絵画が残されている場所です.モデルは大学で微生物を教える若いMさんです.チェンマイ大学で博士号を取ったとか.彼の英語が一番わか りやすいので,大抵のことは彼に聞いています.天文ファンでSONYの一眼を駆使して見事な太陽の日食写真や,天の川の写真を見せてもらいました.

This is where the painting with the red color remains. The model is Dr. M, who teaches microbiology at a university. He got his PhD from Chiang Mai University. His English is the easiest to understand, so I ask him most of my questions. He is an astronomy fan, and showed us his wonderful eclipse pictures of the sun and the Milky Way with his SONY camera.

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3~4000 年前の動物や生活道具などの絵画が,見事に残されているのは本当に奇跡的ですね.ガイドの方に「なぜこの場所にこんな素晴らしい絵画が残されているのか _」という私の質問を,Mさんがタイ語に直して聞いてくれたのですが,理由は1)白い砂岩の表面が絵画の保存に適していたから.色素としては,酸化鉄,動 物の血,植物などが候補にあがるか,まだよくわかっていないそう.2)上部をオーバーハングした砂岩層がひさしのように,覆っているので,光が当たりにく い.雨が当たらない.など.3)この場所がアクセスしにくい場所でほとんど人が入ってこなかった などの条件が重なったからだそうです.この絵画はちなみ に1994年に発見されてから,研究がスタートしている,大変新しい場所なのです.動画リンク

It is truly miraculous that paintings of animals and tools of daily life from 3 to 4000 years ago have been so beautifully preserved. The reason is 1) the surface of the white sandstone was suitable for the preservation of the paintings, but the pigments are not well understood yet.  2) the overhanging sandstone layer covers the upper part of the painting like a shade, so it is difficult for the painting to be exposed to light and the painting is not exposed to rain. 3) The site is not accessible and has rarely been visited by people. The paintings were discovered in 1994, and the study of the site is very new. Movie_iink

こちらは午後に訪れた,cascade(滝)の場所です.河床にいくつかポットホールが見れます.左にいるのが,今回私の世話をしてくれている物理教員が専門のDr Sさんですが,このあと,ポットホールの一つにサングラスを落としてしまい,勇敢な生徒が,その穴の深い水のなかに服のまま腰まで入って,足の指先の感触でそのサングラスを救出したという,うるわしい師弟愛を観ました.

This is the location of the cascade we visited in the afternoon. You can see some potholes on the riverbed. The person on the left is Dr. S, a physics teacher who is taking care of me this time. After that, he dropped my sunglasses in one of the potholes, and a brave student went waist-deep in the deep water with his clothes on to rescue them by feeling his toes. I saw a great teacher-student warm story.

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The day's itinerary continued with a final visit to this temple in sunset. It is commonly called "illuminated temple". The reason is shown in the photos below. There is a drone flying in the left center. It seems to be surveying the site for the new building on the left.


Far below, the lake water of the Sirindhorn Dam is desired, and the clouds are in brilliant sunset hues. In the upper left corner, a crescent moon like the eyebrows of a Heian-period courtesan is floating in the sky.

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Now this is why it is illuminated. This temple uses fluorescent paint to emit light at dusk. This is a great idea.

訪 れる人々はスマホのLED光をつかって,このような光のいたずらをしています.なかなかセンスがいいですね.ちなみにこの場所では日本人はおろか,どこの 観光地にも多い欧米人をほとんど見かけず,タイの人ばかりだったのが印象的です.こんな場所もまだタイに残されているのだと感動しました.

Visitors play tricks with the LED light from their smartphones. It is quite tasteful. I was impressed by the fact that there were only Thai people in this place, not Japanese or Westerners, which is common in all tourist spots. I was impressed that such a place still remains in Thailand.

