2023 Aug.-Sep. SciUS Schools in Thailand Photo Diary part_2 2023年SciUS滞在記 その2.  2023-09-25 Y.Okamoto
SciUS Symposium 2023

Preliminary Report (No link for enlarged images etc)

Ubon Ratchathani University (ウボンラチャタニ大学,ページ1)
2023 SciUS Symposium at Thammaast Univ. (SciUSシンポジウム,ページ2)
Silpakorn University (シルパコーン大学,ページ3)
Kanchanarubi Field Trip (マヒドン大学カンチャナブリキャンパスほか,ページ4)
Chiang Mai University (チェンマイ大学,ページ5)
Phayao University (パヤオ大学,Page 6)
Extra Note: Bangkok Downtown and Cambodia trip(余録:バンコク下町風景とカンボジア旅行,Page 7)

タ マサート大学での人生初めての,国際シンポジウムにおける45分の基調講演なるものが終了しました.プアな英語はさておき,内容はまあまあ良い出来だった のはないかと思っています.ほぼ20年にわたる附属高での,生徒の科学プロジェクトのうち,2つの地学部の学会発表で賞を取った研究(「緯度による重力の 違いの測定」,「クレータ年代学を用いた火星表面の年代測定」)と,かつてのプルーフという科目のプロジェクトで行った,各種の地学関係のモデル実験を紹 介しました.異国の地で何人もの親切な人たちに世話になりました.

I just finished giving a 45-minute keynote lecture at an international symposium for the first time in my life at Thammasat University. Aside from my poor English, I think the content of my talk was fairly good. I introduced two of my students' science projects at the high school over the past 20 years that won awards in the Geoscience Conference ("Measuring Absolute Gravities with Latitudes" and "Surface Ages of Mars Using Crater Chronology"). Also I introduced various geology-related model rojects that my students had done using daily materials and primitive methods. I am appreciated for many overseas teachers and staffs.

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I came back to Don Muang airport from Ubon Ratchathani, SciUS should have arranged a car to pick me up, and when I was looking for the staff at the airport exit, then she brought me a piece of paper with my name. It was a very scary time, but I felt relieved.


This is a slightly upscale hotel near Thammasat University, the venue of the conference. It is located at the end of the street, so it is not convenient to go shopping by walk.

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There is even a nice kitchen, but I didn't use it. It is casting pearls before swine.


The staff at the AIS store in Tesco Lotus, a short walk from the hotel, helped me open a SIM as a telephone call in my iPhone that I had bought at the airport. It was free. Very helpful.

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At breakfast at the hotel, I met the family of the former principal of KVIS. I am glad to see them looking well.


Photo with VIPs of the symposium at breakfast. We are going to Thammasat University by car. Photos of the main participants are shown below. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=718734986962824&set=p.718734986962824&type=3

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The symposium begins immediately, and the first guest of honor, a senior official from the Thai government's Ministry of Education, speaks.

The first is a presentation by three researchers from a Hong Kong university. This is a photo of them at the panel discussion later.

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講 演前の紹介で,タイの文科省の偉いさんから,記念品をいただくところ.私の講演のあと,わざわざ感想を述べに来ていただきした.右の女性はこのSciUS プロジェクトの責任者で,今回3番目に行く予定のチェンマイ大学の研究者の方です.来ている青いポロシャツは附属天王寺のロゴが入ったものです.宣伝に着 てきました.今SciUSのFBをチェックしたら,この文科省の方との対話の写真が下記にありました.

The introduction before my lecture, where I received a commemorative gift from a senior official of the Thai Ministry of Education. After my lecture, he gave me his impressions. The woman on the right is the director of the SciUS project and a researcher of Chiang Mai University. The blue polo shirt, I am wearing, has the logo of Tennoji HS of OKU. I wore it to promote our project. I just checked the FB page of SciUS and found the following photo of the conversation with the Gov. official.

In the lecture, when I introduced myself, I briefly introduced Tennoji HS attached to Osaka-Kyoiku University. As expected, the power of the Nobel Prize is immense, and everyone listened attentively to my story about Dr. Yamanaka's daughter and others.

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The first project of our school project is measuring the difference in absolute gravities at different latitudes during school excursion. I explained with a real tool how they were able to make precise measurements of gravity, which is very difficult to do with simple tools, after a great deal of effort.


The last part of their report shows how they made a lot of measurements and left a lot of measurement data. i added that one of the five members of the project took an AO entrance examination of a medical school with the results of this award, and was accepted.

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こ ちらは後半の火星表面のクレータカウントによる,年代決定の話の基本部分です.生徒のSSH研究発表会(2011年神戸)での,パワーポイントファイルを 引用する形で説明しています.最先端のハイテク衛星写真と,解析手段のスーパーアナログローテクの融合の話が中心です.

This is the basic part of the story about the surface age estimation by crater counts on the high-res images of Mars. I am quoting from a PowerPoint file of a student's SSH research conpetision at Kobe, Japan, in 2011. The main part of the talk is about the fusion of cutting-edge high-tech satellite images and super-analog low-tech analytical tools.


This is the core of the presentation by the students of the Earth Science Club at that time. The students interpreted and presented strange data obtained from the dating of a special crater called Rampart Crater. However, due to lack of time, the details have been omitted from my report.

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And this is what I wanted to emphasize the most in my talk. Since most of the audience are university researchers, I mentioned the points that university reseachers should keep in mind when teaching or collaborating with high school students.


In short, we emphasize that a high school student's science project is not a copy of his or her university or graduate school research. This point was also discussed in the panel discussion that followed.

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後 ろの方が私が以前にお世話になっていた,KVIS’(タイのトップレベルの科学高校)の元校長先生(朝ホテルでご家族にお会いした).そして右の方が現在 の附属天王寺の姉妹校のPCSHSパチュムタニ校の校長です.ちょうど席が隣合いました.それにしても私の髪もかなり薄くなってきました(泣).

The person in the back is the former principal of KVIS' (one of the top science high schools in Thailand), which I had taught (I met his family at the hotel in the morning). The one on the right is the current principal of PCSHS Pachumuthani, a sister school of Tennoji HS of OKU. We were just sitting next to each other. By the way, my hair looks getting thinner.


Panel discussion at the venue. Most of the participants were from the SciUS faculty of universities and principals and teachers of science high schools in Thailand. The discussion was held in English. In Japan, it may be quite difficult to have such educational discussions in English.

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I brought my handy microbarometer to the venue. It recorded the atmospheric pressure changes at the venue.

Ms. P san, the moderator who helped me, and Dr. T., who recruited me to Thailand in 2016 through a chance encounter.
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A scene from the evening party. The person in the dark blue shirt in front of me is a researcher of statistical physics from a university in Hong Kong. At the symposium venue He was very much impressed by my attitude of not jumping on the bandwagon, but educating the most basic things. He is a researcher of statistical physics, and He said that he is always impressed by such an attitude of the Japanese physics experts.


Greetings from the former principal of KVIS. At the reception, a researcher from Hong Kong, who was sitting in front of me, pointed out to me sharply whether the treated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant was really safe?

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