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も ちろんきちんとお参りもしました.実は一昨日に義母(妻のおかあさん)が長い入院のあと,天寿を全うしたという連絡が入りました.私は葬儀には参列できな かった不義理があったので,この仏様の前で,冥福を祈りました.ここ数日FBをアップしなかったのも,少し喪に服したかったからです.
Of course, we paid our respects. The day before yesterday, I received the news that my mother-in-law (my wife's mother-in-law) had passed away after a long hospitalization. I had the bad fortune of not being able to attend the funeral, so I prayed for her repose in front of this Buddha. The reason I have not posted on FB for the past few days is because I wanted to mourn for a while.

I returned to the old town inn again, but this time with a balcony unlike the previous room, which was more expensive on the reservation site, but for me the previous room was more convenient. The room was on the side of the road and there was a lot of noise from cars and motorcycles at night.

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部 屋の扉はわざと古いものをそのまま残しています.ただ1匹シャワー室で蚊を発見して,見失いなんとなく寝つきが悪かったのですが,何とかかまれずにすみま した.何せいまこの国ではデング熱が結構流行っているので,蚊には食われないようにしたいです.シャワーでは例によって,足元に選択ものを置いて石鹸と一 緒に流し,にわか洗濯をして干すと,朝にはエアコンが効いてほぼ乾いています.

The door of the room was intentionally left as it was in the old one. I found one mosquito in the shower room, lost sight of it, and had trouble sleeping, but I would like to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes because dengue fever is very prevalent in this country now. In the shower, as usual, I put my choice of laundry under my feet and wash it with soap, then wash it quickly and hang it to dry.

さて昨日は,別の国立公園を訪れました.PhaChong Na Yo NPという場所です.外国人の入場料は高いですね.右にある種子がこの公園を有名にしている植物のものだそうです.

Yesterday, I visited another national park, PhaChong Na Yo NP. The entrance fee for foreigners is very expensive. The seeds on the right are from the plant that makes this park famous.

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These are the tropical butterflies that gathered in the canyon. There are many different species, and they are very interesting. The local teacher was very interested in taking pictures of these rare butterflies. Movie_link


This is another kind of orange butterfly, a little further down the valley. There is also a yellow one. 

こ ちらはこの公園で一番大きなメインの滝の滝つぼにいるたくさんの魚たち.子供たちが魚と遊んでいます.すごい数ですね.国立公園なのでおそらく釣りは禁止 のはず,豊富な自然の動植物を観ることができます.生徒もみんな服のままで飛び込んで遊んでいました.濡れた服をどうするのかと考えていたら,彼らはどう も着替えを何枚ももってきていて,トイレであとで着替えていました.

Here are many fish in the basin of the main waterfall, the largest in the park. Children are playing with fish. The number of fish is amazing. Fishing is probably prohibited in this national park, but you can see the abundance of natural flora and fauna. All the students jumped into the water with their clothes on. I wondered what they would do with their wet clothes, but they had brought several changes of clothes and changed later in the restroom.


This is the highest waterfall I have seen in Thailand in terms of height and volume of water. Students are taking pictures. The next picture shows the sandstone cross lamina to the right of this waterfall.

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There are many sedimentary structures in the sandstone beds here, but the cross lamina is still very impressive. I explained the formation at the mural, but here again, I asked the students to think about the direction of the water flow.


As is characteristic of tropical waterfalls, they look completely different during the wet and dry seasons. I found a good photo at the visitor center that illustrates the difference in water volume by month, and recorded it here.

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さ てこちらが,大学の構内にあるホテルです.みかけは広くとてもきれいなのですが,いかんせん,TVが古くPCがつなげれない.部屋にどころかフロントにも お湯を沸かすポットの用意がない.などやや失望があるホテルではありました.ただイベントが終わって泊り客ほとんといなくなり,静かなのと,前の道路を渡 るとセブンイレブンがすぐにあるのは好都合です.

Now, this is the hotel on the campus of the university. It looks spacious and clean, but the TV is old and PC cannot be connected. There was no hot water pot in the room or even at the front desk. However, after the event, there were almost no guests and it was quiet, and there was a 7-Eleven right across the street in front of the hotel.

さ て昨夜の夕食前に3年生の生徒が,地元の市場を案内してくれました.こちらは私の大好物のカイジャオ(タイ風オムライス)の店で,中にいれる具を選ぶシス テム.生徒に教わって好きな具をフィルムケースほどの入れ物に入れます.それを卵2個で揚げてくれます.これいくらだったか忘れました.45バーツだった か.日本円には4倍すればいいです.

Before dinner last night, a third grade student showed me around the local market. Here is my favorite dish, kai jiao (Thai-style omelette), at a restaurant. The students teach you how to put the ingredients of your choice into a container about the size of a film case. They fry it with two eggs. I don't remember how much it costs, maybe 45 baht. It should be multiplied by four in Japanese yen.

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と いうことで無事今夜の夕食にありつけました.一番左が生徒からプレゼントされた食材.たこ焼き風のもの.真ん中がカイジャオ.右がおそらくえのきたけを揚 げたものに,スパイスをふりかけたもの.これ25バーツだったか.あとココナッツシェイク(30バーツ)と例によって,セブンイレブンで買ったチャーン ビール.来た早々2日間の,やや怒濤の仕事のあとで,やっと休息モードに入ります.

So we were able to have dinner tonight. The leftmost one is a gift from a student. The leftmost one is a gift from a student. The middle one is kaijao. The right one is probably deep-fried enokitake mushrooms sprinkled with spices. I think it was 25 baht. Coconut shake (30 baht) and, as usual, Chaan beer from 7-Eleven. After two days of hard work, I'm finally in a rest mode.


Since I did not have an electric kettle, I used the direct-heating heater you see here to boil coffee. I bought it on AliExpress or something like that.

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The students invited me to have lunch at the university cafeteria and then showed me around the campus. This is Lotus Pond, which makes this area famous.


Ubon Ratchathani means Ubon (lotus) + Ratchathani (town)." Lotus is the symbol of the town, and this is a flower in front of the inn. This is a very beautiful flower.

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He took me to several temples in the city. This is one of them.

さ てこちらは地元が発祥という,巨大な蝋で作られた飾り物です.私は思わず東北の「ねぶた」を思い出しました.こちらはローソクなのですが別に火を灯すわけ ではないようです.とても巨大なもので,毎年コンテスト行われて美しさを競うのだそうです.これはなかなか素晴らしい見ものでした.

This is a huge wax decoration of local origin. It reminded me of the "Nebuta" of Tohoku. This is a candle, but it does not seem to be lit on fire. It was so huge that they hold a contest every year to see how beautiful it is. It was quite a wonderful sight.

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A method of digging patterns by scraping off pasted wax.

This is also a wax decoration, but the production method is slightly different.
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I think he said that this one is pasted in the reverse sense.

This is a souvenir shop near the temple grounds on the way back from the temple. I was surprised to see that even such a small store accepts electronic money, and almost no one pays in cash. The person buying the souvenir is the teacher who guided us around.

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さて肝心の授業の方ですが,まず理学部の学部生に,天文の話題で系外惑星の発見 の話と実習をしました.学生もそうですが最前列の教授の方々がとても喜んでくれました.内容は下記に書いたもので す.http://seagull.stars.ne.jp/Articles/Japanese/Exoplanets.pdf 宇宙人との出会いの可 能性(Drakeの方程式)やそのためにどうすればよいのかという話で締めくくりました.

First of all, I talked about the discovery of exoplanets to the undergraduate students of the Faculty of Science, and gave them a hands-on experience. The students and the professors in the front row were very pleased. The contents of the lecture are as follows: http://seagull.stars.ne.jp/Articles/Japanese/Exoplanets.pdf I concluded by talking about the possibility of encountering aliens (Drake's equation) and what we should do for that.


Here are some of the drawings and practical exercises we did over the next few days for the high school students in the SciUS course on earthquake related topics. I didn't take many pictures, so I will explain in detail later at the university. This is the "original flour fault experiment" using a small slide case I brought along.

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こ ちらは日にちが経ってからの写真で,初めて海外でコインランドリーを使いました.使い方がよくわからない(そもそもタイ語ばかりの表示)のですが,ちゃん とスタッフの年配の女性が居て,使い方をとても親切に教えてくれました.機械に表示された説明も英語に替えてくれました.

This is a picture taken a few days later. This was my first time using a laundromat overseas. I did not understand how to use the machine (it was displayed in Thai language only), but there was an elderly lady who kindly showed me how to use the machine. She also translated the instructions displayed on the machine into English.


The laundromat is located outside the university grounds, and access to it is through this small gate across the grounds in front of the lodge to the road. The road is very busy, so you can cross a pedestrian bridge to reach the various stores in the student area.

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This is the pond in front of the inn, and as you can see, there are many different colors of lotus in bloom.


One day, the teachers invited us to a Japanese restaurant for dinner. We were treated to sushi and tendon. They tasted just like Japan. I was impressed. Oshinei" is the name of the restaurant, which is a Japanese word. It is a chain restaurant sometimes seen in the Issan region.

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We bought some durians, although the season is almost over as well. The fruit vendor is now sorting through the produce.


Unfortunately, we were not allowed to bring it into the hotel room, so we ate it as a snack after lunch. Of course, it was only one of the three of us, but the name of the Queen of Fruits is not a given.

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Local market. Local vegetables are lined up in a narrow space.


I wondered what it was, but it turned out to be a "frog". It seems to be a food.

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さ て翌日の夕刻.大学から離れたウボンラチャタニ市内までS先生が車で連れて行ってくれました.初めて海外でお医者さんにかかる経験で緊張しましたが,出て きたのは,なんと若い優しそうな女医さんでした.眼鏡をかけていて,私にはアニメキャラのDr.スランプあられちゃんに似ていると感じました.応急の処置 でよいと頼んだのですが,光硬化の樹脂でかなり長い時間をかけて丁寧に処置してくれました.時々治療しながらスタッフと冗談を言ったり,鼻歌まで聞こえて 来たりきました.Sさんに聞くと,タイのお医者さんは大抵,流暢な英語を話すそうです.高価な治療費におびえていたのですが,なんと無保険で1300バー ツ(約5千円)で済みました.この写真は許可をもらって治療室で撮ったものです.もちろん帰ってから日本の健康保険を使うための,治療証明書もいただきま した.さて外れたクラウンを,日本の歯医者で再度嵌めてもらうかどうかなのですが.

The next evening, Dr. S took me by car to Ubon Ratchathani City, which is far from the university. It was my first experience to see a doctor abroad and I was very nervous. She wore glasses and looked like an anime character, Dr. Slump Arare-chan to me. I asked for an emergency treatment, but she took a long time and carefully treated me with a light-curing resin. I sometimes heard them joking and humming with the staff while they were treating me. I was afraid of the high cost of the treatment, but to my surprise, it was only 1300 baht (about 5,000 yen) without insurance. This picture was taken in the treatment room with permission. Of course, I received a certificate of treatment to use my Japanese health insurance after I returned home. Now, I am wondering if I can have the dislodged crown re-fitted by a Japanese dentist.

こ ちらは先ほどの歯医者さんに行く前に,予約まで時間があるので,市内のタイマッサージ店に連れて行ってもらいました.こちらも初めての経験になります.足 を拭いていただいてから,ベッドに横たわって,マッサージを受けるのですが,これが結構痛いのです.終わってからはなんとなく身体が軽くなったような気は しましたが,あまり何度も受けようとは思わないですね.Dr.Sura先生には歯医者やこのマッサージに連れていってもらったほか,滞在全般で大変世話になりました.ありがとうございました.

Before going to the dentist, I had some time before my appointment, so I was taken to a Thai massage parlor in the city. This was also my first experience. After wiping my feet, I lay down on the bed and received a massage, which was quite painful. Dr. Sura took me to the dentist and to this massage shop, and took care of me throughout my stay. Thank you very much.

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